Origin Seeker

Chapter 38: Reunion

Dream came out of stealth several feet away from Mark. 

"Well, at least your fight or flight response is decent. Not many people have the instinct to fight back when put under life-threatening danger. Though you could work on staying more calm." (Dream)

"Y-You...What level are you? Are you a second class?! You shouldn't bully a first class..."

"Oh, I'm not second class."

"Then third?!"

"Errrtttt. Wrong answer."

Dream smiled at Mark, who soon got the hint.

"You...There's no way..."

"I got my title plate, like, an hour ago. Here."

Dream took out his iron plate and tossed it over. Mark caught it and saw the information already highlighted.

"1st class Ranger...E stats?! Impossible!" (Mark)

"I also find that hard to believe. Nobody with such a low and basic status could hide from even me, so....Don't tell me..." (Elaina)

"Let's just say that my ability is more than meets the eye. Riddick knows and I told him I would fix it when I got my second class. Either way, no harm, no foul." (Dream)


Elaina also saw the profile, and with the experience she had, could quickly come to the conclusion. Dream gave a vague explanation and left it at that, he wasn't keen on outright telling everyone he met that he had a fake status plate.

After leaving Mark stupefied, Dream turned towards the staircase that led to the third floor and spoke out.

"So Old Man, are you going to introduce us to your friend?" (Dream)

"Hmph, good senses." 

With a snort, two figures appeared at the base of the staircase. It was Riddick and Graff.

"Haha, I'm liking this kid already. You mind telling me how you knew? Although its basic, my stealth isn't so easily seen through." (Graff)

"I just sensed the unnatural air movement around you guys." (Dream)

'That and Sophia told me.'

[Your welcome.]

Dream smiled with a smug face.

"...That simple huh. Nevermind that, allow me to introduce myself." (Graff)

Graff walked over and stood in front of Dream, putting out his hand for a shake.

"My name is Graff. I'm known as a Magic Engineer. I happened to like what you were telling my son." (Graff)

"You heard that huh? Well, at least it made a good impression." (Dream)

"What you said is the basis of humility. Having respect for the little man, something that is rare in this world, but one of the best qualities to have. Too many stupid teenagers are never disciplined and grow up to be arrogant adults, and I can say that it never ends well for any of them, at least from what I've seen. My son could learn a lot from you." 

"You can bring a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. It's up to him to change, but I believe that can come with age. As long he's given the right guidance."

"Heh, as if you're old yourself kid. You're not even 20 and you want to sound like an old wise man?"

"Guilty as charged. But let's just say that I come from a place and family where I was forced to grow up quickly. Don't get me wrong though, I am still very much a teenager at heart."

"Hehe, of course. Well! I have reunited with my brother, and we are in the prime of the night! I believe a drink or two is in order. What say you, Riddick. The Almighty Prince of Destruction!" (Graff)

"....I told you not to call me that, but sure. I'll have to see if I can still drink you under the table like last time." (Riddick)

"HA! When's the last time you even had a drink, and you think you can still out-drink this expert? I'll have you vomiting before I get buzzed! Come! To the kitchen we go!" (Graff)

Graff threw his arm around Riddick and led him to the kitchen. Elaina also followed. This left the young ones in the living room.

"So, are we planning to join them? I might have to regardless considering I have some alcohol they might want." (Dream)

"I don't mind." (Luna)

"I'll join too." (Iris)

Iris stood from Luna's lap and transformed back into a human. This unintentionally garnered the jaw drops of the twins.

"Wha..? You...?" (Mark)

"...What? Luna can do the same thing." (Iris)

"She can?!" (Mark)

"Let's not freak out now. Come on, I'm interested in seeing the two men get drunk. Maybe they'll tell some stories." (Dream)

Dream turned and walked to the kitchen with the girls in tow. Mark and Beau stood there, still stunned.

"...Let's just join. Alcohol will help get my mind off of everything." (Mark)

"Ok." (Beau)

The twins walked into the kitchen soon after.


Song: Regard - Ride it

"Prepare your alcohol, Boy. I don't think Graff will have enough for both of us." (Riddick)

"No problem. I'm interested to see your full drinking ability anyway." (Dream)

"What drinking ability? That pretty boy prince can't drink for shit. *pop*" (Graff)

As Graff spoke, he popped off the cork of a big jug of alcohol. Dream could already smell its scent permeating through the kitchen.

"I gotta ask. Prince?" (Dream)

"It's my title. [Prince of Destruction]." (Riddick)

"It's also a blessing! Let me tell you kid, this man could be considered the embodiment of annihilation. So much so, that he got a damn blessing from it!" (Graff)

"Blessing?" (Dream)

"Do you not even know what a blessing is? Have you been living under a rock?" (Graff)

"...I guess you could say that." (Dream)

Dream smiled sheepishly as he summoned out bottles of alcohol onto a big kitchen table. Living on another world could count as under a rock, right?

