Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 296 - Eternal Engine Project

In the void, the Ship of Fools swayed slowly, and the three figures looked directly at “Non-existence” and the unknown number of victims.

In their ears, the mother god’s voice continued to sound

“You have all seen or faced countless kinds of’doomsday’ threats, and the most active ones in the mystery are these boring guys.”

“The doomsday dominates spreading disasters, the abyss ancestors focus on destruction, the flesh and blood dominates as if they are always hungry… even more terrifying, such as the madman who is obsessed with’eternal day’, the child who has terrible power and has no mature self, and likes to play with sentient beings… …These apocalypses are terrible enough.”

“But they are far from being compared with that possibility.”

“The sages call that moment…the day of death!”

“There are countless signs, signs and even disasters that led to the fall of the supreme divinity, all confirming that the’day of death’ will finally come.”

“They are one of the signs.”

“It’s just that compared with other disasters, their sacrifices are silent and unknown.”

“Whenever two worlds collide, there will always be a part of things disappear in each world, from being to’non-existing’.”

“It’s like two colliding ripples, some occasional foam breaks, unavoidable and irreversible.”

“They did nothing wrong, but they sacrificed, the kind of sacrifice no one knew.”

“So their’hate’ is the real hatred, and the scream from Knossaus is so insignificant to them.”

“I discovered their existence in an accident, so I had to give up and continue my ascension.”

“I chose to stay on this path, this crack, to prevent them from entering the boundless mystery… And in the second boundless, there is also an existence similar to me, and she made the same choice as me.”

“But I must also admit that I don’t think’they’ are disasters, they are just victims.”

“For some reason, I can’t tell the living beings in the boundless mystery of their sacrifices, that will accelerate the arrival of the Day of Death.”

“I can’t allow them to enter the boundless, after all, they are’non-existent.’ Any existence touched by them has a great risk of being assimilated.”

“I can only stop them, look at them, listen to their screams… There is no doubt that my handling is not fair, I am sorry.”

The mother **** said many, many secrets that the dominion-level gods could not even know were heard and seen by the three people on the Fool’s Ship.

Stana and Yogg Worm were in shock, but Tang Qi’s eyes had a trace of relief.

The doubts that lasted for a long time were almost answered.

“Day of Death!”

These three keywords are the biggest secrets of Boundless Mystery.

“Infinity and the’Second Infinity’ may reflect each other…but the two worlds collide infinitely, and each time they collide, something will become’non-existent’. This is the mother **** giving up her ascension and continuing for several epochs. The reason to guard at this crevice.”

“But this kind of’non-existence’ pollution, which is more terrifying than the supreme divinity, is only a sign and sign before the ultimate disaster.”

“The supreme divinities, including the original prophet, the Origin Protoss, and some ancient gods, all know the existence of the Day of Annihilation, and the ‘sage without mercy’ who almost became a member of the sage group know the same.”

“The difference is that these insiders have different means to deal with the ultimate disaster.”

“In the beginning, the prophets and sages chose to enter the darkness beyond the boundless mystery, looking for a way out… The Origin Protoss might think that bringing the boundless mystery into the’dark universe’ can solve the disaster… The young creator simply wanted to create another boundless mystery. …”

“As for the merciless sage… He and his accomplices must be planning even crazier plans. Unfortunately, I am not too pleasing in their plans. It is a barrier that must be obliterated. .”


At this moment, Tang Qi suddenly seemed to figure out a lot.

His eyes are still staring ahead, watching the countless victims.

It’s hard to imagine how many victims will be created by an infinite number of collisions since the origin era.

It is no wonder that the mother **** believes that the scream of Knossaus, who is the “master of hatred”, turned into a weapon by himself, cannot be compared with the “nonexistent” scream in front of him.

The two hatreds are not on the same level.

Stana and Yogg Worm couldn’t understand, but Tang Qi, who had the Eye of Origin, had already.

The reason why the three are not dead is actually the shelter of the mother goddess.

In other words, they are indeed watching “non-existence” and listening to their screams.

But he hasn’t faced the pollution directly, and the protection of the mother **** is still in between.

Once the mother goddess let go, Tang Qi couldn’t predict the consequences.

Ok? Wait, endless hatred… Tang Qi’s eyes suddenly lit up, and another key node was discovered by him.

Still not turning his head, Tang Qi only asked immediately in the depths of his heart

“The benevolent mother god, your child’Bright’ is in madness. I noticed that his hatred has been magnified infinitely. His madness seems to be related to the’non-existence’ in front of him…”

“Are the merciless sages and his accomplices? They used some way to make the screams of these victims pollute the light?”

“The reason they did this must not only be to make you fall, but the probability is not only to release these merciful victims.”

“There must be a crazier conspiracy. You may not be the key. Your child’s “brightness” may be the key, at least a key pawn.”

“The merciless sage himself came from the second boundless. He came to the boundless mystery very early. He had the opportunity to participate in the war between me and the lady of destiny, but he resisted… he used a kind of call to be heaven. The fetish of cicada wings blinded the boundless mysterious gods and spirits.”

