Infinite Mage

Chapter 114: End-of-Term Report Card (5)


Among the first-year students, Rian was undoubtedly the most diligent in training. In fact, his training regimen was so harsh it bordered on overwork. He tackled it day after day.

Yet, his grades did not improve.

Although there were rumors that Rian had mastered Schema a month ago, the slow pace of his enhancement cast doubts on whether this was true.

"No matter that I'm the lowest ranked, I won't know unless I try. Who knows, things might surprisingly go well once I actually take on the challenge?"

"Haha, that's so like you."

Tess had never seen Rian tense. The fact that he, the least skilled in the academy, was so composed before a test where his limbs could be severed was oddly unsettling.

‘After all, it was the same back then.’

Tess first became aware of Rian during the probation period.

Swordsmen, by nature, enjoy combat. With 300 such kids gathered, the atmosphere from the first day was tense. The instructors did not particularly interfere with what happened inside the barracks. Predictably, some wolves bared their teeth.

The pecking order was established in no time.

Those who had mastered Schema formed the first group, those with physical strength the second, and the rest, the third. The problem was with the trainees who didn’t fit into the third group. They were boys with no interest in swords but were pushed into the academy by their parents.

Richard Faiger, the leader of the first group, relentlessly bullied these boys. Already naturally brutal, he had come to an academy where killing techniques were legally taught, and his restraints had been unleashed.

Tess didn't care. In terms of skill, she was in the first group, and the handful of women among the trainees were exempt from the hierarchy battle.

Rian’s rank was in the middle of the second group at that time.

With this ranking, he wasn’t a target for bullying, but Rian didn’t mingle with anyone. His reason for joining the swordsmanship academy was just one: to become a swordsman worthy of Shirone. Graduation or anything else didn’t matter; he just wanted to improve his skills.

"Pffhahaha! Hey, run! Faster!"

"Giggle! Hee-hee!"

One day, the first group's trainees rode on the weaker kids' backs, staging a race in the barracks. They hit the "horses" with sticks, eliciting horse-like sounds with each strike.

Some trainees frowned at this, but most were engrossed in cheering, as if watching a real horse race. Small bets were placed, and showing dislike could lead to being at the bottom of the hierarchy.

"Faster! I'm winning! I'm winning!"

Faiger, leading the race, was thrilled. True to his nature of not accepting defeat in anything, even a playful race, he increased his strikes as the finish line approached. The human horse, crying and bleeding from his knees, had to crawl to keep going.

"Hee-hee! Haha!"

"Yess! I'm first...!"

Just as Faiger was about to cross the finish line, a blurry afterimage caught his eye, followed by a strong blow to the bridge of his nose.


Kicked unknowingly, Faiger fell off the human horse. The following runners crossed the finish line in the meantime.

"Stop it. Is this your playground?"

Faiger clutched his throbbing nose, glaring at the blue-haired boy.

"You little...!"

Rian Ogent.

As far as Faiger knew, Rian was mediocre even among the second group. Realizing he had been struck by a boy who hadn't even mastered Schema, his pride was wounded.

"What, you want to die?"

Rian remained silent. His nature of conserving words hadn't changed since entering the swordsmanship academy. If he had nothing to say, he wouldn’t make something up.

"Look at this guy..."

Faiger stood up, exuding murderous intent. The situation was tense, but the frightened trainees didn't dare intervene. 

Of course, there were those who felt no need to. Tess was one of them.

This was a swordsmanship academy. In a group learning war techniques, standing up for the weak changed nothing. In the end, the hierarchy was always established based on strength.

"Oh, it's Rian, right? Causing trouble again."

Tess turned around. Another female trainee, taller than most boys, stood behind her like a wall.

"You know his name? He doesn't seem very strong."

"He's weak, but he's stubborn. Recently, the second group collected some money for Faiger's birthday. Rian was the only one who didn't contribute."

"Aha, so he was targettted for that?"

"Probably. But honestly, I was surprised. I thought he was quiet, but he's unexpectedly hot-blooded."


For the first time, Tess took a closer look at Rian. Still silent, he showed no intention of backing down.

'Such a guy exists too. Indeed, the kingdom is vast.'

That was the extent of her interest. Having grown up seeing many eccentrics due to her father's influence as a colonial commander, she knew that in this world, if the sword wasn't strong enough, it would just break, no matter the conviction behind it.

"Ha, has this guy gone mute? It’s too late for regrets. You didn't think you could do all this and remain unscathed, did you?"

"Let's go outside. It won't look good in the evaluation if the instructor finds out."

Faiger was incredulous. The very boy who should be begging for mercy was suggesting they fight out of the instructor's sight.

"Fine, as you wish. Follow me. And everyone else, come watch. I'll show you what happens when you mess with me."

Faiger led Rian to an open area behind the building. Trainees from groups one to three followed Faiger, while only non-group members stood with Rian.

But they had already lost their will to fight. In fact, they hadn’t come to fight at all, just not part of Faiger's clique. Deep down, they resented Rian for escalating the situation.

"Hey, if you don’t want a beating, come to this side."

Faiger offered them a way out. The trainees didn't hesitate, passing by Rian and rushing to the opposite side.

"Hahahaha! Pathetic. Hey, Rian, what now? Everyone’s left you."

