Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 116 The demon and his daughter

I worked my way through the ninjas and traps. Oh, pit of acid. That’s cute. A bunch of knight armor swings down their swords when I walk past. I’ll just let their blades hit me. Two walls come together and leave a perfect human shape in the concrete as I keep walking. He’s really going to be pissed I ruined all his traps. Those probably cost a fuck ton of money and those ninjas a fuck ton of time to train and brainwash.


I enter his inner layer and he is standing in the center holding a sword in my direction like a boss in a video game. I just frown at him before saying. “Are you dumb? I’m here to fix your fucked up soul. I know you have spy cameras watching your daughter. Don’t tell me you didn’t believe what I said earlier?”


He lowered his sword before unbuttoning his shirt. His chest on the opposite side of his heart was a blackened necrotic lump of flesh… That’s not what a corroded soul looks like. What the hell is that? My eyes went wide as I realized what the Lazarus pits did instead of reviving someone. They removed the ability to resurrect but then why would Ra’s use it?


It wasn’t to keep himself young. Chi cores can do that and he was elderly, probably a few hundred years old and he looked like he was in his fifties. That’s in the realm of possibilities for chi cores. Then why would he use the Lazarus pit if it wasn’t to de-age or resurrect himself? It was to heal wounds, possibly fatal wounds at the time. It might bring someone back from the dead but it would put them on a timer.


I looked at it and couldn’t make any changes with biomatter manipulation. At the very least I’d have to touch him to fix him. I start walking towards him. “I’m coming to see if I can make changes to your body. Don’t attack me alright?” I walked over to him with my hands raised as I was about to touch him he swung at me. His sword seemed special.


I didn’t let him hit me. Instead, as he swung I portaled behind him and slapped him on the back to use diagnostic touch on him. The cost to heal it, even with biomatter manipulation being the third tier was too expensive. I had a hundred thousand biomatter stored, it wasn’t about the cost but the effort. It would take multiple uses of hundreds of biomatter to heal his wounds… If I were to guess, about twelve. It would take twelve sessions of healing to fully heal him.


It was because the injury was years upon years upon years old. I didn’t even want to heal him once let alone twelve times. He even attacked me when I went to help him. To be fair he was like an injured dog biting at the doctors with medicine. His soul was also fucked up on top of that. It was so corroded it would make him less and less calm.


The specific corrosion he had was of course demonic in nature. I’m fairly certain at this point that the Lazarus pits were just giant pools of demon’s blood. Probably made from a giant demon being fought tens of thousands of years before Ra’s found them… Wouldn’t just ripping out the corrupted flesh and replacing it with new flesh be faster?


I did just that. It knew I was trying to help him so didn’t count as an attack. It was in his interest so I bypassed his plot armor letting me massively fuck him up. The moment I thought about letting him die I felt a spike of pain in my brain. Damnit! Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy. I began to heal him as I ripped out the last dregs of the corrupted flesh. It squirmed as if it was alive and I squashed it just to be safe. Slapping a holy spell on top of it for overkill. 


We almost had an Ash from the Evil Dead series situation here with the corrupted flesh crawling off. With him not needing to dive into the demon blood water his soul will slowly recover… I should probably make something that helps with healing souls… Is it worth the effort though? Not really. This was good enough. I de-aged him enough so that if he really focused on staying alive he’d get another few hundred years out of it.


I decided to say something else as he looked down at his chest with a smile on his face. “Listen… I get that you’ve been dipping yourself in demon blood and probably didn’t know but… Treat your family better dude. Shit is your legacy and you just run around acting like a jackass trying to find your replacement because you’re going to die. Take a minute, sit back, and stop being so damn crazy. Also, every time you use that demon blood to heal yourself it corrodes your soul a little bit.”




Talia Al Ghul woke up in a strange place. She was in her ninja hideout… She was torturing someone… Then someone showed up with her son and after he got permission injected him with drugs before making a portal and tossing the child to Alfred, Bruce’s butler. She worked her way to the edge of the bed feeling the soreness of a good fucking permeate through her.


She took a quick shower and began to put her clothes on to leave before the man showed up in the room. He had a plate of breakfast and explained what he did to her father. Tears streamed down her face as her father's known condition was fixed. He was growing more and more desperate for a new head for the League of Assassins to be found but now, now that he has time, he might calm down a bit.


He began to massage Talia Al Ghul and she didn’t notice her soreness was slowly being melted off her. Slowly he massaged her whole body scrapping away the micro corruption she had gained from the Lazarus pit and healing her wounds. She let out throaty moans as loud as she did when having sex as she felt better than she had in decades.


She was only a hundred and fifty years old and had never received a death blow like her father but to speed up training many small wounds were healed using the pits. All of those wounds had no visible corruption but if she passed a threshold her entire body would turn demonic before she had a chance to find a solution. That was all gone now as the man scraped the corruption out of her body while applying a numbing agent so she wouldn’t feel the pain, only the pleasure.


The massage was so good Talia came squirting all over the bed. The man only laughed as he climbed on top of her and began kissing her. Her body was oiled up from the massage so it made them both lubricated quickly. Talia wasn’t a virgin since she was sixteen and now that she was a hundred and fifty she had more sexual encounters than most of the people on the planet.


Sensual sex and caring sex were a very rare occurrence because of the type of man she liked. It meant as the man brought her to slow orgasm after orgasm her cold heart began to melt for the man. Slowly her life goals began to include the man.


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