Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 317 - 1 gamble!

“I don’t know if they can do it…”

Inside a steam car, Jasmine thought silently while stroking the fine steel armor on her body.

After their Hobro Kingdom reached a cooperation with the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, the other party kindly sent several sets of stainless steel armors, which were both beautiful and practical, but after all, it was free, and it was still incomparable to the “mecha” of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

Originally, Jasmine wanted to bring soldiers and follow the Red Leaf Merchant Guild, but was rejected by Daqiang, because their traps were dug, and Jasmine and their soldiers were no longer needed. Bringing so many people was a total burden. , will increase the risk of exposure.

Of course, Rat Daqiang didn’t directly say “you guys are useless, but you are dragging oil bottles”, but he explained it very intimately: their frontal battlefield needs more people, perhaps because Jasmine brought these tens of thousands of people to go there. qualitative change due to support.

This is actually true. The Hobro Kingdom has made up its mind. This time, except for the necessary defenders, almost the entire army was dispatched. Three of the four main armies were dispatched. If this time fails, then Not to mention the tenth place position, even their eleventh place position is not guaranteed, or even worse, they may be eliminated directly.

It’s hard to send charcoal in the snow, but it’s too easy to fall into the hole!

After all, most of the resources of the Orc Continent are monopolized by the Heavenly Wolf Empire. One less country means that they have one less competitor and more resources, which is closely related to their own vital interests.

Jasmine touched the car door again, feeling the heavy steel, which made her inner peace a lot.

As the old rival of the Babs Kingdom, their Hobo Kingdom has studied them for a long time, and has formulated a special battle plan. Coupled with the resources purchased from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce this time, she feels that in this battle, their Hobu The Luo Kingdom has a higher chance of winning than the Babs Kingdom.

The premise is that the Babs 2nd Corps does not come to support.

And all this depends on the results of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

The problem now is very simple. As long as the Hongye Chamber of Commerce can stop the Second Army for a day, their Hobro Kingdom will have a high probability of defeating the Babs Kingdom.

If the Hongye Chamber of Commerce can’t stop it, it will be troublesome. Maybe at the beginning, due to surprise, the Babs Kingdom was caught off guard, but as long as the second army comes, their Hobro’s army will be wiped out!

To be honest, the king of Hobro is the first who dares to gamble like this and put his chips on the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

“Captain Jasmine, we will arrive at Babs in three hours!”

Suddenly, a subordinate’s voice came from the front seat.

Jasmine came back to her senses and hurriedly looked at a small clock in the middle of the car, which showed exactly eleven o’clock.

This clock is one of the few good things in a poorly equipped steam truck, and at such times, it can play a huge role.

For example, now, their Hobro’s army will arrive at Babs Kingdom at two o’clock in the afternoon, and at around 2:30, she will receive news from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

That is to say, after three hours and thirty minutes, she will know the outcome of this war that has not yet started!

It sounds incredible, but it’s the truth.

These three hours made Jasmine feel extraordinarily slow. It can be described as living like a year. During this journey, she wanted to ring the communicator several times to ask how the Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce was ambushing and whether she had encountered Babs. Second Legion, but she finally held back.

After all, Daqiang Mouse had said that if she took the initiative to turn on the communication, the energy consumption of the communicator would be very fast.

In this tangle, this mighty black team came to the territory of Babs.

“Huh, it’s finally here!”

There were no accidents along the way, which made Jasmine heave a sigh of relief.

Soon, the other two team leaders got out of the car and came to Jasmine’s place.

They are the second army commander Nick and the third army commander Harold. They are all lion orcs, that is to say, they are the royal family of the Hobro Kingdom.

In fact, they were both Jasmine’s older brothers.

Including the Fourth Legion stationed at home, which was also Jasmine’s brother, after all, it was military power, and giving it to outsiders would make people feel uneasy.

And the reason why the first legion led by Jasmine is the strongest legion in the Hobro Kingdom, in addition to her own strength, there is another reason, that is because this legion of hers was inherited from the king, and the rest The next three legions were collected little by little by their legion commanders.

