People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 78 Peaceful Days

Under everyone's expectant gaze, accompanied by the harsh scraping sound of the egg cracking, the little dragon came into this world.

"Is this a dragon?" Bajir couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Even though he had seen illustrations of dragons in books and was mentally prepared, he didn't expect that the newly born dragonlet could be even uglier.

The wrinkled and almost invisible scales, the thorny wings are indeed cool, but the thin black body makes the image a level lower. The nose is long like a crocodile, with white nostrils, orange-red eyes, and horns on the head.

What's even more weird is that it is not wrapped in unabsorbed egg liquid like ordinary oviparous creatures.

The body surface is very dry.

This results in it not getting the fine, annoying yellow sand when rolling on the sandy and gravel ground that is hot and comfortable to them.

It babbled and squinted its eyes, as if it wanted to blend itself into the hot sandy and gravel ground.

"He likes it here." Hagrid looked at this ugly creature obsessively, and his eyes seemed to stick to it.

"Of course," Ron said proudly, "This is specially selected by Charlie, especially suitable for the physique of the Norwegian Ridgeback. The sheep, chickens, and even the varieties of green plants here are specially selected, and they are all the favorites of the Norwegian Ridgeback."

"After it grows up in a few weeks, maybe we can see it flying into the 'sun'!"

"That's the source of the pet box. It's good for this little thing, and it can also make it recognize this place and not run out of the box."

"By the way, you haven't forgotten how to maintain the pet box." Looking at Hagrid who put his fingers into the dragon's fanged mouth and used it as a toy for teething, Ron reminded.

"I remember that casting a fire spell on the 'sun' is best once a day, and at least once a week." Hagrid answered a little carelessly.

He picked up the pink umbrella and raised it to the sky, "The flames are blazing!"

The bright yellow flames seemed to fall into a funnel and were sucked into the 'sun'.

"Okay." Hagrid threw down the umbrella and started playing with the dragon again.

Ten minutes later, they were back at the castle.

They were heading to the History of Magic classroom.

Harry looked a little worried.

"Hagrid obviously forgot just now. I'm really worried that one morning when I get up, Hagrid's cabin will be gone, replaced by yellow sand, green plants, and lake water. The dragon will fly to Gryffindor's tower and spit fire at us. Just because he forgot to maintain the box."

However, Harry's worries did not come true.

Hagrid was indeed careless, but the little dragon Norberta (Badger pointed out that Norber was a female dragon) really liked to watch Hagrid play with fire.

So the box has been well maintained, and the green plants inside are much greener.

But what made Basgil feel outrageous was that everything was calm in the days that followed.

Even in the Forbidden Forest, there was no news of the unicorn being attacked.

Basger observed the edge of the Forbidden Forest late at night and did not see Quirrell coming out of the Forbidden Forest very late, with silver blood stains at the corners of his mouth.

It seems that Quirrell's cooperation with Voldemort in this world line made his body more durable, and he no longer needed to absorb unicorn blood for nourishment.

Or, because Harry was no longer detained by Dumbledore and went to the Forbidden Forest.

Without the need to go to the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore did not target Voldemort, making him consume his strength and need to nourish himself. Thus, Harry and Voldemort met in the Forbidden Forest.

For those who know Hagrid, it would be unusual - Hagrid rarely enters the castle recently.

This made Filch feel much better. He also took on the work of cleaning the castle and hated people who made the ground dirty.

Hagrid, who often went in and out of the Forbidden Forest and had mud on his feet, was one of them.

In such a peaceful atmosphere, time flew by, and before we knew it, June had arrived.

It was time for the exam.

It was summer now.

The weather was very hot, and Bagel's special physique that was not afraid of cold had now encountered a natural enemy.

It was not that he was afraid of heat.

Instead, his body will automatically absorb excess heat to the heart.

Thus, the immortal golden eyes were born.

His body was also developing in the direction of a muscular man, and his height increased suddenly.

The final result was that on the day of the exam.

Bajir had jumped from 1.5 meters to 1.76 meters.

But it was also because of the increase in height that his muscles were not particularly exaggerated, but beautiful flowing shapes, close to the contours of the body, perfect like ancient Greek marble statues.

The golden animal eyes also showed the majesty of the red dragon. When the naughty Norbeta saw him, she would lie down honestly and expose her belly.

Not to mention the male and female student ghosts who were attracted by Bajir's appearance.

They no longer dared to get close to him, but only dared to look at him from a distance.

He is now like a beautiful scenery on the top of a steep mountain, beautiful but stopping people.

Fortunately, fortunately.

That is, Professor McGonagall was worried that Bajir had done some dangerous human body deformation, so she specially wanted to check his body.

In the end, it caused some trouble, letting everyone know about Bajir's changes-it was considered to be a return of blood.

For this reason, Finn Granger, the president of the Extraordinary Pharmacist Association and a cheap relative of Basil, wrote a letter to introduce his daughter who was studying in Beauxbatons, France, to Basil.

Basil decisively refused.

Who are you?

I am going to another world during the summer vacation. Who are you to invite me, a time traveler?

I got up the next day and patrolled the restricted area on the fourth floor as usual.

Fluffy, the three-headed dog at the top, was still alive and well, and there were no musical instruments around him.

Quirrell was in the office, looking solemnly at everything in the room. It seemed that he was not a traitor possessed by Voldemort, but a serious professor preparing for the exam.

This made Basil sigh at Quirrell's bad luck.

However, this was probably related to Quirrell's acceptance of the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and his insistence on going to the Black Forest in Albania, where Voldemort lived, for an inspection before he officially took up the job.

Basil shook his head and cheered up, because he still had to take the exam today.

Today was the first day of June, and it was the first-year student exam.

Compared with other grades, they had fewer courses and the content was relatively simple, and they could finish it within a day.

What surprised Basil was that the content of the written exam was unexpectedly small.

This refers to each course.

The morning exams were Charms, Transfiguration, and Potions.

Their written exams were together.

It wasn't on one test paper.

There were only five questions on the test paper for Charms, and they were very simple, such as the number of syllables of the Fire Charm that required the wrist to be raised.

There were about the same number of questions for Transfiguration, with an additional question to memorize Gamp's five basic laws of Transfiguration.

Potions had the most fill-in-the-blanks, filling in the missing herbs, steps, and time.

So, the three written exams were given one hour.

Then came the practical exercise, and Professor Flitwick asked them to walk into the classroom one by one to see if they could make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk.

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox - the more exquisite the box, the higher the score; if there were still mouse whiskers on the box, points would be deducted.

Snape was the most terrifying, he asked students to mix the forgetfulness potion in front of him, and he stayed behind the students all the time, and leaned down from time to time so that the students could only hear his breathing.

He only restrained himself when passing behind Hermione and Basil.

Thanks to classmate Chujiu Xinhaolei, classmate Xianzhuan Mijiu, classmate Sanyi, classmate Penxiang Damiji, classmate Fenjiu Zongge Li Shiqi, classmate Shenjiufuang, classmate Yuchi Jinyin, classmate Don't move, I'm going to buy an orange, classmate Quantum Mechanics is Difficult, classmate Player 652, classmate Ji Qijunzi, classmate Weird Kezhong, classmate Book Friend 20170531024184, classmate Missing Panda duck, classmate lzzzzzz, classmate Mouhan, classmate Taishi Corn Silk, classmate Luosha's Embers, classmate Cat-Eating Whale, classmate Yueluojiang for their monthly tickets, and other classmates for their recommendations and subscriptions!

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