Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 47/ 18: Inquisitive Maidens

I was stunned, and my fork full of food plopped back down into my lunch box, thankfully, and not onto me. Sarah's sudden confession caught me entirely by surprise. The reason for it too also caught me by surprise. In fact, I was suddenly unable to believe it.

I stopped that suspicion before it grew, though, as I watched the emotions go through her as she confessed. Although I couldn't condone some of the things that she watched, I was taken aback that the woman that was the Captin appeared this shy was like this. My mind seemed to be going over the details of things she said, and my mind hit on one of the significant reasons. It was simple why she could have such a hard time coming to herself and admitting the reasons.

'My family is religious,' Was what Sarah said. It was that simple fact that allowed me to be more forgiving of her. In fact, I knew that if I ever met her parents, I was bound to dislike them probably. I didn't want to get into religious debates as I was 'religiously' agnostic. One of the reasons was that my parents didn't care much about religion and took me to a church of both catholic and protestant and evangelical. Then they took me to a mosque and several other places of worship.

I remember reading some of their passages for a while and quickly noticed something in some of those places. It was all an act, I thought. It was something that I simply didn't care about being a part of. It was no more or less that and only that simple. I couldn't care less as if there was a God; I am living my best life should be more than enough to God. If there wasn't a god, I lived my best life and tried to mark the world before dying. It was comforting to think of it that way.

I realized my thoughts had diverged, and my fork was still sitting in the air as I tried to distract myself from the situation before me. It was still something I was struggling to believe happened to me, and my mind was still trying to wrap itself around it.

How did someone I only started to talk to this week and one that I felt was annoying turn into a confession? One that said that she had liked me for years. Then even started to masturbate to me after seeing me naked to the point that it sounded like this was a nightly thing for this girl. My mind was still blanking out, and I wanted to escape this situation desperately. I felt like I was put on the spot, and I didn't want to crush this closet lesbian.

Sarah was looking at me with expectation and nervousness that seemed to emanate from her entire being. I knew that what she said was most definitely entirely the truth or that she was a sociopath with amazing acting skills. I preferred to act on the former, and my mind decided that at this moment, it would remind me that she was again. THE FUCKING VOLLEYBALL CAPTAIN. If something went wrong here or I was a jackass about it, then things would sour the entire year as I interacted with her.

That didn't even bring up the fact that she wanted to be my girlfriend. Crystal was my girlfriend, and I felt zero want for that to change. At this moment, I really liked being with Crystal and the relationship that I was developing with her. I almost felt like we were made for each other. I didn't want to change that at all, so I wrote off that even being a possibility without a second thought.

Sarah continued to watch what I was assuming was a stunning face as my body still seemed frozen in shock as I came to grips with it. With every second, her nervousness seemed to slowly change to dread of the words I was going to say. It seemed she was expecting an immediate reply, and I knew I needed to say something soon before destroying her by not saying a word.

I coughed, which seemed to free me from me being completely frozen. It was like a thunderbolt went off in the hallway, though, and Sarah jumped after my long period, I assume, of inactivity. "Well," I said, trying to think of what to say while I said it, "That was not what I was expecting," I told her honestly. Sarah blushed a deep red at my statement, and that Dread seemed to disappear while the nervousness seemed to return in full force on her face.

I felt like I couldn't understand how she was the captain of the Volleyball team if she was this nervous, but I felt the pause lengthen and coughed again. This time there was less reaction which was good as I struggled to grapple for the words I needed. "I honestly, Don't know what to say, Sarah," I confessed, "I will tell you though that if you wanted to be my girlfriend in a monogamous way, that would not be happening," Sarah looked at me with both confusion and dread.

It was like I just took the carpet out from under her, and I held up a hand to stop what seemed to be a downward spiral. "The reason doesn't have anything to do with you," I confessed again and knew that if this happened two weeks before, I would probably be more excited to have anyone, really. That sexual awakening I had over the last two weeks would have made me a piece of shit, though, if I dated anyone other than Crystal first.

I couldn't help but think about what would happen if I stuck to one partner. Crystal seemed to be out of it before I was satisfied and while I was still horny. That didn't even add to how easy I seemed to get turned on when a woman showed her body to me. I wasn't going to lie to myself either that dominating Jake got to me too. Hell, Dominating women was so pleasurable it was starting to become an addiction that I wanted to satisfy before dealing with this.

