Lost key

Chapter 75: Flying eyes return to the kingdom of wu

The flying eyes flew to the kingdom of monsters. They felt that they had been absent for a long time. The monster Shubo was in a deep sleep and the wild cat was sitting next to him. 448

The flying eyes arrived after a long time. It took 100 centuries. They landed on the face of the monster. They said: Hello, my cat. I missed you. 449

 The cat bared her fangs and threw them in a wild voice. She said: Get away from him. The monster is gone. You are the reason. 

The wild cat: What is the reason for your long absence? I see decorations and gold on your eyes. So you have become rich. Did you marry the investor? The eyes laugh. He left before the monster. I have other eyes. 450

They are the eyes of the maid. The wild cat: Do you mean that you found Sola? The flying eyes: They are the eyes of the 

investor's maid. She has become a princess. She controls the markets and stock exchanges. The wild cat: Who helped her? 451

The flying eyes: The wild robots have corrupted the markets and occupied them. The wild cat: Did you leave me a share of them? The flying eyes: Yes, they have proven who Our soldiers will attack them

Wild Cat: And the robots 452

Flying Eyes: She is preparing for a battle with the civilian robot

Wild Cat asks the flying eyes to come closer to her because the new monster is coming and will appear

And the monster explodes 453

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