Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch85- Ready for Missions!


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The next day, Koushin and Naruto made their way to the Hokage building to pay a visit to Tsunade. The morning sun shone brightly on the bustling village, and the two friends walked side by side, chatting animatedly about various topics. They had both come a long way since their genin days, and their bond had grown even stronger over the years.

As they entered Tsunade's office, they found Shikamaru and Temari already there, deep in conversation with the Hokage about the upcoming Chunin Exam. Temari was acting as a liaison between Sunagakure and Konohagakure, while Shikamaru was set to be a proctor for the exams. The room was filled with the low hum of conversation, punctuated by the occasional rustle of paperwork.

Sakura and Karin were also present, standing behind Tsunade as her students, while Shizune busied herself with her tasks, ensuring that the Hokage remained focused on her duties and didn't slip into her usual lazy habits.

Upon their entrance, Temari's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of Koushin and Naruto. Both had changed significantly since she had last seen them, and she couldn't help but note the strength and confidence that seemed to emanate from them.

Koushin, noticing Temari's gaze, offered her a friendly smile. "Hey, Temari. Long time no see. How have you been?"

Temari blinked, quickly recovering from her surprise, and returned his smile. "Koushin, Naruto, it's good to see you both again. You've both changed so much since we last met."

Shikamaru glanced over, a lazy grin on his face. "Well, if it isn't the dynamic duo. Here to offer your expert advice on the Chunin Exams?"

Naruto chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Nah, we were just coming to say hi to Granny Tsunade."

Tsunade, who had been listening to their conversation, looked up from her work and greeted them warmly. "Ah, Koushin, Naruto. Good to see you two. How have you been?"

Koushin bowed respectfully, a hint of a smile on his lips. "We've been well, Lady Tsunade. Thank you for asking."

Naruto grinned, offering a quick bow as well. "Yeah, we're doing great!"

As the conversation continued, Temari found herself stealing glances at Koushin and Naruto, still trying to reconcile the young boys she had known with the powerful shinobi standing before her. She could see the changes in their stance, the way they held themselves, and the confident gleam in their eyes. It was clear that they had both grown immensely during their time apart.

Shikamaru, ever observant, noticed Temari's scrutiny and smirked. "You seem pretty interested in them, Temari. Something on your mind?"

Temari flushed slightly, but quickly composed herself. "It's just... they've both changed so much. I can tell they've gotten much stronger."

Koushin, sensing an opportunity for some light-hearted teasing, stealthily made his way over to Temari, leaning in to whisper not-so-quietly in her ear. "So, have you bagged the Nara heir yet?"

Temari's face immediately turned a deep shade of red, her eyes widening in shock at Koushin's blunt question. She stammered, trying to formulate a response. "W-what? Koushin, that's none of your business!"

Koushin chuckled, enjoying her flustered reaction. "Relax, Temari. I'm just teasing. But seriously, you two seem to get along really well."

Still blushing, Temari huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, yes, we do get along. But it's not like that."

Koushin smirked, deciding to let her off the hook. "Alright, alright. I believe you." Then, his expression turning playful once more, he added, "Oh, by the way, you can look at me and Naruto as much as you want, but we're spoken for. Ino and Hinata would kill you, just saying."

Temari rolled her eyes, her blush fading as she regained her composure. "Don't flatter yourself, Koushin. I was merely observing how much you two have changed."

Meanwhile, Karin, who had been watching the interactions from the sidelines, saw an opportunity to get closer to Naruto. She had harbored a crush on him for some time, and the thought of being near him set her heart racing.

As she approached Naruto, she lightly touched his arm, drawing his attention. "Hey, Naruto," she said softly, her eyes locked on his.

Naruto blinked in surprise, turning to face Karin. "Oh, hey, Karin. What's up?"

Karin swallowed nervously, trying to appear casual. "I just wanted to say that I've noticed how much you've grown as a shinobi, and I think it's really impressive."

