Purple Romance

Chapter 253: I take it that you remember everything...?

''Last night. Did I come with a man last night? Oh my God, does it mean I am no longer a virgin?''

Godiva wanted to face-palm. She was beginning to wonder where her boss got this lady from and how her brain functioned. She felt like the lady wasn't listening to anything she was saying and was quick in drawing her own conclusion.

''That man is here? Who is he? Don't tell me'' she stopped Godiva from speaking and continued, ''I don't want to know. Just tell him you didn't find me here when you came. Tell him I left in the middle of the night. Just tell him, give him any excuse you can come up with. Also, since he brought me here, tell him to pay for the room. He already took my virginity, he couldn't possibly ask me to pay for the room, right?''

''I didn't know that bringing a drunk woman to the hotel in order to keep her safe was also another form of sleeping with her?'' Andy walked towards them as he spoke.

Paula looked towards his direction and immediately recognised him.

''Do you want to sleep with me?''

''That jerk said he doesn't do virgins. I was wondering if you are willing to teach me a few bedroom skills''

''I am not drunk. Now, tell me. Are you willing or not? You see, if I have to lose my virginity to anyone, I want that person to be handsome. You are not really my type because you are too beautiful but I can manage''

''En, I can manage. How about a one-night stand? I have money, I can send you to a nice hotel and if you impress me with your skills, I might just decide to sponsor you. You see, I don't have a job but I have money. My father left a large sum of inheritance for me before he passed away. Good news, right?''

''Oh, you are smell nice. I want to eat you''

''Beautiful lad, how much do you charge for a night? You don't have to give me a discount. I will pay the full amount''

Remembering vividly the events of the previous night, colour drained from her face and Paula turned her back to face him immediately.

''I take it that you remember exactly what happened last night, right?'' Andy stopped in front of her and nodded at Godiva and she smiled and walked away, leaving the two of them alone.

''No!!!'' Paula turned to face him with her a straight face, ''Mister, who are you?''

''Who am I? I know you don't have the memory of a goldfish'' Andy turned to go adding, ''let's go''

''Where are we going?'' she asked following him.

''I am going to remind you exactly what happened last night, since you don't remember'' Andy said and she stopped in her strides.

''So… so, about last night. Did we… I mean, did we…'' she bit her lips and couldn't bring herself to ask him that question, remembering how she practically begged him to sleep with her. Paula felt so ashamed of herself.

''You want to know whether we had sex or not?'' Andy turned to face her and noticed how red her face had become and chuckled. ''Let's go'' he started to walk away and Paula hurried up to catch up with him.

''You didn't answer my question'' Paula caught up to him as they reached the reception.

''You must be hungry? Let's eat first'' Andy pulled her hand along as he walked towards the hotel's restaurant. the workers looked at them with shocked expression.

''Food?'' her face lit up but she pretended, ''I am not hungry''

'Growl' her stomach betrayed her at that moment and Andy looked at her. she covered her stomach with the bags in her hand and pursed her lips.

''Let's go. I won't invite you for breakfast for the third time'' he said to her and walked away.

Paula frowned and glared at him before catching up with him.

He took her to an empty table. There weren't a lot of people in the restaurant yet since it was still a bit early. He pulled out a chair and said to her, ''sit down''

Paula sat down and he went to sit across her. She lowered her gaze shyly as her face turned red.

''You know how to act shy? Last night, you weren't so shy when you gave yourself to me?'' Andy began to tease her. He lifted his hand and the chef walked to them.

''What do you mean I gave myself to you?'' Paula said in a soft voice, ''I was drunk''

''Really? Then, the drunk you were quite bold. People say alcohol always reveal our true nature, I guess it is true after all''

Paula was about to retort when the chef got to their table and she kept quiet and lowered her gaze.

''Good morning, boss. What type of breakfast would you like this morning?'' the chef asked.

''Let's go with your recommendation today. Can you also make some hangover tea for her?''

''Sure, sir'' the chef turned to go and Paula stopped him.


The chef and Andy looked at her and she flushed but still went ahead to make her request. This was a matter of what would make her full and she wasn't about to compromise on that.

''Miss, do you have any special request?'' the chef asked and Paula nodded her head.

''Rice" she said softly.

"Rice?" Both Andy and the chef looked at her.

"Do you have rice?'' she asked and Andy furrowed her brows.

''Rice? Isn't it a little early to have rice?'' Andy asked and looked at the chef.

''Rice is the only thing that can satisfy me. I eat rice in the morning'' she said and the chef smiled.

''Miss, if you want rice, I can get you that. Do you have a particular soup that you would like with the rice?'' the chef was professional and polite.

''Maybe, chicken or duck soup will do'' Paula felt bad for making such request but if she didn't, then she wouldn't be satisfied. She was just too hungry to car about her image at that moment.

''Sure, we happen to be making rice and duck soup for our VIP guests this morning, I can get you some of that''

''Really? Thank you so much. I feel apologetic for making such request of you''

''It is alright, miss'' the chef nodded his head and smiled walking away. He felt that the woman the boss was with was quite amusing.

''You don't look like someone who was apologetic at all'' Andy smirked.

''Back to my question'' Paula changed the subject, ''how did we end up together? I remember going into the club alone, how did you meet me?''

''I followed you into the club. No, I started following you from the café to the club''


''Because I was nosy''

''Oh, I see'' Paula nodded her head, as if affirming his words.

''But, I don't regret it. Since, I got to meet a woman who wanted to have sex with him for free and even pay me in addition. It was a win-win for me, so I took it''

Paula's alarm bells set in, ''took what? Then, you mean… we, we really did that?'' she looked at him and he could clearly see the disappointment in her eyes.

At that moment, something stirred inside him but he didn't know what it was. He just felt moved somewhat by her eyes that was filled with a certain hope. It was like she was really hoping that they hadn't done anything together. Somewhat, he felt unhappy. Last night, she was calling him a beautiful and handsome lad and couldn't wait to sleep with him, but now she was on the verge of tears, wishing that she didn't have anything doing with him. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad about it. But one thing was clear, he couldn't bear to lie to him.

But, then, again at that moment, he still did. He lied to her and saw her tears fell from her eyes and his heart ached.

''Yes, we did''

''Huh?'' Paula's hands made a number on the bags on her laps as she squeezed them hard, clutching unto them for dear life.

The waiter brought the food and served them. Andy was served Spanish omelette and hot beverage while Paula was served her rice with duck soup and a cup of warm ginger and honey tea.

Paula remained quiet and started to eat her food. Her tears dropped uncontrollably. She continuously brushed her hair away as she ate the food.

''Eat slowly'' Andy said to her and she shook her head. Not able to say anything, she continued to eat and sob.

The sight made him regret for lying to her and he apologised, ''I'm sorry''

''Huh, no it's not your fault. I was the one who kept begging you to sleep with me''

''No, we didn't sleep together. I lied to you'' he said and she lifted her hand towards him. Andy closed his eyes waiting for her to slap him but she didn't. Instead, she picked her chopsticks and rolled the egg unto it and placed it on her plate saying.

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