It’s Okay to Go to the Internet Cafe

Chapter 273

Chapter 272 airdrop

In the third game, Wu Cai fought steadily. He landed from the plane and came to the rich material area of ​​Port N, and at the same time it was also a place with many enemies.

I scanned the surroundings in a warehouse and saw no less than 30 people falling at the same time. Wu Cai did not underestimate the enemy this time. He still chose to land quickly, instead of going to the box group, landed in the warehouse, and entered the warehouse to quickly pick up one. Replace the S686 shotgun with bullets and continue to search for equipment. Suddenly, I saw people coming in from the warehouse. I quickly picked up the shotgun and hit the enemy twice. After killing the enemy, I picked up a second-level shotgun. Backpack, quickly change positions, and enter the next warehouse.

You can hear gunshots from the cargo warehouse in front. Wu Cai cautiously hung his waist and slowly approached. He heard the gunshots in the cargo hold stop, and he rushed into the cargo warehouse with an arrow, and saw that the enemy was changing magazines. In this space, “Peng Peng” hit the enemy in two combos, and there was no time to pass. Twenty squatted in the corner and listened to the sounds around him.

I could hear a loud noise, the footsteps of some enemies, and there was no sound of a warehouse entering. Wu Cai was bold enough to search the warehouse and found a mi6a4 rifle and a mini14 sniper rifle. A second-level armor, a first-level green helmet, put on the equipment and start the battle of alleys and harbors!

Although Wu Cai’s position identification is not very accurate, he can roughly spot the enemy, relying on his inaccurate marksmanship and familiar terrain to fight guerrilla warfare with about 30 enemies.

“Da da da!”

A flare of fire waited for the smoke, Wu Cai quickly left the lane and harbor, found a high platform, hidden his figure, holding the mini14 in both hands, looking at the location of the enemies below with a triple mirror, and began to kill one by one.

I am Human-Machine 112. Today is my third game. I am now in a difficult gun battle. There are hidden enemies all around me. They pose a great threat to me. I hold the MP5 submachine gun in both hands. Hiding cautiously in a box, from the box, I found a grenade. Suddenly, I had an idea to cover up my footsteps with the sound of the explosion of the grenade.

So I opened the ring of grenade, quickly ran out of the box, and threw my hand toward the northwest. Then I moved quickly and got on the iron box. I saw the enemy’s trail. I smiled and I will use it. I killed them with accurate marksmanship. Just when I was happy, I noticed that there was a figure in the high platform not far away. When I raised my head, I heard “swish swish” several bullets. The air broke, my head was shot instantly, and my body was lying on the ground uncontrollably. My last consciousness, I remember the person on the high platform with a skull mask on his face and a black hooded windbreaker, smiling at me with guns in both hands.

Wu Cai changed a magazine with a smile and continued to aim at the next target. Suddenly a bullet “swish” and hit Wu Cai’s right chest.

Wu Cai screamed in pain, retracted his body, took out the band for treatment, and then carefully looked down with the gun, looking for the enemy who had just shot him.

But as soon as he showed his head, the bullets whizzed past and hit the iron plate on the high platform.

Wu Cai understands that this is because people have already stared at the direction, as long as they dare to take the lead and estimate that they will die in the next second, Wu Cai shouldn’t have a gambling element. If he loses a game, his heart will be dissipated.

Wu Cai wriggled his body backwards, retracted to a safe place, put the gun behind his back, stood up and ran, very fast, and he shook himself away from the high platform.

When Wu Cai stood up and fled, there were still bullets whizzing past behind him. Although a few of them hit him, the injuries were not serious.

At this time, a man-machine hiding in a warehouse, looking at Wu Cai who had disappeared, put the gun away, checked the map, and headed to the safe area.

After three minutes, the safety zone is refreshed. The safety zone in this game is centered on Town G. If nothing happens, the final place of the final will be the rice field in Town G.

Wu Cai ran away from Port N and came to the highway. He did not see a car. He ran a few meters towards the highway and found a motorcycle.

Wu Cai rode a motorcycle and smiled: “With a gun and a car, this is a man’s romance!”


