Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch77- Koushin’s Back!


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Hello my dear readers, I don't get to thank you guys enough for  supporting me! I hope you're doing great!  I would like to inform you that I have completely switched to the third-person perspective in this chapter and will continue writing in this style moving forward. This chapter marks the beginning of the Shippuden part. Have fun  and  peace! And please give me feedbacks!

PS: Another story from a different anime is included again, but if you don't enjoy them or want to avoid Hunter x Hunter spoilers, feel free to skip that section. The chapter is already longer than usual, even without the story part, and you won't miss anything important if you choose to skip it.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the village of Konoha in the soft hues of twilight, a sudden gust of wind swept over the Hokage Building. The air crackled with energy, and in the blink of an eye, a figure materialized atop the roof.

Koushin had returned.

He stood tall and strong, his body more muscular than before, his golden hair longer, falling to his neck in a wild cascade. His purple eyes, once filled with youthful exuberance, now held a depth of wisdom and maturity that could only come from years of training and experience.

Down below, the change in chakra was not lost on the village's most perceptive residents. Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, felt it immediately, as did her loyal assistant, Shizune, and the enigmatic Kakashi Hatake. With a knowing glance, they nodded to each other and began to make their way to the rooftop.

Upon reaching the summit, they found Koushin gazing out at the village below, taking in the changes that had occurred in his absence. At the sound of their footsteps, he turned, and his eyes widened with surprise and joy.

"Koushin!" Shizune cried out, her face lighting up as she rushed to him. She threw her arms around him in a tight embrace, tears of relief and happiness streaming down her face. "We've missed you so much!"

Tsunade and Kakashi approached more slowly, their eyes taking in the changes that had transformed the young man before them. They exchanged glances, their faces a mixture of surprise and approval.

"Welcome back, Koushin," Tsunade said, her voice warm and full of affection. "You've grown so much."

Koushin smiled at her, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Lady Tsunade. It's good to be home."

Kakashi, his visible eye crinkling in a smile, nodded his agreement. "It's been a long time. We're glad to have you back."

Tsunade crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "So, how did it go? We've all been wondering what happened to you during your training."

Koushin smirked, a confident glint in his eyes. "It went well, Lady Tsunade. The strife within my Summoning Land has been resolved. They are united now, and I, as their sole contractor, have access to all of their resources and members."

Tsunade's eyes widened, impressed by the young man's accomplishment. "That's no small feat, Koushin. You should be proud of yourself."

Kakashi nodded in agreement, his eye curling with approval. "Indeed. To bring unity to a divided land is a great achievement. Your hard work and dedication have clearly paid off."

Koushin rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. "Thank you. It wasn't easy, but I couldn't have done it without the support of my summoning creatures and the guidance of my mentors."

Shizune wiped away her tears, her face beaming with pride. "That's the Koushin we know and love! Always humble and grateful."

"What about Naruto, has he returned?" Koushin asked, well aware that his friend was training with the Tengu, his summoning contracts.

Tsunade, Kakashi, and Shizune all shook their heads. "Not yet," Tsunade replied. "But we're expecting him back any day now."

Koushin nodded, his concern for his friend evident in his eyes. The Tengu were the most mysterious creatures in the world, and no one knew where their lands were. He had faith that Naruto was safe and growing stronger, just as he had been.

The four of them continued to talk and catch up, sharing stories of their experiences and growth. However, after a while, Koushin couldn't help but fidget, his thoughts drifting to a certain someone he had missed dearly.

Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, he blurted out, "I need to go and see my Pumpkin. Excuse me." Before anyone could react, he vanished into thin air, leaving the three seasoned shinobi surprised by his sudden departure and his speed.

Dashing at top speed towards the Yamanaka Flower Shop, Koushin's heart raced with anticipation. As he burst through the door, he was greeted by the smiling faces of Ima and Inoichi Yamanaka. Ima, unable to contain her joy, rushed forward to hug him, tears streaming down her face.

"Koushin! Oh, how we've missed you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion.

