Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 294 - The unremarkable low-key caravan

ten days later.

The treatment of World Tree has achieved initial results.

The treatment is actually very simple for Zhang Feng, that is, it consumes a lot of mysterious crystals.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng had previously obtained a mysterious crystal mine in Gamma Country, and it is currently being mined. Although the scale is not large for the time being, it is enough for Zhang Feng to consume.

The world tree has grown a little bit, and Nora and the goblin are happy to thank Zhang Feng.

The maze of giant trees in the Sunset Mountain Range has been arranged. Zhang Feng still doesn’t know whether orcs will come in again. The thoughts of these giant trees are very simple. They can execute the orders of the World Tree, but they cannot actively transmit messages.

However, no orcs have come over for more than ten days, so it is still reliable to come to the maze.

After being temporarily safe, Zhang Feng will improve his strength next.

After all, you can hide for a while, but you can’t hide for a lifetime, bordering the orc kingdom, you will meet sooner or later.

Zhang Feng began to recruit troops in the name of Isabelle.

As soon as the news of the recruitment was sent out, many civilians were immediately excited. They originally thought that after the Buck Kingdom unified the Stardust Continent, it should not expand its army. After all, there were no opponents, but they did not expect Buck Kingdom to recruit troops again.

The treatment of soldiers in the Buck Kingdom is very good, and it is the dream career of most civilians.

Now that the news of the expansion of the army is received, many people come to line up before dawn to prepare for registration.

In addition to recruiting troops, weapons and equipment also have to keep up.

For example, spears, armors, even cars, muskets, etc. Zhang Feng ordered the factory to turn on the firepower, and make as many as they can make. Humans are naturally inferior to orcs, and Zhang Feng can only make up for it from other aspects.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

However, Zhang Feng felt that it was not enough.

As the saying goes, only by knowing oneself and knowing one’s enemy can one be victorious in a hundred battles. His knowledge of these orc kingdoms is limited to those spoken by a few orcs who have never seen anything in the world and who do not know a single word.

So, Zhang Feng is going to send someone over to take a look!

In fact, Zhang Feng wanted to go by himself, but considering that his life was more important, Zhang Feng felt that it was better to be safe for the time being.

After hearing about Hu Erniang, Wolf Erniang and the others, they took the initiative to ask Ying, but they were all rejected by Zhang Feng.

Even Hill was rejected by him.

Because there is a huge orc empire on the opposite side!

Although they are very powerful, they are not invincible. In the Heavenly Wolf Empire, there must be orcs with similar or even higher strength. Zhang Feng did not want them to take risks.

Especially Amy, her life experience is likely to be related to the royal family of the Heavenly Wolf Empire. No matter what the attitude of the Heavenly Wolf Empire is towards her, Zhang Feng will not let Amy appear in the sky until he is clear about what is involved. In the eyes of the wolf empire.

So, Zhang Feng released a recruitment notice.

The content is that a certain number of people are required to go to a far away place to do trade. The law and order in this place is relatively chaotic, and it may be life-threatening, but the reward is very rich.

Zhang Feng did not plan to disclose the matter of the Orc Empire for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

People in Hongye City are very curious about this “distant place”, and many people signed up.

You must know that in Hongye City, the notice of the City Lord’s Mansion has never said the word “rich reward” before. Even if it did not say it, the reward is enough to be gratifying. Now that it is deliberately pointed out, the reward is definitely considerable.

The number of people who signed up exceeded Zhang Feng’s imagination. These people all forgot the words “probably life-threatening” in front of him!

Considering that there is an orc country there, Zhang Feng first brushed off all the humans.

Listening to the meaning of the foreign orcs, on the other side of the Sunset Mountain Range, although there are a small number of humans, their status is not high. The good thing is that they are errands, and they may almost be slaves. If Zhang Feng engages a team of humans, It is too conspicuous, and there will be a lot of trouble finding it.

In this case, it is better to let the orcs go.

However, most of these orcs are straight. Although people are not stupid, they do not go around in circles, and they may make a move if they disagree.

In Buck Kingdom, there are laws that are used to them, but on the other side of the Sunset Mountains, no one cares about them. If they fight with people and are affected by the war, it will be a big loss for Zhang Feng. After all, Hongye There are not many orcs in the city.

“Lord City Lord, let me go!”

Mouse Daqiang suddenly found Zhang Feng.

Since the unification of the continent, Rat Daqiang has been placed in the Hongye Business Alliance by Zhang Feng. Although he is an orc, he is born to do business. He plays various routines better than some old businessmen. A valued person.