"We can talk about those details tomorrow. I will be reclaiming my throne tonight. Keep summoning, Boy." (Riddick)

Riddick smiled as he began uncapping bottles and setting them up. Dream started sweating at the amount of alcohol that they were preparing. You could get an entire college football team drunk with this alcohol! He was pretty sure that even just the smell from all the open bottles could get a lightweight tipsy.

After 15 minutes of summoning and opening bottles, Riddick and Graff each picked up a bottle.

"Cheers!" (Graff)

"Cheers." (Riddick)

With that, they both knocked back their bottles. And drank it in one go.

*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*

"Ahh." (x2)

That was just the beginning. They kept picking up more bottles and downing them like water.

1 bottle, 5 bottles, 10.

The kitchen was silent as the men kept pounding back bottles. After they went through Graff's stash, they moved on to Dream's.

" *Burp* What'd you summon out, Boy?" (Riddick)

"Only the hard stuff. Unless you want the fruity, good-tasting stuff." (Dream)

"Fruity? What's fruity?" (Graff)

"Here." (Dream)

Dream summoned out a couple jars of fruit-flavored moonshine. 

Graff took a jar and drank it.

"Huh. It doesn't really taste like alcohol. Almost like a juice." (Graff)

"That's why it's great. But don't be fooled, half of that jar is pure alcohol." (Dream)

"Well, I'll be damned. You could make loads of money selling this stuff!" (Graff)

"Sure. If you want to waste the rest of your life dealing with drunks in a bar." (Riddick)

Graff didn't heed Riddick's comment and drank some more moonshine. Dream decided to take out some alcohol for the others.

"Miss Elaina. Would you like some wine?" (Dream)

"Wine?" (Elaina)

Dream poured a glass and handed it to her. She drank it and smiled.

"This is really good. Thank you." (Elaina)

"Of course. Mark, Beau. Try some of this." (Dream)


Dream summoned out more glasses and poured some whiskey. He slid it over to them.

"....Not bad." (Mark)

"Mm. It's good." (Beau)

"Good. And here's some Margaritas for you two." (Dream)

Dream took out some mixes and made drinks for Luna and Iris. This was their favorite from last time.

After everyone had a drink in their hand, Dream poured a glass of tequila for himself and sipped it. He grabbed a chair and kicked back, listening to music and watching the two men get drunk.

After a bit, Riddick and Graff started slowing down. Graff also began speaking.

"You know Prince, I know the circumstances were complicated and all..." (Graff)

"Oh boy." (Riddick)

"But you coulda let me help you out a bit! I could have hooked you up with a nice house in a random kingdom somewhere, and you and your daughters could still live peacefully. New identities, nobody knows who you are, all the money you could ask for, anything! But you still ran off to who knows where and disappeared! Not even so much as a goodbye." (Graff)

"Easier said than done. They would still find me no matter where I went, and I would never get my own friends involved in something that dangerous. Not to mention how I couldn't even take refuge in the Empires! It was best if I just cut all ties and vanished. For me, my friends, and my daughters. I messed up, and It was my responsibility to take care of it." (Riddick)

"Falling in love is not messing up! Unless it's with a hooker...." (Graff)

"*muttering* Those are wise words." (Dream)

"Anyway! You found your soul mate, had some children, and somebody stood between you two. That is not your fault! What would SHE say if she heard you say that? Did she blame you for what happened?" (Graff)

"....I don't know. All I know is that they took her away from me, and they dared to try and take my daughters..."

As Riddick spoke, an overwhelming killing intent was released. The bottle in his hand also disintegrated, literally.

Everyone other than Graff and Elaina felt their hair stand on end and their heartbeat quicken. The twins even backed away in their seats, putting distance between them and Riddick. 

"Settle down Prince. I didn't mean to fire you up." (Graff)

"*sighs* Sorry."

Riddick apologized and the killing intent disappeared. The twins took a deep breath to calm themselves.

"But hey, its good to see that you still have that fire within you! I noticed you changed quite a bit in these last 20 years. You're more...mellow." (Graff)

"Well that's what happens when you live in a forest with nothing to do for so long. It's given me lots of time to think. But no matter how I looked at it, I never found a viable way to get her back. It seems impossible." (Riddick)

"Nothing is impossible, Old Man." (Dream)

Dream spoke up after he felt he had a solid grasp on what happened.