I took a breath and looked at Sarah's confused face, still filled with that dread that showed when someone was rejected. "Sarah, I will tell you that right now, I am already dating someone. In fact, you could already say I am in a polygamous relationship with at least seems to be three more." I told her. This time Sarah seemed shocked again at my confession. "My girlfriend not only knows about my side pieces but actively likes to watch as I have sex with them," I told Sarah.

Sarah's mouth gaped in shock, looking at me like some alien and didn't know how to react. Instead of letting her mind catch up, though, I continued, "I am a Bisexual, and although I mostly prefer women, that doesn't mean I am not also with men. One of my partners for however long that might be," I said, putting in the qualifier as something seemed to scream at me, calling Jake a permanent partner repulsive. "is a 'man,'" I couldn't help but put up quote fingers. A little disdain slipped into my words without thought. I took another breath watching her gobsmacked face before continuing, "I don't know what you expected, Sarah," I told her again, "I don't think I will ever be the type of person that can settle for one person. I just don't think I can ever do that without being considered a cheater later." I finished something that rang in my soul.

It felt so real when I confessed that I didn't think I could only be with one partner. It was like stating a truth to someone that you weren't willing to admit to yourself. In a way, I felt like I was since Tracy was a skank that it was still a question of whether I could keep her around. Jake, on the other hand, I would finish training and make sure that he would depart from me with his life ruined permanently. After what he tried to do to me with everything else he did do to me. I wouldn't accept another outcome from it.

I felt good saying all that even though Sarah didn't need to know some of those details. Still, I needed her to know that the person that she wanted to date wasn't someone that would be exclusive. "If you are looking for a relationship with me where we are exclusive, then that isn't going to happen, Sarah; It just isn't going to happen. I am sorry, but that is something you need to leave and grapple with." I said, pushing her away. I didn't want her to make a snap decision at this point. I could see the turmoil of emotions now crossing her face as she no longer was shocked.

"I- I think you are right," Sarah said with a sniff, "I didn't know you and I-" Sarah cut herself off. "Yeah," Sarah nodded after a second, "You are right, I didn't know you, and I thought all relationships were monogamous. I didn't even think you were into polygamy." Sarah said her words were slow. Sarah took another breath, and it was at this moment that the bell rang throughout the hallway.

Neither of us moved, though, and Sarah looked at me as the bell came to a finish. Sarah seemed to solidify that courage again. "I know that you said you have a girlfriend, and I don't know my feelings on that," Sarah began suddenly, her words pouring out quickly, "That doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt a little to know you are already with somebody and that I was too late. Or maybe not since I could be a second or third wife in the future. I don't even know how I feel even saying that at this moment." Sarah seemed to want to laugh at this moment but looked at me, "I need to think about this. You are absolutely right that I need to think about it. I really want to see you again soon. Please," Sarah paused as she seemed to want to request something and took another deep breath, "Please don't avoid me though; I think that would hurt the most at this moment; please don't avoid me." Sarah walked away before I could respond to her request,

I watched her ass walk away, and I felt lost myself. I didn't know what to do. I really just fucking didn't know what to do. I really wanted to scream and shout, letting it all out as this seemed to give me something like guilt or another feeling on my back. It was a fucking weird feeling, and I didn't know what it was or how to deal with it. For the first time this year, I thought about skipping class and screaming into the abyss.

Instead, I got up and started to walk to class. Students passed by me, and I took the last few bites of my food before putting it away in my bag as I made it to class not that far away from where I was. The second bell went off, and the teacher walked in as I felt lost. I didn't know why I felt lost or any guilt towards Sarah.

I did nothing to the girl but tell her the fucking truth. Sarah was also the one that created feelings towards me without any input from me at all. I didn't treat her well or do anything to make her feel this way. I had no idea how to deal with this situation, and I only could blindly take notes of the class without any of the work entering my head. I knew I would need to review my notes later.

I slowly came to grips with myself, though, as the class went on. I wasn't in my peak at all, but I could at least take better notes since the words themselves seemed to register, just not their meaning when put together. That didn't change the fact that I could write them down better than blindly writing. The class passed quickly, though, as I was half out of it the entire time.

The bell rang, and I got up, leaving the room, and the rise of training with the coach again made my anticipation suddenly soar. I couldn't wait to get better at volleyball again. It was something that I was extremely grateful to the coach for. I couldn't wait, and I made it to the Teachers locker room quickly.

