NBA: Opening Template Atsushi Murasakibara

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Admiral Sirius And Rodman Perform A Classic Small Defense (5, Please Subscribe!)

Game start.

The Spurs’ starting lineup.

Center: David Robinson.

Power forward, Duncan.

Small forward, Sean Elliott.

Shooting guard, Jaren Jackson.

Point guard, Avery John.

Looking at this lineup alone, it is not an exaggeration to walk sideways in the league!

In the starting lineup, except for point guard John and shooting guard Jackson, everyone else is an All-Star.

Opening jump ball.

Du Qi and Duncan went to the center line.

A very strange scene, the starting centers of the two teams did not jump the ball.

The jumpers were the starting power forwards of both teams.

Ben Wallace, because of lack of height.

And Admiral Robinson, because of his age, Duncan is young and strong, and his height is not much different from him, so Duncan naturally jumped the ball.

The referee placed the basketball between Du Qi and Duncan.

Then, blow the whistle.

Basketball soars high.

Du Qi and Duncan took off at the same time.

Both Du Qi and Duncan’s physical talents are very strong!

The same height is 211 cm, Duncan’s wingspan is 230 cm, and Du Qi’s wingspan is 231 cm.

It can be said that they are not equal.

Moreover, the young Duncan’s physical condition is also at the peak of his career.

Du Qi jumped the ball, and suddenly there was a little sense of crisis.


Finally know why Duncan is called the flying devil!

The fingers of the two people touched the basketball at almost the same time.

Du Qi couldn’t assign the basketball to his teammates at all, so he could only put the basketball into the sky.

Fortunately, basketball fell into the Warriors’ camp.

In Du Qi’s heart, he was very grateful that God gave him the one that was one centimeter longer than Duncan…


Auerbach off the field laughed very happily.

Since coaching Du Qi, he has been comparing Du Qi to Duncan.

As Du Qi won the jump ball, there was a trace of relief in his heart~~

Du Qi, is stronger than Duncan!

Nash got the basketball and was directly defended by the small general Avery John.

The small general is not the same as the Fisher who played against Nash in the last game!

The little general has been in the league for 10 years, and his tendon is much stronger than Nash!

Nash’s staggering dribble took the basketball beyond the three-point line and passed the basketball directly to Du Qi, who wanted the ball in the middle distance.

After Du Qi got the basketball, he immediately discovered the Spurs’ defensive layout.

The Admiral was ready to double-team himself, Duncan clinging to himself.

Directly to implement strict self-marking!

293 There is no doubt that this is Popovich’s masterpiece.

Now Popovich is still very young, only 49 years old.

Being a head coach at the age of 49 is already considered young in the coaching position!

Du Qi bent over to dribble, looking for his own scoring opportunity.

However, the Spurs’ defense is very precise!

And, in the current NBA, there is no defense for three seconds!

The three seconds of defense was made by the league in order to limit O’Neal in the 2001-2002 season!

So, this led, David Robinson, to empty the big book without any shots.

Stand directly under the basket and wait for Du Qi!

Facing Duncan’s defense, Du Qi lowered his center of gravity very low.

Duncan also lowered his center of gravity to guard Du Qi.

Very easy!

Du Qi suddenly made a fake shot, Duncan was very stable.

Not jumping at all.

Du Qi, on the other hand, continued to dribble and break through.

After adding up his speed, Du Qi dribbled the ball directly towards the baseline.

After reaching the bottom line, he made an emergency stop, connected with a step back, and took a jump shot.

Duncan was still very tight.

His interference with Du Qi was the ultimate.

But Du Qi still steadily shot the basketball into the hoop!

This goal immediately caused cheers from all the fans at Oracle Arena.

However, Auerbach frowned.

Fans, most of them just watch the fun.

Coach, look at the doorway!

Du Qi, restricted by the Spurs’ twin towers, can’t get inside!

Spurs attack.

Avery Johns dribbles over halftime.

Nash wants to make small moves toward the general.

However, the small general directly strikes first!

An elbow slammed into Nash’s chest.

Then, blast towards the rim.

The Warriors’ defense line immediately shrank.

The little general immediately found an opportunity.

The basketball is thrown directly towards the hoop.

The admiral took off straight away and lightly pressed the basketball into the basket.

Du Qi didn’t dare to defend.

Because Duncan’s threat is too great!

Warriors attack.

Nash once again carried the small general’s defense and transported the basketball to the frontcourt.