“Do you know where you’re going?”

Zhang Feng asked.

“I don’t know.”

Rat Daqiang shook his head.

“You don’t even know, why are you so active?”

Zhang Feng was a little speechless. For people he valued more, Zhang Feng naturally didn’t want him to take risks.

“Because I know that Mr. Zhang Feng will definitely not harm me!”

Rat Daqiang’s eyes were firm.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng shook his head and scolded with a smile:

“You’re flattering, it’s useless, this place is really dangerous, and you may lose your life if you’re careless. I’m also counting on you to take care of the Hongye Business Alliance, so you won’t take any risks.”

Hearing Zhang Feng’s words, Rat Daqiang had tears in his eyes.

“Sir, thank you for your concern, but if you are doing business, I dare to say that the entire Hongye City is no more suitable than me. As long as the adults let me go, I will definitely not disappoint the adults!”

Listening to Daqiang’s sworn assurance, Zhang Feng frowned and said in a low voice:

“Let me be blunt, this time the destination is the other side of the Sunset Mountains.”


Hearing Zhang Feng’s words, Mu Daqiang was shocked.

He used to live on the edge of the Sunset Mountains, but he knew the horrors in the Sunset Mountains!

Zhang Feng said the danger, is it the Sunset Mountains? If this is the case, then the danger is indeed great, after all, even Zhang Xiaotang is not sure to safely cross the Sunset Mountains.

If it is inevitable to die, Rat Daqiang just thought about it. Although the orcs have always been afraid of death, but now they are living well, who wants to die.

As if he knew the thoughts of Rat Daqiang, Zhang Feng went on to say:

“Now something has happened to the Sunset Mountain Range, and the danger inside is gone. As long as you bring enough food, you can safely cross over. The danger I’m talking about is on the other side of the Sunset Mountain Range…”

Zhang Feng told Mouse Daqiang about the orc kingdom.

When Daqiang Mouse heard the news, his mouth was wide open. He never thought that on the other side of the Sunset Mountain Range, there were so many orc kingdoms, and even a huge orc empire!

He grew up in the Sunset Mountains. He didn’t even know that the orcs even had a country?

This made Mouse Daqiang a little curious about what the kingdom of the orcs looked like.

Seeing the mouse in a daze, Zhang Feng thought he was frightened and was about to say something, but he heard the mouse say:

“If that’s the case, then I should go! After all, the other party is the country of the orcs. If humans go, it may be as troublesome as our orcs were in the Buck Kingdom before. It’s more suitable for the orcs to go in the past!”

“Do you really want to go?”

“Of course, it is my honor to work for Mr. Zhang Feng!”

Rat Daqiang patted his chest and said.

In fact, the reason why he invited Ying was that he felt that it was no longer challenging in Hongye City. Here, he could make money with his eyes closed. There was no one who earned a gold coin when he first followed Zhang Feng. excited.

To put it simply, Rat Daqiang wanted to find some excitement.

The Orc Kingdom on the other side is just right!

Seeing that Daqiang was still very firm, Zhang Feng thought about it and said:

“In this case, it’s not impossible for you to go, but you have to keep in mind that no matter what happens, saving your life is the most important thing. The purpose of this time is not to trade, but to inquire about the situation of the orc empire. Don’t be stingy about problems, use gold coins if you can solve them with gold coins!”


Zhang Feng obviously agreed, and Rat Daqiang was very excited.

The Orc Empire, I really want to see what it looks like!

“Well, I’ll pick some more people. I’ll set off in three days. I’ll give you a radio when I come back. If there is any irresistible danger, you can send a distress message, and I’ll make the Air Force stand by at any time.”

Zhang Feng said.

These orcs, especially Mu Daqiang, have brought a lot of help to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng doesn’t want them to die in the orc country.

“Yes, thank you sir!”

The rat is very grateful.

Zhang Feng asked Mu Daqiang not to be told about the orc kingdom, and then let him go back to prepare first.

Since Daqiang was leading the team, the remaining orcs would be much easier to find.

Soon, a small ten-man caravan was formed.

Although it is a caravan, for safety reasons, these “businessmen” are all orcs with high combat power. Zhang Feng also equipped them with many practical gadgets, including some powerful weapons.

It can be said that they are the regular army in the skin of a merchant.

Originally, Zhang Feng wanted to equip them with cars, but after thinking about it, let it go. The cars are too conspicuous. It is better to keep a low profile when entering the orc country.

Three days later, this small caravan of ten people, carrying a lot of supplies, entered the Sunset Mountain Range, leaving a string of long footprints on the snow.

