QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 163: Don't kidnap the prisoner

Xi Zirui is absolutely certain the prisoner who tired to kill the original is Han Yu.

Every second of Su Xueyi's endless drone about how the country held its collective breath, and prayed endlessly to the gods for Xi Zirui's fast recovery only cements in him that certainty.

Ni Ni's cryptic words don't help either.

Finally, Xi Zirui thinks he has heard enough for the sake of propriety. "This Emperor thanks Minister Su for his efforts," he says in a clear dismissal.

Su Xueyi smiles wanly and retreats with a courteous bow, followed by his own entourage of officials and servants.

Only a few servants remain but Xi Zirui dismisses them too, to their great confusion.

Now that he doesn't have act like an Emperor in front of an audience he lets himself collapse on the bed with a loud groan.

Just some peace and quiet, that's all he asks for.

Ni Ni chimes. "The situation in this world is complicated, and marks the return of the favor meter."

Xi Zirui shifts around on the bed to hide his face into the stiff pillow, muffling a scream into the brocade. He's been through a lot, he thinks he deserves to throw a little tantrum -- as a treat.

It's possible his tantrum wasn't that little and that he might have scared Ni Ni. "Host, please don't be alarmed, the favor is not linked to any romantic relationship with this world's Su Xueyi. Please it's best if Ni Ni explains from the beginning..."

This world's Xi Zirui might be the newly crowned Emperor, but from Ni Ni's brief explanation it's clear his position is anything but solid.

He's the only surviving son of the late Emperor, who died a few scant months before, followed by his two eldest sons. One of whom was poisoned in his own home, and another who died in battle in a border skirmish. 

Which left only Xi Zirui, not anyone's favorite candidate but the only available on, from the way Ni Ni tells it.

In reality, the Empress Dowager still holds most of the decision-making power, and has the trust of nearly all of the ministers. It's she who holds court most days when the original can't be bothered to attend, or, -- as was the case lately -- is too unconscious to.

While the Empress Dowager tries to hear everyone's side, she's likely to be swayed by her late husband's most trusted minister and adviser, Su Xueyi. The late Emperor had a high opinion of Su Xueyi and even praised him personally when he was a young man for his exception civil service exam results.

The Empress Dowager follows her husband's counsel even beyond the grave, and is likely to defer to Su Xueyi's expertise on military and financial matters.

"That's not good," Xi Zirui groans yet again.

"It's the Empress Dowager's favor that Host must earn," Ni Ni says. "Host must earn her trust so that she'll step away and allow Host to fulfill his duties as Emperor."

"What about Su Xueyi?" Xi Zirui asks.

"Host only needs to worry about increasing the Empress Dowager's favor and establish his own authority. Currently the Empress Dowager is fulfilling the role of a regent, because she doesn't trust that Host has what it takes to rule the nation."

From what Xi Zirui knows of the original, she might be right on all counts.

"Host must try to change her mind," Ni Ni says, in a slight grumble.

Well, he has his work cut out for him, because he is the son of one of her husband's favorite concubines. Someone who also died tragically not too long ago.

Xi Zirui has the strong suspicion that none of these deaths are coincidence.

In any case, his first order of business is to take Han Yu out of the holding cells.

He changes into gold and black robes, and pins the upper half of his hair up with a white jade hairpin. As far as Emperors go, he isn't about to win any competitions for the most well-dressed, but needs must. 

Now, he needs to find his way to the holding cells, and try not to be too conspicuous about it.

His first step out of the room, and he comes head on against the first hurdle.

Stationed at his door are both Jin Ranyu and Cao Fei, wearing Imperial guard armor.

"His Majesty!" Cao Fei exclaims loudly as soon as he sees Xi Zirui's face, effectively ruining Xi Zirui's plans to be discreet.

"Take me to the holding cells," Xi Zirui says, changing gears on the fly since discretion is out of the door anyway.

Jin Ranyu stands up straighter in his black scale armor. "His Majesty just woke up, maybe Her Imperial Highness..."

"This Emperor has spoken," Xi Zirui says, injecting authority into his voice.

Both Jin Ranyu and Cao Fei bow dutifully, and escort Xi Zirui without another word.

