Purple Romance

Chapter 258: The start of an unusual friendship

Watching Paula devour the food in front of her without a care in the world, Andy found it amusing. Usually, a lot of the women his father had arranged dates with for him, when he meets with them, they would act all poised and dignified. Some wouldn't even eat in his presence but this particular woman in front of him seemed to treat him like air and was eating the food to her heart's content.

The scene brought a smile to his face. It has been long since he met someone who was so natural and didn't care about her image at all. He wondered whether her attitude towards him would change if she found out that he isn't a simple person. Would she try to take advantage of him if she found out he was the owner of Senora Chain Hotels which had branches all over the whole of continent E.

''Eat slowly, the food isn't going anywhere and you might get choked at this rate'' he said and collected her hair that was falling off. Paula blushed when she looked up and met his gaze. ''Do you have a hair band?''

''Huh?' she flushed and nodded her head, ''check in my bag'' she said and was about to turn when he said to her.

''Don't move, your hair will get into the soup'' he stood up with the hair still collected in his hand and he used the other hand to open her handbag. He saw a black hair band inside and removed it before standing up. He moved behind her and used his hand to brush her hair, sending waves of tickles over her body and she shivered when his fingers brushed her hair before he wrapped them and tied them with the band.

Andy felt he lost his mind for a second by doing something so intimate to her but he couldn't help but want to continue brushing her soft curly hair. When he sat back and saw her reddened face, he somewhat felt happy.

''Paula, I left you for an hour and you two have progressed so fast?'' Lisa couldn't believe her eyes when she saw them through the glass walling outside the window, they looked like a couple. The scene made her swoon and she couldn't stop giggling but she wanted to tease Paula.

Paula choked when she heard Lisa's voice behind her.

''Be careful'' Andy said and was about to pick the glass of water when their hands clashed. His fingers touched hers before they both retreated at the same time, ''sorry''

''It's okay''

Lisa studied their attitude towards each other and felt that they were like a couple getting to know each other. Their cute awkwardness suddenly made her feel like the third wheel.

Paula took the glass and sipped the water a little before putting it down and looked at Lisa, ''when did you get here?''

''Just now, but, I am glad I didn't come a little later than now. You two look so cute together''

''Stop messing around and sit'' Paula said and looked at Andy who seemed relaxed and calm.

''Hi, we meet again''

''Hello, Lisa'' Andy shook her hand and smiled politely.

''You even know my name?'' Lisa was surprised that he still remembered her.

''I have a good memory. You two are quite unforgettable after everything that happened'' Andy was sincere with his words. Even if he wanted to, he still couldn't forget the two ladies in front of him, especially the one in front of him at the moment.


'What would you like to eat? You can order anything, it's on me''

''Oh, you are treating? Then, I will help myself to the same thing that Paula is having''

''Alright'' Andy lifted his hand to call the waiter and Lisa leaned closer to Paula and asked.

''When did you two progress so fast? Paula, I leave you alone for less than an hour and you are already flirting with him?''

''I wasn't flirting with him. Choose your words carefully, Lisa''

''If you weren't flirting, explain what I saw. The way he brushed your hair, I could feel the tension between you two. Don't tell me you are not sexually attracted to him? If I were you, I would have slept with him by now. He is a delicacy, P'' Lisa whispered and Paula's face turned red. It was true she felt something when his fingers brushed against her hair. It wasn't a bad feeling if she thought about it but she wasn't about to give Lisa the satisfaction of being right.

''Stop feeding my mind with nonsense. Gideon is enough for me to learn my lessons. Handsome men are not for me. They don't want inexperienced girls like me'' she whispered back and Lisa frowned.

''But, I feel that he doesn't feel disgusted by you''

''That's enough''

Pretending to not listen to their rather loud whispering, Andy felt his body heated up when he thought about the moment he touched her hair. That was the first time his body reacted that way to a woman. But his mood seemed to have experienced some sort of alterations after he heard Paula saying she wasn't his type. He felt that she didn't have the right to tell him who his type was. He was the only one who knew his type.

''The food is here'' he said when the waiter brought Lisa's order. His voice made them realise they were opening discussing him in his presence.

''Thank you'' Lisa said and started to eat her food but she still felt like she was the third party. She regretted for coming to meet them.

''It's the food not up to your liking?'' Andy asked when he noticed she wasn't eating the food much.

''No, it is to my liking, it's just that, I remembered leaving my lease papers with the building owner of our apartment'' Lisa took out her phone, ''she wants to meet up and hand it over, can I take the food away?'' she asked and Paula frowned.

''But, you just came from meeting the building owner''

''Yes, and I forgot to bring the lease papers I signed with her'' Lisa stood up and Paula also did. ''What are you doing?''

''Going with you?'' Paula answered.

''You still haven't settled Andy. Don't tell me you are going to leave him and follow me around? Look, I don't want to be labelled a lesbian, sit back and make sure you make a progress with him. If it's possible, don't come home tonight'' Lisa whispered the last part into her ears and her face turned red.

''Andy, what to do? I was really hoping to get to know you more but my lease comes first. I will leave our P in your hands. You two can grab an ice cream together after lunch, my treat''

Andy nodded his head. He wasn't stupid. He knew Lisa was leaving so that he could spend more time with Paula and honestly, he was happy she was doing that. He suddenly wanted to prove to Paula that anyone can be his type if he wanted that person to be.

''Lisa…'' Lisa pushed Paula back on the seat and kissed her cheek before waving at Andy and left.

Paula lowered her gaze, feeling shy and embarrassed of her friend's actions. She couldn't meet with his gaze and scratched her hair nervously.

The waiter came and took the food away to package for Lisa as she stood at the counter spying at the two people.

''I know a place where they sell ice cream'' Andy spoke first.


''Your friend said you should treat me to an ice cream''

''Oh, are you done with your food?'' Paula asked, still not looking at his face. She pointed at his half empty plate.

''Yes, I want to reserve some space for the ice cream''

''I am done too. Let's go'' Paula stood up with her bag and Andy also did. He waited for her to take the lead before following her. ''Where is the place?''

''It's not far from here. Do you want to walk there? I will send you home afterwards''

''Sure'' Paula waited for him and walked side by side with him. She felt that eating ice cream together was something couples did and they were not a couple. It was awkward and she wanted to ask him why he accepted Lisa's crazy offer.

''It is just right ahead'' Andy pointed at the left side of the road when they reached outside.

''Oh, let's go''

Andy smiled seeing how she acted awkward around him. He knew what she was thinking and it was true. What they were doing was something that couples usually did and they weren't couples. Though he also found it awkward, he didn't feel repulsed or disgusted by it. He realised he had been smiling a lot since he met her. He was thinking about that morning and was looking for an excuse to call her when her call came in. He was so excited that he had to hurry with his meeting with the Leslie to finalise the hotel's sponsored trip to the Coastal region.

He looked up and found her lurking behind him and he stopped walking and waited till she reached him and he started to walk with her pace.

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