Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 118 Everyone is busy

Spiderman swung from building to building before landing on a roof. His spider sense tingled that something was coming. He just couldn’t see i-. The man opened a portal right beside him before tossing a convulsing woman into his hands. “Hot potato! Can you keep an eye on her for me?” After tossing Spiderman the woman Danny just closed the portal. Peter disliked swearing but he couldn’t help himself as he said.


“What the fuck!?”




Alright, well that’s Peter with a girlfriend. I gave Chat a heads-up that Peter Parker was Spiderman and hoped things worked out for them. Now I just got to help Batman but I have to wait for the big heist to happen. I could probably find out beforehand but that wasn’t my style, I’d just wait for it to happen because it would be an amazing comic and toss a convulsing Cat Woman into Batman’s arms. What a foolproof plan! That still left what to do until then though. It’s been a while since I’ve hung out with Steph and Cass.


I teleported to Steph, the magic strong enough that as long as I was thinking about them I could teleport close by. Steph first and… She was in another meeting with Wayne tech about the multi-purpose console they were releasing… Good thing I teleported invisible or this would be awkward. Even though I was invisible I saw her eyes land on me the moment I ported in and she didn’t even break her speech.


“With this, we should be able to run at ninety frames per second, and with similar functions as a DVD player and computer we’ll be hitting several different markets than we normally would.” She had on glasses as she spoke and a devilish idea came to my mind as she continued to speak in front of the other executives. I slowly snuck up behind her and I caught her micro-expressions as she glanced in my direction and her head shook subtly that she didn’t want any of what I had planned… What a spoiled sport.


Teleporting to Cass next she’s in the long boring process of drafting her team's mission. Even as the leader of a stealth team, she had to write a detailed breakdown of her missions for Batman or whoever else wanted to look at them. It was a thick one too, she was writing her fifth page as I approached her. She spoke. “Not right now, I’m busy.”


…What the fuck is happening? Are they being mind-controlled? I reached over and touched Cass to check… No, what the fuck is going on then? Are they all just busy? I teleported Nat and she’s in the M.A.N.A. department yelling at people in an all-hands-on-deck situation and notices me. “Hey, we need your help! The shipment order for your new golems came in and we need all the help we can get to deliv-.” I blink away not wanting to get saddled with grunt work.


Why was Natasha not on maternity leave yet? She might have been called in or she was so important now that they couldn’t replace her… Fuck, I was fucking all my women too competent. Teleporting to Ivy and she’s in the process of making synthetic skin out of plant matter that would function like real skin. It would revolutionize skin grafting for wounds.


Teleporting to Harley she’s in the middle of giving a speech to an auditorium full of high schoolers. Dressed in a psychologist outfit once again she noticed me when I teleported in. The wind shifted enough for anyone with enhanced senses to know something was there without seeing it. She was nearing the end of her speech. “If the henchmen of the Joker, one of the worst criminals to ever exist can make something with her life. So can you!” The crowd went wild they began clapping and gave her a standing ovation. 


Teleporting to Raven next. A huge battlefield is going on as her members bounce around and she makes several callouts. “Move to the left Swordsman! They’re trying to flank us. We got incoming from the skies too. Linda do your best to stop them! Sidestep how much longer before you got all the civilians to safety?” I was about to ask if they needed help before she stopped me from asking. “Hey, Danny. We’re just doing some simulated training, you need something?” 


I just smile as I say. “Nope, just seeing if anyone is not busy.” She looked away as the large destroyer-type ship was ripped in half by her magical attack. “We still have two more hours of training. Maybe in a few hours if we don’t get any missions I’ll be free.” I just waved at her before leaving. “Alright, then I’ll give you a call if I can’t find anything.”


I kept checking all my girlfriends. Lena was in the middle of a court case against her brother. Zatanna was being overwhelmed with sales as she decided to handle the storefront of the first magic shop and hundreds of ninjas were waiting for the chi pills. She should handle the business side and hire someone to run the store. Emma was still setting up the casino front… Veronica was busy acquiring another large pharmaceutical company. Her unneeded bodyguard with her. The scientists were close to a breakthrough…


Fuck! Going through all my potential girlfriends I’m only left with Lady Shiva and Talia who weren’t busy. They were practically fuck buddies though and not real girlfriends. I just wanted companionship, for now, just hang out and chill or do what they want to do. 


Do we go on a date the three of us? What the fuck should I do. I just collect them from their places before asking. “So… What do you two want to do?” Both began talking and I could feel my nervousness start to fade as they both agreed on… Fishing… Huh!? Well, I like fishing I just didn’t expect those two to like fishing as well. Both had me teleport them home and collected fishing kits worth thousands of dollars before both began to talk about where to fish.


Lady Shiva asked. “Could go to England and rent a boat?” “Ahh, I just fished there a few months ago. How about Alaska?” “Same thing, just fished there. We have a teleporter, could go to the Amazon or somewhere more exotic?” As if both thought of it at the same time they both said. “North Korea!”


I teleported us into North Korea and we fished… In the Taedong River. Both were just fishing. It felt surreal. Both caught rather large fish in a short time and had me take pictures. Slowly us fishing became a normal thing and soon I was joking and laughing with the two as we just enjoyed each other's company. Both were fountains of knowledge being wise enough to see the world from many different points of view. 


Lady Shiva grew up in China back when they only allowed one child and moved to Japan when her sister was born. Talia grew up in the middle east which did not leave much room for growing strong as she was offered to a man to broker peace between the two families. It was all a ploy of her fathers and she was only with her ‘husband’ for a short time before she plunged the knife into his neck after her father showed up and forced her to.


Both lived extremely hard lives but they seemed like normal people. Both like fishing because they did it while growing up. Sometimes the fish they caught would be the only thing they ate that day. We finished up and I teleported us to a music festival. Both put on completely different personas as we pretended to be people we weren’t for the night.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 160+ 

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