Rebirth of England.

Chapter 053 Cavendish Hotel

The Crown Prince said that he would try his best to find those people, which Barron somewhat believed, because if the other party really had contact with any terrorist organization, whether it was the outrageous "Al Qaeda" or the military intelligence group of Scotland Yard's trash Currently, the British government will not easily let go of other organizations that the Sixth Office considers.

You must know that al-Qaida alone is not the only one that caused the "911" incident in the United States and poses a threat to the United States...

Since the United States and other countries launched the "war on terror" against Afghanistan, almost all participating countries, including Britain, have been threatened by attacks from Al Qaeda, so the relevant departments in Britain have been very vigilant about this.

Therefore, as long as the "London Star" gang is really related to certain terrorist organizations, it will definitely become the focus of their investigation.

"Your Highness, I know that by now, the possibility of recovering the lost funds of the family is probably very small, but no matter who the other party is, those who offend the Devonshire family will have to pay the price. If Scotland Yard and MI[-] If they can’t find out the results, I will still continue and will not give up.”

"Barron, on this point, I have the same idea as you, but I hope you have confidence in us and our allies. We have contacted our friends in the United States and will first start with the members of the previous gang on Wall Street. Investigate the matter.”

Just as the Prince of Wales was about to leave, he finally said to Barron:

"By the way, I've already asked about the renovation of King's Cross. St. Pancras Station is about to be completed soon, and the renovation plan for the entire King's Cross area will be put on the agenda. Again, Barron, what do you need? If you want help, just call me."


After bidding farewell to the crown prince and the prince, when Barron walked out of the hotel used for charity fund-raising events, he encountered several reporters who tried to interview him. After briefly expressing his views on the matter of the Independent, Barron said in a friendly manner He declined more personal questions about him and got into the Rolls-Royce.

In the meeting just now, the Prince of Wales showed more kindness than before. Barron was not naive to think that these were simply the royal family's love for the nobles - everyone must first show their own kindness. Only with value can we gain the other party's "friendship". Now Barron's value has begun to be recognized by the other party.

"Your Highness, your phone number..."

As soon as she sat in the car, Wang Wanting handed her the mobile phone - when he participated in previous charity fundraising events, his mobile phone was always given to his personal assistant.

Looking at Aurora's name on the phone screen, Barron hesitated for a moment and finally answered the call:

"Dear Aurora, I couldn't contact you before, I was very worried..."

Before Barron could finish speaking, Aurora's voice came from the phone:

"Barron, you bastard! Shameless bastard!"

Aurora's voice was so loud that even in receiver mode, Barron couldn't help but take the phone away from his ear, but he could still hear her voice behind her...

"Dear, I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about me..."

"Really? Barron, are you going to explain to me what was reported in the newspaper about your new girlfriend, the TV host?"

Well, Barron glanced at the front seat of the car. His personal assistant was looking at his notebook with no expression on his face.

"I originally wanted to tell you, Aurora, but you didn't answer my calls or reply to my messages. I even suspected that you had blocked me..."

"You reminded me, Barron, that I should indeed block you!"

"No, dear Aurora, don't be impulsive. No one can predict things like feelings, right? We are still friends, best friends..."

"Sh*t! Do you think of me as a friend? You just want to sleep with me and you don't care what I think. Don't let me see you again. Go find that monster, asshole!"

"My dear, I will talk to you another day..."

Before Barron finished speaking, he heard the other party hanging up the phone.

When he called again, as expected, he heard the notification tone that the other party's phone had been turned off.

After an unknown length of silence in the Rolls-Royce...

"Your Highness, we have arrived at the Cavendish Hotel."

Wang Wanting broke the quiet and slightly awkward atmosphere.

What they came to this time was the Cavendish Hotel in London. This hotel was built in 1968 by the [-]th Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.

The hotel is located on Oxford Street in Soho, London. It is a four-story building with a total of 33 rooms.

The word Soho is familiar to everyone and is used by many cities to name entertainment areas.

Soho is located in the city of Westminster, a sub-administrative district in the west of London. Earlier, Soho was originally London's red light district...

Later, this kind of special business gradually declined. In addition, Soho is located close to Mayfair, London's financial district. Every day, many office workers choose to spend time in Soho's fashionable bars or cafes after get off work, gradually making Soho a It has become a recreational community where young people gather.

Nowadays, many fashionable bars, small shops, and high-end hotels gather here, and only a few special places are still open.

It can be said that this location is still very good for a hotel. It is precisely because the business conditions of the Cavendish Hotel are satisfactory that Barron's father previously intended to expand the scale of the hotel in London.

Another reason is that this small building of the Cavendish Hotel was first built in the 50s and was later bought by the family to run the hotel. It has been nearly half a century since then. Both construction and decoration have been Somewhat old.

"Your Highness the Duke, the land of this hotel, including the attached parking lot, covers an area of ​​about 2 hectares, and all belongs to the Devonshire family..."

At the hotel, Yulia and the hotel manager Jose Pineda welcomed Barron's arrival. Yulia introduced the situation of the hotel to Barron.

“At the beginning of this year, there was originally a plan to renovate and update this place, but in the end due to the financial situation, the plan was temporarily shelved...”

Barron also understood the hidden meaning of Yulia's words. At that time, his father was investing most of his funds in the "London Star". I am afraid that the idea at that time was to carry out the renovation plan of the hotel after making a profit. , and even opened another higher-end hotel in London. Unexpectedly...

After visiting the Cavendish Hotel, Barron said to Yulia and the hotel manager beside him:

"Indeed, as you said, although it can be seen that the hotel has tried its best to maintain it, the facilities and decoration here are a bit old, and it is time to make changes."

After his words fell, Barron could see the hope in the eyes of hotel manager Jose Pineda. With a smile on his face, Barron continued:

"But instead of tinkering, it is better to make more thorough changes. The area here can fully support a taller building. This will not only increase the hotel's business area, but also provide space for other operations. .”

"Your Highness the Duke, do you mean to demolish this place and rebuild a high-rise building on the same site?"

Jose, the hotel manager, asked tentatively.


"What about the hotel? The construction time can be as short as one year or as long as two years..."

"You can rest assured, Mr. Pineda, this plan will not be carried out immediately. There will be a transition plan for the hotel..."

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