Raiders Are All at Shura Field

Chapter 118

Chapter 117: The true daughter of cannon fodder (31)

When she turned her head, Tangning’s face was still frightened. She didn’t know until she recognized Xuanyi Yushang, who was a symbol of the emperor’s identity, on the man at the door.

“See Your Majesty, the ministers don’t know that this is the resting place of your Majesty. She accidentally broke into this place, Your Majesty Wangwang…”

She hadn’t finished her sincere words completely. Situ Yin, who had been stunned for a while at the door, came back to his senses suddenly, and arrived in front of Tangning in the blink of an eye with a quick meteor, and he couldn’t care about the others at all. Reached out and grabbed her wrist and raised it to his nose, sniffing lightly.

With this smell, Situ Yin’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He really didn’t expect that, he looked for her outside and around, and he couldn’t wait to turn the entire capital over, and finally she suddenly appeared in his Phixiang Temple.

This should be called smashing the iron shoes and finding nowhere to find it. It takes no effort at all, right?

Situ Yin, who is almost completely immersed in this taste, has not been able to feel such a relaxed feeling for nearly two decades, which made him uncontrollably move Ruxuehao’s wrist to himself. The tip of the nose is closer, closer…

Tangning was half-blessed, and unprepared, his wrist was grabbed by a cold to a little excessive palm, and was handed to her nose by the man in front of him who was suspected of the emperor. Not only that, she I can even feel that the other person’s thin lips, which are also slightly cool, seem to stick to her wrist from time to time.

Even though she is married, Tangning, who has never had such close contact with a man, opened her eyes in disbelief, and only felt a different kind of shuddering sensation spreading rapidly around her wrist. , Goose bumps appeared on her arm scramblingly.

For a while, I couldn’t care whether this might be offended by the man in front of him. Tang Ning tried hard, and hurriedly pulled out his wrist from Situ Yin’s hand, while pressing the other hand subconsciously. At the place where she had just been touched on her wrist, her face was slightly pale and she avoided it, and her breathing became swift at this moment.

As soon as she pulled her hand back, the other end sniffed the scent on her wrist. Within a short time, Situ Yin had a faint sleepiness. She noticed that her hand was empty, and she immediately opened her eyes a little impatiently. Ru Mo’s eyes looked more deeply at Tang Ning.

Seeing Tangning’s heart beat, she unconsciously looked for the direction of the door from the corner of her eyes, and then moved there slightly without a trace.

But she had just moved her head, her red eyes hadn’t left Tangning’s Situ Yin and she immediately noticed it.

“where are you going?”

Suddenly asked by him in a slightly hoarse voice, Tang Ning’s whole body was instantly shocked. For a while, he even forgot that the person in front of him was the emperor. He took a step back and turned around and was about to go out. Run away.

But she was exquisitely dressed, she wore layer after layer of veil on her body, except for Tang Ning, who would only be a drag on her beauty, how could she run past Situ Yin who was a man.

She stumbled and ran for two steps. At the door, Situ Yin behind her grabbed her arm, “You run…”

Before he could finish his words, Tang Ning, who was too scared of panic, slapped the man behind him with a backhand slap on the face.

It’s a pity that she was so panicked and panic that she had no strength in her hands for a long time, so slap Situ Yin’s face with such a slap, it was not like a beating, but a bit like the raccoon slaves who had their nails cut off by those backyard women. We drew softly because of the extreme anger.

“You, let go!”

When she was finished, her eyes were reddish, her voice trembled, and she yelled so cryingly.

She didn’t expect the other party to beat people at all. Before he could do anything, she cried first. Situ Yin was caught off guard, and her hand loosened slightly. Tangning immediately took the opportunity to draw her arm out, and then her head went out. Run away without returning.

Situ Yin, who was still standing in the same place, frowned slightly, watching the woman disappearing behind the palace wall. After a long time, he slowly stretched out his brows, leaned against the red-painted door frame, and moved his nose slightly. , Lightly sniffed the remaining scent in the air, feeling the headache that was gradually relieved, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After a while, he also walked straight to the place where Tangning had just left.

He didn’t even need to look at the road under his feet. He only sniffed the fragrance remaining in the air. After a few turns, people had already stood at the entrance of the Changchun Garden where the Spring Festival banquet was held, and they could see a hand held in the crowd. Tang Ning’s profile face was almost transparent in the middle of the kerchief.

After not looking at it for a while, Lan Yi Tangning, who was standing in the middle of the garden, noticed the strangeness. After turning around, Situ Yin immediately avoided.

