Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 69: Heading To Baron Mortimer’s Territory Part 3

As the two days passed, Adrian dedicated his nights to visiting each of his women, strengthening their bonds and increasing their power through the Yin-Yang Harmony Technique.

While no new skills were gained, the intense sessions significantly boosted their stats. Since Isabella was at a much higher level, she benefited less from the technique, but Adrian made sure to prioritize his time with her.

He would visit her room first each night and then spend the rest of the night with her after finishing with the others.

To add variety to their intimate moments, Adrian purchased different outfits from the system shop. Isabella, always eager to please, enjoyed cosplaying various professions, from a seductive office lady with glasses to a defiled priestess, making their time together even more exciting.

One night, Isabella greeted Adrian in her room dressed as an office lady. She wore a sleek black pencil skirt that clung to her curves, a white blouse unbuttoned just enough to reveal a teasing glimpse of lace beneath, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses that sat perfectly on her nose. Her hair was pulled up into a neat bun, adding to the professional yet alluring image she projected.

As she stood by her desk, pretending to be engrossed in some paperwork, Adrian couldn't help but be drawn to her. The way she looked at him over the rim of her glasses, her eyes filled with both desire and a playful challenge, made his heart race.

"Mr. Everhart," she said in a voice that was both firm and seductive, "I trust you know why you're here."

Adrian played along, stepping closer to her. "Yes, Miss Isabella," he replied, his tone low and husky. "I believe I'm due for a private meeting."

Isabella arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Indeed. But first, let's discuss your… performance."

Their playful banter quickly escalated into a passionate encounter, with Adrian taking control and fulfilling the fantasies Isabella had set in motion. The outfit was soon tossed aside, and the strict office persona melted away as they lost themselves in each other.

On another night, Isabella took on the role of a priestess, her pure white robes draped loosely over her body, giving her an ethereal appearance. Her long hair cascaded down her back, and she held a prayer book in her hands, whispering soft words of devotion as Adrian entered the room.

This time, Adrian played the part of a dark seducer, tempting the pure priestess away from her vows.

The contrast between Isabella's innocent appearance and the dark desires they both shared created an intoxicating atmosphere. Adrian's hands roamed over her robes, slowly revealing the flesh beneath as he whispered sinful promises in her ear.

Isabella's breath hitched as she surrendered to him, her prayers turning into gasps of pleasure. The thrill of their role-playing only intensified the connection they shared, making each night together more electrifying than the last.

But soon, the time for play was over. The day of departure arrived, and Adrian was fully prepared. He stood in the quiet shadows of Everhart Manor, making sure everything was in order before leaving.

With a quick gesture, he summoned a clone of himself, ensuring that it would take his place in the manor during his absence. The clone nodded at him, perfectly mimicking his demeanor, and took up residence in the manor to maintain the illusion that Adrian was still present.

Adrian then turned to Eve, who was waiting patiently by his side. Her expression was a mix of determination and nerves, knowing what lay ahead.

Together, they silently slipped out of the manor through a hidden passageway known only to a select few. The tunnel was damp and dimly lit, winding its way beneath the estate and out into the surrounding countryside.

Once they emerged on the other side, far from prying eyes, Adrian activated his transformation, altering his appearance to match that of Darian.

His features shifted, becoming more angular and rugged, while his clothes took on a more travel-worn look. Eve watched in quiet awe as the transformation completed, knowing that their disguise was essential for the mission's success.

With his new appearance in place, Adrian and Eve made their way to the nearby trade road, where a caravan was preparing to depart for the Mortimer Barony.

The caravan was a modest one, consisting of several wagons loaded with goods, merchants, and travelers, all seeking safe passage through the treacherous lands.

As they approached, Adrian signaled to the caravan leader, a grizzled man with a weathered face and a sharp eye.

"We're looking for work," Adrian, now Darian, stated with a confident tone. "My companion and I can provide protection for your caravan. You never know when bandits might strike."

The caravan leader eyed them both critically before nodding. "We can always use more guards," he grunted. "Especially with the way things have been lately. You two can join us, but don't expect any handouts. You earn your keep, understood?"

Adrian nodded in agreement, and Eve followed his lead, keeping her face downcast to avoid drawing attention.

They were quickly integrated into the caravan, taking their positions as bodyguards. Adrian's keen senses remained on high alert, always scanning their surroundings for any potential threats.

As they settled into their roles, Adrian's eyes fell on a lone figure sitting by one of the wagons. The figure was clad in a dark cloak with a hood pulled low over their face, concealing their features.

A long sword rested at their side, and their posture exuded an air of quiet confidence. Adrian recognized her immediately—Sophia, who had arrived earlier and taken her place within the caravan.

Her face was hidden behind a mask, adding to her mysterious appearance, but Adrian could sense her presence.

She glanced up briefly, her eyes meeting his through the narrow slit of her mask, and a subtle nod passed between them. Everything was proceeding according to plan.

As the caravan began to move, the rhythmic creaking of wheels and the steady plodding of horses filled the air.

Adrian, Eve, and Sophia blended seamlessly into the group, their disguises holding firm as they embarked on the journey toward the Mortimer Barony. The road ahead was long and fraught with danger, but they were ready for whatever challenges awaited them.

The caravan traveled for hours, passing through dense forests and rocky terrain. As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape, the group found a suitable spot to set up camp for the night. Adrian, Sophia, and Eve remained vigilant, ensuring that nothing would disrupt their mission.

Under the cover of darkness, the three of them gathered at the edge of the camp, their conversation hushed but determined.

"We're getting closer," Adrian whispered, his eyes scanning the horizon.

"Once we reach Mortimer's territory, we'll need to be extra cautious. Sophia, stay close to my clone and continue your role as Eve. The real Eve and I will slip away and find the secret entrance."

Sophia nodded, her masked face revealing nothing but her unwavering focus. "Understood. We'll keep the ruse going as long as necessary."

Eve, standing beside Adrian, looked more resolute than ever. "I'm ready. Let's save my mother and end this once and for all."

With their plan solidified, they returned to their positions, keeping watch over the camp as the night wore on. The road to Baron Mortimer's stronghold was perilous.

As dawn broke and the caravan continued its journey, Adrian could feel the tension building within him. Every step brought them closer to Mortimer and his first confrontation with him, that would decide the fate of Everhart Manor and the lives of those he cared about. There was no turning back now.

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