People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 86 Report from the Daily Prophet

Ron finally went to bed.

He believed what Harry said, that Scabbers had gone into hiding.

Maybe he would see Scabbers lying next to his pillow early tomorrow morning.

Basil and the others were also able to go to bed.

But before Basil went to bed, he deliberately swept the bed with a cleaning spell.

The next day, just as Ron said, Scabbers returned to his pillow.

However, it was a photo of it, and there was a short and fat man who looked like a mouse next to it.

It is worth mentioning that since Ron made more than 300 Galleons by purchasing pet boxes on behalf of others last time, he began to order various items.

This also included the Daily Prophet.

The photo of Scabbers was on the cover of the newspaper.

Maybe it was because today's Daily Prophet was much thicker than usual.

So, when it was thrown to Ron's pillow by the owl, he was awakened by a late sleeper.

Then he saw the newspaper.

"Scabbers! No!!! Hit!!!"

Ron vomited all over the floor.

Everyone was woken up, including Basil who was pretending to sleep in bed.

As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw the filth beside Ron's bed, the pillow thrown far away, and the newspaper he was waving in his hand.

[Cleaned up]

Bajir pointed his finger, and the filth on the ground and the saliva on Ron's mouth disappeared.

Harry and the others reluctantly approached.

Ron said nothing, silently spread out the newspaper in his hand and put it on the hexagonal table.

It was an article with a photo of Scabbers and a man next to him.

The man was short, and compared to an adult, he was a few inches taller than Harry from the photo.

His thin light-colored hair was unkempt, and there was a large bald spot on his head.

He was very fat, almost as fat as Crabbe and Goyle.

His skin was very dirty, almost the same as Scabbers' fur, and his pointed nose and watery eyes had the characteristics of a rat.

【Major Mistake of the Ministry of Magic

Rita Skeeter, a special correspondent for this newspaper, reports that

Azkaban, in the middle of the North Sea, is surrounded by the sea on all sides. It is undoubtedly the safest prison guarded by Dementors.

In history, no one has ever escaped from it.

But if the prisoners inside are innocent or are locked up by mistake, its advantages become disadvantages.

Sirius Black is also the most notorious prisoner among the prisoners in Azkaban.

He killed thirteen people with one spell.

He betrayed his friend James Potter, defected to the mysterious man, and killed the hero Peter Pettigrew.

Peter Pettigrew, a friend of James Potter and Sirius Black.

A recipient of the First Order of Merlin, he went to Black for his friend and was killed in the end.

In the end, only one finger was left.

The above is the fact told to us by the Ministry of Magic.

But sadly, we overlooked one thing.

When Black was arrested, Crouch, who was the then Head of the Department of Magical Law and only one step away from the Minister of Magic, was eager to be promoted. He put Black in prison without trial.

The truth was not revealed until yesterday.

Peter Pettigrew is still alive, and his Animagus is a mouse.

As a pet, he stayed with the Weasley family for nearly eleven years.

In the past year, he also slept with Rowan Weasley, the youngest son of the Weasley family, and Harry Potter, the boy who survived.

Fortunately, before we received the news that Harry Potter was bitten to death by a mouse, Albus Dumbledore discovered the true face of this obscene and dirty mouse.

He was taken to the Ministry of Magic for interrogation.

Under the effect of the truth serum, he confessed everything.

".I betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort. But what else could I do? The Dark Lord was so powerful and terrifying. It was Sirius who insisted that I be a secret keeper. After I said I didn't want to be a secret keeper, they didn't tell Dumbledore about it. As a result, my mother was not protected."

"Of course, I had to betray them."

When this fact was exposed, I thought that the cowardly Minister Fudge, who liked to whitewash the truth, would rush to destroy the body.

Or put all the blame on Crouch.

Or delay time to minimize the influence.

But the fact is that our seemingly fat and cowardly minister is much more responsible than we thought.

He ignored the opposition and released Sirius on the spot.

He showed the excellent style of a responsible Minister of Magic.

Of course, if that was all, we can only praise him for being responsible.

After all, Fudge was not the Minister of Magic at the time.

This is not his fault.

However, yesterday, when he released Sirius, he also released Narcissa Malfoy, who was wrongly imprisoned in Azkaban. 】

Seeing this, Harry felt like vomiting.

He cast a cleaning spell on his pillow.

Turn to the next page.

At the top, there is a photo of Sirius and Malfoy's mother.

After years of imprisonment, Sirius' cheeks are sunken, his eyes are lifeless, and his skin is as white as wax.

But you can still see his handsomeness.

Malfoy's mother, perhaps because she has not been in prison for a long time, is still graceful, tall and charming.

Her eyes are slightly red, are they tears of joy? Because of being released from prison?

But Sirius seems to be comforting Malfoy's mother.

The two of them support each other.

At this time, Ron exclaimed, and then lowered his head in guilt and regret.

Wake up Harry who was immersed in the photo.

He looked down quickly.

【Those who have read the 678th issue of "The Daily Prophet" should know.

Lucius Malfoy was sentenced to 6 months in prison for economic crimes.

Those who have children in Hogwarts and live in Hogsmeade should also know what happened in Hogwarts yesterday.

Acromantula, a level (known animal that kills wizards/impossible to tame or domesticate) creature.

It likes to eat human flesh, is cruel by nature, and is very dangerous.

Just one is very dangerous to wizards.

And yesterday, after the first-year students took the exam, they were playing in the field outside the castle, and a group of Acromantulas attacked from the Forbidden Forest.

Fortunately, Hogwarts has a good teaching level and a safe environment.

Albus Dumbledore, who was called to the Ministry of Magic, sensed the danger and returned in time.

In the end, no little wizard was injured.

Dumbledore went deep into the Forbidden Forest and found the head of the "culprit" - Lucius Malfoy.

It has been in the Forbidden Forest for at least a month.

It is also the source of the curse of the Acromanthus spiders, who attacked the castle recklessly.

Dumbledore said: "This is a very vicious black magic. The curse ritual takes a wizard's life as a sacrifice and takes several months to establish."

I asked: "But what is this for?"

Dumbledore replied: "You remember that before the start of the school, a dark wizard broke into Gringotts. The treasure that was targeted was later transferred to Hogwarts."

According to my investigation, the item is suspected to be the Philosopher's Stone, a treasure that can make countless gold and elixirs.

This dark wizard is suspected to be Quirinus Quirrell, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

He also killed Lucius Malfoy, cursed Narcissa Malfoy to be unable to speak and leak information to the outside world, and made her take the Polyjuice Potion and sent her to Azkaban. And in the prison, a large number of Polyjuice Potion were sent in the name of mailing alcohol.

Then there is the criticism of the prison system. Why can Azkaban send luxury goods such as alcoholic beverages?

Even though Lucius Malfoy is rich and powerful, he only stayed in prison for 6 months.

And there is the flattery of Fudge.

Very disgusting, Basil did not read it.

Thanks to sw6767, Liu Renmin, ☆ Zixing for the reward, Whale Eating Cat, Mocha Molly, <(—︿—)>, Will Barrier, Book Friend 20221126114102730, Ultimate Invincible Tyrannosaurus Warrior, Chen Henxi for the monthly ticket and other classmates for the recommendation and subscription!

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