Zhang Feng said hello to the little goblin in advance, and told those giant trees not to stop the mouse and them.

The method of identifying the giant tree is also very simple. As long as the group of Shu Daqiang stays under the World Tree for a while, with the breath of the World Tree on their bodies, the giant tree will not stop them.

“Hey, Da Qiang, where are we going this time?”

After entering the Sunset Mountain Range, Niu Dali couldn’t bear it any longer, and asked Xiang Mouse Daqiang in a low voice.

Several other orcs also pricked up their ears.

Zhang Feng just told them that there was a great danger this time, and asked them to act carefully, but Zhang Feng didn’t say what the specific situation was. He only said that he would ask Mouse Daqiang after entering the Sunset Mountain Range.

Mouse Daqiang didn’t sell anything, there were no outsiders here, he said:

“This time, our target is the Sirius Empire!”

“The Heavenly Wolf Empire?”

Niu Dali was taken aback for a moment, what country is this, they have never heard of it?

“It is the most powerful country among the orcs…”

Mouse Daqiang relayed the news Zhang Feng told him to Niu Dali and several others.

“There is such a place…”

Several people were a little unbelievable.

“Hey, is there any difference between the orc empire and the human country? Does it also have a king?”

“How do I know, we’ll know if we go, but Mr. Zhang Feng said, no matter what, you have to obey me. Without my order, you can’t act without authorization!”

“Don’t worry, my old cow understands!”

The group led the horse, chatted, and walked in the Sunset Mountain Range for ten days before they saw the exit of the mountain range.


Mouse Daqiang was a little excited. He looked at everyone and made sure that everyone was ordinary and nothing special. Then he led everyone out of the giant tree forest.

The Kingdom of Danga, a small country near the Sunset Mountains.

Due to the relatively remote location, the Danga Kingdom did not lose too much in this war, and only lost 30% of its population.

Today, a group of orc soldiers were patrolling to prevent people from other countries from attacking. Suddenly, they found a caravan!

Those who dare to do business at this time are the masters who want money and not life!

The orc patrolmen watched from a distance. They wanted to see where these merchants came from. If some big powers, such as the merchants of the Sirius Empire, they would treat each other with courtesy. If they were from other small countries, hehe , then sorry!

“Sir, these businessmen seem to be… different!”

An orc soldier spoke in a low voice.

“Not like the people here…”


The soldiers were talking quietly.

Meanwhile, in the caravan.

“There’s someone over there!”

Niu Dali suddenly spoke.

“how many people?”

Rat Daqiang asked cautiously.

“About a dozen people.”

Niu Dali glanced at it casually, the other party’s clumsy concealment method had nowhere to hide before his eyes.

“How’s the strength?”

Rat Daqiang asked again.

“It looks thin and weak, and the strength should not be strong.”

There is a very simple way to judge the strength of an orc, and that is to look at the size.

Although it is not absolutely accurate, such as Amy and Zhang Xiaotang, most of them are accurate.

“That’s okay. Can you hang around here? This contact is very important. Don’t talk to me. Leave it to me.”

Rat Daqiang took a deep breath.


The crowd responded.

“This is the territory of the Danga Kingdom, who are you!”

Suddenly, a dozen orcs with weapons rushed over.

After Niu Dali’s reminder, everyone has already prepared in their hearts, so don’t panic.

However, when he saw the group of people getting closer and closer, Rat Daqiang opened his mouth slightly, and he felt as if he had made a mistake.

In the same way, when these orcs saw Daqiang and others, they were a little stunned.

the reason is simple.

These orc soldiers held rusty iron spears and wore simple animal skin clothes, with large areas of skin exposed, without even shoes, while these people were wearing exquisite cotton-padded clothes, covering from head to toe. Strictly, like a cow vigorously, even two horns are covered!

Not to mention ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Rat Daqiang, except himself, everyone else is tall and strong, and these patrolling soldiers in Danga country are all sallow complexion, thin and thin. malnourished.

And most importantly, mental state.

Due to the long-term war, coupled with malnutrition, the faces of the orcs here revealed exhaustion, decadence, and despair.

On the other hand, Rat Daqiang and the others were all full of energy and red faces.

When the two groups faced each other, they both felt that the other was from another world.

“Hello, we are the Hongye Caravan.”

Rat Daqiang greeted him politely.

He originally wanted to keep a low profile, and he didn’t bring out any armor or weapons, but he didn’t expect the orcs of Danga to be so abysmal. In this comparison, they were not low-key at all…

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