Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 284 - Creator War

“Owner of absolute power, you should know that the fate of the boundless and mysterious sentient beings can no longer be kidnapped by that lady.”

“I can’t give you the kind of ‘permission’ you want.”

“Perhaps, you can consider another one?”

Tang Qi did not say the third sentence, but silently spoke in his heart.

Naturally, this can’t be concealed from the almost “all-knowing” Supreme Deer God, the majestic antler head came down, and the deer God slobbered on Tang Qi’s face with a “chick”.

The grief of not being able to resurrect a daughter comes quickly and goes quickly, and mortals cannot perceive and experience the emotions of the supreme divinity.

His posture returned to his arrogance and contentment, staring at Tang Qi and Sally standing beside Tang Qi silently, making no secret of the dissatisfaction in his voice.

“Do you think it is so easy to conceive offspring?”

“Different personalities and different powers. It is difficult for a weak life body like you to understand me.”

“But you have also reached the dominance level, and you have more than one partner. Why don’t you try to breed a qualified blood descendant with this little witch in charge of fate now…”

The Deer God complained, unceremoniously.

It was just some keywords contained in the sentence he uttered, such as “more than one”, which made Tang Qi feel cold.

After blinking, he quickly changed the subject

“Honorable deer god, please allow me to be unable to curb my curiosity. Who is his mother, that somewhat paranoid lady?”

Obviously, this issue touched the blind spot of many polymaths.

Now they know who is the father of Lady Destiny?

But who his mother is is also an unsolved mystery.

However, this problem seems to have touched a certain “pain point” of the Supreme Deer God, and the complacency on his face was slightly stagnant.

I don’t seem to want to answer, but I feel that not answering will damage my almost omniscient authority.

So he lifted his head higher and hesitated

“…It was actually an accident… I was with that shameless old man. At the time I only remembered drinking some liquid from a strange place, and then I slept.”

“When I woke up… the child with bad personality was born… it was an accident.”

As the deer **** said, Tang Qi’s eyes opened wider.

He just asked casually just to change the subject. He didn’t expect that this was another huge secret.

Moreover, it is completely gossip information of the highest level.

The shameless old man in the mouth of the deer **** is most likely the first prophet.

“The deer **** meets with the first prophet… the deer **** is asleep, the deer **** is awake, and has a child?”

The weird story was told in this way.

In Tang Qi’s mind, the figure of Rose Madeleine suddenly appeared.

Rose will definitely be very interested in gossip of this level.

The Deer God seemed to know that he couldn’t talk to Tang Qiduo. After speaking, his tone was very blunt and shifted to a duel.

“According to the rules, you have obtained a promise from me. You can make a request to me. No matter what, I will help you achieve it with absolute power.”

“For example, to help you withstand the attack of another ‘Supreme Divine’.”

After saying these two sentences, gloating in his voice again appeared.

“Sparkling little thing, I see the malice entangled in you, you seem to have offended a lot of strong people.”

“It’s just me, maybe not enough.”

“Find your friends quickly, the malicious existence staring at you in the darkness, the master who has at least three gazes is something you can’t handle for the time being.”

“And one of them, he is coming soon…”


Without warning, an event was dropped, and the trampling boundless figure of the Deer God disappeared like bubbles.

In the same place, Tang Qi, who was still digesting the astonishing gossip, suddenly fell into horror because of the reminder that the deer **** was leaving.

At a certain level, there will be varying degrees of foresight about the dangers that one will encounter.

But if the existence level that causes the danger is too high, then there will be corresponding masking.

But just now, the reminder from the “Deer God” broke the barrier.

Tang Qi’s mind immediately rumbling and tumbling with a tsunami, a strong and incomparable premonition of a crisis hit, and many thoughts tumbling.

“There is no doubt that the Supreme Deer God can identify as a threatening existence. It must also be an existence at the highest divine level.”

“As for the three existences, there is a high probability that they are the origin of the **** race, the infant creator, and there is one?”

“Who is coming now?”

“Boom Rumble”

The joy of winning the duel was dispelled by the sudden bad news.

