Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 103 - Pulled back again!

“Now, the captain is the captain, invincible!”

“It feels like we’re stable!”

“Break down each point of the opponent one by one, and then seal all possible points of refutation! Too great, invincible!”

“I really watched and cried. The beggar also has the right to look up at the stars. This sentence feels like a golden sentence!”

The audience was applauded in the field, the barrage was frantically swiping the screen, and Zhang Xiaowen and Zhu Yang were all excited in the game room.

I’m so awesome, too carry!

I can only say that the captain did not know if there was a shot. After the third party argued, the number of votes previously issued in 19 was instantly reversed, and more than 60 votes were directly pulled back!

The program that said I wanted to go to power before said with emotion: “This is a group of monster players! I took back what I said before, so I do n’t want to go on stage to argue with such people. I feel that there is only one result of being on the stage. He was speechless, ashamed and dead! “

Bian Zhongming has seen the scene, but looking at the edited version, I still think this scene is wonderful.

so perfect!

I can only say that this group of people is indeed a professional debater, with clear and logical words, and the speech is like a speech, very inflammatory! In fact, the original rules of debate have constrained the performance of this group of people. Because the time is too short, many arguments are too late to be developed, so the persuasiveness will be much worse. But now that there is no time limit, this group of people can open up and say that they can start from their own experience and can strengthen their tone by using various methods such as parallelism and questioning, which will be particularly justified by the audience.

Is really exciting, but the game is not over yet, and there are three opposing arguments.

The opponent’s captain Zhang Wenping stood up, looked at the votes, and fixed at 74:28.

Wu Gaoyuan’s speech directly pulled back more than 60 votes, which can be said to be a shocking reversal.

However, Zhang Wenping didn’t have much nervous expression, and his complexion remained as usual.

“Highland’s speech was very exciting, and what I didn’t expect was that he blocked some of my arguments in advance and forced me to change my strategy temporarily. In the final analysis, Fangfang’s point is one sentence: knowledge is good. Here I want to ask everyone that knowledge is indeed a good thing, but does it necessarily lead to good results? “

“Please think about it, what is the origin of the crisis of intelligence? What is the reason why we reject artificial intelligence technology today? Does artificial intelligence technology not bring convenience to our lives? Then why do we reject it so much?”

Zhang Wenping’s style is completely different from that of the plateau. The plateau is like a knight who is always on the charge. He runs on without fear. He can evoke the fighting desire of all people and the blood in his heart. The lake water looks calm, but it always reflects the shadow in your heart. Often, with one or two questions, the deepest doubt in people’s hearts is drawn out, and the audience can follow this doubt and involuntarily. Go down that road.

Obviously, this opening was not prepared by Zhang Wenping in advance, but because the plateau’s performance was too good, he had to change his words on the spot and play freely.

Because many of Zhang Wenping ’s arguments, including differentiation and happiness including ignorance, have all been perfectly sealed off by the plateau. To talk about these, not only can’t get the votes, it will be counterproductive.

So Zhang Wenping simply put aside the prepared content and changed his perspective.

“Of course, artificial intelligence technology is good, but improper use may also bring us disaster. Where does knowledge come from? It comes from the process of learning. If today we have the wrong attitude towards knowledge, we cannot enjoy it. The value of having knowledge! Why artificial intelligence technology will bring disaster to humankind? Because we only have this knowledge, but we have not been able to make good use of this knowledge, we have not developed the due awe of it, so That has caused such serious consequences. “

“Our current technology allows us to find a lot of knowledge online, but why do most of the exams require closed-book exams? Because the knowledge found is not your knowledge at all, you have it on the surface, but you are not qualified to use it. It! This chip is like you cheated in a closed-book exam, cheated, and what happened? On the surface, you passed the exam just like everyone else, but other people mastered the knowledge, but you didn’t! “

“We have a very old Chinese story called” Journey to the West “, why did the Buddha arrange so many monsters, and it was difficult for him to torture the Tang monks? Why could n’t Sun Wukong turn over them and memorize the scriptures? Back? Because what is important is not the scriptures, but the process of fetching the knowledge. Knowledge can be copied, but once this process is lost, will we still get the scriptures? Will anyone still face its value? “

“And once we have implanted this chip and we assimilated knowledge, what is the difference between us and artificial intelligence? Those runaway artificial intelligence all have our cutting-edge knowledge, but what are they going to do? They are going to be extinct. Human beings, let the resources of the entire world be allocated and operated in the most reasonable way. Assuming we have this technology before the intellectual crisis, what will happen? Maybe we will be artificial intelligence at the beginning of the intellectual crisis. Give control and brainwashing, can we survive the war? Maybe humans are extinct. “

“We humans can create civilization ~ ~ Knowledge can continue to advance and develop, it is precisely because we are fortunate and never in history have a chip been implanted in our brain. An authority can clap for everyone, what is right, what is true, and what is knowledge! So, in the future, we also do n’t need it! Thank you! “

The scene was boiling again, but the game room was just the opposite. At the beginning, there was still a lot of laughter and laughter, now it is very quiet.

Zhang Xiaowen had been anxious to celebrate with champagne before, but Zhang Wenping’s remarks directly poured him a cool heart.

“Fuck, isn’t it great? The ticket has been pulled back!”

“It’s shameless to move out of the crisis of intellectual weapons! This is cheating, this is it!”

“It’s over, just look at the audience’s expressions and know that it’s not good. Fang Fang started running tickets …”

This group of people instantly changed their face collectively. Before, they still felt stable, but now they feel like losing again!

Wu Zhongming has watched the recording and knows the final result. But in fact, when he was watching the recording at the scene, he also sweated.

都能 He could guess the previous points, but he did not expect that Zhang Wenping would associate this argument with the intellectual crisis that has happened in this world, and he also explained the truth!

If it was in Zhong Ming’s previous life, then this argument is meaningless, because artificial intelligence in that world has only a prototype, it is impossible to develop to a step that threatens the survival of human beings; but this world is different. It has happened, and people’s memories of that tragic war have not completely disappeared, so this argument will be very powerful!

Sure enough, the audience’s votes began to fall frantically to the opponent’s side again. As soon as this big move was released, the advantage that Zheng Fang had just won from the perfect speech just disappeared again!

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