I got there quickly and started to strip quickly, placing my bag to the side. I sighed and got myself hyped up and forgetting about anything that happened earlier today. I didn't want to think about it now, and I put on my weights, getting myself hyped up for the class to come. I grabbed my bag then made my way to the back, noticing that it was clean. I sighed, thinking that I must have forgotten that I tossed it out. The worst-case scenario was that Tracy cleaned it up.

I got out to the gym, and Mrs. Grendier was there waiting for me as I placed my bag to the side. I smiled and did a half run-up to Mrs. Grendier. "I would like to start a warm-up if you don't mind," I said, feeling myself slightly cringe at asking permission.

Mrs. Grendier nodded and said, "Go do at least five laps or whatever you feel makes you comfortable..." Mrs, Grenadier shook her head and continued, "That sounds excessive, but you can take it." She finished.

"Okay," I replied and didn't wait anymore as I started to run around the gymnasium without thought. My feet pounded the floor at a rapid pace. I flat out sprinted with jogging to make sure I didn't overexert myself. I continued this for a couple of laps until I heard a whistle.

I turned to see Mrs. Grendier look at me shaking her head, and waved me over. Instead of running over, I started my cooldown and met her after half a lap to cool down from my run. I felt some sweat on my brow, and I grinned at her, feeling much better after the run.

"That was more laps than I expected. Your stamina is something I realize is not going to be a worry." Mrs. Grendier said with a smile of her own. "Help me set up a couple of nets for practice today, and then I will help you with some bumps and digging today. You are getting really good with quick reactions and chasing the ball. Today in practice, I will try you out with some of the team members in a couple of practice games. We have a tournament coming up soon, and if you can make it to the main team, I think you would be an asset with what I have seen so far."

I grinned at her compliment, and I felt hyped up. I suddenly felt a deep want that I hadn't felt in a long time. I knew what that emotion was, and I could only feel happy with its return. It was the want to compete; To pit myself against someone else or another team. I wanted to crush them with my own skill and show them my dominance over them. I remembered this back when I played soccer when I was a kid seeing a kid cry when I completely outplayed them and scored.

The sense of satisfaction I felt at that moment. It was euphoric, and I wanted to feel that domination over someone who has pledged their lives to that skill. I needed to get on the main team and compete in tournaments. I needed to get out there and show my dominance over others. I had less time than others to build up that skill, and I wanted it so badly.

I could feel my lips peel back in a large grin without thought as I nodded, "I will do my best," I responded, and I saw Mrs. Grendier look at me with a weird expression. "What is it?" I asked as I tilted my head, looking at her expression.

"You truly look driven, driven by something to excel at Volleyball. Something drives you. I can see that, but," Mrs. Grendiers face still looked at me weirdly, "Nevermind," She said instead of something else, and I helped her out setting up the Gym for practice. It wasn't long until I was being yelled at while I dove into hard corners, hitting the ball up into the air.

Mrs. Grendier wasn't allowing me to just hit it up into the air anymore. It needed to be back somewhere into the side of the court that I was on. I started to dig out more and more, using my speed and stamina to constantly get up and run from spot to spot. I felt sweat drip down my brow, and my shirt felt wet with my sweat as I continued to work hard.

After some time, I was bumping balls back into the air, being told to send them in this direction. It was very hard, and it was full of small movements that meant a lot. My accuracy was still trash, and I couldn't get it exactly where I wanted, and at least one in five went off into the stands. This wasn't acceptable, in my opinion, and I needed to work on this harder.

Instead of getting angry with me, Mrs. Grendier helped me increase my accuracy, but I was still having trouble with it from time to time. Getting them in the spots on the court that I wanted would be one of patience, and it would be something that I needed to hone.

I needed to develop the skill that I needed to do it even better. I had no idea how much time had passed until I heard the bell ending the class and saw the girls come back inside. Some were sweating, and others weren't, and they brought a bunch of equipment to play soccer from outside. The students in this class were all fit, so you could see that everyone was in good shape. The girls left to their locker room while I looked towards Mrs. Grendier, "What would you like me to do?" I asked her.

"Take five minutes and walk it all off," Mrs. Grendier told me, "You might have good stamina, but that doesn't mean that you should constantly be on the go. Take a walk, then sit down. We don't want you getting injured."