This was also a test given to them by the king. Whoever could develop the strength of the legion to surpass the first legion would be able to inherit the throne, and Jasmine became a benchmark for them.

Of course, this didn’t affect the relationship between their brothers and sisters. Jasmine’s relationship with several brothers was still very good. Because of her young age, everyone took good care of her.

For example, the mission of blocking the Babs Second Legion this time, his three brothers rushed to come, because this was an extremely dangerous mission, even more dangerous than attacking the Babs Kingdom, but in the end, the old king was still the best. Despite Jasmine’s pleas, he agreed to let Jasmine fight.

The old king also thought a lot, because among his three sons, one of them will inherit his throne in the future. If any one of them died unexpectedly early, it would be absolutely unfair, and it would even make the other two sons think more. .

And although Jasmine was his favorite daughter, Jasmine did not participate in the struggle for the throne after all. To put it coldly, her death would at most make these men sad, that’s all.

Such a decision is indeed cruel, but for the sake of his country, the old king must make a choice.

Of course, all of this is because they feel that it is an extremely dangerous task to stop the Second Army. Even with the assistance of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, it may be a near-death experience!

Just two days ago, after they heard that the Red Leaf Merchant Guild did not need Jasmine and the soldiers she led, Old Kingdom and Jasmine’s elder brothers felt disbelief and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief, even though they were not the ones who died. , but they have a very good relationship. It would be better if they didn’t die, so they had a lot of goodwill towards this unmasked Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

As for Jasmine herself, it doesn’t matter. When she took over the mission, she had the consciousness of death, and she even felt regretful because she couldn’t see what means the Hongye Merchant Guild used to stop her.

Jasmine and her two brothers discussed it for a while, and both felt that it was better to wait until the Red Leaf Chamber of Commerce sent a message that they could stop the Babs Kingdom before they attacked.

In this case, even if the Hongye Chamber of Commerce fails, they will have plenty of time to retreat.

Although they said that they were not afraid of death, when they decided to fight Babs Kingdom before, they never thought about retreating, but now Hongye City has put his retreat at their feet, and they have to take two steps.

It’s just that what they didn’t expect was that when they were about to find a hidden place and wait for thirty minutes, they were discovered!

Speaking of which, this is also the vigilance of King Babus. After they found out that Hobro’s army had disappeared, they instantly entered the highest alert state, and then began to look for clues. After all, the strength of the Hobro Kingdom is still there, and it cannot be underestimated. read.

Don’t say, they really found it, that’s about the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

The Hongye Chamber of Commerce has always been looked down upon in the eyes of high-level people in their Babs Kingdom, but they suddenly found out that the Hongye Chamber of Commerce is a tool that can carry people and has strong mobility.

Originally, this kind of thing, in their opinion, is useless, and its own strength is more important, but if the Hobro Kingdom gets this kind of thing, it will be a bit troublesome to choose to attack them quickly, because the Hobro Kingdom strength is tough.

As a result, the Babus Kingdom began to inspect, especially the border areas, which were the key inspection targets. As a result, this inspection happened to find Jasmine and the others.

This only shows that they are unlucky, and even if it is a little later, they will be able to escape.

But there was no way. Since they were discovered, they immediately killed the inspectors, but the other party’s letter eagles had already been released, and there was no way to stop them all.

“I can’t wait, otherwise the army of Babus Kingdom will be mobilized, and our surprise attack will be useless!”


As soon as the three of them together, they immediately prepared to attack in advance.

They had no time to wait for news from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

When the army of the Hobro Kingdom suddenly appeared and rushed straight to the capital of the Babus Kingdom, it really shocked Babus. Fortunately, their inspection worked, and the Hobro Army attacked At the time, they also got the news, otherwise they really had to wait until the other party rushed to the city to get the news, and the daylily was cold.

At the same time, when the Hobro army and the Babs army faced each other, the Babs Second Army finally came to the depths of the jungle.

Although the Second Legion was crazy, they were not stupid. Before entering the jungle, they sent scouts to investigate the jungle, but they were a little surprised. There was no ambush in the jungle.

To be honest, it was a pity for them, because this was the best ambush location. If the people of Hobro Kingdom didn’t ambush here, they would have no chance.