Tang Qi has always known that the “Supreme Divinity” he has offended is a lot, whether it is the origin of the gods, the young creator, or the mysterious existence hiding in the dark as the deer **** said.

Once one of them decides to do it, then Tang Qi will face an unprecedented life and death crisis.

Light rules!

Lord of Nightmare!

Lady Destiny!

Together, these enemies cannot be compared with a supreme god.

Just like that deer god, even though he is nicknamed a stupid deer, if he really acts maliciously and decides to obliterate you, you will not be far from complete death.

The ancestor of countless dragons, the flesh-and-blood master who dragged the stars, faced the “funny starfish” with a roar without malicious intent, and plunged directly into **** pain.

If the starfish had a killing intent at that time, the kingdom of flesh and blood would be wiped out.

Now, Tang Qi faces such a dilemma.

His mind roared, Tang Qi, who was like a dreamy beacon, and the goddess in charge of fate, returned to the country in the blink of an eye.

When He returned with victory, all the subordinate gods, family members, and believers in the kingdom passed on some feedback.

Not long ago, Tang Qi had issued a task.

The dream gods are required to search for various cosmic planes, or the secret world to find the “boat of fools”.

Nowadays, many of the subordinates have gained a lot and come back to life.

If it was other times, Tang Qi would definitely go to communicate with those who might be found on the Ship of Fools with joy.

But at this time, Tang Qi didn’t get distracted to pay attention to the Ship of Fools.

In his mind, instead of stopping, the surge of thoughts became more intense.

“Who would it be?”

“There are many supreme divinities that are hostile to me, but they are not impossible to count.”

“The Origin Protoss is still asleep, and the Eternal Day Crazy King cannot enter Boundless for the time being, except for the unknown malicious existence, then only…”

Tang Qizana thought clearly about something, and suddenly turned his head to look at each other with Sally.

The two had a tacit understanding, and at the same time they uttered a name with terrifying power.

“Infant Creator!”

Tang Qi and Sally’s tone were extremely determined.

It could only be Him!

Tang Qi is about to analyze the reason with Sally, and analyze when the Creator will come.

At this moment, in front of Tang Qi, a gloomy light burst silently.

Within the gloom, a special figure emerged.

This is a queen who sits upright on the “Iron Throne” and is several meters tall, wearing a magnificent robe, a crown on her head, holding a scepter, and a queen with long golden hair that drapes to her ankles.

Although he hadn’t seen it for a long time, Tang Qi recognized him immediately.

Queen of Destiny!

When Tang Qi peeped into the world of the young creator, in one of the universes that he played with, there appeared native creatures that made Tang Qi also eye-catching.

A heroic existence, Hal Lodge.

For freedom, together with all the natives in the universe, challenge the infant creator.

As a result, they failed.

But it does not affect Tang Qi’s respect for “Hal Lodge”. Tang Qi highly recognizes the character of Hal Lodge.

It is precisely because of this that Tang Qi quietly gave a very special gift to the only girl who inherited Hal Lodge’s will.

With the help of the mighty power of the mysterious monarch, even though the Queen of Destiny has essentially betrayed her mother, the “messenger” of one of the great races of the Witzton, the messenger and the creator above the messenger are unaware.

However, under normal circumstances, the Queen of Destiny would not contact Tang Qi.

She is an excellent queen, a powerful undercover agent.

Only at this moment, her figure just appeared.

Whether it was Tang Qi or Sally, she could clearly see the panic in her golden and black eyes.

She had no time to salute the respected “Dreammaster”, her figure was a bit stuck, and so did her voice.

She is passing news from a terrible, almost boiling universe.

“Great… dreamy.”

“Something happened, just now, that ‘He’ suddenly issued an oracle to his mother and all our commanders.”

“He wants us to conquer you… The army is going to pass soon, I will inherit my father’s will, I am willing to dedicate everything to help you, but my strength is too weak…”


Before the Queen of Destiny had time to finish, the signal was cut off.

She has not been found, but the power left by the big octopuses, who actively cut off in order to protect the queen.

It was enough, the news from the Queen of Destiny was detailed enough.

