People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 74: Encouraged Qi Luo

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Ron denied excitedly.

Harry and Hermione were a little surprised, but Ron's words in the next second revealed the reason.

"The facts on the Chocolate Frog card are all true. It is definitely not made up!"

"Dumbledore's well-known contributions include: defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, discovering the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and achieving remarkable results in alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel!"

"Nicolas Flamel really exists!"

"Is there a possibility," Hermione said slowly, trying to make her voice without doubt, "Nicolas Flamel is just the same name as the Nicolas Flamel of a few hundred years ago? Just like the Slytherins claimed that Merlin was a student of their college. Or the most outstanding of the Flamel family has always used the same name or something like that."

"Hermione, the Philosopher's Stone really exists." Basil said speechlessly.

Harry also emphasized: "That makes sense. Immortality and gold, no wizard can resist its temptation. Now it is possible that Snape and Quirrell are both bad."

"Well, how can it be true? This is too... like something in a fairy tale." Hermione said stubbornly.

"But wizards are also in fairy tales." Harry was puzzled.

He didn't understand why Hermione was always stubborn in strange places.

Hermione wanted to say something.

But with Basil's words, "It's in the book. "The Great Alchemist's List", "Excerpts from the 14th Century", "The History of Beauxbatons" and other books all record Nico Flamel and his Philosopher's Stone."

"So it's true." Hermione believed it now, "I once thought about borrowing the book "Excerpts from the 14th Century" as a pastime. But you know, Basil is too popular now. I have to-"

Hermione blushed.

In recent weeks, Harry has become more and more convinced that Quirrell may be a good person.

In the following weeks, Quirrell did look paler and thinner, but he still insisted on giving lectures despite his illness, and his words revealed a vitality that did not match his appearance.

Suspecting that such a person was a bad person, was he still a human being?

Basil objected to this, what if it was because of this that Quirrell needed the Philosopher's Stone to heal his body?

Ron said that if Quirrell really needed the Philosopher's Stone to heal his illness, a great wizard like Dumbledore would definitely give it to Quirrell.

So this motive did not exist.

He insisted on his own ideas very much, and even dragged Harry along.

Whenever he met Quirrell on the road, he would give Quirrell an encouraging smile.

Only Basil could see how irritable Voldemort was on the back of Quirrell's head because of this.

"They are mocking me! They are mocking me! Mocking me for not being able to get the Philosopher's Stone!"

He was already very angry because of his independence in the diary, and he became even more angry.

As a result, every time Quirrell got a smile that had a meaning of encouragement, he would be tortured by Voldemort with the Cruciatus Curse at night.

Quirrell: I really want to thank you!

So, Basil did not stop Harry and Ron from digging a hole to bury themselves after knowing the truth.

How interesting!

Hermione, on the other hand, did not care about the Philosopher's Stone.

After combining Harry's words and sorting out the small package that Hagrid might have taken from Gringotts, and the Philosopher's Stone in the restricted area on the fourth floor.

She focused more on eliminating the male and female students attracted by Basil and making a review plan.

To this end, she marked different colors on all her notes.

At the same time, she also persuaded Harry and Ron to join (she couldn't persuade Basil, and Basil had good grades and knew many spells beyond the grade level).

"Hermione, it's not even halfway through March! It's a long way to June!" Ron refused without hesitation.

Hermione shook her head. "Our Easter holiday will start on the 31st of the month. We will have two weeks off! We can only start studying again on April 13th. So we only have less than two months to review!"

"But that's not the point. I heard that we have to pass these exams to be promoted to the second grade. They are very important. I should have started reviewing a month ago. I don't know what happened to me at that time."

"Ah? It can't be true!" Harry's mind suddenly emerged with the scene of him being expelled from school, his wand broken, and being ridiculed by the Dursleys when he returned home.

"It's fake." Basil blew his hair. "In the lower grades, even if you get a T (Troll, which stands for extremely poor) grade, you can still enter the next grade."

"Even the fifth-year O.W.Ls (Ordinary Wizarding Level Tests) are called N.W.Ts (Final Wizarding Tests) courses (referring to the sixth and seventh grade courses), which are so-called advanced classes, and only accept students with E (good) grades. But in fact, even if you get a poor (P) evaluation in a certain course, as long as you really want to study and your attitude is sincere, the professors will generally not reject you."

"Huh." Harry and Ron breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and put down the books they had just picked up.

"But." Hearing Basil's words, Ron and Harry's hearts lifted again.

"This does not include Potions. Professor Snape only allows students who get O (excellent) in the Potions exam to take N.E.W.T. courses. Because of this, the dreams of many young wizards have been cut off."

"For example, if you want to be a healer at St. Mungo's or an Auror at the Ministry of Magic, you need to take N.E.W.Ts and get a good (E) in Potions."

"But if you don't take N.E.W.T. courses, you can't take N.E.W.Ts."

"This is disgusting. The requirements of previous Potions professors for advanced classes were all E (excellent). Only Snape raised the requirements to O (excellent)." Basil's eyes were full of disgust.

Snape is like I don't have dreams, so I will destroy your dreams.

In particular, Snape is also very unfair in grading, too lenient to Slytherin and too harsh to other colleges.

Such a person, if he is not professionally qualified, is not worthy of being a teacher at all.

"So, Basil, you also think Snape is a bad guy and Quirrell is a good guy." Ron didn't care about the rest of Basil's words.

In his opinion, the fifth grade is still too early.

Basil didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Harry rubbed his hair in distress, "Then I can give up my dream of becoming an Auror and a healer in advance?"

With Snape targeting him like this, he had no hope.

Although his dream was to become a Quidditch player, he couldn't help but start to worry.

"I will definitely be able to enter the advanced class. I can help you make a review plan at that time." Hermione nodded confidently.

"Goodbye, I don't want to be an Auror or a healer." Harry immediately recovered his spirit, "This Easter, I must have a good time. Just in time, Ron is here."

"Yes." Ron's eyes were full of longing.

Passing grades:

Excellent (O) Good (E) Pass (A)

Failing grades:

Poor (P) Very poor (D) Extremely poor (T)

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