Naruto grinned, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Aw, thanks, Karin. That means a lot coming from you."

Karin's cheeks flushed pink at his compliment, and she quickly looked away, trying to hide her obvious delight. "Well, I mean it. You're really amazing, Naruto."

Naruto's smile widened, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thanks, Karin. I really appreciate that."

As the conversation between Naruto and Karin continued, Koushin and Temari rejoined Shikamaru and the others, resuming their discussion about the upcoming Chunin Exams.

Tsunade leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "It's good to have all of you here. Your input will be invaluable in making this year's exams a success."

Shikamaru nodded, his gaze serious. "We'll do our best, Lady Tsunade. The future of our village depends on the success of the next generation."

Temari agreed, her eyes filled with determination. "And we'll make sure to strengthen the ties between our villages through this event."

Naruto, his conversation with Karin wrapping up, rejoined the group, nodding enthusiastically. "Yeah, we've got this! We're going to make sure these exams are the best yet!"

After speaking for a while, Temari and Shikamaru took their leave, bidding everyone farewell. Tsunade looked at Koushin and Naruto, her expression a mix of pride and concern.

Unable to contain his excitement, Naruto eagerly asked, "So, Granny Tsunade, when can we start taking missions again?"

Tsunade sighed, rubbing her temples. She pulled a small cup and a bottle of sake from her drawer, pouring herself a drink before downing it in one gulp. "You two are a headache, you know that?" she grumbled.

Seeing the serious look on Tsunade's face, Naruto sobered up. "What's wrong?"

Tsunade put the bottle and cup away before continuing. "It's hard to say. From what I saw during yesterday's spar, both you and Koushin are already at Jounin level, and Hinata as well. Teaming the three of you with Kakashi would be a waste, but at the same time, you lack the experience that comes with taking on higher-ranked missions."

Naruto frowned, considering Tsunade's words. He glanced at Koushin, who seemed to be deep in thought.

Tsunade then asked, "Which elements have you two mastered during your training?"

Naruto perked up, eager to share his progress. "I can use Wind Release pretty well now, and I've learned about ten Fire Release jutsu. Oh, and I created a really strong Rasengan Wind variation!"

Shizune, who had been listening quietly, smiled and praised Naruto. "That's very impressive, Naruto. You've come a long way."

Sakura and Karin also chimed in, complimenting Naruto on his progress, their eyes shining with admiration.

Tsunade nodded, looking pleased. "Well done, Naruto." She then turned her attention to Koushin, who had been grinning from ear to ear as he listened to Naruto's accomplishments. "What about you, Koushin? What have you learned?"

Koushin's grin widened, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Well, I can use Lightning, Fire, and Earth Release pretty well. Oh, and I've created ten or so other Rasengan variations."

The room fell silent, everyone staring at Koushin with their jaws dropped. Even Tsunade looked taken aback.

Shikamaru, who had lingered near the door after sending Temari away, raised an eyebrow. "You're joking, right?"

Koushin shook his head, still grinning. "Nope, not joking. I've really been working on my Rasengan skills."

Naruto gaped at his friend, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Ten other variations? That's amazing, Koushin!"

Sakura, Karin, and Shizune exchanged impressed glances, while Tsunade rubbed her forehead, looking both exasperated and proud at the same time.

Finally, Tsunade spoke up. "Alright, you two. It's clear that you've both grown immensely during your time away. However, as I said before, you still lack experience. So, for now, I'll be assigning you both to a special team that will take on high-level missions."

Naruto's eyes lit up, his excitement returning full force. "Really? That's awesome!"

Koushin nodded, his expression serious but determined. "We won't let you down, Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade smiled, her eyes filled with confidence in the young shinobi before her. "I know you won't. You two have come a long way, and I'm sure you'll continue to grow even stronger."

After Naruto nagged Tsunade more about the special team definition and what kind of missions they would take, she kicked them away, pretending to be busy with work.

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