
Chapter 234

Dr. Song said that the best way to enter the space is to slowly explore the bottom of Ma You, which can be provocative, but you have to grasp a degree, otherwise once the other party is angered, the ending will be tragic. Fangallo knew he was right, but he also had his own considerations in the process of implementation.

He has experienced too many battles in his life and can accurately grasp the mentality of any enemy. He knows how to physically and mentally defeat a person in an all-round way, so that the other party cannot produce any fighting spirit. So after entering the space, instead of adopting the method of slow trial and error, he beat Ma You at the start and was caught by surprise.

His vast magnetic field filled this narrow space, hitting, sweeping, and tearing … He certainly knew that once the space broke, he would face death, but does Ma You know about this?

The answer is of course no, Ma You has no way of knowing, because he has hunted ordinary people before, and has never met a psychic or a practitioner, he will not know what kind of strength these people have and whether they can be in space. After breaking, it is still alive. He knew nothing about the power of others, and even knew only a little of his own power.

This is the reason why Van Galo wanted to seize him as soon as possible, otherwise he would have no taboos and wanton actions until he gradually had a clearer understanding of his own strength. This world will become his hunting ground.

At this moment, Vanguardo was fiercely attacking this space. The rusty metal walls were deformed by his immense magnetic field, and made a crunching sound, as if it would collapse at any time. His merciless play really deterred Ma You, making him subconsciously think that this person wanted to escape.

Ma You didn’t have time to think at all, and almost immediately put the power of the whole body in this space. He tried to restore the original metal walls that had been dented, and he was shocked to find that this Van Gogh was really unusual. What he said in the video is true. He is not an ordinary person. He also has the power to fight against gods.

Every arrogant person will think of himself as a unique existence in the world. This is especially true for people like Ma You who are both conceited and possess strange capabilities. Why does he call himself a god? Because he thinks he is strong enough to dominate the world. When he finds that he is no longer the only one, or even the strongest, the rapidly rising jealousy will make him put all his strength and consciousness into this battle.

So he began to adjust the power of other spaces to make up for this space. At first, it was only one or two, and later it was batch after batch. He can’t let this person escape successfully, and then another live broadcast, so that he will lose face, his authority as a **** will be challenged like never before!

When Ma You was devoted to contending with Van Gogh, Zhou He’s daughter was lying in the hospital and had a hang needle. Her high fever subsided slightly, and her consciousness came awake. She was drinking the porridge sent by the nurse.

Seeing her daughter showing signs of improvement, Zhou He’s uneasy heart finally settled. He covered the quilt of his daughter, told her not to touch the hand with the needle, then washed the porridge bowl clean and sent it back to the nurse’s station. Thanks to the careful care and selfless help of these nurses, otherwise he as a big man knows that children must have something to eat when they get an injection.

He walked in the promenade, his eyes looked around, his ears were straight, and the whole person was in a tight and alert state. Today’s hospital is more noisy than ever. Someone is constantly pushing the stretcher bed and running, his expression looks very panic.

Zhou He knew that these people were not injured by Ma You, because Ma You only caught people into space, or strangled them immediately, or were besieged to death. He never left a living mouth. There may be other reasons for these people going into and out of the hospital, but more or less it has nothing to do with the Ma You massacre.

Soon, Zhou He’s guess was confirmed. A middle-aged woman lay on a stretcher bed and cried out crying: “Lao Zhang, hold on! Our daughter has just been arrested, not dead, The police said that she would be rescued. If you go one step further, what should you do if your daughter ca n’t see you! “

The man with the purple lips covering his chest raised his hand slightly, but fell down again. It looks like he has a very serious heart attack.

Zhou He quickly clung to the wall, let these people cross the road, and then continue to walk forward, walking, but red eyes, squatting on the ground and crying. His mother and wife were also taken into space by Ma You, and then turned into countless corpses and blood water in a second, and fell into the fountain pool. Others have three days to survive, and they die even without knowing what happened.

Thinking of this, Zhou Heyue came from it sadly, so he sat down paralyzed, grabbed his hair and wept. He had to pretend to be gentle and calm in front of the child, and he had to suppress and suppress in front of his father. However, in this corridor full of strangers, he could freely vent his inner pain and despair. Everyone didn’t know each other, and each of them encountered misfortune, crying and crying, who would look away?