"Relying on numbers? You've always been rotten to the core."


"If you must fight, then fight. That’s what a knight does. You don't even deserve to be called one."

Faiger snorted. In war, knights would tear at each other like dogs. To him, the code of chivalry was nothing more than a fancy wrapper for those who survived such brutality.

"Fine, let’s see if your fists are as strong as your mouth. I’ll take you on myself. Don’t get too comfortable. By saying I'll fight you alone, I mean I'll kill you."

Rian raised his fists in a fighting stance. Faiger, on the other hand, casually strolled up.

"I'll let you hit me first. Go ahead."

Faiger gestured with his fingers, prompting Rian to throw a punch. In that instant, Faiger dodged the attack and struck Rian's abdomen.


Rian's eyes widened with the pain of feeling his belly being ripped apart. It felt like a heavy boulder had been slammed into his stomach. Was this the power of a fist enhanced by Schema?

"Idiot. Why would I let you hit me?"

Faiger, while mocking Rian, was surprised that he hadn't ended it with one blow. He had been too complacent. With this realization, he threw a series of rapid punches with all his might.

Rian was in dire straits. This bare-handed duel was deadly, with Schema itself being a lethal weapon. It felt like being battered by a soldier in heavy armor.

As Faiger's fist buried into Rian's abdomen, his legs lifted off the ground. 

When he landed again, even Rian, with his tough resilience, couldn't stay upright. His body crumpled to the ground, starting from his knees.

'That's more like it...'

Faiger sneered at Rian. Suddenly, Rian sprang up like an arrow, closing the distance between them.

'What? He's still fighting?'

Faiger was taken aback. Rian hadn't mastered Schema, and the punch had definitely landed properly. Without Schema's protection, he should have been knocked out.

Rian focused his attacks on Faiger's abdomen. Aiming for the face would be easily evaded, but attacking from below while blocking the view with his wider back made it hard for even Faiger to counterattack quickly.

The tactic was effective, and Faiger found himself retreating under the onslaught. Each punch to his abdomen sent sharp pains through his body.

'What's with this guy?'

To Faiger, there was no victory to celebrate. Just being engaged in a brawl with someone who couldn't even use Schema was shameful.

"You damn bastard!"

Losing control, Faiger grabbed Rian's shoulders, pushed him away, and then began to pummel him wildly. The dull thuds of his blows echoed across the yard. The trainees watched the one-sided beating with pale faces.

When Faiger came to his senses, Rian lay crumpled on the ground like a rag doll, still conscious. Seeing Rian's fingers twitch, Faiger's eyes blazed with anger.

"Argh! Annoying!"

Faiger's kicks bombarded Rian. It was only then that the first group trainees realized the seriousness of the situation and rushed over.

"Stop it! He might actually die at this rate!"

"Let go! I'm going to kill him! Die, you bastard!"

Rian's responses gradually slowed, and then his movements ceased. Faiger looked around. The fear visible on the faces of the trainees seemed to satisfy him somewhat.

"Listen well! This is what happens if you mess with me! Get some rope!"

Rian was stripped to his underwear and tied up with ropes. His muscular body bore bruises and wounds. Faiger, thinking it necessary to make an example, hung Rian on a tall tree.

Blood dripped down Rian's face, curled up like a shrimp.

"Hahaha! Looks like a worm on a fishing hook, right? That's what you get for overstepping your bounds."

"Ha, he must feel so embarrassed. Acting all high and mighty and then getting caught like this."

Jeers rained from all around as if they had won a war.

Tess frowned. It was disgraceful to inflict such humiliation on someone, no matter how weak they were.

And there were girls of the same age present. What could Rian be thinking right now? How hurt must his heart be?


Rian regained consciousness. He hadn't lost it entirely, but he was far from okay. The numerous trainees around him were giggling, watching him like a monkey in a zoo.

Tess locked eyes with Rian. She tried to keep a neutral expression, as any sympathy could hurt him more. But, breaking expectations, Rian smiled and winked at her.

"Ah, I'm sorry about this. Especially in front of the ladies."

Tess maintained her indifferent expression, but something stirred inside her.

"Hahaha! What's he saying now? Even in this situation, he's still bluffing. Is he just a fool, after all?"

"Hey, be honest. Getting beaten up like that, do you think acting tough makes you look good? You’re just ridiculous right now."

"Aren't you embarrassed? In front of the girls in that state. Better bite your tongue and die."

Rian looked down at the trainees. Despite their numerous taunts, his gaze remained calm.

"It's okay. Even if it's embarrassing."

"Haha! Sure, someone like you would live with that shame all their life. Or maybe you’re a masochist? Are you actually enjoying this?"

Rian calmly replied.

"I'll forget it soon enough."

Silence fell. An unexplainable, uneasy aura took over.

"I fought my best, so I'm not ashamed. Time will pass, and maybe days like today will fade into obscurity. But you know... can you really forget?"

No one answered. Their hearts were pounding rapidly.

"You, who didn't fight and just curled up, will likely carry this memory for life. And you'll regret it. If only I had fought back then, if only I had stood up. But you know, right? You can't turn back time."

The trainees' faces quivered. This was a fear different from the terror of Faiger's violence.

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