People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 68 Voldemort's Misunderstanding

When Dumbledore and Harry walked towards Gryffindor Tower, Bargeer, who was on the bed, paid no attention to them.

His attention was now focused on that beautiful creature - the phoenix.

But he didn't care about the phoenix's lightness and magic power that could make people fly.

But I was moved by its beautiful and loud song.

The music that awakens the inner vitality, no longer depresses the will, and makes people surging, can be regarded as a war song in some fantasy novels.

On the battlefield, dark wizards' inner negativity is dispelled, and the power of their dark magic is reduced.

The white wizard's timidity and nervousness are burned away by the 'fire' introduced into the heart, leaving an upward and positive mood, and their spells will be more powerful.

It is simply a weapon of war!

Not to mention, the Phoenix can also teleport people.

This kind of teleportation cannot be restricted by anti-Apparition magic.

With it, in the face of danger, even in areas other than London (including Diagon Alley), Hogwarts, and Hogsmeade, Bajir can instantly return to the invincible area. There is no need to worry about accidentally farting and spending gems to resurrect.

Although you can also learn to apparate.

But according to Riddle, Apparition also has a counter-spell.

And by grabbing a part of the body of the person who is apparating, they can apparate and reveal themselves together.

Phoenix's teleportation has no such shortcomings.

"My little cutie, why do you want ten thousand?" Bajier, who was sleeping, lamented in his heart.

It has been 3 days since the last time I spent 100 gems to light up Hermione's house.

In addition, Harry had just entered Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets in advance, brought Dumbledore with him, destroyed the diary and other changes, and got 13,011.

Now his number of gems is, 39495.846.

It costs 30,000 to travel to another world. You must bring medicine to travel, and it also costs 3,000 to light up [St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries].

There are only 6495.846 at once.

At this point, what if I need gems to fuse the lost components and come back?

"This is?" Bagir heard footsteps.

When he saw it, Dumbledore and the others had entered the lounge and were walking up the stairs towards the dormitory.

[faints to the ground]

Bajir pointed his wand at himself.

The red light of the stun spell that could break through Bajir's magic resistance flashed.

He fell into a light sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt someone pushing him.

Bargeer really yawned. In front of him was Harry and Dumbledore, who was standing not far away and looked at him up and down.

"Hello, Bargeer. I guess I don't have to introduce myself anymore." Dumbledore said gently, holding up the holed diary in his hand.

For some reason, he glanced at Harry's pillow several more times.

Bagir pretended to be angry and looked at Harry: "You went on a night out? Why didn't you call me? Why is Dumbledore here? You were caught when you went to the girls' bathroom? And then you discovered the secret passage? By the way. , who among you can speak snake language?"

"We all do." Harry lowered his head guiltily.

"However, the basilisk skin in the Chamber of Secrets is still yours. Snape will help you deal with it and only charges part of the materials as a processing fee." Harry quickly said the money-related part that Bajir should be most concerned about. .

"That's good." Bagir breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Dumbledore and said, "Tell me. What do you want to ask?"

Dumbledore clicked his tongue twice meaningfully, "I don't think so. You are healthy and what I was worried about has not happened."

Bagir was really anxious now, "Don't you want to ask how this diary came to be like this?"

"No need." Dumbledore shook his head, "If I guessed correctly, he should have been pierced by the tentacles of the devil's net that was stained with basilisk venom. The traces are obvious."

"As for the rest, you should have learned it from the child Tom. I am not a person who is curious about other people's privacy."

"As long as you are healthy and this black magic item is destroyed, the rest has nothing to do with you."

At this moment, Dumbledore's eyes flashed with anger.

Then he became kind again, "You and Harry should have a good rest. I won't disturb you anymore."

Then, he really left.

"What the hell! Are you leaving now?" Bagir felt that all his efforts were in vain.

In particular, the sense of detecting lies brought by the [Truth Expert] told him that Dumbledore did not lie just now.

Dumbledore really wasn't curious about what was going on.

Bagir also planned to talk about his mental journey after receiving the diary, from uneasiness to doubt, and then to anger at being deceived.

How did he discover the secret room, how did he discover Voldemort's identity, and how did he conceal his ability to manipulate plants?

In the end, the dying Devil's Net, which was injected with basilisk venom, killed the diary and won.

But in the end, Dumbledore only looked at him once and that was it.

Harry was not surprised at all, "Dumbledore already knew from Hagrid. We know that Voldemort is also a student at Hogwarts, the culprit who killed Myrtle and framed Hagrid. We never knew what channel. Yes, we know that Tom Riddle is Voldemort."

"So, in his opinion, it is normal for you to know that this diary belongs to Voldemort and then find an opportunity to destroy it."

"After all, you killed Fenir before, a Death Eater. There's nothing surprising about destroying a dark magic item."

"As for the basilisk, it should be harmless without anyone controlling it. In the past years, no little wizard has been killed by it. And there are no human bones in the tunnel, only small animals."

"Oh." Basil closed his eyes.

He was shocked not only because of this.

Rather, Dumbledore, who often peeked with the fog condenser, actually didn't like to see other people's privacy. It was really for Hogwarts.

It was like suddenly knowing that the third generation Hokage used a crystal ball to look at the female bathhouse, not because he was lustful, but to check the safety risks of the Hokage Village.

This is too outrageous!

On the other side, perhaps because the distance was very close, Voldemort, who had no perception of the destruction of the Horcrux in the original world line, now had a splitting headache.

Even Quirrell was sweating white hair and fell to the ground.

"He is independent! That little kid! The fragments of the lowly Riddle!" The scarf withered and turned into ashes under Voldemort's anger.

Revealing the ugly face as white as chalk.

"How dare he!"

In his imagination, the young him could only absorb life force to gain a physical form.

But he didn't expect that Riddle would directly transform himself into an independent life form and get rid of his connection with him!

Riddle, who has the genetic knowledge of Slytherin, can do all this.

But he doesn't understand that Riddle also loses the immortality brought by the Horcrux.

As "he", how could he give up immortality?

Voldemort, who didn't know that the diary was directly destroyed by Basil, was confused.

If he knew that the diary was destroyed by the basilisk summoned by Basil, which spit out venom, was stained with the vines of the devil's snare, and then pierced through, his face would definitely be very exciting.

Just found out that I can post VIP chapters now, without waiting until tomorrow noon.

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