With a relatively relaxed mood, the second legion entered the jungle in an orderly manner.

“Huh? Are there traces of flipping here?”

Suddenly, someone noticed some turning marks on the grass under their feet.

The legion commander immediately let people wave the flag, and everyone stopped.

“What is this? Trap?”

Someone wondered.

Traps may be useful to others, but for Babs’ Second Army, this is all they have left to play.

“Haha, no they don’t know that we were playing traps before!”

Someone laughed.

As the strongest spear in the Babs Kingdom, they have never seen anything before. They have already thoroughly studied traps. Even in recent years, they have created the record of killing the most people with traps!

Although these orcs thought it was ridiculous, they would not let their guard down. Instead, they discharged their own professional trapping orcs. They had long sticks, fishing nets, stones and other various things in their hands. It’s messy, but I have to admit it works well.

But what is puzzling is that they walked carefully for a long time, but nothing was triggered.

Everyone looked at each other.

Are there no traps? Or is this trap too advanced to be triggered by ordinary means?

This makes everyone more cautious.

However, after walking for nearly an hour, nothing happened.

“Oh, is it possible that the front is confusing us, let us relax our vigilance, and then give us a fatal blow in the back?”

The legion commander shook his head. Although their second legion is not good at defensive warfare, their vigilance is absolutely high enough. This kind of small means cannot deceive them.

So, the second legion still walked towards the depths of the jungle without haste.

And when they entered the jungle, above the sky they didn’t notice, a white airship stopped quietly in the clouds, and even moved slowly with the clouds.

On the airship, Zhang Feng and Little Red Dragon Hill were on the list, in addition to Rat Daqiang, Niu Dali and others.

“Go in, all go in!”

Niu Dali shouted with some excitement.

Compared to him, Zhang Feng was very calm.

After all, this is not the first time he has done such a thing.

Watching the Babs First Corps slowly move towards the inside of the jungle, Zhang Feng turned his head to the mouse and said:

“Everyone is ready, right?”

“Don’t worry, my lord, our people have sneaked into the nearby country!”


Zhang Feng nodded. Judging from the size of the First Army Corps, it was impossible to wipe them all out with these explosives, and Zhang Feng was only content to block them, so Zhang Feng asked the mouse to persuade nearby countries to let the They are also involved.

Of course, these countries are not stupid. They dare not participate in the affairs of the Babs Kingdom, but Daqiang Shu promised them that they can participate in the war anonymously, and the Hongye Chamber of Commerce will provide them with clothing, weapons, food, etc., so that they will not be exposed people of the country.

Moreover, Daqiang Rat also said that the Hongye Chamber of Commerce would hit the Second Legion first, and let these people come, just to clean up the mess and prevent the accumulation of corpses from causing plague.

The most important thing is that if they agree, the Hongye Chamber of Commerce will give them an additional batch of food and weapons! Enough to raise their rankings by two or three!

Under this kind of enticement, some people are still tempted. If, as Mouse Daqiang said, the Babs Kingdom will definitely lose, then if they participate in the war, they will definitely not lose.

The premise is that the Hongye Chamber of Commerce can severely damage the Second Army.

Now they are also waiting for news from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

“It’s almost time…”

Zhang Feng counted the time, and after watching the Second Army go deep into the jungle, he immediately kept the airship away from here.

In the dense forest, the head of the Second Corps suddenly raised his head as if he had sensed something.

“what is that!”

Watching a huge thing fly overhead gave him an ominous premonition.

“What’s wrong, sir?”

Some of the subordinates looked up curiously, but saw nothing but branches.

“Not good! Hurry up!”

After staying for a while, the legion commander suddenly roared, which startled everyone.

Although everyone was very puzzled~www.mtlnovel.com~, good discipline still allowed them to obey the order and immediately turn around and evacuate.

However, it was too late now.

On the airship, after feeling that it was safer to be far away from the battlefield, Zhang Feng picked up a remote control and pressed a red button on it.

Click it.




I just heard the explosion after another, and suddenly it came from the dense forest. With the flames, the sky was dyed blood red, and countless screams could be heard faintly, but they were soon drowned in the explosion. .




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