I nodded, and I walked around the gym a couple of times, seeing a dozen or so girls into the gym after sitting down on a bench. I relaxed as my breathing started to slow after the intense amount of work Mrs. Grendier made me do.

My thoughts started to roam, and I thought about what I wanted to do to Alex. I knew that I was taking her home, and she requested that I was rougher with her. I wanted her to remember me all weekend after I was done with her. I thought about what I could do at home and only felt disappointed. I sighed and noticed Alex walk into the Gym with a white gym shirt with a black tank top over it with the number eleven on its back and black shorts that were a little loose. I noticed all the Volleyball girls wore the same thing that I wasn't wearing.

Each girl wore a white shirt with a number on the back and black short shorts that were almost hot pants but were much looser. I watched them all and realized I would need an outfit of my own. It was like being added to the team once I did, and I couldn't wait till that moment. I was off in my own world when Alex sat down next to me. I was surprised and turned to her suddenly but smiled seeing her smile.

"I recovered in time. Although the first two periods were a real pain," Alex said with a wicked grin. I could see the happiness in that grin, and I grinned back. "Well, Time to get to warm up. I don't want to hurt myself," Alex departed without a word.

I was still resting as I was the same, not wanting to pull anything. Instead of just sitting, though, seeing all the girls around me started to stretch. I started to work on how limber my limbs were with a grin, knowing that sitting for too long would adversely affect me if I allowed myself to cool down too much. I turned and noticed Sarah enter the room, and a couple of the girls started to walk up and talk to her. I watched her for a moment before turning and started to feel eyes on me from her direction. It was like an instinct, and I knew that her eyes were on me, which I confirmed seconds later as I turned my head to see her staring at me.

Sarah blushed and turned back to the other girls saying something.

I sighed and continued to stretch instead of thinking about it. Seconds later, though, I heard a whistle, and Mrs. Grendier was calling everyone over. I started to jog over, feeling good with the condition of my body.

"Alright, ladies," Mrs. Grendier said, gathering everyone's attention. "First of all, I want to introduce our new substitute that Sarah brought to my attention. Somehow this girl didn't make it to tryouts, and I did it on my own time. I will be honest with you girls. I am looking to fill her in on our main roster. She is a little inexperienced at this moment, but you will understand later why I want to put her there. She isn't there yet and needs more practice. That doesn't mean that the spot isn't still up for grabs from others." Mrs. Grendier said that, and many looked at me surprised, "Still, despite all of that, I want all of you to meet Angela Brown," The coach finished pointing me out.

I didn't know what to do in this situation, so I remained silent, staring anyone down that I felt was challenging me. It felt right, and one girl with long black hair stared at me with hostility. That was only that girl, though, as the rest seemed happy to see me. Greetings broke my gaze on the girl, and I decided at this moment that she wasn't worth my attention. I didn't want to make enemies on the team.

I started to greet them back, meeting the girls for the first time when the coach got our attention once again. "Alright, Now, Time to get ourselves ready and out on the court. I want a game going in the next five minutes with the current main team against the substitutes. Natalie, for now, you are on the main team with this, while Angela, you are on the substitutes team." With that, I followed the girls seeing Alex on the opposite side from me with Sarah.

It felt good as I got in position as the right hitter that started the rotation. When I looked on the other side, I could see that black-haired girl looking at me with a smirk like she won. I didn't know why but that smirk needed to be wiped off her face. It was pissing me off how she was looking at me.

The coach passed the volleyball to the server on our team, who did a quick-serve over the net while we waited in position. The other side of the net went into the motion with Alex easily bumping it up into the air and the girl in the middle volleying it to serve it to the girl in black. I moved towards the net to join the other three girls at the front taking the right side, and I jumped slightly before the other girls; it seemed just as the girl with the long black hair spiked the ball towards where I was standing before.

It was a cross down to our right middle from the left side of the court. I felt the need to smash that ball to the floor and felt my hand reach out and over the net as my body hung in the air. When that ball hit my hand, it was already tilting down in a terrible blocking motion. I felt a slight pain in my wrist and hand, but I didn't allow my arm to move as the ball tried to push past, and instead, it changed directions, moving straight down towards the floor, smashing the floor.

