Rebirth begins at Skull Island

Chapter 47 After the War

Chapter 47 After the War
"This is the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles. On my right was the 224-meter-high Bank of America Plaza."

"But now, what we can see is a pile of reinforced concrete ruins."

"Army is conducting search and rescue operations to try to rescue as many people as possible buried under the rubble."

"This is ABC TV station, I am Marilyn Monroe, a front-line reporter..."


At this time, the TV screen played until it suddenly went dark, and then, an extremely cold voice sounded in the room.

"Who can tell me! Why no one reported to me before this operation!?"

"Do you still see me, the President of the United States of America?!"

Behind the desk, the black man with a cold face became more and more angry, and finally slapped the table hard.


Immediately, the other people in the room were tongue-tied, and no one in a group of military uniforms dared to speak out.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a suit adjusted his tie in embarrassment, and coughed twice:

"Your Excellency, our Seventh District has already reported to you."

"Report!?" The president pulled out a leather notebook from the drawer and threw it on the table angrily: "Report at 10:28! Call at 10:33!?"

Seeing the president flushed with anger, an old man in military uniform sitting not far from him spoke:

"Obap, now is not the time to worry about responsibility, first think about how to deal with the questions of those jackals later."

That's the most important thing.

After all, the president is the president. After hearing what the old man said, he took several deep breaths, tried to calm down his anger, and then sat down slowly, frowning and asking in a deep voice:
"General Auburn, how about the military experiment?"

"No, now there are videos and photos leaked on the Internet, military experiments can't stop those reporters' mouths." A middle-aged OL woman in the corner pushed her glasses and calmly interjected.

"Immediately block network resources, is it too late?"

"It's too late, the video and pictures have already been sent to other continents." The middle-aged woman replied after typing on the keyboard.

However, this answer seems to make the president very dissatisfied.

"These damned web crawlers!"

Seeing that the president had no idea, and neither did the other people in the hall. At this moment, another middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes spoke up:

"Your Excellency, since it cannot be banned, then let's make it public."

"Public? Impossible! They."

Before the president could refuse, the middle-aged man spoke again:

"Aren't they enemies?"

This sentence stunned the president and everyone around him.

The person in the seventh district frowned and said displeasedly:
"Senator Kelly, to correct you, the Autobots have always been helping humans."

"Agent Simmons, let me correct you a little bit. Do the alien Autobots have their own purpose in helping humans?" Congressman Kelly turned around and looked at Agent Simmons.

Seeing that Detective Simmons seemed to have something to say, Congressman Kelly added again: "Without their interests fighting, would more than 300 citizens of Los Angeles die?"

"Will more than 4000 citizens be injured? Direct economic losses of hundreds of billions of dollars?"

"Listen, buddy." Congressman Kelly pointed at the speechless Detective Simmons: "I know what you're doing, but don't you think it's safest to hold something in your hand?"

"What about mutants?"

On the sofa, a middle-aged lady who had never spoken before suddenly raised her own question.

"Any factor of instability should not exist, what do you think? Your Excellency the President?" Congressman Kelly did not reply to the middle-aged lady's words, but looked directly at the President and said his answer.

For a moment, the presidential office fell into an inexplicable silence. The only sound that could be heard in the entire office was probably the sound of the president tapping his fingers on the table.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes
A full 10 minutes passed before the president stopped tapping his fingers.

"Publicize some videos to control the direction of public opinion."

"Abolish the Seventh District and merge it into the military headquarters, cooperate with the Autobots and mutants, and strangle the demented Decepticons."

"As for what's behind," the president put his eyes on a photo of a great ape on the table, and his voice paused:
"Let's do that for now."


"What!? The military wants to know the identity of that giant ape?" Storm Orolo, leaning on the desk with a surprised expression, looked at Charles behind the desk:
"Isn't that someone from the military!?"

Orolo's doubts are also doubts in Qin and Peter's minds.

Faced with the doubts of the three people, Charles did not explain, but just looked away, seeming to be thinking.

"It's not Eric's either." He said to himself, but his voice could also be heard by Qin and others.

A mutant with the ability to transform, at least Beta level, that is, a third-level ability, is actually a stranger. Even Professor X, who claims to know everything, doesn't know about it.

Are there really such mutants?

At this time, Qin and others were really completely confused.

After a while, Charles suddenly said:
"Peter, the task of coordinating the pursuit of the Decepticons is entrusted to you. If necessary, bring back some fragments."

"Professor, do you mean to suspect that the giant ape is from the transforming car?" Even though Peter the Colossus hadn't transformed at this time, his voice was still deep.

"It's just suspicion." Charles' eyes wandered again, he didn't know what he was thinking, but judging from his expression, it could still be seen that he was deeply worried.

Rhodes on the other side didn't know that his appearance triggered so many subsequent stories and so many people were worried.

At this moment, he was hugged tightly by Ellie as soon as he got off the school bus.

Uh no, she was buried in Ellie's arms hard.

It took a lot of effort before Rhodes broke free, panting heavily.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Ellie! I almost suffocated you to death!"

I don’t know how Aaron survived every day.

While complaining, Rhodes was hugged by Ellie again, but this time she bent down.

"Little Rhodes! As long as you are fine! Aaron and I are worried to death!"

Ellie's urgent inquiry came to his ears, and for a moment Rhodes actually felt a little warm in his heart.

"It's okay! It's okay! Don't worry!"

"Really!" Ellie worriedly looked at Rhodes from head to toe, from front to back.

But when she wanted to lift Rhodes' clothes for further confirmation, she was stopped.

"Sister, do you want me to run naked in front of so many people?"

The joking refusal finally stopped Ellie from wanting to see Rhode's body further.

This made Rhodes feel a little relieved in his heart. After all, his body was bruised and purple, and there were still many scars. It didn't look like the injuries that a child hiding in the shelter should have.

(End of this chapter)

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