Infinite Mage

Chapter 117: An Unexpected Guest (2)


"Hey? You guys are still here? What are you doing?"

Caught in an awkward stance, Shirone's group entered the meeting room, bowing their heads as Siena greeted them.

"Oh, we wanted to say goodbye before leaving. Thank you for teaching us this semester."

An elderly teacher chuckled warmly.

"Haha! It's funny to hear such words from the academy's biggest troublemakers. Anyway, you guys have worked hard too. Make sure to enjoy your vacation. Students should know how to have fun, after all."

As Siena made room for Shirone's group and poured tea, she offered some parting words.

"Congratulations to all three of you on advancing. Next semester will be busier, won’t it? It’s good to relax, but don't let your guard down. I’ll be watching closely when school resumes."

Siena was not one to let things slide easily.

But her words were kind even for a teacher known to freeze a classroom with her sternness. The teachers seemed more relaxed with the semester ending.

"Yes, we'll work hard," Shirone replied, sipping his tea. Then, standing beside him, Thadd asked Ethella.

"Teacher Ethella, if you have time, would you like to have a meal with me...?"

Shirone almost spit out his tea in surprise.

Even for a flirt, making advances to a nun was something else.

Ethella, too, seemed flustered, politely declining with a wave of her hand.

"I'm sorry, but I must manage the parish during the vacation."

"Ah, I see. If I could be guided by a beauty like Teacher Ethella, I'd join the Karsis Order right away."

Ethella was at a loss for words. It was unthinkable for someone to speak like this to a bishop of the order.

But true to her pursuit of virtue, she maintained her composure.

"Hehe, that's too bad. Then, Thadd, what will you do during the vacation?"

Siena interjected.

"Hmph, he'll probably just go around flirting with women."

Thadd's eyebrows furrowed.

Why was this woman always picking fights with him? Even on the last day of the semester, she seemed restless.

Trying to appear unaffected, Thadd shrugged nonchalantly.

"Haha, there's nothing shameful about falling in love at my age. I'm more worried about Teacher Siena. With her prickly personality, it must be hard to find a partner."

"What did you say?"

"What else? That you lack charm. It's obvious. You've never dated a man, have you? That's all because of your prickly nature."

Siena glared at Thadd, grinding her teeth.

She might not care about anyone else, but she didn't want to lose to this man.



Everyone leaned in, eager to hear her response.

"Magic. I'm in a relationship with magic."

Siena's face flushed red.

People often say things they don't mean when they're defiant, and this situation was a classic example.

The atmosphere in the room grew solemn as the teachers turned away, their faces red with embarrassment.

Thadd, wanting to escape, barely managed to respond.

"Ah, I see."

"Are you mocking me now? I'm committed to magic for life. Is that so wrong?"

"No, I'm sorry. It seems I spoke out of turn."

Thadd quickly drank his hot tea and turned away from Siena.

Watching this, Shirone's group covered their mouths, struggling to contain their laughter. It was a side of the teachers they rarely saw.

"Everyone's still here, I see."

"Oh, Headmaster!"

Alpheas entered the meeting room.

Having been suspended from his duties, he had been staying in the dormitory and decided to stop by after most students had left.

"You rascals have worked hard this semester."

"It's all thanks to your guidance, Headmaster. We are also grateful."

"Hoho, am I still the headmaster? From next semester, an interim headmaster sent by the Magic Association will take over. Treat them well as you did me."

Nade's face fell.

It seemed unlikely that anyone better than Alpheas would come.

Regardless of the saying, "old but gold," Alpheas was considered one of the best headmasters.

"Who could it be? Will next semester be even tougher?"

"Haha! Possibly. But be confident. The progress you've made this semester is remarkable. You'll do well next semester too."

As the teachers finished their tea and started packing, Shirone's group prepared to leave.

"We'll see you after the break, Headmaster."

"Sure. Have a good time with your families and enjoy your vacation. Oh, and Shirone, could you spare a moment?"

Shirone, about to follow his friends out, turned around.

Nade gestured towards the door.

"We'll wait outside for you. Hey, Shirone, we'll be in the hallway."


In the now-empty meeting room, Shirone had a private conversation with Alpheas.

Alpheas looked serious, so Shirone tensed up, waiting for him to speak.

"The reason I wanted to see you is about the labyrinth."

"Ah, I see."

Shirone remembered the labyrinth.

Although Shirone had been busy since his promotion was confirmed, the impression of Miro was still vividly etched in his mind.

"I'm curious to know. Are you still interested in investigating more about Miro?"

"Yes. I'll have to discuss it with my parents, but I'm trying to make time for it. It seems like now or never since it's vacation."

