Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 236 - Magic mushroom

The two Yeqian family soldiers were scolded as trash, and they could not help but be furious, and their fists could squeeze water out.

They are all elites in the army, but they are being rejected by everyone.

It became the existence of the number.

Such shame is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

“The two of them are relatives of this thousand households, and it is impossible for you to take charge of them. You go to select another two.” Ye Qianhu’s eyes glanced over and found that Zhang Xiaofan’s selection was all excellent soldiers.

I feel very upset.

He was even more upset if he wanted to **** his two soldiers.

Airborne to Wuyi County to be a thousand households, and brought only two relatives. Now all of them were snatched by Zhang Xiaofan, and there wasn’t even a trusted messenger around him. This is very inconvenient.

“I’ll go to pick two more soldiers. It’s nothing, I’m afraid that I’ll take care of Grandpa Wei’s business. It’s not easy to do it.” Zhang Xiaofan once again removed Grandpa Wei.

“You don’t have to choose anymore, it’s just that!”

The father-in-law of Wei was decisive.

His old man spoke, did Ye Qianhu dare to say half a word?

I can only stare grimly at Zhang Xiaofan and squeeze out the words “boy, you are good!”

“Thank you for your praise!”

Zhang Xiaofan accepted this ‘praise’ very shamelessly. As if he could not hear the threat.

Suddenly, Ye Qianhu’s face became greener.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes seemed to be eating people.

“Xiao Zhang, go with our family! Go for it!” Grandpa Wei greeted.

Make a contribution?

Ye Qianhu was also a sharp-headed figure, and his ears were raised on the spot. The credit that can be paid to a **** who is in charge of Zheng Sanpin must be great.

How can such good things be monopolized by one hundred households?

No, this thousand households also score a cup. Besides, the thousand households are the head of the military department in Wuyi County. For such good things, the thousand households should account for the bulk.

“Gonggong Wei, Yemou would like to lead your army and obey your dispatch.”

Ye Qianhu’s cheek is extremely thick, and he was still scolding Grandpa Wei for walking his dog. Now that I saw a profit, I changed to a slave face.

Seeing what he meant, he barely knelt on the ground and licked Grandpa Wei’s shoes.

“The things our family wants to do are the events that His Majesty the Emperor personally explained. It is enough to have Zhang Baihu and his soldiers. It is better to stay at the barracks. According to the Ministry of Military Information, recently The rebels are on the upswing. “

The father-in-law Wei looked coldly at Ye Qianhu, who was about to give him his life, and turned away with disappointment.

After speaking, there was no further delay, and Zhang Xiaofan and others quickly left.

There was only a gloomy look at Yachiho.

At this time, two thoughtful soldiers saw Ye Qianhu’s relatives forcibly snatched by Zhang Xiaofan. They felt they had the opportunity to improve.

Immediately came forward with a charming face and said, “Master Qianhu, your army’s account has collapsed. Do you need someone to bring you to recover immediately?”

“Two blind things, do you still need to ask this kind of thing? Hurry up to make this one thousand households.” Ye Qianhu cursed.

They scared the two into embarrassment. They didn’t catch the benefits. They were scolded and had to work hard and dirty.

Ye Qianhu got angry at Zhang Xiaofan, and his mood was extremely bad.

These soldiers who wanted to get close to him were scolded with blood.

“Xiao Zhang, the **** with the surname Zhang, dared to confront Ben Qianhu, and really ate the bear heart leopard. Ben Qianhu has not suffered such a big loss, and he will die the **** sooner or later.” Ye Qianhu cursed his teeth .

Zhang Xiaofan followed the father-in-law to capture the prisoners implicated in the tribute tea incident in and around Wuyi County.

Those poor tea farmers, as well as many officials who supervised Gongcha, were all arrested.

With the help of Duke Wei and the palace guards with swords, all the enemies seemed extremely weak. No one can fight.

It’s almost like giving away credit to Zhang Xiaofan.

“Xiao Zhang, the last target is Shennong Pavilion. After learning that the White Lotus teaches that the demon is a member of Shennong Pavilion, we have sent two guards with swords to guard the front and rear doors of Shennong Pavilion. Anyone in and out. “

“Because there are so many people in Shennong Pavilion, our family is worried that important prisoners will escape, so we deliberately brought you over. What you have to do is very simple. Lead your army and rush in to arrest people. Tie them Now, just bet out. If there is a rebel or a strong role, our family will help you. “

Grandpa Wei brought only ten guards with knives this time.