Tang Ning, who obviously felt as if someone was looking at him, turned his head but did not see the person, and squeezed into the middle of the crowd again uneasy.

On the other side, Qin Qianqian, who looked at Tangning’s return before the opening of the Spring Festival banquet, was full of disbelief. It was obvious that she had already used the wooden bolt to hold the door against her, didn’t she? Why… why can Tangning rush back so quickly, who helped her?

Why doesn’t even God stand by her side?

Could it be that she really can only look up at Tangning forever like this, and watch her become the aristocratic lady of the country, and she can only be her…concubine who can’t get on the stage!

Thinking of this, Qin Qianqian’s heart sank instantly.

It’s a pity that after her painstaking calculations, Fu Xiao made a low, the most important thing is that after this incident, Tangning might not even let her get close in the future.

It’s also fortunate that Tangning doesn’t know Qin Qianqian’s psychological activities, otherwise she would definitely stretch out her hand directly, lamenting that her painstaking calculations weren’t wasted!

No, a show operation directly caused her to meet Situ Yin, the last target of the Raiders, in private, not to mention, but also because the two succeeded in making Tangning see her for the first time when they made skin-to-skin contact. The hidden plot as foreseen.

It turns out that the imperial concubine who helped the first emperor dominate the harem, gave Situ Yin this beautiful and highly poisonous doctor. She was also a famous person in the world before, but she was accidentally discovered by the imperial concubine’s family. Entered the palace as a royal doctor, specially helping this enchantress in people and things.

However, when the imperial concubine was later killed by Situ Yin, because he was afraid of being implicated, it was really a chance to escape thousands of miles overnight. In the end, if it weren’t for an accident, he fell ill in a small town in Jiangnan named Xihe County. I am afraid that he can directly choose to go out to sea by boat or escape to the Western Regions, and he will never return to the Central Plains for the rest of his life.

But who knows that if you do more injustice, you will die. If you do too much of this bad thing, it turns out that you will really get retribution.

His severe illness was so aggressive that he had sores on his head and pus on the soles of his feet. He fell dying to the side of the road, not to mention running away, even walking was difficult.

Later, if it weren’t for being rescued by a kind and wealthy businessman surnamed Tang, he would have died that night.

It’s a pity that no matter how many doctors the wealthy businessman surnamed Tang hired for him, all he got was an answer that he was hopeless. After that, he was still a barefoot monk who accidentally begotten to Tang’s house. After accidentally seeing him, God God talked about the retribution of evil results and so on, which made this former imperial doctor come back to his senses.

When ordinary people scold someone, they often scold the bad guy for sores on the top of his head and pus on the soles of his feet, but now he looks like he has done evil in the first half of his life, and now he is getting retribution?

The imperial doctor who never believed in these gods and ghosts before, it was this moment, as if suddenly realized, did not want to escape and did not want to treat the illness, and only asked the Tang family master to send him to a nearby temple. Be prepared to concentrate on reciting sutras and repenting in the rest of your life.

Not only that, but he also began to regret the insane poison he had developed for Situ Yin. Originally, people were his crown prince, and neither recruited nor provoked anyone. Why did he want to torture him in this way? .

But helpless Situ Yin’s cruel and **** methods have scared his courage a long time ago, making him dare not go back to the capital to help others develop an antidote. What’s more, he is not good at doing things now and can’t even walk, how should he respond? What about Beijing?

So he stayed in a temple near Tang’s house, regretting, thinking about the antidote. During this period, except for the warm-hearted Master Tang, occasionally he would hold his pink jade-carved daughter up to the mountain to visit him. I never interacted with other people again.

It’s a pity that this person’s condition was so serious that in the end he only lasted half a year before he breathed.

But no one knows. It may be that in the last six months of this life, because of guilt and concentration, this person really developed an antidote that can relieve the fragrance of beauty.

However, at that time, this person had already reached the end of his life, and he could not even speak for a long time, leaving only the vague words “rescue… medicine” and died.

Master Tang here only thought that this was the life-saving pill that the gentleman who had been researching all kinds of herbs in order to repay him. He was grateful to help people. After dealing with the things behind him, and then after March, when his baby daughter had a high fever, and when it seemed to be dying, he took out the expert’s life-saving pills regardless and fed her down.

Hey, don’t say anything.

The life-saving pill is the life-saving pill.

After taking a pill of medicine, his daughter disappeared from the fever that night. After that, there was a unique fragrance on her body, not to mention how good it smelled.

Master Xidetang burned the sage buried in the mountain one after another.

It’s a pity that good people didn’t pay well. He did good deeds all his life and saved many people. In the end, he didn’t even see his beloved baby grow up, so he left.

