My African Mate

Chapter 2: Chapter two

Nicole knew the plane ride to Germany wouldn't be easy, heck she knew it would get irritating and uncomfortable at some point, but she didn't expect it to happen right before take-off. The plane wasn't even in the air yet, nor was it moving yet but she already had enough and wanted to get off immediately. Nicole is not normally rude or inconsiderate of others but today of all days she seemed more irritable than normal. Unfortunately for her she had arrived at her sit earlier than the other three passengers who were supposed to be sited next to her, and now that they were finally here, Nicole wished to God that the sit coordinators would have placed her anywhere but where she was currently sited. It was a mother with two toddlers, a girl and boy that couldn't seem to get enough of punching each other and her too accidently, on multiple occasions, that ended up next to her. It got so bad to the point where she had to ask the mother of the toddlers to switch seats with one of the kids so the mother would end up sitting next to her and the toddlers far from her reach. After a nasty look or two, the mother knew that she had no other option and switched seats, not after making it clear that Nicole was now currently her least favorite person right now. Not that Nicole cared much, she didn't know this woman, nor will she ever need anything from her, or so she thought.

Once the plane landed in Germany Berlin, Nicole had a hard time getting a cab or any sort of transport to get her to her varsity. Her frustration grew more and more as the seconds went by. She felt hopeless, jet legged and tired. Right when she was at the verge of giving up and going back into the airport a Black Sudan pulled up next to her and the driver rolled down their window to talk to her. It was a middle-aged man but right next to him in the passenger sit was the woman she was sited next to on the plane with her two kids in the back sit. The woman gave her a cocky look as her partner asked Nicole if she needed some help getting to her destination. Nicole could feel the embarrassment taking over her and she couldn't decide on whether to follow her pride and just deny his request to help her or to humble herself and accept his help. She knew the woman wouldn't make it easy for her if she accepted their help but when her stomach growled out loud, she gave them a quick nervous laugh and nodded her head, accepting the man's help. As he got out of the car to put Nicole's bags in the boot, the woman gave her a quick look and whispered lowly so only Nicole would hear her.

"It's very important to watch how you act towards others and how you treat them because you might not know what god has in store for you. Especially since you're in a foreign country with no friends or family to help you kid."

Swallowing a mouth full of cusses Nicole simply gave the woman the friendliest smile she could master, although she knew it was probably a stiff one and not friendly at all. One the man finished placing her bag into the boot he hopped back into the car and drove out the airport pick up lane.

"So, madam what is your name."

Giving the man the friendliest smile she could master she turned to look at him through the rearview mirror.

"Nicole sir, what's yours?"

"Nicole? Wow that is the strangest name I have ever heard."

Nicole grimaced at the lady's response and instead chose to ignore her and focus on her fiancé.

"Excuse my wife Nicole, she tends to speak without thinking first...."

He said to the woman while she gave him a death stare.

" name is James, James Wilson and my beautiful wife over here is Maria, Maria Addams."

"Nice to meet you both and thank you Mr. Wilson for offering me a ride to campus."

"No problem doll, where are you going again, I forgot to ask."

Giving out a little laugh Nicole relaxed a little as she and Mr. Wilson kept a decent conversation going, almost making her forget about her tiredness and hunger.

"I am going to varsity sir, Cleveland Varsity."

"No way, my wife and I are heading there too. Well, we stay on campus actually am a professor there and my wife is one of the dorm moms there. What are you going to be studying there Nicole?"

Nicole was now suddenly intrigued by this conversation. This lady Maria, who acted like royalty was actually just a dorm mother at her varsity. Things just seem to have gotten a bit more interesting now. Although she just realized also that Mr. Wilson always referred to Maria as his wife not fiancé, there definitely seemed to be something there. As much as she was dying to ask him, she knew that now wasn't the right time yet.

"I'll be studying Business Management sir, first year."

"Well, this was definitely fate, I happen to teach Entrepreneurship and Business Management and Sales Management which is one of the modules under Business Management. Looks like you and I will be seeing more of each other huh Nicole."

Looking like she couldn't tell whether she should have been happy with that statement as much as Mr. Wilson was, she could definitely tell though that Maria wasn't. Instead of giving Mr. Wilson an enthusiastic response, she instead chose to smile at him then settled back into her sit and hummed to herself quietly, as she took in the view of her new home from the car's window.

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