Although their strength is strong, they need to divide a few people to guard the felons that have been caught.

In this way, there are only four guards with swords that can rush to kill.

With such a small amount of manpower, it seems inadequate to arrest the many members of Shennongge. Asking Zhang Xiaofan to bring his Majesty’s army soldiers to help arrest them, they can be sure of nothing.

Before arriving at the gate of Shennong Pavilion, Zhang Xiaofan felt a throbbing heartbeat, something bad happened.

In recent days, he has been restless.

I thought that the tribute tea could not be solved without sprouts, and it would be moldy. Now, the tribute tea issue has been resolved.

Obviously this is not the case.

Is it dangerous when arresting members of Shennongge?

Lord Sima is a member of Shennongge, and he is very powerful. I do not know what Master Sima is in Shennongge? To be sure, there should be powerful figures in Shennong Pavilion.

Since the warning was so strong, Zhang Xiaofan also played 12 points of caution.

“After entering the Shennong Pavilion for a while, be careful.” Zhang Xiaofan told Fang Jing and others.

These people are Zhang Xiaofan’s class. He doesn’t want them to be anything.

It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination.

“In front is the headquarters of Shennongge.”

Zhang Xiaofan looked up and saw that there was a very elegant pavilion in front of it, like clouds and rocks, layer upon layer.

In addition to the most prominent lofts, there are also large outbuildings.

The entire Shennong Pavilion looks not like a shop, but rather a fortress.

“Fang Jing, you take two soldiers to the back door. Others follow me to catch people.” Zhang Xiaofan made arrangements for deployment.

Grandfather Wei took four guards with knives and sat behind him.

Only when there are strong enemies that Zhang Xiaofan and others can’t deal with, they will shoot.

Zhang Xiaofan was the first soldier to break open the gate of Shennong Pavilion and rushed straight in. An air shield appeared in front of him. The newly learned intermediate source martial arts and diamond technique were exhibited.

In case the enemy’s dark arrows hurt people.

After entering the gate, it is a lobby with windows for various businesses.

On weekdays, the hall must be overcrowded.

But at this moment, it was scary and quiet. No one.

There are various agreements with guest visas on the ground, as well as many documents and so on. The shelves that sell flower pots and flower fertilizers are also wolfish. It feels like it was a robbery not long ago.

“Go in and search!”

The lobby is just the first place to receive guests. Don’t have a cave in the back, there is a backyard dedicated to foster herbs. There are also workshops that produce flower fertilizers and pots.

The entire ground floor, including the backyard, was not alone.

Members of Shennongge must have received the news long ago, and they are ready to run.

It is also unknown whether all members of Shennongge are Bailian believers.

“Master Baibai, I searched the first floor and found no one.”

Your squadron is running to report to him.

There are two team leaders under Zhang Xiaofan, Fang Jing and the middle-aged man who looks a bit vicious in front of him.

This person is called Chen Kui.

His face was fleshy and his body was as strong as a bear. When the whole person stops there, a burst of bravery will be emitted.

When Zhang Xiaofan just became a hundred households, Chen Kui was a thorn.

Because I’m not convinced.

On the one hand, Zhang Xiaofan is much younger than him. In his eyes, he is just a young man. On the other hand, he believes that he is stronger than Zhang Xiaofan.

Plus seniority.

Therefore, he thinks that he is more qualified to sit in a hundred households than Zhang Xiaofan.

The result was a fat meal by Zhang Xiaofan, and finally honest.

Not to mention how loyal to Zhang Xiaofan, at least he is competent. Any command can be executed well.

“Follow me on the second floor!”

Now that the first floor has been searched and nobody is there, go up to the second floor.

Shennong Pavilion has three floors.

The second floor is where the source farmers of Shennong Pavilion conduct technical research. Multifunctional flower pots and various flower fertilizers with extraordinary effects were sourced by Shennongge.

In addition, if there is something wrong with the guest’s spirit grass, if you are sick, or if it does not bear fruit, does not bloom, etc., you can go to the second floor to ask the source farmers for treatment.

“Hell, why didn’t you see a figure?” Zhang Xiaofan was completely stunned this time.

According to his understanding, in addition to Yuannong Pavilion and various miscellaneous service personnel, there are at least 100 people in total.

Grandpa Wei sent two guards with knives to block the front and back doors as soon as possible. No one is allowed in or out. With so many people, it is impossible to escape.