His sobbing seemed contagious. The people who were still face-to-face in the corridors even turned their eyes red one by one, and some people raised their heads, trying to let the tears that came out of the eyes flow back. Several nurses rushed to hear the news and wanted to comfort Zhou He with a blank mouth.

“Don’t cry, the police are ready to save the hostages, go and watch the live broadcast!” A doctor quickly rushed out of a ward and ran to the office.

“What? Can the people caught in the space be rescued?” Many people expressed doubts.

“It’s true, come back to the ward to watch your TV. The police are already preparing!” A patient yelled excitedly from the head of his ward.

“Really? Go around and go back to watch TV!”

The inpatients all ran back to their rooms, and more people gathered in the lobby, where a huge LED screen was hung, and live rescue operations were also being broadcast at the moment. Supported by two nurses, Zhou He ran back anxiously, but was led by the flow of people to the opposite direction, and was eventually squeezed in a corner of the hall.

He raised his head and looked at the big screen. Sure enough, he saw a picture framed on the top. In each picture, there was a monk standing somewhere with a rune paper, surrounded by many policemen, soldiers, and medical care. personnel.

The picture is noisy and chaotic, and it is impossible to see exactly what happened, and no reporter came out to explain. Only a line of text is constantly scrolling under the screen-the police are rescuing the hostages. Please rest assured that the justice will eventually Conquer the evil!

The panicked Zhou He counted the small screens that were converted from one frame to the other and found that there were no fewer than forty-seven, exactly the number of missing persons reported by the police.

Can they really rescue them all? There was a glimmer of hope in his heart, and he was quickly crushed by pessimism. How can humans escape from demons, the power of the two is not on the same order of magnitude! Thinking like this, his tears fell again, and many people looked at the big screen with tears like him.

Time passed by one minute and one second, an old monk in the small picture arranged at the top suddenly looked at his watch, and then picked up the intercom and said a word. The monks in the rest of the pictures also held up the interphone and responded, then stared at their respective watches.

Their behavior was so uniform that they caused Zhou He to look at his watch. It is now three o’clock in the morning, so is there any special meaning at this time? There are many people who look at the watch involuntarily like him, and everyone has written confusion on their faces.

Two minutes later, their doubts were answered. I saw the monks throwing up the rune paper in the air, and took it with their palms. With their eyes closed, a bright white light clung to the rune paper from them. The palm burst out, quickly condensed into a door, and opened with a slight push.

A green and narrow space appeared behind the door, with one or more dying young girls lying inside. Unlike the findings of the police investigation, there were far more than 47 people rescued, but 50 or 60 people.

It was only at this time that the reporters appeared in these messy pictures. They rushed towards the rescued girl while explaining quickly.

“Hello everyone, viewers, this is a report from XX TV station XX for you. The police used to prevent Ma You from being informed of our rescue plan, so no one is allowed to talk about it. But now the hostages have been rescued and we can Interview them. May I ask this comrade, are you okay now? Are you feeling unwell? “

The girl inquired by the reporter hugged another girl who was also held in this space, and wept while saying, “We, we want to drink water, is there water? That beast made us kill each other and drink each other’s blood , Eating each other ’s meat. He said that only in this way can one of us survive. Ooooo, he is a devil! “

The reporter handed them the water that had unscrewed the cap, and they immediately grabbed it and drank, drank while weeping and shivered. Other scenes are mostly such scenes, and some people even broke their wrists and drank their blood. If it weren’t for the government’s rescue operations to be very timely, their fate could be imagined.

The man standing in the hall watching this scene pressed down the cheers that came to his throat and replaced it with an indescribable fear. Keeping people together to kill them in pairs, only the devil can come up with such an idea!

Beasts, beasts, not to die, and other abuses rang in the hall one after another, but Zhou He stared at the big screen, his eyes wide open.

In the flashing picture just now, he seemed … he seemed to see his wife! He quickly put down the bowl and squeezed the people around him forward. The person who stepped on or pushed him complained, and he shouted loudly: “Please give up, please give up, I seem to see my wife!”

As soon as everyone heard this, the stomach full of complaints swallowed it, not only actively giving way to him, but also crowded him to the front of the big screen. At the same time, the list of hostages counted by the police also came out, updated from the previous 47 to 66, and Zhou He’s wife’s name was impressively listed.