Inoichi, on the other hand, tried to maintain a stern demeanor. He grumbled, "You look a little stronger, not bad."

Koushin chuckled, extricating himself from Ima's embrace. "It is good to see you, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law but I can't wait to see my Pumpkin. I can’t wait any longer. It's been so long since I've seen her."

As they bantered, a soft, melodic voice rang out from the top of the stairs. "Who are you talking to, Mom?" Ino asked, a hint of curiosity in her tone.

Koushin glanced up, his breath catching in his throat as his eyes met Ino's. She was halfway down the stairs, her slender fingers clutching a vase filled with flowers. She had grown taller, her figure more graceful and elegant. Her long, blonde hair flowed down her back like a waterfall of gold, and her eyes, as blue as the deepest ocean, sparkled with a newfound maturity.

Ino's eyes widened with shock as she took in Koushin's presence, her grip on the vase slipping. It fell to the floor with a crash, shattering into a thousand pieces and scattering flowers and water across the wooden floor.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Koushin and Ino stared at each other, both unable to tear their gaze away from the other. Koushin's heart swelled with emotion, his eyes tracing over every new detail of Ino's appearance. She was even more beautiful than he remembered, her newfound maturity only adding to her allure.

For her part, Ino was equally captivated by Koushin's transformation. He had grown into a strong, handsome young man, his slender muscles evident beneath his clothes. His purple eyes, once filled with playful mischief, now held a sense of power and determination that took her breath away. His hair, once short and spiky, now fell in soft waves down to his neck, framing his face like a golden halo.

As the two continued to stare at each other, the rest of the world faded away, leaving only the connection that sparked between them. The shattered vase and spilled water seemed inconsequential, a small price to pay for the rekindling of a long-lost bond.

Finally, Koushin broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. "Wow, my pumpkin turned into a hottie."

Ima giggled at Koushin's comment, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Inoichi, however, was less amused. With a grunt, he reached out and slapped the back of Koushin's head, causing the young man to wince.

"Watch your mouth, kid," Inoichi grumbled, though there was a hint of a smile on his face.

Ino, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and excitement, dashed down the remaining stairs and launched herself into Koushin's arms. He caught her effortlessly, his arms encircling her waist as her legs wrapped around his torso. Their faces were mere inches apart, their breath mingling as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"I can't believe you're really here," Ino whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I've missed you so much, Kou!"

Koushin's smile was tender and sincere. "I've missed you too, Pumpkin," he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers. "More than you could ever know."

They remained like that for a moment, the intensity of their connection leaving them breathless. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and the love that bound them together.

Finally, Ima cleared her throat, her voice gentle but insistent. "Ahem. As much as I hate to interrupt this lovely reunion, perhaps we should clean up this mess before someone gets hurt?"

Ino blinked, her eyes darting to the shattered vase and the scattered flowers. She flushed with embarrassment, realizing that she had completely forgotten about the destruction she had caused. Reluctantly, she untangled herself from Koushin's embrace and slid to the floor, her feet landing gracefully on the damp wood.

"Right," she murmured, her cheeks still flushed. "I'm sorry about that."

Inoichi looked away in displeasure, trying to hide a smile. "Why don't you show that brat the new training ground?" he suggested, gesturing to Ino. "I can clean the stairs. Hokage-sama would want him to know the new training ground."

Ima giggled at her husband's thinly veiled attempt to give Koushin and Ino some time alone together. She exchanged a knowing glance with Inoichi, a warm smile on her face as she looked at the reunited pair.

Grinning, Koushin took Ino's hand and, without a moment's hesitation, pulled her towards the door. "Come on, Pumpkin. Let's go see what's new in Konoha."

Ino's laughter echoed through the shop as they dashed out the door, their hands still entwined. The sun had set, casting the village in a soft, romantic glow that only served to heighten the emotion between them.

Ino led Koushin through the familiar streets of Konoha, her hand tightly gripping his as they ran. The wind whipped through their hair, and Koushin couldn't help but marvel at how Ino's golden locks seemed to catch the soft moonlight, making her look like an ethereal vision.