Miss Jiao, who had no father, also learned that because her father was the only daughter in his generation, in order to make Master Tang die, someone would fall into the pot and walk with peace of mind, she had to adopt a son from the side of Tang’s family. Before the adoption, those people were still doing good to her. As soon as they came over, they immediately changed their faces, and even carried her behind their backs and began to discuss how to marry the slim, old woman who was old enough to be her grandfather. Following the room.

Whoever wants the inexhaustible road, she learned her true life experience at this time.

After she struggled to the death, she was alone in Beijing, but her life suddenly took a turn for the worse. After two calculations, she was sent into the cold palace with the face of others unhappy.

Easily escaped, and Situ Yin, who had been tortured for a lifetime with a headache, only looked at each other from a distance, and was so violent that he was killed by the lunatic emperor who didn’t even see her clearly.

At that time, she had been in the cold palace for half a year, and her body was so stinky that she even gave birth to lice, so painful in her heart that she had thought about the self-defeated emperor’s mind more than once, and got to know someone who was long ago. He entered the cold palace, looks like a concubine whose name has long been forgotten.

His casual wave of his hand was deemed to have ended Tang Ning’s life as well as his own.

Really, drama!

Tang Ning, who had always maintained a frightened expression on her face, sighed softly in her heart.

At the same time, Situ Yin, who was standing in the shadow, felt the smell of Tangning’s unique smell in the air disappeared, and then smelled it. Apart from the pungent powdery smell, she could no longer smell Tangning. The scented Xuanyi man’s eyes went gloomy.

Not to mention that these people were still chattering like ducks in a garden. When there was no stopping, Situ Yin’s eyes became darker, and the whole person suddenly became irritable, and a touch of blood came from his dark eyes. Flash past.

He just wanted to tell these people to shut up, and it would be best if they all disappear in front of his eyes immediately.

Just when Situ Yin’s eyes were slightly narrowed, his personal **** Wen Rang finally found Situ Yin under the shadow at the moment he was about to explode, and hurriedly walked to his side for the first time, leaning respectfully. Lower body, said that the welcoming banquet is about to begin, the ministers have arrived, and are now waiting for your majesty to preside over the overall situation…

Before he finished speaking, the big eunuch, who was stared at by Situ Yin’s scarlet eyes, couldn’t speak anymore, and the whole person began to tremble.

When was he so wink?

Without observing the face of his master, he ran over without thinking. He was really lunatic, and he was shocked by the rare excitement in this palace. If he can survive this time, he will…

Before the great eunuch’s oath was issued, Situ Yin turned his head and looked at Tangning through a gap on one side, then turned and walked out.

“According to me, there is no need to divide the women’s seats and men’s seats for the Spring Festival banquet. Let the two groups of people come together and celebrate together.”

“Your Majesty, this… is not in harmony with Li…”

“What courtesy? What I said is courtesy.”


Before he could come out, the **** who was randomly glanced at by Situ Yin immediately began to find Princess Qingping as if he burned his ass, and relayed what Situ Yin had said to Qingping without missing a word. The eldest princess was so angry that she had been worrying about the Spring Festival banquet for three full days, and the eldest princess Qingping, who had managed to make a little appearance, immediately yelled in her heart.

Yes, she only dared to curse in her heart. Even if Situ Yin treated her well on the surface, she did not dare to have the slightest idea of offending him.

In fact, even now, as soon as she closed her eyes, she seemed to be able to recall the blood that filled the entire palace that night.

And that holding a long knife almost his height in his hand, sitting at the top of the corpse mountain that was stacked and bleeding down, even the white hair band used to tie the hair was stained with blood. The thirteen-year-old boy who was flushing red had two drops of blood splashed on his right cheek. He raised his head slightly and looked at the bright and flawless full moon in the middle of the sky, with a blank expression on his face.

It was the two extremely contrasting images that caused Princess Qingping to have nightmares for months at the time. Every day, she was afraid that when she woke up, she would pick up the knife in the hands of the teenager and drop her head. Different place. In the end, in order to escape from the palace where Situ Yin existed, after a little better, he immediately found someone to marry him.

But even so, even now, when Princess Qingping saw Situ Yin, her calves would still feel weak.

No matter what outsiders say that she is special to Situ Yin, the other party must still remember her past care, otherwise she would not marry her by Shili Hongzhuang, and let her dominate the government. Princess Qingping was still afraid of him in her heart, too scared.

Because of fear, in the end Princess Qingping could only pinch her nose to prepare to merge the two banquets together.

