Resurrection when you see someone, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 287 Restoring the Heretic Golem

The steps to recreate Kaguya's body are all in Heijue's memory.

Kimura Takuno has absorbed everything about Heijue, so he is naturally clear about how to restore Kaguya's body.

The first is the body of Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails, that is, the body of Otsutsuki who returned to the bloodline.

Then there is Kaguya's huge chakra.

Chakra is not necessarily Kaguya. After all, the Chakra that Kaguya lost thousands of years ago is the same as the Chakra that Infinity Tsukiyomi absorbs people from all over the world thousands of years later, right?
So as long as the amount of chakra is enough.

If this is the case, the energy core of the Three-Day City can be activated, and it is enough to extract energy for a few days.

After all, people in the whole ninja world have all chakras. Except for ninjas who have more chakras, most of them are ordinary people, and there are not many chakras at all.

Therefore, it sounds very bluffing to draw the chakra of everyone in the world for unlimited monthly reading.

In fact, there is not much chakra.

And the energy core of the Three-Day City, that gigantic star of peace.

But it can supply the daily energy needs of more than 5000 million people in the entire ninja world.

Taking a few days is enough to match the amount of chakra drawn by Infinite Tsukiyomi from all humans in the ninja world.

After all, after Ming Zuo defeated Kaguya, when people were rescued from the sacred tree, they were not drained of Chakra.

It's just a little too much consumption.

Based on this kind of energy consumption, the energy core of the three-day city is estimated to be enough for one day.

So now the most critical point for resurrecting Kaguya is to get an Otsutsuki body with blood returning to his ancestors.

Takuno Kimura explained the principle to Madara and Nagato.

Madara also understood, it turned out that the resurrection of Kaguya did not necessarily require him to be a sacrifice.

It's just that Heijue needs him as the perfect ten-tailed jinchuriki to become the "vessel" that carries Kaguya.

In Heijue's view, only the perfect ten-tailed jinchuriki can bear the power of Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Only then can Kaguya be resurrected perfectly.

But what Kimura Takuno needs now is the information after Kaguya's resurrection.

Therefore, it is not necessary for Kaguya to be resurrected perfectly.

Kaguya, who has been revived by imperfectly reducing his strength, is more in line with Kimura Takuno's interests.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

Madara and Nagato asked doubtfully.

Kimura Takuno looked at the two of them and said.

"I need Nagato to give him Madara's eyes.

Only the reincarnation eye integrated with the original package can exert its greatest effect.

Only in this way can the will of ten tails be controlled.

Then I will initially resurrect the heretic golem and make Madara a Jinchuriki.

It made Madara's body returning to his ancestors become commonplace in the Otsutsuki clan.

In the clone of Yima's body, it absorbs the energy of the core energy of the three-day city.

Then use this clone to revive Otsutsuki Kaguya.

In this way, Madara can also grow into a Datongmu tribe.

It's time for Tenwai Otsutsukimoto's family to come to the ninja world.

It can also help. "

Madara nodded excitedly, and immediately agreed.

"Okay! Kill two birds with one stone, let's do it!"

Nagato nodded in agreement, but asked again.

"It can be done, but now all the tail beasts.

Haven't they all been absorbed by you?

Now how do you initially restore the heretic golem? "

Kimura Takuno smiled slightly.

"As the shell of the ten-tailed golem, it can be resurrected as long as the chakra of the nine-tailed beast is taken back.

But it doesn't mean that the chakra of the tailed beast is necessary.

The Sage of the Six Paths divided the ten-tailed chakra into nine parts and became the current nine-tailed beast.

However, the nine-tailed beasts have grown individually over the past thousands of years.

Even tailed beasts can grow, so the ten-tailed body itself can also grow.

After all, the ten tails themselves are the sacred tree, and the sacred tree is used to absorb natural energy to grow, and finally bear the fruit of the sacred tree.

So as long as enough natural energy is given to the alien golem, it can be revived.

It's just that without the original energy of the ten tails among the nine tailed beasts, the golem of the heretics will always be just the golems of the heretics, and cannot become the ten tails again, let alone the sacred tree again.

Therefore, it can only be called a preliminary restoration of the heretic golem. "

Madara and Nagato finally understood, and nodded in agreement together.

So Kimura Takuno and the two went to the place where the heretic golem was.

It was still in the huge underground laboratory back then.

Takuno Kimura didn't say much anymore, and directly stretched out four Chakra threads, switching the eyes of the two of them.

Madara finally got his eyes back, and Nagato didn't lose, getting a pair of Kamui reincarnation eyes.

Madara raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, laughing.

"Ah! Haha, my eyes are much more comfortable.

This familiar feeling is really good for my own eyes. "

And Nagato is also adapting to his new eyes of reincarnation.

Although it is said that the divine power reincarnation eye, as long as a Jonin can have it in the three-day city.

It's already a bad street, but there are still a few that can really develop well.

Just like Madara's reincarnation eyes, the power in Nagato's hands is absolutely different from that in Madara's own hands.

So although Shenwei reincarnation eye, many people have it.

But the original strong is still strong, and the original weak still has little to change.

It can be seen that this strength is really not only strength, but more importantly, there is a strong heart.

Just like the same hero in the game, in the hands of different players, the strength shown is also very different.

same strength.In the hands of different ninjas, the result is still strong and weak.

This is also something that makes Kimura Takuno quite helpless.

Otherwise, with the more than 3 pairs of Kamui reincarnation eyes in the three-day city, why would Kimura Takuno be afraid of their Otsuki Kimoto family?

In fact, these 3 people are just looking at bluffing people.

In fact, it is considered chicken.

Not many masters.

For Otsutsuki's family, they basically deliver food.

Not much help at all.

That's why Kimura Takuno is in a hurry to revive the recovery and learn about the information about Otsutsukimoto's family.

Kimura Takuno no longer thought about it, and directly released the energy of the dragon vein.

Let Nagato and Madara, together with Kimura Takuno's shadow clone, use the magic dragon nine to seal together, and seal the dragon vein energy released by Kimura Takuno into the golem of the outsider.

It doesn't matter at the beginning, it turned out to be a full day.

This is enough to make the heretic golem open one eye, and the heretic golem itself has nine eyes.

Every time an eye is opened, it means that the chakra of a tailed beast is recovered.

Opening one now, naturally means that the dragon vein energy can also replace the tailed beast chakra.

That proves that Kimura Takuno's guess is correct, the energy of the dragon veins is originally transformed and compressed by the dragon veins ball absorbing natural energy.

Let the heretic golem open one eye for a day now.

Then it won't be long before you believe it, and you can completely open all the eyes of the golem of the heretics.

So the three continued to work hard to restore the chakra of the heretic golem.

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