Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 134: First Class Change

"What do you think?" I asked, but she didn't look away and pointed to number nine.

"What is a resin printer? Do you harvest tree resin for that, or what type is it? Seems like a strange material to use..." Danielle mused and I laughed.

"No, it's not that kind of resin. In this context, resin refers to a type of material used in 3D printing. It's a liquid that hardens into a solid form when exposed to a specific type of light. So, an enchanted resin printer is essentially a magical 3D printer that can create objects using enchanted materials," I explained.

Danielle's eyes lit up with excitement. "That's incredible! We can create enchanted items, tools, and more. The possibilities are endless!"

"Exactly. It's a powerful tool, and I'm sure we can find some interesting uses for it. Now, let's see what class options are available for my level 100 upgrade," I said, navigating to the Class Change option.

[Please select your next class from the following options:]

1. Arcane Artificer: This class specializes in the creation of magical artifacts using advanced 3D printing techniques infused with arcane energy. Artificers can craft enchanted weapons, armor, and trinkets, imbuing them with powerful spells and abilities. They excel at harnessing the mystical properties of materials to forge items of immense magical potency.

2. Techno-Mage Engineer: Blending the realms of technology and magic, Techno-Mage Engineers are adept at designing and constructing intricate devices and constructs using enchanted materials and advanced 3D printing technology. They can create golems, drones, and other autonomous machines infused with magical capabilities, serving as both allies and tools in battle.

3. Mystic Fabricator: Mystic Fabricators harness the primal energies of the universe to shape and manipulate enchanted materials into wondrous creations. They specialize in crafting magical artifacts, arcane constructs, and even temporary magical structures using specialized 3D printing techniques. Their creations often exhibit unique properties and abilities derived from the arcane.

4. Etheric Alchemist: Etheric Alchemists combine alchemical knowledge with 3D printing technology infused with ethereal energies. They can transmute mundane materials into enchanted substances, synthesizing potions, elixirs, and mystical compounds with potent magical effects. Their mastery over the ethereal realms allows them to create substances that defy conventional laws of physics and chemistry.

5. Magitechnic Artisan: Magitechnic Artisans are masters of blending magic and technology to create innovative and versatile creations. Using enchanted 3D printing technology, they can craft enchanted gadgets, devices, and tools that seamlessly integrate magical properties with technological functionalities. From enchanted weaponry to arcane gadgets, Magitechnic Artisans are capable of inventing solutions to a wide array of challenges.

"Alright, this is the big choice," I said, and Danielle nodded as we both looked over each class.

As we contemplated the options, Danielle tapped her chin in thought. "Each of these classes seems amazing in its own way. It depends on what kind of role you want to take on in our group."

I nodded, considering the strengths and specialties of each class. "Arcane Artificer could be great for creating powerful magical items. Techno-Mage Engineer seems focused on constructs and machines, Mystic Fabricator is more about shaping magical materials, Etheric Alchemist deals with alchemical creations, and Magitechnic Artisan is a blend of magic and technology."

Danielle grinned. "Well, considering our current circumstances and the fact that we already have some powerful magic users in the group, I'd say Techno-Mage Engineer or Magitechnic Artisan could provide a unique edge."

I agreed, "True. Techno-Mage Engineer's focus on constructs might complement our team well, and Magitechnic Artisan's versatility could be invaluable. Still, considering how much I focus on my golems now, I think that Techno-Mage Engineer might be my best bet. What do you think?"

Danielle nodded in agreement. "I think Techno-Mage Engineer would suit you well. Your affinity with golems and interest in technology aligns with the class's focus on constructs and magical machines. Plus, having an expert in Techno-Mage Engineering could open up new possibilities for us."

I considered her words and then confirmed my decision.

[Chosen Class:]
Techno-Mage Engineer

With the choice made, the confirmation screen disappeared, and a series of notifications followed.

[Congratulations! You have successfully advanced to the Techno-Mage Engineer class. Gain the following:]

Class-Specific Skill: Technomantic Engineering - Unlock the ability to create advanced magical constructs and devices using enchanted 3D printing technology. Combine magical and technological components to design powerful tools, golems, and drones.

Class-Specific Passive Skill: Arcane Integration - Enhance your ability to seamlessly blend magic and technology, allowing for more efficient and potent creations. Your constructs gain a bonus to their magical capabilities.

Class-Specific Knowledge: Techno-Mage Engineering - Acquire in-depth knowledge of Techno-Mage Engineering, expanding your understanding of magical constructs, enchanted materials, and advanced 3D printing techniques.

Class-Specific Ability: Golem Mastery - Improve your control and command over golems, increasing their responsiveness and allowing for more complex and nuanced instructions.

Class-Specific Bonus: Enchanted Crafting - Gain a bonus for crafting enchanted items and devices. Your creations have a higher chance of receiving additional magical properties during the crafting process.

As I absorbed the newfound knowledge and abilities of the Techno-Mage Engineer class, a sense of excitement and anticipation filled me. This evolution opened up a realm of possibilities for enhancing our group's capabilities.

Danielle grinned, her enthusiasm matching mine. "This is fantastic! We're going to revolutionize the way we approach challenges with these new skills and knowledge."

I nodded, suddenly feeling anxious. "Is it bad that I want to go set up my new printer?"

"No, me agreeing with you would be bad. Just try to focus on me for a moment," Danielle said, rising up from my chest to climb on top of me.

She blocked my view of the screen, and I suddenly forgot what I wanted to do as I looked up at Danielle only wearing her pink bra with black lace. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled Danielle down into a kiss and she began running her hands through my hair.

After a minute, she rolled off me and then looked over at me with a sheepish smile. "Now, can we keep on looking at the other options?"

"Not like I had anything else planned, I grinned back and she rolled her eyes, cuddling back into me.

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