She is not dead! She was locked in a space with a young girl, and the reason was just that Ma You wanted to enjoy the picture of their own killing. Playing with the previous games, he is constantly developing new tricks, and his cruelty has made more people survive.

“It’s my wife, really my wife! She’s not dead!” Zhou He shouted at the screen, his face twisted by ecstasy.

The people who had just suppressed the grief and anger just now gave a loud cheer. After so many deaths and so many horrors, the news that all the hostages were rescued undoubtedly injected them with a stimulant!

In the warm cheering, the middle-aged woman who was crying and ran across the corridor just now flicked her legs like a hot wheel, plunged into the crowd and shouted: “Let let, let let, my daughter was just Rescued, I am going to pick her up! My daughter is not dead! “

She smiled ecstatically on her face, but her tears were streaming.

Zhou He quickly followed her steps, but heard a majestic voice from the big screen: “Please do n’t panic, the family members of the hostages, we will immediately send them to the military area hospital for treatment. This is the hospital hotline. You can By dialing this number to register, we verify the identity of your family and we will arrange for you to meet. If you are sure that the hostages are not in danger of life, you can take them home whenever you want. “

Military area hospital? Is n’t this the Military District Hospital? Zhou He and the woman, who were rushing forward, hurriedly turned back again, and were arched by the enthusiastic crowd to the front of the big screen.

A middle-aged man in military uniform is being interviewed by a reporter to see that the epaulet turned out to be a general. His face was haggard, with two large bags under his eyes, which looked like he hadn’t slept for a long time. When the reporter asked who planned the rescue operation, he did not mention the government, army, or police, but took the initiative to pick up the microphone, looked at the camera, and said in a serious tone: “This rescue operation is Brahma. Mr. Galo planned that when the hostages were rescued, and when the deceased was comforted, Mr. Fan was now fighting with Ma You in the space. Without his restraint, we simply could not open these spaces to rescue the hostages. “

The middle-aged man pointed at the camera and said one word after another: “I know that the outside world’s evaluation of the teacher is always mixed, but I am here to tell you seriously that the teacher is not a liar, a **** stick, or a madman! It is a psychic medium, and it is also a hero who rescued these 66 hostages and even the whole city of Beijing! He will surely come back safely, we are waiting for him here! “

The middle-aged man returned the microphone to the reporter, saluted a military salute, and hurried away.

The interview screen flickered slightly, and turned to the solitary soft chair surrounded by many cameras still in the center of the square. The general, those soldiers, the police, and the staff who were always fighting on the front line, all moved to the soft chairs at this time, silently waiting for the hero’s return.

Zhou He was dumbfounded, tears dripping into his cheeks unconsciously. Behind him, people kept whispering.

Someone said: “Van Gallo was really a psychic! I used to think it was fake. Then the video he provoked to provoke Ma You was not a fan or a hype. Is he cooperating with the government’s rescue operation? It ’s really brave! “

Before it is officially recognized, no matter how it is broadcast on TV or how it is verified in reality, everyone will always find various reasons to question this person. Zhou He can understand their mood, because he used to be like this. Some people’s hearts are so narrow that they can’t tolerate people who are different from themselves, nor can they stand alone.

If everyone thinks this way, if everyone cannot tolerate each other’s uniqueness and difference, will there still be people like Van Gogh in this world? When someone is in danger, can someone come forward? Thinking of this, Zhou He couldn’t help feeling a wave of fear and cold.

When he was stunned, his iron buddy sent a voice: “Brother Zhou, brother, have you read the latest news? The stupid fanatico dare to challenge Ma You! This time he will definitely not come back, Are you upset? Let’s get together and buy him a wreath, hahaha … “

Obviously, this buddy is also a fan of Fangallo. He was just black and black, and he did n’t even think about what the general public would encounter under Ma You ’s brutal rule if Van Gogh failed.

Zhou He, who thought that this voice was a blessing, sent it to the public and opened it up. Hearing the contents clearly, his expression was stiff. The middle-aged woman with the rescued daughter standing next to him looked at him with a stunned look, and then shot down his mobile phone fiercely. Send him a wreath, you really are a ungrateful beast! “

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