Has it all escaped to the third floor?

Only the last layer is left.

“Up the third floor!”

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and rushed towards the third floor.

There were no people on the two floors, and even the father-in-law, Wei, who was behind him, was a little bit frustrated.

The main plot of the poisoning case of Gongcha is Shennongge.

If all the people in Shennongge could not be taken down, it would be difficult for the emperor to explain.

The third floor is the forbidden area of ​​Shennong Pavilion. Most people are not allowed to go up.

Only a few people, including the owner, can enter the third floor.

Before reaching the third floor, Zhang Xiaofan smelled a thick **** smell. There was an ominous hunch in his heart.

Sure enough, after rushing into the third floor, he saw a dead body in his eyes. They are all ordinary members of Shennong Pavilion. For example, reception staff, security staff, and backyard staff.

They were all killed at the moment.

But there were strange and happy expressions on each face. As if being killed, it is something to be pleased with.

This scene is really weird.

“You are finally here! You are welcome to play the death game with the owner of the cabinet.” A man with a cold face cannot see the specific age. The whole person is extremely thin, with only bones left on his face.

The man’s nails remained particularly long, as sharp as the claws of a beast.

He held a weird pot of herbs in his hands.

It is a black mushroom.

The umbrella cover was covered with dark red lines, with a touch of black gas, and rolled under the mushroom cover. Then dipped into the mushroom’s pole.

Behind the man stood a row of senior source farmers wearing robes.

Each of them looked dumb, with dull eyes, standing still. As if standing in a row of puppets.

“You are the master of Shennong Pavilion?” Zhang Xiaofan found that this weird man was like a legendary devil, giving a very dangerous feeling. Looks particularly evil.

He calmly used his super powers to look at the black mushroom.

[Name: Magic Mushroom, Immortal Herb]

[Age: 11,000 years old. 】

[Life: 100. 】

[Properties: Ecstasy, control the mind. 】

After seeing the herb in the man’s hand, Zhang Xiaofan was startled. I didn’t expect this to be a fairy grass, and its attributes are particularly terrifying.

Fascinating soul, manipulating the minds of others, turning others into puppets.

It is estimated that the source farmers behind the owner of Shennong Pavilion are controlled by this magic mushroom.

Then think of the dead bodies on the ground, one by one is particularly happy to die, most of them are also controlled by the magic mushroom.

Otherwise, who would be stupid enough to be killed and particularly happy?


When Zhang Xiaofan discovered the terrifying properties of the magic mushroom and grass, his first reaction was to quit. Otherwise, if you are controlled, you wo n’t even know how to die.

But he found in horror that he didn’t make a sound after opening his mouth.

Moreover, his body was no longer under control. Instead of withdrawing from the third floor, he walked towards the Lord Shennongge.

The opponent’s hand held a cold, glittering blood-stained blade.

“Don’t go, stop, stop …” Zhang Xiaofan shouted anxiously. He found himself like a drunk man, who was clearly awake in his heart, but his body didn’t listen.

What’s more, my mind is getting lost and becoming numb.

Can’t afford any idea of ​​resistance at all.

“Line up one by one and bring it to the owner of this cabinet! This knife can send you to heaven.” Shennong Pavilion owner showed a cold and cruel smile.

Zhang Xiaofan is the first person to take the lead, and he will certainly be the first person to be killed.

Behind him, the men in the army also lined up to lead to death.

Including Zhang Xiaofan’s confidants, Chen Hu and others.

“Monster, die for our family!”

Grandpa Wei found that the person in front was wrong, brushed the floor, and flew into the third floor.

Then, he looked at the owner of Shennong Pavilion and the magic mushroom in the hands of the owner of Shennong Pavilion. The father-in-law’s body trembled violently, and his eyes were struggling. In the end, Father Gong was like Zhang Xiaofan and others.

With numbness, he walked towards the owner of Shennong Pavilion.

Waiting to be slaughtered.

“Haha, all of them are very garbage. Even the masters in the martial arts realm are the same. Regardless of who you are, the most powerful people will become garbage in front of the imperial grass of the cabinet.”

The owner of Shennong Pavilion was unhappy.

Looking at the discouragement manifested by the Gonggong’s body, he was surprised to find that the Gonggong was actually a master of the great martial arts realm.

“Come on, boy, you are the first to come in, and let you go to heaven first.”

Shen Nongge said to Zhang Xiaofan.

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