Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 136: Super Fan Simp

"Well, it is your blessing and all, so I think that you should go first, right? Not like you don't have enough points for 2 pulls, right? And this draw guarantees that you get at least an epic-rated set or better!" Hama explained, but I felt suspicious.

I went first last time and got dog shit. I mean, my outfit was nice and all, but the slightly better stats were like that asshole said my choices were. Negligible at best. Still, I would sooner that Danielle got something better, so I decided to play ball.

"I think Hama has a point, Leon," Danielle said, turning back to me, but I could tell she was itching to try.

"Sure, but Hama just wants me to get the shit pull," I laughed, and Danielle frowned, but turned around. "Just watch."

As she did, I activated the Divine Lottery. Unlike last time, the screen became a breathtakingly beautiful panorama of a tropical paradise island with a massive golden place that we rushed towards. Jungle trees and fauna flew by as we approached the golden gates that were opening for us. We flew through them, and then through a courtyard filled with radiant beings shining with golden light who were just walking around and talking.

"What is this place?" Danielle asked in a whisper as we slowed down for more doors as we entered the golden place.

We weren't actually there, but the screen filling our view made it extremely immersive and realistic. I was even sure that I had seen Hades walking down a hallway through a doorway as we headed up some stairs. After some more stairs, we stopped at a golden door at the top of them. The door slowly opened, and there was a woman sitting beside an elegant desk.

"Well, I would like to say that I am surprised to see you here, but you do progress much faster than anyone else," The woman said with a smile.

"You can see us?" Danielle asked, and the woman smiled.

"You have a different one with you in bed this time? A busy man, I see. She is very pretty, and I can see why Hama wanted her to go second."

I stared at the woman for a moment. She had a regal air about her, dressed in a gown that seemed to shimmer with ethereal light. Her eyes held a depth of knowledge and wisdom, and her presence exuded a certain grace.

"Gachica?" I asked, and the woman nodded, making me raise my eyebrows. "Really? You hardly look the same."

"I would hardly fit in this office while in my true form, but I can take on the basic human form I once held eons ago," Gachica said, and I nodded.

"Makes sense," I smiled and then rolled my eyes. "Let's get this roll over with. I am more excited to see what Danielle gets now that I know I am destined for dog water."

Gachica let out a laugh that sounded almost heavenly, and Danielle patted my arm. After she was done laughing, the same Dice of Fate appeared in Gachica's hands as she started to roll them.

At the same, a box displaying the colored sets that were rotating inside of it appeared. Unlike last time, there were only purple, gold, and prismatic sets flowing by. Even if my roll was shit, I still had a chance to get something good.

As soon as the sets started to slow down, Gachica let the dice roll. I watched them, but they landed on a 2 and a 1. I looked up at Gachica, and she gave me an apologetic look.

[Less than 15 is a Miss]

I sighed, but Danielle gripped my arm as it slowed down, and I looked at the box. It looked like it might stop on a prismatic!

"Look! I think that is a good one right?!" Danielle exclaimed, pointing at the box that was still moving, and now showing the next purple item.

I was about to get excited, but then the item rolled up to the purple one, making both Danielle and I let out a sigh. I had known it was too good to be true, but getting an epic-rated set had to be good, no matter what it was.

Prize Display:
(Epic) Super Fan Leon Set

Set Includes:
(Epic) Super Fan Simp Shirt: While wearing this shirt, up to 7 female party members can be displayed on the front, back, and sleeves. While wearing this shirt, Leon deals no damage but instead divides his stats among the female party members displayed on the Super Fan Simp Shirt.

(Epic) Super Fan Simp Shorts: Shorts that enhance movement speed by 20%. The shorts also have a special pocket that can store up to three items, each corresponding to a female party member. The stored items gain a 10% enhancement to their effects.

(Epic) Super Fan Foam Finger: A magical foam finger that increases the effectiveness of support and healing spells. It can also be used to point dramatically at enemies, distracting them for a brief moment.

(Epic) Super Fan Body Paint: A magical body paint that can change colors and patterns. When applied, it provides a 5% bonus to all stats for each female party member displayed on the Super Fan Simp Shirt.

(Epic) Super Fan Mascot Outfit: When equipped with the Super Fan Simp Shirt and Pants, Leon Performs a dance routine. This greatly increases the overall stat of female party members displayed in the Super Fan Simp Shirt for 00:00:30s. This outfit may only be used once per combat.

As the items were displayed, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the set. It was undoubtedly unique and amusing, but its practicality in combat or serious situations was questionable.

"What is a simp?" Asked Danielle as she looked up at me with a confused look, Gachica started to laugh, then spoke up before I could.

"A 'simp' is a term used to describe someone who goes above and beyond to show extreme admiration or affection, particularly towards someone they are attracted to. In this context, the Super Fan Leon Set seems to play on that concept, turning you into a devoted fan of your female party members."

I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh. "Well, if I ignore the name and the absurdity of the set, it really isn't that bad. I mean, in an open-world battle, I wouldn't want to be using it. In a dungeon with just my golems? That would be a different story."

Danielle shrugged. "I think I am more curious to see what that outfit looks like on you, or the mascot outfit. There are some guilds that have mascots to hand out flyers. They are people in costumes, so is this the same thing?"

I nodded but then shook my head. "I will be damned if I let you girls see me in whatever the hell that thing is!"

Danielle burst into laughter, covering her mouth as she tried to compose herself. "Oh, come on, Leon! It's just a game! Besides, it sounds like it could be fun in the right circumstances."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Maybe, but I'm not sure I'm ready to embrace my inner 'super fan' just yet."

Gachica joined in the laughter, her ethereal voice echoing in the golden chamber. "Well, it seems like fate has a sense of humor. You never know, it might come in handy one day."

"Yeah, maybe if we ever need a distraction in the middle of a battle," I joked, and Danielle nodded in agreement.

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