Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 130 - Business blow

Luo Mingjie ordered a high-end Western restaurant near his company, probably because he’s been busy recently and he can’t get away.

Zhong Ming doesn’t matter, anyway, he has a lot of time now, and he can’t toss to go back and forth.

The transportation in this world is a speeding car, which has a perfect intelligent assisted driving system, which is much faster than a taxi in Zhongming’s previous life, and there is no traffic jam. Although the city of Ming’an is large, basically the speeding car is only 20 Minutes will be here.

Of course, Zhong Ming didn’t come here to make a meal, mainly because of the relationship of “Best Debater”. Luo Mingjie and him are now friends, and now “Boundless Learning” and “Best Debater” are all very successful. They should find a chance to have a meal and celebrate together.

At the restaurant, two people finished ordering food and chatting.

“I think the statistics of” Best Debater “this season are getting better and better. The popularity of the previous episode is more than three times that of the first episode when it just started. It is even better than the data of the first season. Too much. Should you be busy? “Zhong Ming said.

Luo Mingjie nodded: “Yeah, very busy. But then again, in fact, I was busy when I was in the first season, but at that time I was just busy. The data of the program was getting worse and worse, and the heat was getting lower and lower. I just want to die. It’s different now. Although it’s still busy, the heat of the show is getting higher and higher. I’m glad it’s too late. “

“Speaking of which, thanks to your original suggestion. I was a little hesitant when I first heard this change, but now it seems that my worry is superfluous. This change is too useful! Later I also analyzed it carefully,” The most The second season of “The Good Debater” was successful because of the changes in the game system and the debates. Seriously, without you, there would be no “The Best Debater” today, so I have to thank you! “

Zhong Ming hurriedly waved his hand: “You’re very polite. In fact, if you can stick to it, you can find out the way sooner or later, not to mention that you are the ones who really do this project. I just have an idea.”

“But sometimes this idea is the most critical! The direction is wrong, and no matter how much effort is wasted, there is no shortage of people in the world who can do practical things, and those who can see the sun and know the direction clearly!” Luo Mingjie said.

Zhong Ming smiled: “No, all are missing, all are missing.”

The two had a round of commercial blows, completed the first wave of mutual milk, and hit a cup.

Zhong Ming asked: “With so much heat, the income should also increase?”

Luo Mingjie nodded: “Yes, it has been improved, but it is not too much. We have signed a sharing agreement with the video website, and there will be a certain income according to the popularity. There is no way to move the sponsorship fee, that is The big income. But it doesn’t matter. After the second quarter is over, we will definitely sum up our experience and learn from the lessons. With the heat reserve of this season, we can definitely draw more sponsorship in the next season. I think now, maybe Maybe a 100 million sponsorship will come next season! “

Zhong Ming smiled: “I think it’s okay. With the popularity of” Best Debater “now, a 100 million sponsorship fee can be considered a reasonable goal. And you can invite some well-known scholars, variety shows, stars, and stars in the next season. Come to be the host or guest. After the heat is brought up, it will definitely get better and better. “

Luo Mingjie drank red wine again: “Yes, I think so. So, ah, your idea not only saved us this program, but also pointed out a clear way for similar debate programs, just rush this, I owe you a big deal! “

Zhong Ming shook his head: “Don’t say that, we can also be regarded as a mutually beneficial relationship. If it wasn’t for” Best Debater “desperately placing advertisements in” Learning the Endless “, it would be difficult for us to promote this project, let alone Said that the million dollars will be scattered. “

The two chatted again and again, and Luo Mingjie also asked some questions about “Learning the World Without Limits” and millions of coins, and he also praised these ideas.

However, after hearing that Guangyi Entertainment did not start a new project, Luo Mingjie was also very angry.

“The senior management of your company is too stupid? Want to start a new project without approving it? This is too much!”

Zhong Ming is very calm: “Different companies have different styles. Lightwing Entertainment is generally a conservative company. Because the body is large enough, most people can live well without risking hard work, including ceo. They also like stability. , So this is also expected. “

Luo Mingjie said: “Brother, I was embarrassed to tell you before, because I feel that Lightwing Mutual Entertainment is a big company after all, leaning on the tree to enjoy the cool. But depending on your current situation, Lightwing Mutual Entertainment cannot give You have provided a bigger stage. Otherwise, you come to our company, I will pay you three times as much as Lightwing Mutual Entertainment, no, five times as much as you! And I dare not say that the development prospect is definitely very good!”

Zhong Ming smiled: “Thank you for your good intentions. But I don’t plan to engage in variety shows, I still want to be in the game industry. If you know any company recruiting designers or producers ~ ~ can help Let me recommend. “

“People at the game company, I really do n’t know much, after all, they have crossed the line.” Luo Mingjie was a bit sorry. “But you can rest assured, I can ask others to ask, if there is a suitable opportunity, I will definitely contact you. But I still want to ask, Do n’t you really think about developing in the variety show? Anyway, with your ingenuity, you can do it in any line. ”

Zhong Ming shook her head: “Thank you for your kindness, but it’s really unnecessary.”


Zhong Ming slept before getting up, and flipped through her Weibo and real Q & A.

Fans are still growing, but slowly. If you think about it, you haven’t uploaded new pictures, music or videos for a long time.

Zhong Ming also went through the video of herself making a squirrel fish, and found that a few comments below actually made it.

“I really made it according to the method in the video! I failed N times! But the taste is really great!”

“I did it too, but it feels like a problem with the technique, the shape is far from the video!”

“I have failed more than a dozen times, and every time it ’s either a knife problem or a problem with a bomb, I’m desperate!”

Zhong Ming smiled and closed the page.

When wondering whether to draw a picture or make a tune to add some points, a message was sent from the three-person chat group.

“The model is almost complete, look!”

Here is a screenshot.

At a glance, Zhong Ming, a double ponytailed Internet addiction girl, Chanel, was like **** was crucified. Her arms stood upright in a void space. It should be a picture taken directly from the 3D model editor.

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