Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 91 Do drugs kids

Blanca who had put her gun down as I began to explain pointed it back at me. “Give me that one right now!” I burst out laughing as I tossed her one of my bigger guns to point at me. “Lady, if bullets could still hurt me you think I’d let you keep a gun trained on me for five minutes? I’d have taken it from you and snapped your arm if I wasn’t practically immortal already.”


She charged at me still not realizing how futile it was and I lifted her into the air and slapped the gun out of her hands with telekinesis. It wasn’t really her fault, that is a billion-dollar item right there. Veronica was the next to speak up. “I need ten of those right now! No! Twenty!” I could only laugh as she overreacted as well. Leslie just sat there patiently waiting while looking at the next drug. I decided to humor Miss Cale.


“Veronica, I’m sure we can work something out on how you plan to buy those drugs but I still haven’t finished my explanation of all the drugs yet. You might recognize this green one here. It’s a popular power drug called M.G.H. that’s mutant growth hormone if you didn’t know. You might have noticed there are eight different kinds here. Well to separate the weak from the strong, the weaker version isn’t permanent while the stronger version is.”


I waited to see if any would interrupt and besides the flailing for Blanca as she still tried to free herself no one spoke up. I continued. “This is the base version. It’s meant to enhance people who already have a mutant power. It gives them superhuman strength, speed, and endurance while enhancing their mutation. The other three are for humans without the x-gene and this first one here gives anyone the power of flight.”


Another shocked intake of breaths as I continued. “This one gives mind reading and the last gives superhuman mental processing and perfect memory.” Each couldn’t control themselves again. Blanca just kept shouting the word “flight!” over and over again. Veronica gave a firm command. “I’ll take the mind-reading power.” Finally, Leslie meekly asked. “I-I’ll take the memory one… I’m pretty sure that could help me with my job…”


I picked up the blue vials as I explained. “This one is the super soldier serum. The weaker version is the old version of the Super Soldier serum. Brings a person to peak human. The superior version allows you to rapidly learn, adapt, and improve. That doesn’t sound very strong but imagine if it took six months to learn to fly or read minds and it takes weeks if not days instead.” None gave me anything more than a nod of acknowledgment. Blanca gave me a death stare with nostrils flaring as I flipped her upside down. 


I finally got to the last white and black pills. I knew they wouldn’t appreciate it but this would soon be a bread-and-butter staple product they would sell. “These are breakthrough pills and chi-gathering pills. This white pill is a one-time use and will allow you to gather chi. The black pills are filled with chi. This will let people make chi cores to increase their strength equivalent to a super soldier or make magic circles to use magic.”


I knew they wouldn’t understand how amazing what I just said was so I explained. “A fully formed third stage chi core would put someone at the same strength level as Ironman with the ability to punch at the same level as Thor for a short while. That’s the moment it’s formed and it also increases lifespan. Building power for a century would let you obliterate mountains with your strength.” I punched out with a chi-empowered fist and the wind would have blown documents all around the room if I didn’t stop them.


I explained the magic system next. “You can also make magic circles to perform real magic. If someone were to get to the ninth circle they could fundamentally alter reality on a small scale with magic. Reduce how fast time passes in a room, make a room of mirrors fold in on itself making a pocket dimension. Impossible, unbelievable stuff is possible and everyone will have the ability to learn it.”


Their jaws dropped. I didn’t explain that it would take a ludicrous amount of effort and that even I with a cheat ability still haven’t reached sixth let alone ninth. Chi cores and circles could be passed down through descendants and even then it might take thousands of years for one to finally get lucky and go from seventh to eighth circle. I didn’t explain how it would take someone using the pills years to get to maybe third circle. They just needed to know the possibility as I pulled the bait and switch.


“I actually have a power that lets me fuck people stronger with that chi.” And just like that the bait was set. The new enhanced senses from the purple heart herb I had taken let me notice even more things than I hadn’t been able to previously. I had enhanced senses from a power but it wasn’t the same as the even stronger version I had now.


I could smell their sweat and excitement as they all began to bat their eyelashes at me, forming a silent agreement with each other that I wasn’t leaving the room unfucked if they had any control over the matter. Each woman's sex had a different scent to it as I could smell their arousal and almost taste it on my tongue. The heightened heartbeats and dilated eyes made it even more clear that all three were willing to do anything to get the drugs.


Each for their own reasons. Blanca wanted power, she wanted the power to be able to defend herself and the people she cared about. Leslie had a more inquisitive look at the situation and the sex was more transactional for her to get access to experimenting with the wonder drugs. The powers she would gain were just the icing on the cake.


Veronica also wanted them for power. It wasn’t the same type of power as Blanca. Veronica wanted the power to be superior to those around her. It would also grow her network as she offered the drugs up to powerful people for favors in the future. She wanted to ensnare the man with any means necessary and if she had to feed herself and the two other women in the room to him to prove his machismo then she would. Soon she would have him begging her for release.


I didn’t like the looks of greed on their faces but if I wanted to own this company getting them to fall in line was the first thing I had to do. Fucking them into submission was the first part of that and I had devised a pretty delicious plan to do so. I would fuck them silly without the drugs then let them think they could handle me with the drugs then fuck them silly again. As we agreed on the details of the contract they hadn’t noticed the magically binding portions that stated they couldn’t betray me.


All but too willing to jump into the fire to gain powers the three women agreed to anything I wanted with very little pushback on some things by Veronica. The first being she didn’t want to sleep with me until she had gotten the ultrasoldier serum injection. She didn’t want me to see her aged body. I swatted away her fears. “I refuse your refusal. I want you before and after you take the drug.”


She almost couldn’t understand why I wanted that. I could wait and have sex with a more beautiful version of herself. To be honest, I liked her older look. My preference was variety and she had aged like a fine wine. I wanted to capture her naked appearance before she changed it. 


With everything solved, I took us to the penthouse suite of the building where Veronica would sleep if she was too busy to go home. I could almost hear the gigantic custom-made bed beg for mercy but he would be added to my collection of furniture destroyed in the midst of lovemaking.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 120+ 

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