“I once encountered a second infinite visitor called the “Goddess of Wraith” and learned something about the merciless sage from her.”

“There is no doubt that this is a being with terrifying curiosity and extremely high wisdom. What he does is not for the changes that will happen now. No matter how amazing the changes are, his ultimate goal must be the’Day of Death’ .”

“All signs indicate that He seems to be carrying out an unknown transformation of the mystery of the boundless. The change of your child’s’light’ is just a small corner that happened to be discovered by me.”

“Like the proverb, when you find a cockroach in a room, it means that there are hundreds of them in the dark.”

“This may be his way of solving… Make Boundless Mystery and become more like Second Boundless?”

“Or even crazier, he wants the second infinite to’swallow’ infinite mysterious?”


Tang Qi’s thoughts in the depths of his heart rolled over, becoming wild as if there were no restrictions.

But these “conjectures” that came out afterwards made Tang Qi himself shocked.

It seems that there is no evidence for his guess.

But when he reached Tang Qi’s current level, he didn’t actually need any evidence.

Conjecture is the truth.

And the next moment, the gentle wind with green olive aura was blown to Tang Qi’s heart magically, the mother god’s voice was still gentle, and the inside was full of admiration for Tang Qi.

“Although you are only a sage candidate, I am pretty sure that you can enter that group. You have the same incredible wisdom as those worthy of respectable sages.”

“My child’s madness is indeed contaminated by some of the’them’. The curious but uncomfortable wise man used a method I didn’t understand, took away some screams, and put it in the child’s soul. Deep down, I can’t stop it at all.”

“Your guess is likely to be correct. The second infinity is the projection collection of this world in other mysterious worlds. It is a shadow world that is actually larger than the’infinity mystery’. Swallowing may not be suitable, but larger It could be…covering? Or fusion?”

“This is crazy, the merciless sage is crazy.”

In Tang Qi’s heart, it seemed as if a tsunami was set off.

The Protoss of the Origins plunges Wuyin into the dark… The Eternal Day Crazy King brings eternal day to the world… The Supreme Deer God evaporates hundreds of millions of worlds into a mass of gas… The funny starfish makes Wuyin rotate with the “Pentacle”…

These are all manifestations of the “powers” possessed only by the supreme divinities, and are powers beyond the reach of the masters.

But if the “Second Boundless” and “Boundless Mystery” are to be unimpededly merged into a complete world, Tang Qi believes that even if the supreme divinities are united, it is impossible to do so.

Unbelievable is that the merciless sage and his fellows are planning to do so.

“No, it’s still impossible.”

“What are they going to do? Two boundless collisions will bring a lot of disasters and create a phenomenon of’non-existence’ that can counter the supreme divinity.”

“If it is a complete coverage and fusion… the greater possibility is to accelerate the arrival of the day of death.”

“The merciless sage is not even the’supreme divinity.’ He cannot accomplish this plan.”


The wind blew again, and the mother **** understood Tang Qi’s surprise.

There was surprise in her voice, but she had more clues.

“Perhaps because of my position, I also have a wonderful connection with the existence in the Second Infinity, and I can see something that the supreme divinity cannot.”

“Second Infinity is a collection of mysterious projection fragments of Infinity. That huge world is very similar to Infinity. Many of the same races, same universes and civilizations have been born, and even some divine entities holding the same authority. The term Second Infinity is very appropriate.”

“It’s just that as time goes by, the world and boundless expand infinitely together, and the difference is getting bigger and bigger… Normally, when two worlds collide, there will only be one ending, that is, they will be destroyed together and disappear together. That is chaotic. The end is the last day of death.”

“You guess that the merciless wise man and the group of equally crazy wise men he gathered are quietly transforming the boundless mystery.”

“In this case, there seems to be some rationality. They are correcting the ‘difference’ between the two worlds. When the two worlds are convergent, the success rate of coverage aggregation will increase.”

“This plan, they may be close to success, which is really amazing.”

“It’s just that they still lack one thing, that is…”

When the mother **** said this, he paused for an instant.

Then immediately, deep in Tang Qi’s heart, a strong thought came out, and he and Mother God almost spit out two words at the same time.



These two words completely touched Tang Qi.

He quickly entered a state of crazy thinking, even if it was just a clone, but his power was not affected at all.

At this moment, a tentacle monster began to glow violently on this fool’s ship.

Phosphorescence flicker, UU reading www. uukahnshu. com is dreamy and weird.

Especially those eyeballs that seem to be peering into the world, no secrets can be hidden.

Unstoppable, Tang Qi guessed the final answer in a billionth of a second.

“Yes, it is motivation. Even the supreme divinity cannot promote the integration of two infinitely expanding worlds.”

“To do this, they must create an engine with infinite power.”

“Then there is only one possibility left. They must be focusing on the things that are highly related to the two worlds, even the origin of the two worlds.”

“Origin Star!”

“More accurately, it is the source of eternity that is about to be bred and sprouted on the Origin Star.”

“They want to use the source of eternity to create an eternal engine, with the help of that ‘convergence’, to force the fusion of the two worlds to solve the day of death?”

s ask for a chapter.

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