Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 113: The Days Orders

I flew back to the house, and back into my open window. Once I landed, I found Lyra looking back at me sleepily.

"You're still in bed?" I asked, and she nodded, holding up her shiny blue phone. That one had been made with the Frost Essence Crystal. Not that it mattered. The crystal only seemed to pick the finish, and it had nothing to do with the specs, but that wasn't a bad thing.

"I keep playing Divine Realm Online, but I get so tired after killing a couple monsters!" Lrya complained as she rolled herself into a cocoon.

"It uses your magical power in trade for giving you experience," I explained, then asked, "Have you got any items yet?"

Lyra shook her head. "No, I have to finish my first quest, but killing the monsters takes so long that I have to keep sleeping!" 

"I think in time, you will be able to last longer. If I know the games, you will get a big experience boost when you finish the quest. That should get you to grow stronger," I explained, and Lyra nodded, opening up her game.

I walked over and kissed the top of her head, before heading out of my room. Once the door was closed, I turned to find Mary, Aria, Danielle, and Shelli standing there. All of them had curious looks on their faces, and I put up my hands to stop the hail of questions I knew was coming.

"Daryle, Rosily, and Misty are all going on a training trip," I said, and then tried to slip around them, but the four of them moved as one wall, and blocked my path.

"That is all?" Danielle asked, but it was all I wanted to tell her.

"Pretty much. Daryle got a new class and even a Divine Blessing with a skill. that skill is pulling him to someone," I explained, and then pushed my way through the girls, heading for my studio, but then stopped, turning back around. "Can I steal Shelli today? I want her to come back with me to Crystal Cavern to be my rescue aid."

"But I can't fight! Part of my contract with Garland prevents him from doing any physical violence in this realm. That goes the same for me," Shelli protested, but I shook my head as I walked over to pull her from the girls.

"I know you are level 299, and I know about all your restrictions. Sorry, I identified you in your sleep last night because I wanted to see if you could come with me," I explained, and Shelli smiled warmly, pulling me closer to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't mind if it is just so you can spend more time with me," Shelli purred, her wings fluttering.

I smiled and looked at the other women. "Can I ask you a favor, Mary?" 

Mary frowned. "Depends, I should be going with Aria to finish the last two crystals, but if you need me to do something important, then I will."

I turned to Shelli. "Can Mary have your phone?" I asked, and Shellie pulled the blue phone from between her breasts, handing it to me.

I handed the phone to Mary, and her frown deepened. "What am I supposed to do with two? Make a second character?"

I laughed. "While that is an entertaining idea, I would like you to go and get each of the demons to play Divine Realm Online. I don't think each of them will last more than a monster, so it will be more just monitoring them and passing them around. I am sure you can teach them about it, and leave them after today, but I would like you to stick around until they have a system."

Mary sighed. "You really want all of us to play that game, huh?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think it will be good for everyone. It will give them all experience, and items over time. I think that it is a good thing to have them using the phone around the clock. By the time we have to go to the front lines, I hope to have a tough brigade of demons to back us up. I would also like you to try the Leveler's Gift, and see how much it drains you, and how much experience you get."

"Fine, I'll go round up the demons and introduce them to this game of yours," Mary said, sounding a bit resigned.

"Thanks, Mary. I appreciate it," I said and looked at Danielle. "What are you up to in your lab? Any ideas for the war? I am not really familiar with the way that you guys do battle here." 

Before answering, Danielle pulled out her phone and then tapped it a few times, and I got a message

Enemy army: 

10,000+ human ground troops 

20,000+ demons in the air and on the ground 

5 Epic-Rated Abyssal demons

5 Subject Black Demons

10 human Dark Sorcerers

Reshan Army: 

6000 human Holy Lance knights

3000 Summoner Mages 

30 warships

I let out a long sigh after reading that short message of what looked to be Roshan's doom if I didn't do something. Why couldn't they attack the West? I do give a fuck about those guys. Yeah, fuck those guys in the West!

"What are those assholes in the West doing? Why aren't they offering help?" I asked, and Danielle snorted.

"They have already been bought and bribed by Halcon. Reshan is the last hope, and they almost have Aria's father ready to hand over the kingdom," Danielle explained with annoyance.

"Alright, then what are you working on?" I asked with a sigh.

Danielle sighed, her frustration evident. "I'm working on developing new magical barriers and offensive spells that can specifically target the demons and dark sorcerers. We need something that can withstand the Abyssal demons and break through the defenses of the dark sorcerers. It's a challenging task, but I'm making progress."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "That sounds like a solid plan. We need every advantage we can get. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

Danielle looked at me, her expression softening. "Actually, there is something you can do. I've been experimenting with combining elemental essences to create more powerful spells. If you come across any unique essences during your adventures, bring them to me. It might give us an edge in creating powerful and versatile magic."

"Consider it done. I'll keep an eye out for any rare essences," I replied.

With that settled, I turned to Shelli. "Ready for a trip to Crystal Cavern?"

Shelli smiled and nodded. "Always ready when it's with you."

Good, now I just have to pick up last night's project from my printer and we are off!" I cheered but then darted from Shelli to kiss Aria.

"Good luck," I whispered, and Aria's face got beet red, and she forced her eyes shut as I turned back to Shelli to her to my studio.

"Thank you!" Aria stammered, and then all three women were gone from behind me.

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