There was a noise of motorcycles, and black smoke came out of the exhaust pipe of the car, and it drove onto the highway with a “swish”.

The speed of the motorcycle along the way is very fast, at least a hundred steps, the strong wind hurts my face, my eyes are narrowed, I can barely see the road ahead, hear the enemy’s gunshots, or see the enemy attack , Wu Cai was unmoved, and was experiencing the speed of motorcycles.

In China, Wu Cai had also ridden a motorcycle alone, but the highest speed of riding a bicycle in his life was 60 steps. Now he can truly feel the speed of 100 steps in the game. Wu Cai is very happy. The prime soaring.

“Oh! This speed is really exciting!”

Wu Cai just opened his mouth, his mouth trembled with a gust of wind, and could not help the emotions in his heart, shouting loudly to release his emotions.

Soon, Wu Cai hurried all the way to the yellow rice fields in Town G, and at this time the system refreshed a message: “The airdrop will appear in one minute and will appear at the hospital.”

The highlight of the airdrop chicken game, falling from the sky, red smoke blowing up, the green box has treasures, and it is called an artifact!

“The airdrops of this game must be seen. The two died too fast just now. I have never seen airdrops.”

Wu Cai muttered to himself. He scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and found nothing. He stepped on the motorcycle, stepped on the motorcycle, increased the throttle, and “swish” into an afterimage and flew out of the golden wheat field.

Above the hospital, a box fell from the air, with a little red light flashing on it, and soon the box fell in the center below the hospital, blowing up a burst of red smoke, floating high into the sky, showing people the temptation of death!

The enemies in the fierce battle in Port G were all attracted by the airdrop, and stopped their attacks and headed towards the airdrop.

“Buzzing ”

The sound of the motorcycle was very loud. Wu Cai quickly came to the vicinity of the hospital, slowed the speed of the car, and looked up at the roof of the hospital. There was nothing wrong.

Wu Cai parked the motorcycle directly at the gate of the hospital, and one person took the mini14 and quickly ran to the top of the hospital.

At the same time, the enemies who came from Port G separately surrounded the hospital and entered the hospital from other entrances.

And Wu Cai had already reached the commanding heights and aimed his gun at the airdrop. As long as someone came, he couldn’t kill the enemy with a single shot and scared the enemy.


“Da da da!”


The sound of grenade explosions and gunfire broke the silence of the hospital. Many people were attracted by the airdrops and another round of gunfights began.

“Boom!” The white smoke blocked the airdrop and blocked everyone’s vision. Then someone threw the grenade into the airdrop location, blowing up a burst of fire, and then no one died at the airdrop.

“Let me go, this man-machine is very good! Even the tactics are used, knowing that smoke can be used to blow up other people’s firepower for consumption!”

“It’s incredible!”

Wu Cai looked at the airdrop battle with emotion, not only shook his head and laughed, but also continued to stare at the airdrop through the magnifying lens, which seemed to mean that he would force him to be strong, and the breeze would calm the hills.

Finally, a gun battle soon came to an end. The gunshots had been reduced, and many people had died. The victor did not appear. The safe area was refreshed again, and the hospital was already in the poison zone.

Looked at the next time the poison circle came, two minutes!

“Two minutes is enough, I hope you guys show up soon!”

Wu Cai still aimed at the airdrop, at this time no one was close to the distance of two meters.

“Bang” there was a gunshot, the gunshot was very loud, it should be an M24 sniper rifle, which came from the commanding heights opposite Wu Cai.

Wu Cai raised his hands in shock, looked at the commanding height of the opposite, and found an enemy who was sniping and killing the hidden enemy below.

Seeing the enemy’s M24 in the magnification mirror, and the six-fold mirror equipped on it, Wu Cai felt envy and jealousy.

“Hey, look at their equipment, I really want to get it!”

Finally, the enemy on the opposite side seemed to kill all the enemies below, and began to descend from the commanding heights. At this moment, Wu Cai pulled the trigger and fired with a “boom boom” gun. The first bullet knocked out the enemy’s helmet without hitting it. To kill, the second bullet followed, and a shot penetrated the enemy’s skull to successfully kill.

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