"If you want something, but aren't strong enough to get it, what do you do?" (Dream)

"Get stronger. But you need to know how difficult it is to ascend to 4th class, Boy" (Riddick)

"Then you need to figure out how. Find the path, and walk it. This is where using your brain comes in. If one thing doesn't work, then try another. You're a magician, ya?" (Dream)

"Yes." (Riddick)

"And what makes a magician strong?" (Dream)

"Mana and his spells." 

"So you either need more mana, or better spells."

"I haven't been able to increase my mana for decades."

"And why's that."

"Levels. Every time I leveled up, I would get a bit more mana. But enemies get harder and lesser as levels increase, so your leveling speed decreases dramatically as you level up. It was a miracle that I even got to where I am."

"So you need to increase your mana without increasing your level."

"....I don't know if that's possible."

"Why would it be impossible? Ask questions, Old Man. What is mana? Where does it come from? How is it controlled? How is it stored within you, and how can you increase that storage? If you figure out the answer to these questions, then I say that you will be able to do much more than just increase your mana storage."


Riddick went quiet with a contemplating face and Graff looked at Dream with a smile.

"I'm liking you more and more." (Graff)

"Well, those are just questions. One's that I've been trying to figure out since I arrived here. I was actually planning on coming to you, Graff, for knowledge on engineering and science. I need to learn about materials and their properties. Of course, only if you would allow me."

"That might be possible. But my knowledge and research are very valuable. You know those communication wires you see everywhere? I designed those. I've created many things, and the knowledge used can't just be given away."

"Well what if I told you that those wires are child's play, primitive even, compared to the technology I know?"

"Primitive?! Do you know how long it took me to develop those?! You haven't lived for two decades and you're saying you can do better?"

Graff raised his voice at Dream, obviously heated.

"Sorry. I don't mean to insult your work. But yes, those wires are primitive compared to my technology. You see that thing on Luna's head? That little thing is many times more advanced than a bunch of metal strings. Here, try one."

Dream summoned out a pair of headphones and gave them to Graff. Graff put them on just like how Luna had them.

The headphones happened to come with a mic, so to make his point, Dream connected them together and started speaking.

"Can you hear me?"


Graff shouted in surprise after a voice came from nowhere.

"It's me. I am speaking to you through the thing on your head. The one I have takes my voice and transmits it to yours instantaneously. This lets you hear me in real-time. I can also do it over distances. Watch."

Dream stood up from his seat and walked out of the kitchen. He went to the doorway leading to the first floor and walked down the stairs. Once he was on the first floor, he spoke.

"Can you hear me?"

"I can! That's amazing. I can't hear your actual voice, but the one coming from this thing. And I can sense you on the first floor. But how can you deliver your voice if there is no connection?"

"Through the power of science. To give you a sense of what I know, the knowledge needed to create your wire technology is primitive compared to the knowledge needed to create the thing on your head. And even that level of knowledge is easy compared to everything else I know."


Graff went silent and Dream started walking back to the kitchen.

When he got back, Graff looked at him with excited eyes.

"If what you say is really true, then I guess I should be asking you to teach me." (Graff)

"We can learn from each other. Just throwing this out there now, I come from another world. That world was one that studied the laws of the universe, and came to create technology that could do everything imaginable. I requested Riddick to bring me here so I could learn about this world's technology. Such knowledge is crucial for me, second only to the ways of magic. And you are someone I can share and benefit with. So Graff, would you like to exchange our knowledge with each other." (Dream)

"Of course! I would be an idiot not to. The prince told me a bit about you, and I guess he skipped over the detail that you came from another world. But no matter. Any knowledge is good knowledge." (Graff)

"Agreed. I guess now we have our work cut out for us. But that's all for tomorrow. Let's continue drinking. Maybe you should share some stories with us. I'm interested in what the Old Man used to be like back in the day." (Dream)

"Back in the day? Heh, Sir Prince over here used to be one hell of a maniac! Going around and almost getting killed. Every day it was something new. He almost lost an arm, almost lost his head, hell, he even came out one time with a half dissolved body! I swear I've never seen someone in a more wretched state." (Graff)

"And all you did was laugh..." (Riddick)

"Hell yeah I did! Hahaha! The look on your girlfriend's face at the time was priceless!"

Graff began laughing his ass off over old memories while Riddick just hid behind his bottle. Everyone laughed along as well.

Graff told one story after another. Riddick also made sure to jab back. Whether it was about broken hearts, near-death fights, huge embarrassments, they told it all. 

'I guess 150 years gives a lot of time for anything to happen...'

[Dream! We have a problem!]


Dream snapped out of his stupor and focused on Sophia who alerted him.

'What the hell happened?'

[It's Earth! The Record has arrived on Earth!]

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