On this side, Tangning heard about the merger, and immediately found Helan Ruo on the male guest’s side, and quickly took his hand, which made him feel a little more relaxed.

On the contrary, Helan Ruo took Tangning’s slightly cold hand, and hurriedly wrapped her hands in it with two hands. He bowed his head and sighed in her hands, then leaned closer and asked in a low voice, “What’s the matter? Are you wearing less clothes? Why are your hands so cold? The cloak is prepared in the carriage. Do I need someone to take it for you now?”

Seeing He Lan Ruo caring like this, Tangning pursed her lips and replied softly, “No, it’s not cold, I just…”

“The emperor is here!”

Before Tangning finished speaking the rest, a shrill eunuch’s voice rang in everyone’s ears.

As soon as I heard this voice, when I recalled the overly beautiful face she had seen before, Tangning’s pupils suddenly tightened, and her hands trembled, and then she bowed down with Helan Ruo. Come down.

She didn’t know if it was her illusion. She clearly felt a real look that fell on her body at once, which made Tang Ning’s lips start to tremble, and her face was even more ugly and scary.

“What’s wrong with Ningning?”

Behind her, He Lan Ruo, who immediately noticed that Tangning was wrong, had just asked such a sentence. On the other hand, Situ Yin had already walked towards them under the lead of the stiff princess Qingping.

When he saw Situ Yin, He Lan Ruo uncontrollably thought of Mu Qing who had been taken away by this man with such despicable means. He couldn’t even control his eyes, and squeezed Tang Ning’s hand subconsciously.

He Lan Ruo, who was in her own emotions, didn’t notice Tangning beside her at all. The moment she saw Situ Yin, her face turned whiter for an instant, and she even subconsciously hid behind him.

“A Ruo, why don’t you greet your emperor’s uncle quickly!”

As soon as she saw the princess Qingping who had such an implied hatred in her son’s eyes, she almost didn’t get horrified. You don’t need to think about it to know that this **** must have remembered that Ji Muqing again.

I told him so many times that the granddaughter raised by an old fox like Ji Xiang was not what a fool like him saw, and the incident of entering the palace was by no means as simple as he understood.

If Ji Muqing and Ji Xiang didn’t stir up anything in it, she could chop off his head and let him sit on a stool.

After all, with Situ Yin’s temperament, how could he be crazy for a woman? I’m afraid it’s impossible for the sky to fall down!

It happened that her unfilial son just didn’t listen to what she said, and was decadent for Na Ji Muqing for three years. Now she dares to show such an expression in front of this evil god, really thinking that his old lady is here. Is there any face in front of me?

But even if she had already said it like this, He Lan Ruo didn’t mean to call her uncle, just lowered her eyes lightly.

For this reason, the elder Princess Qingping was simply exhausted.

Who would have thought that Situ Yin didn’t think he was disgusted by He Lan Ruo’s impolite behavior, and instead laughed lowly.

Hearing his laughter, not only Qingping Princess, but also the great **** who was following him, all looked at his Majesty with horror, and then quickly lowered his head, but it was already in his heart. Screamed frantically.

what happened?

Why did the good Majesty suddenly laugh out loud.

When was the last time he laughed?

Wait, has he laughed before?

The eunuch’s text made it even more terrifying.

If Wen Rang is a horror, Princess Qingping is horrified.

I was so angry that I laughed, how angry this should be!

It’s over, it’s over!

Unfilial son, unfilial son!

Why did she give birth to such an unfilial son! It’s over, it’s not certain whether the Guoguo Mansion can be kept!

No one knows Situ Yin’s psychological activities at this time—

It turns out that she belongs to Helan Ruo…wife…

He remembered who was in his harem before, and it seemed to have something to do with Helan, who was it?

Situ Yin really couldn’t remember.

He just felt that he could smell the smell from the other person even while standing like this, how could he smell so good? Savory.

Therefore, it would be nice if she could enter the palace to accompany him to sleep every day.

Well, no, if only he could directly become the concubine in his harem.

Don’t know if she wants to enter the palace?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter whether she wants or not.

He wants to do it!

Situ Yin thought so naturally.

As for Helan Ruo, well, he still remembers who he liked very much before, otherwise he would simply replace him with him, and that’s it.

He still needs to think about how to change it.

So, while Helan Ruo was still mad at Situ Yin’s despicableness and evil in his heart, Situ Yin on this side had unilaterally announced in his heart that his new wife was his again.


The author has something to say: Situ Yin: Your wife, mine.

Helan Ruo: Uncle, are you still a human?

Situ Yin: I will change with you.

Helan Ruo: Change Nima Beep—

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