
Chapter 213

He Jinglian’s choice is difficult for most people to understand. In this world, there are too many people who do nothing to gain powerful power, but few people are obviously only one step away from the top of the mountain, but they are willing to go back.

However, Van Gogh had seen too many people and experienced too many things, so there was no unexpected look on his face, but he asked seriously: “Did you think clearly?”

He Jinglian, who had just asked tentatively, couldn’t help but brighten her eyes: “Teacher Fan, do you really have a way to say this?”

Fangallo nodded and said, “There are two ways, one is to seal and the other is to deprive. Which one do you want to choose? The seal is to seal your power in you, maybe one day, when you need it, you still You can break the seal with a strong mind and become a spirit again; deprivation is to completely remove this power from your body. From then on, you will become an ordinary person, and there is no room for repentance. “

He Jinglian opened her mouth and was about to answer, but Van Gogh continued: “I hope you can think about it and answer me again, don’t take it for granted. You have to know that although this power is currently making you uncomfortable, and you are often in danger But, as long as you learn to control it, you will become very powerful. “

He pondered for a moment and further explained: “I tell you this, your ability is called empathy, which is a kind of emotional transmission and rendering. At present, you can only passively accept the emotions of others and be affected by the emotions of others. But you If you cultivate the Fa and gradually become stronger, you can in turn infect others with your emotions. “

He did not make it clear that this infection includes the transmission of emotions and the invasion of thoughts. When He Jinglian is in full control of this ability, she can instill her ideas into others and let others become her puppets. Who she wants to control, perhaps with a blink or even a flash of thought, can easily do it. Her talent is unique.

However, these words are like Pandora’s magic box and cannot be clearly shown to anyone. People always change, and now He Jinglian is still very simple and kind, but if she has a deviation in her thinking after growing up, she will also become a disaster like Xiao Yanling. What’s more, if she is controlled and used by a person with intention, the harm will only be wider. She is also a time bomb.

However, even with such concerns, Van Gogh never thought of hurting He Jinglian in the past, nor would she deprive her of power without authorization. He is not a god, he cannot dominate the destiny of others at will. Even if He Jinglian took the initiative to come to the door and said that he would give up this power, he would try to explain the consequences of doing so for her. He is willing to give the power of choice to anyone.

He Jinglian understood what he meant, and saw the bright future, but still shook his head, firmly said: “Mr. Fan, I chose to deprive, I want to be an ordinary person. A few days ago we took a single business, for one The couple looked for their daughter who had been abducted for three years. I went to their house as a psychic. I thought it was a very simple task, but I almost died. “

Thinking of the scene at that time, He Jinglian shivered involuntarily.

Ah Huo hugged her quickly and continued to tell her: “We didn’t expect that the little girl was kidnapped by the neighbor next door instead of being abused to death, and they took the vacancy to find the child and dragged the body back to them. Home, buried in their backyard. When the mother misses her daughter out of the window every day, her daughter is actually buried under the window, only three meters away from her. Lianlian accidentally stepped on this open space outside the window I sensed the whole process of the girl ’s tragic death and fell down on the spot. Although the case was broken, Lianlian stayed in the hospital for more than a week and is still seeing a psychiatrist. “

A Huoyue said that his eyes were redder and he said firmly: “Mr. Fan, the psychiatrist said that Lianlian has a tendency to suffer from depression, and she is always unhappy. Although she is very powerful and can make a lot of money, I think Happiness is what she needs most. The money-making thing can be given to me. My nose is very smart. It is best to find someone. I can feed her. “

Fangallo raised an eyebrow: “You are …”

He Jinglian nodded blushingly: “We are in love. Ahuo said he would send me to high school and then take a good university. After graduation, I would find a normal job and live a normal but happy life. Warm sister I also said that when I graduated, I could go to her company as a liaison, because I am very familiar with everyone, and I understand the specialty of everyone, and it is more convenient to communicate. You see, Mr. Fan. Feed themselves.”

She bowed deeply and choked: “Teacher Fan, please help me. This power has become my burden. I can’t move forward by dragging it.”

Fangallo looked at the top of her dark head and reminded again: “You have to understand that once I take away this power, you will never have the opportunity to repent.”

“I will never regret it.” He Jinglian raised her hand and took an oath.

Van Gogh looked at her quietly for a long while, and finally stretched out her hands and confessed softly: “Hand me the hand, let my thoughts enter your mind, don’t resist.”

He Jinglian quickly put his hand in his palm, closed his eyes eagerly, and opened his heart. She really wanted to become an ordinary person, so Van Gaal ’s magnetic field was easily integrated into her mind, and the scattered, cold and sharp energy bodies like pieces of broken glass **** were removed from her Stripped from the soul.