I pulled my hand back and felt my feet touch the ground, and I felt liberation as I heard a whistle blow. Mrs. Grendier gave our team the point, and I couldn't care less as I looked at that girl with black hair with a grin as she stared at me. I didn't know her problem, but I could only feel the happiness that I denied that girl.

For some reason, she had a problem with me. I vowed to myself as practice continued.

I would make this girl cry.

A thrill filled me as I thought this, and I started to get into the practice following instructions as the coach yelled out more and practiced formations. It was fun, and the time flew past as I practiced with the team filled with an emotion that I hadn't felt in a long time since I played on the field when I was a child. It was an expectation for the next big game. I wanted to be ready to play in the big games. I wanted to blast others out of the water.

Unfortunately, except for that first block that was counted as something small, I had no time to shine in my first Practice. Still, I enjoyed the practice as the game came to a close, and instead, we started to do drills.

In the end, I ended up a dripping sweaty mess, and the Coach blew her whistle, shutting everything down. "Pack it up, Ladies!" Mrs. Grendier yelled, and we all quickly packed up everything. I watched as all the girls headed towards the women's locker room, and I started to head to the Teacher's locker room when the Coach stopped me.

"Angela, Hold up a second," Mrs. Grendier called out. I stopped as I picked up my bag with my stuff before heading to the locker room and came over to her. "Angela, You will change with the other girls, at least after practice." Mrs. Grendier told me.

This made me pause, and I tilted my head in question. "We are going to be going to other schools to compete. They will not give you your own changing room there, and so you will need to change with the other girls. This will be where a lot of the time, I will hold team meetings as well. Soon we will need to go do some practice games against other teams as well before the season truly starts." Mrs. Grendier explained, "That also means that we need everyone together and used to each other. So get on in there and change with your future teammates." Mrs. Grendier finished.

It felt weird after so many years, but I nodded even though it was going to be weird. It felt almost forced, and I think I would have felt more comfortable if the girls requested it instead of me. Still, I walked inside and was greeted by the vision of young women in various states of undress. I didn't know what to think as I saw breasts and pussy's with various states of pubic hair, and I saw some of the girls look at me.

I saw Sarah stare at me for a second, and I saw the excitement on her face till she noticed me noticing. Sarah then blushed and looked away with blushing red cheeks. I sighed and stepped deeper into the locker room as I heard showers and girls chatting about things. I placed my bag by the corner where nothing was and took off my sweaty shirt. I took off my bra and pants with the panties; getting myself naked as I needed to shower, I grabbed my body wash. I started to head to the showers when I heard some gasps.

I turned to see some of the girls looking down at my flaccid cock. I didn't know why but the attention seemed to make my cock twitched. I felt my cock starting to get harder. The room with some expectation of the girls in the showers went quiet as my cock hung out there for the team to see. Sarah's eyes were on my cock, and I couldn't see Alex, so I assumed she was in the shower. I decided that it didn't matter what the girls thought, and I started to walk to the showers when I heard one of the team members say, "How big is your dick?" She asked.

I turned and didn't know the girl's name, but she looked younger, like one of the sophomores on the team, and I smiled at her. "Sixteen inches," I said with a smirk, hearing gasps as my cock wasn't even fully hard. I decided to ignore them as I heard whispers around me. I got into the showers and saw Sarah follow me into them. I wasn't going to say anything, but her eyes didn't leave my cock.

When I entered the showers, though, there were four girls already inside lathered with soap. As I moved and turned on the water, Sarah finally dragged her eyes away from my body as she started to inspect the rest of my body. It was like she was trying to memorize each aspect of my body for later. I didn't know how to feel about that as the warm water fell upon my body.

Then one of the other girls in the shower turned in the shower and noticed my cock with the open concept showers inside the showers. There were no stalls like in the teacher's locker room. The Girl looked down at my cock with wide eyes. She gasped in surprise, getting the attention of the other girls. Sarah and Alex were the only two that kept their eyes off my cock. Sarah because she got her eyeful and seemed to be looking at the rest for later. Alex was because I could see the expectation and want in her eyes. Clearly, she had decided on whether she wanted to come over.

I decided to note in my head that I was bringing her back to get rougher with her. I wondered if Crystal would mind if I brought her over? It would be something she could watch, too, filling her night. I decided that if Alex wanted it rougher, I didn't have the fun tools at home that would allow me to do an excellent job on it. All I had were some simple tools that were in my backpack. Crystal's place, though, had much more.

