Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Soon, an inhuman monster crashed into the stone wall and rushed towards Amelia at an extremely fast speed.

Next to Amelia, Li Xu kicked out.

Suddenly, the monster flew back at a faster speed.

“You wait, I will kill you after I recover.”

Marcus’s voice was crazy and sinister, and a pair of black bat wings suddenly grew from behind, fluttering into the air.

“Want to run?”

Li Xu laughed lightly, took out a gun loaded with floating bullets, aimed and fired.


Marcus froze when he flapped his bat wings, and his whole body was frozen in midair.

Li Xu tapped his toes, jumped into the air, kicked Marcus down, and watched as a frozen grenade was stuffed in his mouth.

With a bang, Marcus was frozen into an ice sculpture.


Li Xu smiled and snapped his fingers: “Next, wait for the father who dotes on his son to come to the door automatically.”

“What is your purpose?”

Amelia looked puzzled.

“This story is relatively long, involving the origin of werewolves and vampires, as well as the direction of evolution.””

Li Xu said casually.

“Then let’s go back to the bedroom and talk slowly.”

Amelia’s eyes brightened slightly, and she held Li Xu’s hand with a sweet smile.

After a fierce battle, Amelia was spread out on the carpet with the quadruplet maids.

Li Xu sat beside him in good spirits, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Different races really have different tastes.

The resilience and flexibility of the Amelia girls simply opened his eyes.

“Now let’s talk, what is the evolutionary direction of vampires and werewolves?”

Amelia lay weakly beside Li Xu.

“I’m afraid we will have to wait.”

Li Xu’s ears moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly: “There is a female thief squatting outside.”

“You are not allowed to move.”

As soon as Li Xu finished speaking, a woman in a tight black leather jacket broke through the window and pointed two guns at Li Xu and Amelia.

“Should you be Serena?”

Li Xu looked at the goddess of the moon.

The skin is snow-white, the facial features are glamorous and exquisite, and the body wrapped in a tight black leather jacket has smooth lines and a perfect S-shape.

“Who are you?”

Serena looked cold.

She was sent out by Klein to hunt werewolves before, but she didn’t expect to find that Blood Castle had changed as soon as she came back.

Victor and Klein died together, and the Blood Castle was completely controlled by Elder Amelia.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is that I don’t like being held at gunpoint.”

Li Xu moved his fingers slightly, and Serena was immediately hung upside down in the air, and the gun in her hand fell to the ground.

“Serena is Victor’s adopted daughter, why not just kill her?”

Seeing that Li Xu seemed to be very interested in Serena, Amelia’s eyes flickered coldly.

“No hurry, let’s continue with the previous story.”

“The first story, the origin of vampires and werewolves.”

Li Xu waved his hand at the corner of his mouth, put Serena down, and tied her up with a rope by the way.

“A long time ago, there was an old man.”

“This old man is a lord. After a plague broke out, his territory was littered with corpses, and he was the only one who survived. Although he was infected with the virus, his immune function produced antibodies, which benefited him and became a The first undead.”

“Alexander Corvinus!”

Amelia glanced at Li Xu: “That old man is called by that name!”

Li Xu was a little surprised: “You actually know?”

“I am the three elders of the vampire clan, do you know that this is strange?” Amelia sullenly asked.

“Don’t get excited, I don’t mean anything else, I definitely don’t look down on you.” Li Xu smiled apologetically and continued to tell his story: “Many years later, Alexander had three sons, and they all inherited his perfect bloodline.”

“His eldest son Marcus was bitten by a bat and became the first vampire…”

“Wait, Marcus is not the first vampire, Victor is, he is the source of the blood.” It was Serena who interrupted Li Xu. Although she was tied up, she was also listening carefully.

In the history she came into contact with since she was a child, her adoptive father Victor was the first vampire.

“Wrong, this is a lie that Victor deceived you.”

The prelude to the climax of the story was suddenly interrupted, and Li Xu was a little upset.

Serena looked at Amelia for help, and the latter nodded: “Li Xu is right, Marcus is the first vampire, and all of us come from him.”

“Victor and I were afraid of his power, so we joined forces to lift him up, and changed his origin to reduce his influence in the clan.”

Damn politics!

Serena cursed secretly, and continued to listen to Li Xu’s story, wondering what happened to Alexander’s other two sons.

“The old man’s second son, his name is…” Li Xu glanced at Amelia, motioning for her to continue the conversation.

“William, Alexander’s second son is named William.”

“Yes, it’s William, I almost didn’t remember it. Amelia, don’t interrupt when I’m talking next time, just listen quietly!”

Amelia: “…”

So angry!

“The old man’s second son William was bitten by a wolf and became the first werewolf, and the last son was… bitten by a man, so he has always been a human being.”

“Werewolves and vampires are actually the same ancestor, so why have we been fighting for so many years?” Serena was surprised, and the reshaping of the three views was quite horrifying.

The second time he was interrupted by Serena, Li Xu couldn’t bear it anymore, what’s wrong with being pretty, can he just interrupt casually if he’s pretty?

He picked up a marker pen, grabbed Serena’s chin, drew a big **** on her left cheek and a straight character on her right cheek, and held a mirror in front of her.

Hearing the screams of both shock and anger, Li Xu had a clear mind and continued to talk happily in body and mind: “Werewolves at that time were different from now. They were irrational and could not think. They only knew how to kill, and they would not transform into human form. They were pure It’s a plague of beasts.”