This process is very painful, because those energy bodies are part of He Jinglian, and taking them away is equivalent to cutting off her piece of meat. But she persevered without saying anything. This biting pain was really nothing for her who wandered on the edge of life and death for several times.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and when Ahuo was in a hurry, Van Gogh finally whispered, “Okay.”

He Jinglian couldn’t wait to open her eyes, groping up and down her body, realizing that it was silly to do so, and hurriedly holding Ahuo’s hands, but she could no longer feel the warm and sincere emotion. He clearly stood in front of her, but became a completely closed individual. She couldn’t peep into his heart, so her heart was empty.

Aware of his girlfriend’s hesitation, Ah Huo hugged her quickly and vigorously patted her back, all in her eyes.

Looking into his eyes full of concern and love, He Jinglian quickly became happy again. At that moment, she really felt the psychological gap from being a spiritual person to an ordinary person. However, when her mentality was about to be out of balance, Ahuo was like a soft air cushion, helping her to land from high altitude smoothly, and finally get the final Tranquility.

“Thank you Fan, thank you.” She bowed deeply, but she still had some ups and downs in her heart.

“You can’t regret it anymore.” Fangallo reminded again.

“I understand. Teacher Fan, I want to go out and feel it.” He Jinglian pointed to the gate of the community.

“Go.” Fangaluo raised his jaw, so the two young men held hands and ran to the outside world.

“Where are we going?” Ahuo took out the car key and shook it.

He Jinglian put her hands in her waist and pointed at the road in front of her, and said aggressively: “I’m going to the sea of ​​people!” She didn’t even dare to think about this sentence, let alone said it. Once in a crowded place, everyone who passes by her will become a big tank of emotions, spilling all kinds of emotions to her unpreparedly, with happiness, sadness, anger, fatigue, There is also fear, anxiety, hatred, hatred …

It is true that there are only a few people like Dr. Song who are abyssed and difficult to meet in the crowd, but even if it is only very ordinary emotions, such as numbness, indifference, etc., as long as they are layer after layer, one after another Ground superposition will also cause great psychological damage to He Jinglian.

No matter how heavy the sorrow that a person can bear is only one person, what He Jinglian standing in the center of the crowd has to bear is the sorrow of the world. What kind of weight is that? That’s a behemoth that can crush any one person instantly.

In order to prevent this kind of psychological collapse, He Jinglian always lives in isolation and closes herself. The biggest event she participated in was “The World of Strange People.” The person she had seen the most was the staff of the program team. Even with such a powerful force, she had never seen the world well.

While the car was moving, she kept looking out the window and imagining the future: “I want to play at Disneyland.”

Ah Huo nodded immediately: “Okay, I’ll take you tomorrow.”

“I also want to go to the snack street, which is the snack street recommended in” Delicious Life “, there are many people, many food, from the street to the end of the street.”

Ah Huo unconditionally echoed: “We will go to the snack street after we go to Disney.”

“I also want to go to the shopping mall, the kind that goes up by elevator one by one, many shops are gathered together, and you can go shopping one by one.”

Ah Huo beat the steering wheel hard: “Buy, buy, buy!”

He Jinglian said more and more excited: “I still want to go to the beach to swim, to watch the exhibition, to travel, to see the world.”

Ah Huo threw her cell phone to her: “I immediately asked Warm Sister for leave, saying that we will not go to work tomorrow and will go out for a trip.”

He Jinglian asked in disbelief: “Really?”

“Of course it is true, I will fulfill all your wishes for you.”

He Jinglian’s excited emotion suddenly settled down, and said timidly: “Let’s wait in the urban area and ask for leave. In case …” She didn’t finish talking, but Ahuo understood her concerns. She is afraid that everything now is just a dream that is too beautiful. When the dream is awakened, she is still the former He Jinglian who can only live in a dark corner, not the happy ordinary person who can experience all the wishes once.

“The urban area will arrive soon. I will take you to go shopping first.” Ahuo held her hand with a firm tone.

He Jinglian’s disturbed heart slowly calmed down, looked out the window, and said no more. She feared that the more she said, the more cruel reality would be. From small to large, one of the deepest insights she realized was that there should be no extravagance, because that would only bring deeper despair.

A Huofei quickly drove the car into the parking lot of one of the busiest commercial centers, patted the steering wheel and said, “Okay, let’s go down.” He untied his seat belt and went to He Jinglian after he finished.

“Wait!” He Jinglian grabbed the strap, and continued to take a deep breath: “Let me do some psychological preparation first. What about your knee pads? Last time I saw it in your car, take it out for me.”

“Why do you need knee pads?” Ah Huo was puzzled.