My attention was quickly back when I heard a voice, and I turned to the source. It was a Red-headed girl with B cup breasts. I guessed that she was slightly shorter than me, if not the same height. "Sorry?" I said, indicating I didn't hear.

"Does that even fit in somebody?" The girl asked incredulously, "I think that thing half-hard would hurt, let alone what a monster cock that would be fully erect." The girl said to me. I could see a couple of the other girls blush and turn away. Their previous conversations disappeared, though, as you could see, they wanted to hear the answer.

"Well," I said, not knowing if I should be annoyed with the questions. "It depends on the girl," I said truthfully. Crystal stretched on me but could take me much easier up to her cervix than Tracy could at the start. "I only have been with a couple of women, but if it doesn't fit at first, that opens the possibility to making it fit the play," I smirked, and I started to wash my sweaty body off.

The red-headed girl opened her mouth and closed it before going back to showering with a slight blush. It seemed that none of the girls wanted to continue talking about it. I could see the other two girls that were in the shower looked disappointed that the red-headed girl stopped asking questions.

For the rest of the showering process, girls would walk in and out when done, each taking an eyeful of my cock before I was done cleaning myself. Shortly after, I finished in the shower, leaving Sarah, and I followed Alex back out to the locker room. I grabbed my slightly damp towel in my bag and started to dry off.

I decided quickly and easily that If I took Alex back to Crystal's place, I would need to do a pit stop at home. I needed a new towel and clothes. It was something that needed to be done, and I grabbed my phone out of my bag, looking down at it, and saw a text from Crystal.

Crystal: Hey, Thanks for not fully waking me up. What are your plans for tonight?

I winced, seeing that the time was around lunchtime when Sarah confessed to me. I thought for a moment, and I quickly decided before composing the text.

Angela: Hey, Sorry for the late response. Something came up, and I will talk to you about it when we got some time. Remember that voyeur girl?

I sent it quickly, hoping for a quick response. I grabbed my clean panties and tucked myself in, seeing a couple of disappointed glances from girls. I ignored that as I felt a vibration in my hand, and I turned to look down, seeing a response.

Crystal: No problem with the late response; Shit happens in school, and I look forward to hearing what probably is drama. Also, Yes, I remember that little voyeur. I am sure you want to ask something related to her, though.

Angela: Yeah, You are right, I know it is still that time of the month for you, and I was wondering if you would like a live show of me being rougher with her? I took her virginity today, and I was told I should be rougher...

Crystal: Well, Then bring her over! :D I look forward to the performance! I have to ask, though, is there a recording?

Angela: I might have forgotten. It would have been amazing too. :( It would be like Cuckold porn or something, as her best friend called and even asked about his confession!

I put on my bra as the reply didn't come immediately. I didn't know what the pause was for, but I felt disappointed in myself for not recording it. It would have made an amazing video to watch later, and I think Alex would be really into it too.

I finished getting Dressed when I received a text, and I had a wry smile.

Crystal: That is disappointing. I want to watch the video now! Bring her over, though. I think it would be hot to watch you fuck her roughly. I hope you thought of something hot. My pussy is wet with anticipation. How are you getting her here, though? Running, or car, or something else?

I thought about it, and I remembered that Alex said she had a car, so I replied.

Angela: I think Car, can I park on the street in front of your house?

Crystal: That works; see you soon. I am anticipating it.

I smirked and slept, my phone, and finished getting ready to see most of the team members filtered out already. I didn't see Alex, and I stepped out to see her by the door.

"Hey," Alex said with a blush now on her face, "Can I still say yes to your offer this morning?" Alex asked.

I raised my eyebrow in return and tilted my head, "I think you are missing something. It isn't volleyball practice anymore." I told her with a cold tone.

Alex's blush deepened, "I would like to come over, Mistress, please," Alex said, this time much more respectful with her tone and less casual.

"You may come over, Although I am going to my girlfriend's place. You may drive me to my house and wait for me to pick up some things, then head over for some fun." I told Alex and started to move towards the parking lot,

Alex remained stunned for a second, then lightly jogged up to me and said, "Yes, Mistress," The blush on her face was crimson, and I turned to catch an eye of it. I also saw a girl looking over at us just as they left the room. It was Sarah, and the expression on her face had dozens of emotions roll through it as she watched me depart with Alex.

We stepped out of her vision together, heading towards the exit.


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