They eventually arrived at their usual spot by the river, a secluded area surrounded by trees that provided a serene atmosphere. The gurgling water added a soothing soundtrack as they slowed down, taking in the beauty of their surroundings.

Ino glanced at Koushin, her blue eyes shining with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I thought we could start here," she murmured, her cheeks flushing slightly as she led him to a large rock by the water's edge.

Koushin grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You always did have a great taste in secret spots, Pumpkin."

Ino rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't suppress a smile. "Well, we did spend a lot of time here before you left, didn't we?"

Koushin's grin softened as he took in the familiar sight of their spot. "We did," he agreed, his voice filled with fondness. "I can't count how many hours we spent here, just talking and laughing."

He turned to look at Ino, his purple eyes locking onto her blue ones. "I missed this place," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I missed you more."

Ino's breath hitched in her throat, her heart swelling with a mixture of happiness and relief. "I missed you too, Koushin," she murmured, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "It's been so lonely without you here."

Koushin reached out and gently wiped away a tear that had slipped down Ino's cheek. "I'm sorry I left you alone for so long, Pumpkin. But I'm back now, and I'm not going anywhere."

Ino leaned into Koushin's touch, her eyes fluttering closed as she savored the warmth of his hand on her cheek. "I know," she whispered. "And I'm so glad you're back."

The two of them settled down on the rock, their bodies pressed close together as they watched the moonlit water flow gently by. The silence that enveloped them was comfortable and filled with the unspoken emotions that they had been unable to share during their time apart.

Koushin gently draped his arm over Ino's shoulders, drawing her even closer to him. "So," he began, a hint of mischief returning to his voice. "How have you been keeping yourself busy while I was away?"

Ino raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Oh, you know, the usual. Saving the village, taking missions, and running the family business."

Koushin chuckled, his chest rumbling with amusement. "Sounds like you've been quite a..."

“Hero? Perfect Daughter? Kunoichi?” Ino asked with a grin.

“Well, I was going to say, a me, but sure, those as well.” Koushin copied her grin.

Ino nudged him playfully with her elbow. "Well, someone had to pick up the slack while you were off playing with your summoning creatures."

Koushin feigned a wounded expression, his hand flying to his chest as if struck. "Ouch, Pumpkin, that hurts. I wasn't playing; I was training!"

Ino giggled, her laughter ringing through the air like the sweetest melody. "I know, I know," she conceded, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "But I couldn't resist teasing you."

Koushin's expression softened, his eyes filled with warmth as he gazed at Ino. "I've missed that too, you know. Your laughter, your teasing... Everything."

Ino blushed at his words, her heart fluttering in her chest. "Well, you better get used to it again," she warned playfully. "Because now that you're back, I won't be holding back."

Koushin grinned, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Pumpkin."

Ino's eyes glowed with pride as she began to recount the accomplishments of their fellow comrades. "Shikamaru and Choji have been training almost every day to develop the technique you gave them. They've grown so much, Koushin. You'd be amazed at what they can do now."

Koushin's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his friends. "That's incredible, Pumpkin. I knew they had it in them."

Ino nodded, her smile never fading. "And Sai, he's been away with Jiraiya quite often. They've been working on some top-secret mission, apparently. You know how Jiraiya is – always finding new challenges and mysteries to unravel."

Koushin chuckled, imagining how their interactions would be. "I need to get details from Sai later. What about Shin and Kakashi?"

"They're always busy, either on missions or at the training grounds," Ino replied, her voice tinged with admiration. "Their dedication to the village and their students is unwavering. I know you'll be impressed with the progress they've made."

Koushin's eyes shone with the prospect of seeing one of his techniques in action. "I can't wait to see them in action again."

Ino's eyes sparkled with excitement as she continued. "Shino has been working tirelessly on developing the technique you gave him. He's always been a hard worker, but you've given him a newfound sense of purpose."

Koushin grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment at having helped his friend find a new path. "That's great to hear. I always knew Shino had a lot of untapped potential."