“William, the ancestor of the werewolf, is also like a bird, screaming and screaming all day long, with never-ending desire and anger to destroy…”

“.々The people who were killed by William became werewolves. The werewolf virus spread from ten to hundreds, spreading crazily throughout Europe. Marcus was afraid that if it continued, the whole world would be destroyed by his brother, so he found the For Victor, the warlord, the two made a deal.”

“Marcus turned Victor into a vampire, saving him from the pain of injury and imminent death. Victor will lead the vampire army to kill the werewolf and capture William alive… After all, no matter what In any world, an older brother loves a younger brother.”

Li Xu was feeling sorry for his brother, Duoji, when he suddenly noticed a strange look in his eyes. He looked closely and found that it was Amelia: “What’s the matter, do you have anything to add?”

Of course I have to add that all the scenes about me have been deleted!

Amelia snorted coldly: “Victor’s ambitions are huge. Not only can Marcus not control him, but he is also pushed out of the vampire army by him. He has no status at all, so Marcus found me, the second vampire team. Thus the Legion was formed.”

And this?

Li Xu really didn’t know the plot, so he listened patiently.

“But like Victor, I fear Marcus’s power, so the two vampire legions who were supposed to fight each other chose to join forces and squeezed Marcus out of the center of power again.”

Dirty politics!

Li Xu and Serena Qiqi cursed in their hearts, and sympathized with Marcus by the way, the unlucky guy is simply a tragedy.

“The two vampire legions fought together. After centuries of hard work, they killed the raging werewolves and finally captured William.”

Speaking of this, Amelia stopped talking, because in the battle, she was calculated by Victor, and her vampire army suffered heavy casualties.

With no soldiers in her hands and no confidence in her speech, (what?) she will have nothing to do after that, and the power of the vampire family has been firmly controlled by Victor since then.

Amelia has nothing to say, and it’s time for Li Xu to appear on the stage again: “Victor knows that Marcus loves his brother deeply, and in order to achieve the purpose of controlling him, he secretly built a prison. Serena, you should know , the person responsible for building the prison is your family.”

“Yes, because of that prison, my family was killed by werewolves!” Serena said angrily.

“Hehe, it’s so naive. It’s called a secret prison. Victor can’t tolerate so many people knowing the location of the prison.”

Li Xu looked down at Serena: “In order to prevent Marcus from using blood to recall the memory and find the prison where his brother William was imprisoned, Victor led people to kill all his family members. He is your enemy.”

“It’s impossible, you’re lying to me!”

Serena was furious, her blood-sucking fangs opened, and she roared angrily.

Her hands and feet rubbed against the rope and blood flowed out, but she didn’t care at all, and finally gave up on herself and howled, lowered her head and began to sob.

I guess I believed it!

Li Xu touched his chin.

At this time, sending a warm and generous chest and a few words of comfort should be able to deal with the goddess of the moon.

“You’re lying to me. If it’s true, why did Victor leave me alone? The location of the prison is also recorded in my blood.”

Serena was dying, unwilling to face the cold reality.

It is indeed too cruel to recognize the enemy who killed the whole family as an adoptive father, and to devote all his heart and soul to him, and to recognize the thief as his father for six hundred years.

Li Xu stroked his chin: “This is the second story…”.

Chapter 103

“The second story took place six hundred years ago and seamlessly connects with the first story.”

“The vampire, led by Victor, crazily slaughtered werewolves and tried to domesticate werewolves as slaves. The werewolves at that time were irrational, and his domestication plan failed repeatedly, until one day, he picked up a male baby.”

“This baby has a werewolf virus in his body, but he can maintain a human form. Even if he transforms on a full moon night, he still has reason and thinking ability. He is different from all werewolves at that time.”

When Li Xu said this, he glanced at the two women: “His name is Lucien, a born king of werewolves, even irrational werewolves are willing to obey his orders.”

Amelia and Serena listened intently.

“Lucien is a new breed of werewolf, it should be said that he is the first real werewolf. Victor took a fancy to his ability and asked him to bite all the slaves into rational werewolves. At the beginning, Victor was close to success , the werewolves obeyed Lucian’s leadership, and Lucian was willing to listen to him. Until one day, Lucian became an adult…”

“As an adult, Lucien is tall and handsome, his body is full of masculine charm, coupled with his innate leadership temperament, the beauties of the vampire family are powerless to fight, and they will enter the state of 400 **** at a glance, and they can laugh with a word I can’t close my legs…”

“Of course, Lucien’s charm is much worse than mine.”


Amelia frowned severely, and Serena rolled her eyes directly.

The two resisted Li Xu’s private goods from the bottom of their hearts, but were curious about the next plot, and kept silent tacitly, ignoring the last sentence.

“As an adult, Lucien was troubled by puberty, restless every day, thinking that spring is coming, and it’s the season of recovery of all things…”

Ignoring the expressions of the two, Li Xu continued: “As the most beautiful boy in the territory, Lucian quickly captured a vampire beauty. The identity of this beauty is not simple. She is Victor’s biological daughter.”

“Victor killed his daughter Sofia?”

Amelia guessed what happened next, and asked in surprise. She always thought that Sofia died in a werewolf attack, because that’s what Victor said.

With one hand on his hip, Li Xu pointed at Amelia, the spoiler party: “Come on, I’ll give you the seat, tell me!”

Careful man!

Amelia leaned slightly on the sofa, and her two superimposed long legs exchanged positions and crossed together again. The lazy movements are very seductive.

Don’t think that I will forgive you if you give benefits.

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