Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 77

A strong red light flashed, and the egg broke apart.

From within, a newly evolved jellyfish emerged, pushing the shell aside.

A humanoid monster resembling me.

With a jellyfish-shaped hat on its head.

To be precise, an umbrella.

It looked similar to the Jellyfish Queen, the leader of the swarm I saw last time.


It only shared certain overall characteristics.

Its features were different.

Height and body shape were different.

Hair color was different, and even the size and color of the umbrella were different.

‘But I don’t think it’s a different species.’

As I said earlier.

It possessed all the traits of the Jellyfish Queen.

Just as all humans have different appearances, it’s perfectly normal for monsters to look different.

I couldn’t judge that it was a different race just based on such slight differences.

The only clear difference was this.

Our jellyfish had a red coloration.

Either it’s a subspecies of the Jellyfish Queen.

Or perhaps, just like humans have various races, the Jellyfish Queen also has various umbrella colors.

It must be one of those two.

【Boglebogle】─Looks like a brat. So cute.
【Rize Nova】─That face looks like it would cause trouble.
【Pururu】─Why does it look weak? Haha.
【Pururu】─More importantly, why isn’t it wearing clothes? Is it a perverted girl?
【Mysticism】─How lewd.
【Yumi】─I sent some clothes. Please put them on.

Ha Yumi sent some clothes.

I immediately dressed the jellyfish in its naked form.

Then I briefly conducted an ability check.

As a result.

All the magic it originally had was intact.

It also possessed a new ability, blood manipulation magic.

You could say it’s a magic that gets stronger the more blood it absorbs.

Additionally, it could combine blood magic with explosion magic, condensing the blood and then exploding it.

Not just its own blood, but also the opponent’s blood.

Of course, it could only be done if the opponent’s blood was within sight.

Anyway, after finishing the ability check.

I was working on the guidebook and gave the jellyfish a new name.

I didn’t name it Jellyfish Queen.

It didn’t have a mature look like the Jellyfish Queen; it looked a bit youthful.


I named it the princess of blood-manipulating jellyfish.

「Blood Jellyfish Princess.」

It felt more like a princess than a queen.

■Blood Jellyfish Princess

─Actual Danger Level: SS-Class.

─Current (Nerfed) Danger Level: A-Class.

【Boglebogle】─Nice drawing.
【Rize Nova】─A masterpiece.
【Mysticism】─As expected, you have the golden hands! 👍
【Pururu】─Why does it have that expression?
【Yumi】─It sometimes makes that face, you know?
【Pururu】─Really? Why haven’t I seen it?

Blood Jellyfish Princess.

Since the name was too long, I decided to call it Fish as usual.

Fish had evolved and could now articulate a proper language.


“I’m not your daddy.”

[You are daddy!]

I don’t know why it keeps calling me daddy.

It’s not like it saw me right after being born like Aracne.

【Yumi】─Why does it keep calling Gun-hee “daddy”?
【Pururu】─Isn’t it obvious? Our little one is imitating when it sees Gun-hee being called daddy.
【Mysticism】─Why would it imitate that?
【Pururu】─How would I know? I guess it was jealous.
【Boglebogle】─Are you sure it’s not your real child? You didn’t have relations with a jellyfish, did you?
【Pururu】─No! I’ve said it so many times. Damn it.
【Boglebogle】─But you never know. It could be a child you secretly made when we weren’t looking.
【Pururu】─What are you talking about? The jellyfish was tamed when we were all around.
【Rize Nova】─?

I told her to call me by my name countless times.

But Fish stubbornly insisted on calling me daddy.

In the end, I raised my hands and accepted the title.

[Hehe. Daddy.]

Fish giggled, sticking to my leg.

Because it was so small, its head barely reached my waist.

Fish buried its face into my body and rubbed against me.

[Explorer is uncomfortable. Please stop hugging and let go.]

[No! I don’t want to!]

Even when the Centauress scolded her, she didn’t care at all.



【Pururu】─Haha! Yes!
【Yumi】─It is cute though.
【Mysticism】─I’m cuter.
【Yumi】─Don’t show off.

“Can you let go a bit?”

[Just a little longer!]

Fish rubbed its face against me even harder.

The excessive skinship felt a bit overwhelming.

“Ever since the evolution, it feels like it’s been obsessed with me···.”

