Chapter 31: sad rose
The frog jumped and the flying horse landed on the ground of the city. The warrior Sula landed holding the young man Capelli. The place was full of roses and various flowers as they walked. The frog jumped behind them and said to them, "Don't go away. I will go to the side of the lake and spend some pleasant moments and then come back to you." 171
The warrior girl, Sula, was tired of walking, so she sat with Capelli, with the long stems of red roses shading them. Drops of water fell on Capelli's hands, touching the warrior girl's face, and she felt that her face was wet as she said, "Where did you get the water from?"
Capelli: He came down from the top of the roses
Warrior Sola: Oh rose, what's wrong with you, I see you crying
Rose: My tears never end 172
Capelli: Why, who made you sad?
Rose: Monsters
Warrior Sola: But there are no monsters here
The Rose: There in your world, we were there, killed by monsters
The warrior Sola looked around as she heard the little flowers crying and asked who they were 173
Rose: These children
Capelli: Can I return your smile to you?
The Rose: There we were always smiling. We thought that those who held the keys to our world would not be lost, but unfortunately it became clear to us that the key to our world was lost. 174
Cappelli: Do you mean that I will live in a world where the keys are lost?
Little roses: Yes, yes
Capelli: Then I will stay with you
Warrior Sola: Rather, look for this lost key 175
Capelli said goodbye to the roses and told them, "When I return to my world, I will search for my lost key."