"And Hinata," Ino said, her voice filled with awe, "she's found her own summoning realm and has been training there as well as in Konoha. She's become even stronger, Kou. Her mastery of the Gentle Fist has grown tremendously."

Koushin's eyes lit up with happiness for his shy friend. "I'm so proud of her. Hinata's always been incredibly talented; she just needed a little push to believe in herself."

Ino squeezed Koushin's hand, her blue eyes shining with love and pride. "You've always been good at bringing out the best in people, Koushin. That's one of the many things I love about you."

Koushin felt his cheeks heat up, but he couldn't suppress the grin that spread across his face. "Thanks, Pumpkin. That means a lot coming from you."

The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the soft sounds of the river and the rustling leaves providing a soothing backdrop for their conversation. Koushin couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and belonging, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of Konoha.

Koushin tilted his head, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "So, Pumpkin, tell me more about how much you've missed me."

Ino playfully rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance. "Oh, don't get too full of yourself, Koushin. It's not like I've been sitting around, pining for you every day."

Koushin chuckled, enjoying the easy banter between them. "Really? So, you didn't think about me at all while I was gone?"

Ino blushed, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. "Well, maybe a little."

Koushin leaned in closer, his purple eyes sparkling with mischief. "A little? Come on, Pumpkin. You can do better than that."

Ino huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine. Maybe I thought about you a lot. Happy now?"

Koushin's grin widened, and he nodded. "Much better."

Ino smirked and nudged him playfully. "What about you? Did you ever think about me while you were off gallivanting in your summoning realm?"

Koushin's expression softened, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Every day, Ino. There wasn't a moment when you weren't on my mind."

Ino's heart fluttered at his confession, and she smiled, her blue eyes shining with affection. "I'm glad to hear that, Prince Muffin."

As they sat side by side on the rock, Koushin couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness. It had been too long since he had spent time with Ino like this, sharing jokes and stories beneath the moonlit sky.

"You know," Koushin mused, his voice low and thoughtful, "I've always loved this spot by the river. It's like our own little piece of paradise, hidden away from the rest of the world."

Ino nodded, her eyes sweeping over the serene landscape. "I know what you mean. No matter how crazy things got, this place always felt like a safe haven, a place where we could escape from our worries and just be ourselves."

Koushin smiled, his heart swelling with affection for the girl beside him. "I'm glad I have you to share it with, Ino. It wouldn't be the same without you."

Ino smirked, giving Koushin a playful nudge. "You're still a dork, you know that?"

Koushin feigned offense, gasping dramatically. "A dork? Me? I'll have you know I'm the coolest guy in Konoha!"

Ino laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Sure, Kou. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Koushin grinned, enjoying the playful banter between them. "Alright, Pumpkin, since you seem to be in such a good mood, how about I tell you a story? Like the last one I told you about Sokka and Yue."

Ino's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Yes! I loved that story. I've been waiting for another one of your tales. Don't hold back, okay?"

Koushin chuckled, scratching his chin in thought. "Hmm, let me think... Ah, I've got the perfect one." He cleared his throat and began weaving a story filled with emotion and unexpected twists.

"Once upon a time, in a distant land, there lived a young king named Mureum. He was the ruler of a vast and powerful kingdom, feared and respected by all who knew him. Despite his youth, Mureum was incredibly intelligent and strategic, able to outwit any opponent who dared to challenge him."

Ino leaned in closer, her eyes wide with interest. "Wow, he sounds amazing. But what kind of person was he?"

Koushin's expression grew somber. "Mureum was ruthless and cold, with little regard for the lives of others. He believed that the strong should rule over the weak, and that his kingdom would thrive under his iron-fisted rule."

Ino frowned, her brow furrowing in concern. "That doesn't sound very nice."

Koushin nodded in agreement. "No, it wasn't. But Mureum's life took an unexpected turn when he met a girl named Komugi."

Ino's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Who was she? A princess?"

Koushin shook his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "No, she was just a simple blind girl who happened to be a master of a board game called Gungi. Despite her humble background, she had a unique talent that made her nearly unbeatable at the game."