【Yumi】─It is indeed obsessed.
【Rize Nova】─Just look at that expression; it’s not ordinary.
【Boglebogle】─Be careful while sleeping. It might be dangerous.

[Pet the umbrella!]


I gave its umbrella a gentle pat.

The soft texture felt good.

[Daddy, am I pretty?]

“Yeah. You’re pretty.”

[Really? Hehe. I’m glad I’m not ugly anymore!]

【Mysticism】─So it knew it wasn’t pretty before evolving.
【Boglebogle】─Seriously, why is it so touchy? Did its personality change after evolving?
【Rize Nova】─It seems to have become a bit purer. And it seems its affection towards Gun-hee has increased as well.
【Pururu Doctor】─No! I think there’s another reason!
【Yumi】─? What’s with your tone?


【Pururu Doctor】─Everyone! It’s time for Pururu Doctor’s analysis!
【Yumi】─What’s with that tone?
【Boglebogle】─Why is Pururu acting like that all of a sudden? Did it eat something weird?
【Pururu Doctor】─In my opinion! Fish has always wanted to have an intimate and sticky skinship with Gun-hee! But it knew that its appearance was objectively ugly, so it was cautious! It thought Gun-hee might dislike it!
【Pururu Doctor】─But guess what? After evolving, it gained a beautiful appearance!
【Pururu Doctor】─Now it doesn’t think Gun-hee would dislike it even if it engages in skinship!
【Pururu Doctor】─So Fish gained confidence in its looks and could now freely express its previously hidden desires? Good for it!

“Dan-bi, have you taken drugs?”

【Boglebogle】─Can you give us a one-line summary?
【Mysticism】─That’s a plausible analysis!
【Yumi】─Your tone is annoying.
【Rize Nova】─Please fix that strange tone of yours. It’s a struggle to read since it clashes with Pururu’s speech.
【Pururu Doctor】─Pururu Doctor’s analysis time is over! See you next time!
【Yumi】─Let’s not meet again.
【Rize Nova】─Do not come back again. This is your last warning.
【Pururu】─Phew. Returning to my normal mode.
【Pururu】─ For a moment, the Doctor was possessing me.
【Boglebogle】─Who is that Doctor?
【Pururu】─A smart doctor who knows everything. Haha.
【Yumi】─Oops! Sorry! A cranky old lady possessed me for a moment!

I hugged Fish for about ten more minutes before letting go.

I couldn’t keep holding it, and other monsters were glaring at us with jealousy.

After that, I made sure to hug each of the other monsters once.

Favoring only one would make the rest sulky.

I felt like I was playing the role of a caretaker.


Day 40 in the labyrinth.

While exploring the labyrinth myself after a long time.

I happened to witness the process of a monster’s birth right before my eyes.

A blue light cluster gathered in one spot.

As the gathering light slowly wriggled, it naturally transformed into a solid and soon took on the form of a monster.

It was a vending machine.

Not the one selling tickets, but a monster in the shape of a beverage vending machine.

【Rize Nova】─Wow. It’s my first time seeing a monster be born.
【Mysticism】─Isn’t it amazing? Do all monsters get born like that?
【Boglebogle】─It differs from monster to monster. Most are born through reproduction, just like us humans. It’s rare to be born from nothing like that.

What was born was a vending machine.

Not a ticket-selling vending machine, but a monster in the shape of a beverage vending machine.

【Yumi】─I thought ticket-selling vending machines were being created and found out it was a monster…

“I also thought at first that it was a support vending machine for supported ones.”

【Pururu】─What a bait-and-switch.

As soon as the little one was born, I immediately restrained it.

Using the thread I received from Aracne.

Was it just freshly born into this world?

The vending machine monster, unaware that it had been tied up, stared at me in a daze.

I gently placed my hand on its spots to say hello.


[Japa··· Mommy···?]

“No, not Mommy. Call me Daddy.”

[···Japaan! Daddy!]

【Yumi】─Suddenly you’ve got a child again, congratulations.
【Boglebogle】─This time, I’ve seen with my own eyes that it’s not your real child. Phew.

Since it was a freshly born monster, its discoloration progressed very quickly.

I decided to check its abilities a bit later.

For now, I needed to work on the guidebook. After that…


─Actual Danger Level: S-Class.

─Current (Nerfed) Danger Level: B-rank.

─Special Note: Vending Machine.

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