Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 396 - Royal palace

After eliminating the enemies on the wall, Nord saw that the soldiers in the city had not yet surrendered, but had established a second line of defense relying on the palace of the Seaman Kingdom. It seemed that they still did not give up and wanted to continue to persevere, because The royal family of the Seaman Kingdom is very clear that there is basically no possibility of reconciliation between Nord and them.

The first thing that Nord Control lived in the city wall immediately blocked the gate, and it was done by the soldiers who got out of the tunnel. Nord was worried that the royal family of the Seaman Kingdom would escape, and Nord would also attack the city because of this. The Swadia Knights, which were ineffective in the battle platoon, wandered behind Gilman City.

In the end, the royal family of the Seaman Kingdom was still trapped in the city by Nord, just like the Isaac family that was besieged back then. After controlling the city wall, Nord even brought the entire city under his control. The Seaman royal family in the palace is like a turtle in an urn, and it can’t escape Nord’s palm at all.

Nord did not rush to attack the Seaman Palace, but first pacified the civilians in Gilman City, so that they would not panic because Nord captured the city. Nord will guarantee that their safety will not be infringed, and the main thing is to promote the previous Nord. That set of rhetoric prepared by De.

It is that Nord is the legal heir to this land. This war is to avenge the Seaman royal family, and Nord is a descendant of the Eagle Archduke. Although these identities and high-sounding rhetoric seem to be missing, they are very beneficial to Nord. Later rule over the land of the Seaman Kingdom.

Everything must be justified. After having a good name, Nord quickly pacified all civilians in Gilman City. Even the rebels hiding in the civilian area are no longer hating Nord’s team. The main thing is to stand at this point, they have no hope of victory, so these soldiers of the Seaman Kingdom will definitely not come out and die.

And after knowing the identity of Nord, these soldiers and civilians of the Seaman Kingdom understood that this was actually a fight of the gods. As long as these innocent civilians were not implicated, they would not fight for the Seaman royal family. In people’s minds, the status of the Seaman royal family is really not as high as that of the Eagle Governor.

Precisely because of the high status of Governor Eagle, as his descendants, after Nord guarantees that the safety of civilians will not be violated, the civilians of the Seaman Kingdom have a great affection for Nord. In fact, these civilians do not care. Who is the ruler over them? As long as they can live their lives well, these civilians will not mind changing to another king to rule them.

Moreover, the status of the Seaman royal family in their hearts is not very high, and it has not received the love of the people. If those respected kings, Nord would not be able to appease these civilians so easily, just like Nord if Besieged in the city of Belon, Nord believes that the civilians who respect him will not be indifferent.

Even if Nord did not rule these civilians for too long, Nord’s status in the minds of the civilians was very high. In just a few months, Nord surpassed Archduke Bethe in the eyes of the civilians in Belon. In fact, this is not the fickleness of the civilians. Who really treats them well, the civilians have a balance in their hearts.

Without the trouble of civilians, the light cavalry outside the city would not be able to enter, and the Seaman royal family had only one end, and that was to become a prisoner of Nord. In fact, the number of soldiers in the Seaman royal palace is not very large now, and most of these bearers resisted. They were all private soldiers of those nobles, and they and these nobles were basically both prosperous, and the soldiers who grew up in the families of the nobles were loyal to their masters.

Nord did not intend to save any face with the Seaman royal family, and soon launched an attack on the palace. The battle for the palace is not as difficult as the wall, because the palace does not have many defensive facilities at all. This is also Ai The architectural characteristics of the Ruixin Empire, like the castle in Twin City, did not have many defensive facilities, because the city’s designers planned all defensive facilities on the walls. If the walls could not stop the enemy, the palace would not be able to raise any. effect.

Nord ordered the soldiers to launch an offensive against this magnificent palace. He had no scruples about whether fighting would damage the ancient palace. Of course, if the Seaman royal family chose to surrender, Nord would definitely accept it, but Nord After persuasion, the Seaman royal family was determined to resist to the end.

In this case, there is no need for Nord to leave them face. Under the attack of Nord’s army, the Seaman Palace did not stop for too long before it fell. At this time, the sky was not dark, and the sun was still hanging to the west. In the sky, but it is like the Seaman Kingdom. It has come to an end, and it will sink to the ground before long, extinguishing the last ray of light.

Riding on the sunset glow in the sky, Nord slowly walked into this familiar and unfamiliar palace for him, because in the family history records that he saw in Nord, almost every generation has such a desire, that is to renew To retake their family’s territory and re-enter the palace belonging to their family is the wish of every generation of the Isaac family. It may seem to others that the Isaac family is like a dream.

Because the declining family of Isaacs has little credibility to say such things, but Nord has accomplished what the ancestors of the family of Isaacs in the past have been thinking about. Unfortunately, they have not seen such a scene anymore. , Even Nord’s father would never have thought that Nord could accomplish such a great cause~www.mtlnovel.com~ Nord looked at the blood stains in this exquisite palace, as if remembering the day recorded in the literature, Aisa When the K family fell, the Isaac family members were slaughtered in this palace, and Nord imagined that the scene at that time was definitely more cruel than it is now.

Nord did not let the soldiers slaughter the soldiers and nobles who surrendered. Although Nord’s heart was angry, he had not yet reached the point of losing his mind. The nobles who surrendered, Nord naturally had a way to punish them, only those who had hatred against Nord. No one can run away, and Nord is not in a hurry at all.

Before Nord entered the palace, the entire palace was controlled by Nord’s soldiers, so Nord was able to observe the scenery of the palace so slowly, hoping to coincide with the scene recorded in the family history, but hundreds of years have passed. Now, this palace has long been changed beyond recognition. If it weren’t for the place, the place recorded with the Isaac family is basically two palaces.

Walking slowly into the main hall of the palace, Nord saw the figure of a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body sitting above the main hall. Because of pampering, his plump face did not have too many wrinkles. Seeing Nord coming in, the king of the Seaman Kingdom picked up a sharp sword beside him and walked towards Nord tremblingly, his eyes full of hatred and madness.

The lonely king knew that this person was the enemy who defeated the Seaman Kingdom and was the remnant of the Isaac family back then. He hated his ancestors for not driving the Isaac family to an end, otherwise this situation would not happen now. Then the lonely king, holding a sharp sword, charged his enemy for the first time in his life.


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