Tang Qi and Sally’s guessed answer was completely confirmed at this moment.

In the mouth of the deer god, there is malice towards Tang Qi, and the supreme divinity that is about to come is the young creator.

Through the “Queen of Destiny”, Tang Qi even saw more.

For example, what is the purpose of the young Creator’s conquest against him?

Although Tang Qi had some friction with him, Tang Qi stole his power, destroyed his action of plundering the library, and robbed half of his blank worms… But in fact, these conflicts add up and cannot be compared with Tang Qi. Compared with the contradiction between the origin protoss.

The Eye of Origin embedded in Tang Qi’s soul makes Tang Qi have to face one thing in the future.

That is when the Origin Protoss wakes up, he may be gouged.

But with the infant creator, there are actually just some conflicts that can be ignored.

Unless, the Creator has other purposes that cannot be ignored.

“He came for my ‘dream’ authority.”

Tang Qi hesitated, spit out these words.

There is actually no evidence for this conclusion.

But what is very weird is that Tang Qi’s tone is unusually determined, which originates from the future that everything knows.

But being determined to be determined does not prevent Tang Qi from being puzzled about this, and so is Sally.

Sally, who can fiddle with the boundless and mysterious life line of all things, sees a cloud of mist that cannot be dispersed at this time.

On his mysterious and enchanting face, there is a look of doubt

“The power of fantasy is very powerful, and it has extraordinary potential.”

“But the’creative’ authority possessed by the young Creator is more powerful. He is already fulfilling its vast power and is constantly climbing toward greaterness. His path has almost been determined. Among the highest group, He is almost destined to surpass one after another. Senior.”

“No matter how you look at it, He shouldn’t need dream power.”

“Could it be that he is crazy?”

Tang Qi squirmed his tentacles, his face was incomprehensible.

The two people’s thinking has no results for the time being, and they did not continue.

Time is too late.

Almost at the same moment, Tang Qi was holding Sally’s hand, with solemn expressions in his eyes.

Look up together and look beyond the dreamland.

To the boundless mystery, the dream country where Tang Qi sits is almost like a “lighthouse” that always flashes, guiding the way for countless lost and fallen.

But at this moment, all the lost people realized that the lighthouse…is missing?

That dream country was suddenly shrouded in a “shadow”.

All light is bound by this.



In an instant, the vast, vast and stalwart dreamland seemed to be suppressed by invisible heavy objects.

The glorious moment was dimmed, all dream creatures, powerful gods and dependents, and a larger number of believers.

In everything, there was a terrible heavy feeling.

They seem to become unable to breathe, and have to open their mouths to increase their gasping.

This kind of pressure also fell on Tang Qi.

In fact, almost all the “heaviness” is borne by Tang Qi.

In the dream tower, a scene of embarrassment is happening.

The reduced version of “Tentacle Tang Qi”, weak and heavy, was pressing against a charming girl wearing a wreath and crown.

Facing the boundless and mysterious gods and all spirits, Sally kept her mysterious majesty, but she was sweating.

She tried her best to support Tang Qi’s body with her own personality.

The two together resist the “maliciousness” from higher dimensions and higher existence.

Tang Qi’s tentacles wrapped Sally, trying to relieve her pressure, his eyes showed bitterness, a little helpless.

“This is the hostility after the’Supreme Divinity’ gets serious… He hasn’t even really come yet, just projecting some malicious aura… If He does come, I am afraid I will be wiped out in the blink of an eye.”

“It seems that UU reading www.uukanshu.com can only waste that opportunity. If it is the highest, it should be the highest response.”

Tang Qi confided the powerlessness he felt, and at the same time planned to directly summon the Supreme Deer God who had just left.

When speaking, Tang Qi still held his head up.

His eyes were extremely stubborn, looking at the shady curtain covering his own country.

Everything is known and works like crazy.

The thoughts in my mind burst like a tsunami, and never ceased to burst out.


“It’s too abrupt. The rush and weirdness of this war is not in line with the style of the infant creator I had previously encountered.”

“It seems to be diverting my attention…or do you want to erase my existence?”

s asked Zhang said.

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