“I’m afraid I faint. I’m particularly uncomfortable when there are more people.” He Jinglian clung tightly to the back of the chair, hoping to blend in with that layer of leather. The terrible experience in the past made her feel a natural sense of fear for the crowd.

“Don’t bother, come down!” Ahuo unfastened her seat belt and went around to the other end, dragging her from the passenger seat and pushing the crowd. She turned a circle and accidentally bumped into a person. The other party stared at her fiercely, whispering “no long eyes”, and a few young people passed by her, thinking she had suffered a boyfriend’s Violent treatment showed sympathy.

Someone kept passing her, or squinted, or glanced lightly, coming and going silently. Their hearts are like castles, tightly closed, and no one is allowed to spy.

He Jinglian stands on the noisy street, but stands like a barren mountain surrounded by total silence. She was stunned and looked at these hurrying people with incredible eyes, tears in her eyes unconsciously.

Seeing her cry, Ahuo hurried to her and asked anxiously, “What’s wrong, is it uncomfortable?”

“No,” He Jinglian held his hand tightly and choked with sobs: “I can’t feel anything, they,” she pointed to the endless stream of people and said with tears, “their hearts are closed to me, they change It became a closed castle and refused my entry, but I felt so safe. These castles stood around me, protecting me and making me feel safe. I was so moved, I like this silence , I like this isolation, I really like … “

He Jinglian cried with emotion, and no one could feel her mood at this moment. Others are hell. She who can spy on others’ hearts is actually living in hell. But now, the door to **** suddenly closed to her and expelled her forever.

What kind of experience is this from **** to a free world? He Jinglian couldn’t say a word, squatting on the ground crying and crying, curled up like a child, and embraced his head with his arms. Ah Huo was helplessly patting her back, silently bearing the scornful eyes of passers-by.

An old lady couldn’t stand it anymore and stepped forward to ask: “Little girl, what’s wrong with you? Is your boyfriend bullying you?” She said, glaring at Ahuo.

He Jinglian quickly raised her head, but she showed a face with a bright smile, but also full of tears and a snot. “Thank you, aunt, I’m fine, I’m so happy! If I don’t squat down, I’m afraid of me “Go to heaven!” She wiped tears indiscriminately with her sleeves, and then spread her arms into the crowd, bouncing, laughing and screaming, happy like a monkey.

The aunt was embarrassed, but Ahuo bowed to her, thanked her seriously, and then chased up and down likewise. The two ran across the street hand in hand, and the pure joy infected many people, causing them to smile.

A Huo really fulfilled his promise, took He Jinglian to the shopping mall and snack street, and asked Song Nuan to take a long vacation to prepare to take He Jinglian to Disneyland or beyond. When they walked home happily, Mother He called and said that Father He was seriously ill and wanted to see her daughter.

“Go?” Ah Huo was reluctant.

“Go, always have to make a break.” After losing his powerful psychic ability, He Jinglian has become more courageous. She can’t feel anyone’s mood now, so she doesn’t have to worry about anyone’s mood.

The two quickly rushed to the hospital and saw Father He moaning in bed in a ward. He glanced at his daughter indifferently without saying a word. Mother He immediately greeted him and rebuked, “Why are you here? I texted you at noon and you didn’t see it? Your dad has been nagging you all day, your unconscience.”

Mother He was very good at exaggerating her emotions, and increased her disappointment to 10, so as to shake her daughter’s thoughts. Of course, this disappointment is also 100% true. No matter who suddenly loses a cash cow, his heart will feel like a knife.

But now He Jinglian can’t feel any emotion, so she can be indifferent. She looked at her mother indifferently as if she didn’t hear each other’s words.

In the past, as soon as she touched her mother’s heart and realized that she was sad or disappointed, she would try to satisfy her wishes and make her happy. That’s not because filial piety is sensible, but because only the mother is happy, she can get a little peace.

Gradually understanding what happened to her daughter’s abilities, He Mu learned to control her daughter with emotions without a teacher. If the daughter is obedient enough, she will give her a little love in return; if the daughter is rebellious, she will hit her with disappointment, anger, and sadness, and let her suffer.

Once she realizes that her daughter has the idea of ​​escaping from this family, she will sleep with her daughter for several nights intentionally, venting all kinds of negative emotions to her all night, so that she won’t get a good night’s sleep. This way is not so much to educate children as to tame dogs.

Gradually, she became a master of emotional control, and gradually detached from the role of mother and became a jailer. She let her daughter go east, and her daughter would never dare to go west. But now, this method does not seem to work. She desperately expands her sadness and sadness, but her daughter is unmoved. Has her heart really become so cold?