"That's good. It'll be a valuable experience."

Alpheas readily agreed, but his face betrayed an unease.

"Is that why you called me here?"

Finally, Alpheas brought up what was really on his mind.

"No, actually, I wanted to ask you something. Can you tell me about Miro’s condition at that time?"

"Do you mean her mental state?"

"Yes, that. But really, I'd like to hear in detail about Miro as you saw her."

Shirone recalled the encounter. Despite the brief interaction, the significant event had left a clear memory, even the minor details of their conversation.

"Hmm, thinking about it, her emotions seemed a bit... erratic. I overlooked it at the time because she was so enigmatic."

"How severe was it? Was it serious?"

"No, not to that extent. Although there were moments that felt a bit chilling."

Alpheas sighed softly, a complex emotion conveyed in the sound.

"Did Miro seem lonely to you?"

"I asked her the same thing, but Miro said that gods do not feel loneliness."

"Gods do not feel loneliness. Hm."

A shadow fell across Alpheas's face.

Perhaps Miro wanted to convey something through Shirone, to him, or even...

'No, maybe to them...'

Shirone observed Alpheas carefully.

What could be so serious to make him look this grave?

But he had promised not to probe too deeply, so he couldn't outright ask.

"If you're that worried, Headmaster, I won't investigate the ruins."

Alpheas seemed to snap out of his thoughts.

He realized he had been too absorbed in his own contemplations, ignoring the person before him.

"Huh? No, that’s not it. The Kergos Ruins are a tourist spot; you should visit if you get the chance. You'll get a rough idea of the world Miro lives in."

"Does that mean there really is a secret hidden there? But it’s a tourist site."

"Haha! It's no fun if I tell you everything. Just never let your guard down. I allowed you to investigate because I trust your abilities."

Shirone sensed the gravity behind his words.

Alpheas was known for letting students explore freely. However, he also had a mischievous side, allowing a suitable level of risk.

"Okay. I'll investigate thoroughly."

After saying goodbye to Alpheas and leaving the meeting room, Shirone joined his friends waiting in the corridor.

"What did you talk about, Shirone?"

"About Miro, the person I mentioned before."

"Oh right, you were curious about her, weren’t you? The Kergos Ruins, right?"

"Yes. But now I'm even more curious after talking to the Headmaster. I'm planning to go there."

"That's too bad. We'd love to join you."

"No, you should spend time with your families during the vacation."

"Tch, who cares about that? I'd rather not go home if it means almost dying."

Nade grimaced at the mere thought.

Yiruki faced a similar situation. Being the son of the head of the King’s Commission, he couldn't act rashly outside.

"But I'm really curious. Miro was the president of our research group. Technically, she's my direct senior. Maybe she watched over me too?"

Yiruki shattered Nade's childhood wonder.

"Shirone said if we don't enter the Immortal Function, contact is impossible. She's probably dwelling in a dimension between our world and theirs."

"Ah, I wanted to meet and greet her."

"Well, you might see her before you die. Anyway, it's time to part. Take care, everyone."

Yiruki pointed to three carriages waiting.

Among them, the flashy double-horse carriage from the Mercodine family stood out.

"Wow, first-class nobility. You’re a different class indeed."

"Quiet. It's all a waste of money. And it's so slow, too."

The three exchanged farewells.

Though they'd see each other again soon, parting brought a rush of emotions.

"Shirone, Yiruki, I'll miss you. I've never disliked vacations as much as this time."

"Will you be alright? Can you endure it?"

Yiruki asked with concern, knowing Nade's family situation and his current fear.

Surprisingly, Nade smiled brightly, a change from the previous semester. Meeting Shirone had given him many happy memories.

"No problem. I'll reorganize at home and have more fun next semester. Stay healthy and take care."

After half a year of shared joys and sorrows, they walked to their respective carriages, waving goodbye.

"Great! See you on the first day of school!"

One week earlier.

Like other swordsmanship schools, the Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy had finished its first semester of training.

Despite receiving the worst report card, Rian's optimistic nature kept his spirits high on his way home.

He would've preferred to go straight to his hometown, but he needed to collect his luggage from his sister's house in the royal palace area.

"Darn it, I have to meet that witch again. I should've left my stuff at grandfather's place. She's going to kill me over my report card."

Hoping desperately that Reina was out, Rian opened the door to the mansion.

Fitting for an artist recognized by the royal palace, the mansion was luxurious. But for Rian, it just felt like an unnecessarily long escape route.

Sneaking through the hall like a cat burglar, Rian's hopes were crushed by the loud sound of a piano.

"Damn! She's home?"

The piano sound drowned out his voice.

Reina was focused solely on playing the grand piano in one corner of the hall.

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