Ino's expression grew thoughtful. "So, how did they meet?"

Koushin's eyes grew distant as he continued the tale. "One day, Mureum decided to challenge Komugi to a game of Gungi. He was intrigued by her reputation and wanted to test her skills for himself. He thought it would be an easy victory, but he quickly discovered that he had met his match."

Ino gasped, her eyes wide with astonishment. "So she was that good?"

Koushin nodded, his voice filled with admiration. "Yes, she was. In fact, Komugi was the first person to ever defeat Mureum in a game. And it wasn't just a fluke – she continued to beat him every time they played."

Ino couldn't help but smile at the thought. "I bet that was a humbling experience for him."

"It was," Koushin agreed. "But something else happened during their games – something that no one could have predicted. As they spent more time together, Mureum began to feel a connection with Komugi that he had never experienced before."

Ino leaned in closer, her interest piqued. "What kind of connection?"

Koushin hesitated, as if searching for the right words. "It's hard to describe. It wasn't romantic, exactly, but there was a deep bond between them. Mureum found himself drawn to Komugi's kindness, her humility, and her unwavering spirit. For the first time in his life, he began to question his own beliefs and actions."

Ino's eyes shimmered with empathy. "He was changing because of her, wasn't he?"

Koushin nodded solemnly. "Yes, he was. Komugi's presence in his life forced Mureum to confront the darkness within himself. He started to see the value in compassion and understanding, and he began to treat his subjects with more kindness."

Ino smiled softly, touched by the story. "That's beautiful, Koushin. I love how she was able to change him for the better."

Koushin's expression grew pensive. "Yes, it was a powerful transformation. But the story doesn't end there. As Mureum began to change, so too did the world around him."

Ino furrowed her brow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Koushin sighed, his voice tinged with sadness. "Although Mureum started to change, his past actions had consequences that caught up with him. There were those who saw him as a threat, a dangerous tyrant who needed to be stopped."

Ino's expression grew concerned. "What happened?"

Koushin continued, his words heavy with emotion. "A powerful man named Netero, who had been sent to kill Mureum, confronted him. Even though Mureum had begun to change, the sins of his past were not so easily forgotten. Netero fought Mureum, knowing he was weaker but determined to protect the world from Mureum's power."

Ino gripped Koushin's arm, her eyes wide with fear. "Did he... Did he kill Mureum?"

Koushin shook his head slowly. "Not directly. During their battle, Netero managed to poison Mureum, even though he ultimately lost his own life. Mureum, not knowing he had been poisoned, returned to Komugi, desperate to spend his remaining moments with her."

Ino's eyes filled with tears. "Oh no... Please don't tell me..."

Koushin's voice cracked as he continued the tragic tale. "Mureum unknowingly carried the poison with him, and as they spent time together, playing their beloved game of Gungi, Komugi was exposed to the deadly substance as well."

Ino's heart ached for the star-crossed pair, her tears spilling over as she listened to the story's conclusion.

"In their final moments, Mureum and Komugi embraced each other, knowing that their time together was coming to an end. They whispered their gratitude to one another, their love transcending the boundaries of life and death."

Ino sobbed quietly, her chest heaving with emotion. "That's so... so beautiful, Koushin. And so heartbreaking."

Koushin nodded, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It is. But it's also a powerful reminder of the impact one person can have on another's life. Mureum might have never changed if not for Komugi's presence, and her love for him allowed him to experience true happiness before the end."

Ino sniffled, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. "Thank you for sharing that story, Koushin. It really touched my heart."

Koushin smiled softly, his purple eyes filled with warmth. "I'm glad you liked it, Ino. I think it's important for us to remember that even the most unlikely of people can change the world for the better."

As they sat by the river, their hearts heavy with the bittersweet tale of Mureum and Komugi, Ino and Koushin found solace in one another's company. The moonlit sky above them seemed to whisper a reminder that love could truly change the world, and that the bonds they shared with one another were a precious gift not to be taken for granted.

Koushin After Time Skip!


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