Today our main character will be this young man named Hikkun who was riding his shark on its back, wearing his short trouser and black sunglasses covering his eye. He seems like a Chad while riding it. Well, it's a joke, I'm still the main character for this volume.
Hello, I'm Riz, and today we were at the beach…. Well there was a reason why we were here.
The hot summer sun was really intense so both of us decide to take a swim in the sea. After the fight at the mine, I decided that I'm going to take a break from work. It was a quick vacation, to relieve the stress and to make sure my insanity was still intact. To be able to swim in the sea is the best feeling that was happened to me in life right now.
My body sinks into the sea and I can see the sun reflect on the surface of the water. Well, there are other reasons why I'm here. That is to search the 'Ancient Dragon Temple', located nearby the Illusia island. Talk about an exciting adventure, it has been a while since I did this kind of work. When I was in my teen, Luska and I always go on adventures similar to this. We would go searching for mysterious tombs and fight monsters that was never been seen before.
Now, let's get toward the temple, swimming in this part of the sea is not easy since this place is full of Hikkun sharks. I ask Hikkun to lend me one of his sharks and he said that he already tell it to follow my instruction?. He decided not to follow me and play with his shark rather than help me. It seems he said he want to teach those sharks to do rhythm swimming and gymnastic swim as well. I cast a spell that allows me to breathe underwater. Good thing I learn this spell from Luska, it really helps me a lot with the work related with me having to be diving or be in the water for a long period.
I hold onto the shark fin and it helps me swim a bit faster than the normal way. The monster drop an ancient relic that had to do with this temple. I have read it before in and library that this temple is where the sea dragon lives. I did ask Evan about the sea dragon but, he said that the sea dragon never let anyone near him. Also, he was guarding something inside the temple?. What more weird how a monster like it gain the relic and how it connects with the symbol as well that man in the mine. 'He knows my name….. why I feel like there is something wrong with this case?'
After the long journey out to the ocean far from Illusia island. she can see the coral and other fish that was not familiar that are used on the island can be found. The shark has brought me to the right way where the Temple might be located. The water here was so pure that it look like emerald green. The taste of the water did separated from the island and the open sea.
she take out a crystal orb that she have put in her beg pouch and use it to locate the place. This crystal orb was been made out of pure mana stone. It has also been poured with her mana energy to guide her, she ask Lilith to teach her to call the spirit to help her as well. It also saves the memory fragment which is more like a map. This orb is like one thousand and one tools that were created to help people. The orb glows and it turns red as she approaches a certain water current. The shark has difficulty swimming there. she touches the shark to go back and signals it to go back to the surface.
'Huh? Did I hear something?' she felt there were eyes looking at her.
When she turned to look at the sound whereabout a dark loom shadow cast upon her. she saw a big mouth that was open and eat me. That was the last thing she remember before she can even react to it and passed out.
Dark…so dark...….
Luska, I'm sorry I can't save you….
"Do you think I can be stronger than you?"
That summer, I was sent back from the camp for the summer vacation. After a long time was not able to go back. I was happy that Luska came and took me back home to the White mansion. That day I'm still wearing the camp cloth due to my excitement of getting back, I didn't even have time to change my cloth to my casual cloth. Luska held my hand and I show her my new family which, I found and was Midnight while I was still learning at the camp. Luska smile at me and said I did a great job on learning. She said that now I have a pet and I need to take care of it. I said to her that midnight was not just my pet but a family.
Dad…I mean Evan was waiting for me as well. When I arrived back safely he hug me and ask me if I'm was fine. Both of them never mad at me, I felt grateful that they found me.
After I'm graduated from the camp i was taken under Luska's wing as her assistant.
It was my first time on a mission with Luska. That mission was harsh since we have to take down the enemy fortress. There a lot of them and just the two of us that still standing, the chance that both of us to die is one hundred percent and yet Luska said don't worry we will make it to another day and see the sun. It was a challenge for us to be able to handle it. I was amazed by Luska's fighting skill that she able to kill those enemies using those two guns in her hand.
After that, I ask her to teach me how to use a gun she said it depends on my mana to be used as weapon for her. She use it as a gun after finally understanding what she mean my mana manage to be shaped into the spear. She teaches me how to use my mana and magic as well use it by infusing it with my weapon.
After that, I ask Evan to let me off from the camp and decided to follow Luska on her adventure. At first, Dad doesn't want me to leave the camp. After always begging him, Luska stated that she will teach her. Dad accepts it after being persuaded by Luska, on one condition if things get tough; I need to get back home.
'Home... I need to get home....'
'Do I regret it…..'
'I don't know…..'
The first thing that she saw is a white wall and a cool floor. she was aware on the floor when she woke up. The first thing she was looking that she seem to be inside a building that for sure what she can conclude from her state. she still look at her surrounding and saw the outside the wall behind her was been separated with a mana and a transparent force. Standing up and approaching it and deciding to touch it, seem that her hand can go through it. " the ocean." she retract her hand and the feel of the water can be feel wet from her hand.
'So what now? Well, since we are here let's see what we can find here!'
'What a cheerful person she was….'
Meanwhile, near the beach a certain person was feeling uneasy…..
"Riz…. " As he see one of his sharks that was with Riz had died and its corpse was floating on the surface. The only body part left of the shark's corpse was it head, meanwhile, the other part of it body was missing. His heart felt that he need to find Riz right away, he went back to the shore and call out a backup.
"Hello this is side comer of this novel like mini theater….."
"Today our visitor is Night! The snake! Tell us about yourself…."
Night was sitting on the couch this time, he in his full human form." I love wine…. Play prank on the wolf named Seven, tease Riz, wear fancy cloth… Maybe eating. "He smile and take a sip on the wine that he was holding.
the he smirk....
"Maybe, eating my prey slowly…. Did you know that snake love to play with it victim" he chuckle.
"R..Really never know that? well it good to know! thank you night."
"It my pleasure, Liaymme" he let out a hiss.
'A loud bang of a door been open forcefull'
"WHY YOU! HOW DARE YOU PUT MY SOCK IN THE TOILET, NIGHT!!!" an angry Seven burst from the background. He who seem still broke his leg swing his cane and was about to use it on Night.
"I think that all for today….i gotta go bye~" he change into his snake form and ran away while been chased by Seven. " WHY YOU!!"