This time, basketball went to Ray Allen.

Ray Allen made a bet with Rodman before the game!

With his obsessive-compulsive character, if he can’t get 30 points in this game, he will die of pain!

Ray Allen got the basketball and faced the defense of Jaren Jack (bcad) Son.

Jaren Jackson is an undrafted NBA player.

Du Qi didn’t know very well.

But his son, Du Qi, was familiar.

Playing with the Grizzlies, Jaren Jackson Jr.!

Du Qi stepped forward and gave Ray Allen a pick-and-roll.

Ray Allen directly put the ball to break through, and after passing the pick-and-roll, he made a pull-up jumper directly in the middle distance.

Duncan pounced very timely, but today’s Ray Allen is the Ray Allen of obsessive-compulsive disorder!


Basketball obediently fell into the net.

The Spurs attacked again.

Avery Johnson dribbled to the perimeter and passed the basketball to Admiral David Robinson.

Robinson took the basketball and directly hit the big book.

Big Ben’s defense is very active, he constantly stuck in Robinson’s footsteps, preventing Robinson from turning around.

But the four major centers, except for O’Neal, have one characteristic!

That is their mid-range shooting ability is very good.

Especially the Admiral, who actually has a one-handed guard’s fallback jumper!

After David Robinson hit his back in a row, he suddenly took a step back and connected to a fallback jumper.

His height of 216 centimeters and superhuman wingspan directly made Big Ben, who was in his early two meters, stop in his tracks.


The basketball obediently fell into the net.

Auerbach off the field, looking at Big Ben’s embarrassment in the face of the admiral, suddenly frowned deeper.

Big Ben can’t defend the Admiral at all!

To defend O’Neal, because O’Neal didn’t have a mid-range shot, he could rely on strength to confront O’Neal head-on.

But the admiral has a mid-range cast!

With such a huge height difference between the two, Big Ben has no way to interfere with the Admiral’s shot!

The Warriors attacked again.

Du Qi received a pass from the middle distance.

Three threats are presented.

A sudden start, although Duncan screened very quickly, it was still half a beat too slow!

Du Qi hits the basket directly!

Robinson has a very strong sense of location!

He went straight forward and wanted to double-team Du Qi with Duncan!

Let these two long-armed monsters double-team themselves, definitely not what Du Qi wants!

He made an emergency stop, and then turned around.

Leaning on Duncan, he made a spin to get himself out of the predicament of being double-teamed by two people. ,

Then, a straight back jumper shot!

Duncan jumped directly and rushed towards Du Qi,

He jumped a little violently and hit Du Qi directly.

Du Qi’s center of gravity suddenly became unbalanced.

However, with his super core strength, he closed his feet.

He folded his body in the air and stabilized his center of gravity.

Throw the basketball towards the hoop.

The basketball hit the backboard of the rim and bounced into the rim.



Du Qi waved his hand!

At this time, Popovich on the sidelines called Duncan to his side: “Tim, control your fouls! It’s only been 1 minute! 99

The Spurs’ twin towers are Popovich’s two generals defending Du Qi.

Without one, the inside line of the Spurs will be turned upside down by Du Qi in an instant, so no one can make any mistakes!

Duncan nodded and said, understand!

At this point, Du Qi has already made a free throw.

The two teams fight again.

This time, the basketball is in Duncan’s hands.

Duncan started to post up Du Qi in the mid-range.

bang bang!

After two consecutive hits, Du Qi was not hit by Duncan.

This is a predictable result, after all, Du Qi is a monster that can push O’Neal.

However, Duncan directly leaned on Du Qi and showed his footsteps.

From the left side of the basket, take two steps in a row to the right side of the basket.

Very similar to Ewing’s Bunny Bounce!

Duncan held the basketball directly in his right hand, and a small hook threw the basketball towards the backboard.

Du Qi, very fast take-off interference.

Duncan’s sight was immediately blocked by Du Qi.

Moreover, Du Qi’s long arm was interfering with Duncan.

Duncan couldn’t help but turned up the arc.


No basketball!

However, under the basket, David Robinson took off directly and dunked the basketball towards the hoop across the big Ben!

“A catch from David Robinson!

On the bench, seeing this scene, Rodman said: “Ben’s speed is too slow! I have a chance to grab this ball!

“Dammit, this soft bastard who needs my help is really arrogant!

“Reed, put me on the court! I’ll get rid of him!”