Yes, He Jinglian’s heart has long been used and hurt again and again to become a cold iron. She looked at her father’s medical record and found that he was just a common cold, and it was inevitable that she had swept away. “Parent, my psychic ability is gone. I am just an ordinary person now.” She said calmly.

“What are you talking about?” He Mu froze.

The dying He Father sat up in shock.

He Jinglian walked around in the ward and found that the old lady in the next bed had liver cancer. She could not bear the pain and came to the hospital for treatment. She held the other person’s dry hand and said, “You see, I feel everything now Not yet. “While she was talking, the old lady was moaning all the time, but she was unconscious.

If as usual, He Jinglian would fall down if she just touched this kind of person a little, but today she is sitting well and calmly.

Mother He couldn’t believe this fact and hurried to the old lady’s bed to check the other party’s medical card.

The old lady ’s son walked in at the right time, thinking they were caring for her mother, thanking them quickly, and sighing and explaining: “It is not a few months since he had advanced liver cancer, and she can’t stop the pain from giving her to her at home, so she had to be taken to the hospital. The painless ward is full and there are no beds. The doctor asked us to wait here for two days. She was so bad that she couldn’t help but call. If I disturb you, I will apologize to you first. “

Mother He had to greet this man with a few words, He Jinglian gently put down the old lady’s hand, silently prayed for her in her heart, and left the ward silently. She didn’t go far, and He and He both chased them out, and forced to ask: “You really become an ordinary person? Why is this? Are you lying to us?”

“I lied to you for doing it. I have resigned from the company.” He Jinglian transferred his chat record with Song Nuanwen and let them watch. In the chat box, she wrote plainly that she had lost her ability and was no longer qualified for her current job and wanted to leave. Song Wenneng persuaded several times and agreed to let her go through the formalities tomorrow.

Mother He took her daughter’s hand, read the conversation several times, and looked deeply into her daughter’s eyes, and finally realized that the news was probably true. After all, her daughter grew up under her control. Will she lie? She knows better than anyone, not to mention who is willing to give up a job with a salary of one million a year?

He Jinglian saw that her face was beginning to whitish, and asked what she had put in her heart for a long time: “Mom, I am just an ordinary person. I dropped out of school without finishing high school, without a diploma, no skills, no money, and my family still Do you have my bite? “

Mother He didn’t speak, and held her hand tightly but let it go unconsciously.

He Jinglian had already expected this result and couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and then strode away. For this family, she has no trace of nostalgia.

Mother He just reacted, and chased and shouted, “Where are you going to go? Mom didn’t react just now, it doesn’t mean to dislike you. If you go back with Mom, why can’t you eat without a bite at home.”

“Yeah, I can still work outside to earn some hard money to support this family. After all, mosquitoes are meat even when they are small. But mom, don’t forget, I am 18 years old and I am an adult. You have no right to imprison me Freedom. I can go where I want to go, you ca n’t control it. When you lose your ability to work, I will give you 300 yuan a month, and there will be no more. If you feel that you can go to court to sue me, I have just turned eighteen and do not have a job. The judge may not award you even three hundred dollars. “

He Jinglian waved her head without looking back.

Hearing her ruthless words and realizing that she was completely out of control and unable to squeeze more oil and water, He Mu was too lazy to chase it anymore. Father He ran breathlessly and repeatedly asked: “She is really incapable? Has she really become an ordinary person?”

“This time I called her to the hospital just to give her more psychological pressure, but she didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. You see, she walks fast, she can’t feel the pain of these patients around her. What she said It should be true. “He Mu’s face was disappointed.

Father He shook his body in fright, shouting at a loss: “What about the son’s tuition fees for the next semester? The family’s deposits let him spend all his money abroad, and we have no money!”

“You ask me, who do I ask?” Mother He cried anxiously, opened Mobile Banking, and checked the account balance over and over again, and her eyes were suddenly dark. Without a daughter, the family of three even had problems with eating.

Mother He cried for a while before screaming and shouting: “You haven’t rushed to pack your things home yet? A small cold has also come to the hospital. Are you scared of how much money you burn? A few hundred dollars a day, can you afford? If I have the ability to make money, should I rely on my daughter? You’re worthless! “

“Do you mean to scold me? How much money have you made in your life? Hey, do you think our son will also have psychic abilities? Should we find some time for him to give it a try?”

“You don’t want to ruin my son’s future, he is going to study abroad!”

He Mu thrashed over and fought with He Fu, causing passersby to stop and watch.

At the same time, Fangallo called Dr. Song to his bedroom, let him sit on the edge of the bathtub, put his two hands on his palm, and said softly, “Dr. Song, I want to give you a gift.”

“What gift?” Song Rui looked at him expectantly.

“A complete world.” Fangallo smiled quietly.

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