Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 183: Help. 2012 CE

While all of his brothers and sisters were fighting in New York, Grodd was fighting a different battle… he was now in an empty conference room, where there were multiple holograms that were displaying humans, more specifically, it was the World Security Council.

Grodd looked pissed, he was tapping his fingers rapidly towards his table, leaning against his seat stiffly.

The humans were debating endlessly in front of him, arguing effortlessly, trying to reach a conclusion. They all agreed on one thing, but some of them disagreed about another thing.

To simply put, the other councilmen agreed to launch a nuclear strike to Manhattan, to put an end to the invasion before it spread even further to the rest of the world. All of them agreed to that, but they disagreed about one thing… whether or not Grodd was allowed to vote in this council.

There are two sides, the one who doesn’t want Grodd to vote, and another the opposite of it. The ones who don’t want Grodd to vote argued that this is Humanity’s problem, not Simian’s, but the one who disagreed said that whether or not it was Humanity’s problem or not, Grodd had to vote, because if it failed, Zimera would also be invaded.

All of them kept arguing in front of Grodd tirelessly, seemingly wasting precious time. Grodd finally had enough, he grabbed his hammer that was used in the UN, and slammed it roughly, making the other councilmen turn to him.

“Are you done?” he questioned in annoyance.

“Will you wait a minute, King Grodd? We are discussing whether–”

“No, you all are idiots.” he said, making the other councilmen surprised. “Do you not realised how idiotic your desicion is? Nuclear weapons don't just obliterate the target councilmen, they destroy the lands surrounding it as well… when that missile detonates in Manhattan, the radiation wind will spread around, making New York and possibly other towns near it practically unlivable.”

“Do we have a choice, King Grodd?” argued a councilman. “That Alien invasion could devastate the rest of the country, and maybe the world if we don’t stop it.”

“I thought the Avengers were working on it?”

“We heard, but it seems it isn’t stopping,” said a councilman bitterly. “Even their unknown allies, the so-called ‘ring bearers’ that don't have authorisation, who seemed to like destroying New York more rather than actually saving it, are only stalling it, not cleaning it altogether. They were also reported to have your country’s technology King Grodd, and we shall talk about it after this.”

“Fine, let’s say, we’re going to launch the missile, what about the civilians? The Avengers? The ‘’Ringbearers’?”

“Their sacrifice will be–”

Grodd then slammed his desk, splitting in half, making the other councilmen flinch, even though it was just a hologram. “Are you listening to yourself, councilman?! You’re willing to kill your own kind, even though there are countless ways to do this!?”

“What choice do we have, King Grodd!?” argued the US councilman. “If we don’t stop the invasion–”

“I hear you, councilman, but do you even hear yourself right now? You’re willing to kill your own citizens?!”

“It’s the only way!”

“It is not!” Grodd argued back. “You know there’s another way, you just have to drop your pride, councilman.”

“What do you mean?” the US councilman frowned.

“Ask for help,” said Grodd. “That’s it.”

“But they won’t have time, councilman!” said the US councilman. “Are you not listening?! It will be too late before the military surround New York!”

“Then declare Martial law in New York,” said Grodd calmly. “And give my troops permission to act.”

The US councilman scoffed. “You are even further, King Grodd, we do not have time for your arrogance right now—”

“It is not arrogance that is coming out of me, councilman.” said Grodd calmly. “Please, trust us. We have the technology to go to New York faster than you all, this is not an act of intimidation, this is an act of compassion, the world is ours as it is yours, let us help you in your time of need.”

The other councilmen were looking at each other. “What kind of technology are you talking about? We cannot give you permission to act if we do not know what you will do.”

“It’s Quantum Teleportation.” said Grodd, making the other councilmen frown. “It is achieved using quantum entanglement, in which two or more particles are inextricably linked to each other. if an entangled pair of particles is shared between two separate locations, no matter the distance between them, the encoded information is teleported–”

“Yes, we know about teleportation, King Grodd, how come you never told the world about it?”

Grodd rolled his eyes. “Oh please councilmen, you all also do it all the time…”

“We will talk about this later, Councilman Grodd.” said a councilman. “Very well, let’s vote. Those who agreed to let the Zimeran armed forces take over the invasion defense, raise your hands.”

All of them raised their hands.

“Well, it seems the vote has been decided,” said the US councilman. “Very well King Grodd, we will trust you on dealing with the Alien Forces, may god help you in your fights to come.”

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