Auerbach looked at Rodman and said, “Don’t worry, let Ben feel what a skilled center is!

“He’s not doing very well right now, you’ll teach him later!”


Rodman nodded and made it to his bench again.

At this time, the field is another attack.

Du Qi singled out Duncan again.

This time, he pulled Duncan straight out of the arc!

Iverson-style butterfly wearing flower steps!

A very large crossover!

Du Qi broke through directly from Duncan’s side.

Then, accelerated into the restricted area!

Facing the defending David Robinson, Du Qi took a deep breath, held the ball with his right hand, and blocked his left hand in front of him.

David Robinson, outstretched his long arm, to block the basketball.

However, Du Qi flew too high!

Pressing directly on David Robinson, completed a wonderful snap!

The audience once again gave Du Qi their applause.

Most of the people who came to the scene today are Chinese fans!

“Du Qi, great job!

“Continue to fight like this, we support you!”

Many people shouted in Chinese.

At the same time, they also held up signs to cheer for themselves.


Rodman is perfect for the atmosphere group, once again waving the towel in his hand.

“Du, kill that soft egg!”

Before going to the Bulls, Rodman was a Spurs player.

However, he had a bad time with the Spurs.

Because of his personality, he and Popovich have a bad relationship.

In a Spurs game against the Rockets, Robinson wanted Rodman to help him defend Olajuwon.

As a result, Rodman directly scolded Robinson and said, I will never help you!

Popovich and Robin Xu are both soldiers!

Both of them take discipline very seriously!

Then, Rodman was kicked out by Popovich!

On the field, the game continues.

Du Qi did a great job of Duncan’s defense.

The game started 5 minutes, Duncan only got 2 points.

However, the Spurs’ restraint on Du Qi is also good.

At the basket, Du Qi basically didn’t score except for a dunk on Robinson.

Du Qi’s good performance doesn’t mean other people’s performance is good!

The admiral directly stunned Daben.

He made 3 of 3 shots and scored 6 points in a row.

On the perimeter, Nash’s little action, after meeting the strong and experienced Avery John, was a little off.

There were two turnovers, and the number of assists was still 0!

He did not take responsibility for organizing the attack!

Du Qi scored 12 points in five minutes.

But, of the others, only Ray Allen scored 4!

The Warriors, now 22-16, are 6 points behind the Spurs!

Rodman looked at the court, and Big Ben was shot over his head by Robinson again, and immediately said: “Come on for me! Let me teach this kid how to guard against big with small! 35

Auerbach looked at the field and said: “Okay! Go!

Rodman nodded, took off his clothes, put on his colorful hair, and went directly to the technical table, waiting for a substitution!

On the field, at this time, there is a chance of dead ball,

The Spurs’ pass was destroyed by Bowen.

Rodman directly replaced Big Ben.

“Boy, look good, how do you prevent the big from being small!’35

Rodman whistled and walked towards Robinson.

“Soft egg, single me!”

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was an extremely arrogant speech!

Robinson, just pretend not to hear.

However, he was physically honest, beckoned directly, and asked for the ball at the little general.

After getting the basketball, David Robinson directly and powerfully attacked Rodman.

But Rodman’s moves are solid!

He is a two-time Defensive Player of the Year and a seven-time All-Defensive First Team member!

Rodman froze, preventing the admiral from turning.

Sure enough, this time, the admiral used his height and shooting to punish Rodman.

Turn, Step Back, Fallback 1

Rodman, with quick eyes and quick hands, stepped forward quickly, stretched out his arms, and cut directly at the basketball that the Admiral was about to raise above his head!


This shot was cut very cleanly!

Classic small anti-big!

Rodman got the basketball and gave it to Du Qi.

Du Qi directly and quickly hit the frontcourt.

Go to the front court, turn around 180 degrees and buckle up!

Complete the counterattack!

After Rodman cut off the basketball in the Admiral’s hand, he stared straight at him.

“Soft egg, stop shooting! Your habits, I have studied them clearly! 35

“Only by hitting me hard will you have a chance!

The admiral looked at Rodman.

Seems to remember, the horror of this rebounding and defense-focused monster!

He, is a monster who can study Jordan’s shot after the shot, the basketball spins a few laps, where it hits the rim, and where it falls!

Big Ben off the field opened his eyes wide.

Listening to the explanation given to me by Auerbach around me, I absorb all the knowledge I can absorb!!.

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