It's a tense journey through a few of the Imperial palace's common rooms, and then outside through a manicured courtyard, and into a stone building. Jin Ranyu opens the door for Xi Zirui and then leads him deeper into the prison's cells.

Eventually, they come to a stop in front of the last cell at the end of the corridor, the smallest and without a single window for ventilation. Xi Zirui is appalled at the sight of the dirty straw littering the floor, a mound of which passes for a bed.

Han Yu is sitting against the far wall, his arms manacled above his head and attached to a hook. His head hangs listlessly between his straining shoulders.

Xi Zirui's heart seizes at seeing him like this, obviously injured after being on the receiving end of several beatings.

"Open the cell," Xi Zirui says, spitting out the words at Jin Ranyu.

"His Majesty...this servant," he exchanges a panicked look with Cao Fei who looks about ready to keel over from nerves. "The prisoner is very dangerous, this servant wouldn't dare."

Xi Zirui clasps his hands behind his back and shoots Jin Ranyu a poisonous glare. "This Emperor has been awake for less than an hour and has already been contradicted twice."

Jin Ranyu goes deathly pale, Cao Fei holds on to his arm with a look for complete panic.

Without another word, Jin Ranyu calls for one of the guards stationed in the holding cells to unlock the door for Xi Zirui.

"Unshackle him," Xi Zirui says, nodding towards a still unconscious Han Yu.

Jin Ranyu falters only for a moment before Cao Fei is pulling him and the wide-eyed guard with the keys along.


That's how Xi Zirui finds himself leading a procession of three guards carrying a scraggly unconscious man. He can feel the eyes of servants and inhabitants of the palace as he makes the way back to his quarters.

Jin Ranyu finds his voice again once he realizes Xi Zirui intends to have Han Yu delivered to his own chambers. 

"His Majesty must not risk himself like this," Jin Ranyu says, wavering by the door. "The interrogators will be able to drag a confession out of this criminal, his Majesty shouldn't strain himself."

That's exactly what Xi Zirui is afraid of.

"It's time this Emperor takes a more personal interest in what goes on around him," Xi Zirui says, with finality.

There's nothing any of them can do but obey him, and so Han Yu is dumped unceremoniously on the floor of Xi Zirui's room.

"Make it known that this Emperor doesn't want to be disturbed for the remainder of the day. Have meals delivered to these rooms for this Emperor and the prisoner," he says, bending down to test the strength of the bindings around Han Yu's wrists.

Jin Ranyu is on his way out, when Xi Zirui remembers something else. "Oh, and ask the servants to deliver a bathtub and water."

Cao Fei exchanges yet another panicked look with Jin Ranyu, but this time finds his voice. "His Majesty shouldn't kill the prisoner before he has been further interrogated, there's much he hasn't revealed yet."

Xi Zirui smirks at him. "This Emperor will do as he pleases," he says, and closes the door in their faces.


The bathtub with water is delivered not long after and Xi Zirui dedicates himself to trying to wake up Han Yu as well as clean some of his wounds.

He'd like to give him a bath, clean some of the grime and crusted blood off his skin, but he isn't strong enough to haul him into the tub.

Xi Zirui is furious at the state Han Yu is in, but glad that the damage seems only superficial.

He's wiping Han Yu's face tenderly with a washcloth when Han Yu's eyes fly open.

His expression twists into one of revulsion immediately.

"Xin dog! Unhand this King at once," Han Yu growls, struggling to free himself from Xi Zirui's arms despite the bindings around his wrists.

Xi Zirui lets out a drawn out sigh. "This again."

As expected Han Yu doesn't understand.

Xi Zirui ignores Han Yu's protests and continues wiping his face. "I'll save you some time, we're in love, this is not the world we came from. We have children together even, and we both would like to get back to them."

Han Yu sputters in confusion and indignation.

Xi Zirui ignores him and barrels on. "The sooner you remember that, the better, because maybe you can help me find a way to prevent your execution!"

"This King tried to murder you, you crazy, rabid Xin dog!" Han Yu bellows, so loud that Xi Zirui has to clasp a hand over his mouth.

"No one is perfect, I forgive you," Xi Zirui says, smirking into Han Yu's stunned eyes.

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