Return of the Runebound Professor

Chapter 109

Noah took a moment to check on his mindspace before he stepped out of the room. He’d gotten pretty fast at slipping into it, so it only took him an instant to check on the status of his Pyroclastic Resonance.

What he found wasn’t exactly what he’d been hoping for. If he had to put it to numbers, the Rune would have filled by less than a single percent. Still, considering he was getting energy from basically doing nothing and in an area where he suspected there wasn’t that much power that actually meshed with Pyroclastic Resonance, it wasn’t complaint worthy.

“How’d it go?” Lee asked as Noah opened his eyes again and followed her out of the room, still carrying the scroll.

“Not the best, but for my first attempt, I’m happy with it,” Noah replied. “Do you know why Janice is here, by the way? I wasn’t expecting her.”

“No,” Lee replied, shaking her head. “She looks terrified, though.”

“I’m starting to think she always does.”

They reached the bottom of the stairs and headed into the dining room. Isabel and Todd were already seated at the table across from Janice. Brayden sat as well. He had moved the chairs away and sat cross-legged – yet, somehow, he was still just as tall as the others. A large assortment of food ranging from bread to cheese and freshly cooked meat was laid out on the table.

“Vermil!” Brayden said with a wide grin as Noah stepped into the room. “You look like you’ve had better days.”

“I’ve been hard at work.” Noah pulled a chair out beside his students and sat down. Lee claimed the spot beside him and promptly walked a hand toward the pile of bread. She snagged a loaf and pulled it over to herself.

“Tell me about it,” Brayden said with a heavy sigh. “You caused a real shitstorm, Vermil. Investigators want blood.”

Noah’s back stiffened, but he didn’t let it show on his face. Evidently, Brayden trusted Janice enough to share vital information in front of her – but Noah had never told Brayden that Todd and Isabel were in on things as well. The surprised glance that the two of them shared told Noah that they’d caught it too.

Brayden’s eyes widened a moment later. “I – uh, was talking about leaving while under investigation. Nothing else.”

He cleared his throat, then sent a sheepish look in Noah’s direction.

Forget all the plotting shit. I forgot how bad Brayden was at lying. I can’t say I’m a fan of Janice knowing any more than she needs to considering I know almost nothing about her, but I suppose it’s too late for that now. Father probably sent her to spy on me.

“It’s fine,” Noah said. Lee offered him half of the bread she’d grabbed, and Noah took it absentmindedly. He paused, then glanced down at it. It wasn’t the same piece – it was a new loaf. She’d already eaten the first one. Noah looked back to their visitors. “They already know.”

“Ah. Good,” Brayden said with a relieved sigh. He grabbed three loaves of bread, crushing them into a ball with a single motion, and tossed the whole thing into his mouth. Brayden chewed a single time and swallowed without even blinking. “Sorry about that. I told you there’s a reason Father keeps me off the really important tasks.”

“Maybe better that way. They aren’t nearly what they’re worked up to be,” Noah said. “Are… things going bad with the investigators?”

“I don’t know if I’d say bad, but they aren’t dropping the matter. Bastards are still hunting, even though we have a replacement.”

“T-they think someone attacked Arbitage,” Janice stammered. Brayden glanced her out of the corner of his eye. He plucked a large piece of steak from a plate at the center of the table and popped it into his mouth – bone and all.

Noah’s eye twitched slightly as there was a crunch and Brayden swallowed everything. He noticed Noah’s expression and chuckled. “You need to get to Rank 4 already, Vermil. Get some good Body Imbuements as well. No point wasting good nutrients.”

“That’s badass,” Todd muttered. Isabel glared at him, but a grin stretched across Brayden’s face.

“I can do that too!” Lee exclaimed, grabbing a piece of meat and swallowing the entire thing without even chewing. The rest of the table stared at her, and she blinked.


“It wasn’t a contest, but consider me impressed,” Brayden admitted. “That was comparatively a lot bigger for you than it was for me.”

“Oh. Did you want it back?” Lee reached for her mouth.

“No!” Noah said quickly. “They were impressed, not asking for the food back. It’s all yours.”

“Ah. Good.”

Noah shook his head. “We should probably get food before these two endless gullets mow through the rest of it.”

He and his students both piled their plates high with meats and breads. Noah couldn’t help but notice that Janice made no movements to claim any food for herself.

“Holding off for something, Janice?” Noah asked.

“Oh, I’m just here to accompany Brayden. I’m not actually–”

“Nonsense,” Noah said, shaking his head. He held a hand out, stopping Todd and Isabel from eating anything. “Whatever the reason, we’ve got more than enough food here. Nobody else is eating until you get some food for yourself. You’re a guest. We just forgot our manners.”

“Hey!” Lee exclaimed. “I was hungry.”

“It’s fine. You didn’t have many to begin with.” Noah grinned to show Lee he was joking, but his eyes were on Janice.

More importantly, I want to see you eat something as well, Janice. Did Father lace the food with that Soulrend Poison that Dayton mentioned? Shit. I should have made Lee wait.

“Are you sure?” Janice asked.

“Of course.” Noah took a piece of steak and set it on Janice’s plate. “Please, go ahead.”

Janice gave him a brief smile, then took her cutlery and cut a small piece of the meat, placing it gently in her mouth. Noah hid his relieved sigh.

Okay. Not hiding poison. Just incredibly socially awkward. Unless she’s got an antidote.

His eye twitched, but everyone had started to eat as well. There were just too many things to consider. If Father was going to try to poison them, Noah suspected it probably wouldn’t be quite this obvious. Since Janice and Brayden were also eating, he suspected it would probably be okay.

“Oh!” Janice exclaimed, reaching behind herself and pulling out a paper-wrapped bottle. “Father asked me to bring you this. He said you’d enjoy it, but it was only to your tastes.”

Noah tilted his head to the side curiously, accepting the bottle from Janice. “Send him my appreciation. Is it–”

“Not what you’ve been drinking during your meetings. He said this one had a special kick that you’d find entertaining.”

“Ah, lovely. I never had the taste for this kind of thing, but Father showed me how little I really knew about beverages,” Noah said with a chuckle. He set the bottle down at his side. “Thank you.”

“Do I get to try?” Lee asked, eyeing the bottle curiously.

“Not until I’ve gotten a taste myself,” Noah said, sending Lee a sharp look.

And especially not when there’s a chance of him trying to poison me. This is already risk enough, but I don’t think Father is stupid enough to try anything after seeing that I can come back to life at a whim. There shouldn’t be any reason for him to push on that – not yet, at least.

“So, what about those investigators?” Todd asked through a mouthful of bread. “Are they going to come after Teacherman?”

Brayden grunted. “Maybe. He should have covered his tracks better. I’m doing what I can to keep their attention elsewhere.”

“What happens if they figure out he did it? It’s not like it matters, right? He’s a Linwick,” Isabel said.

Brayden waggled a hand back and forth. “Eh. Yeah, he’s a Linwick, but the Hellreaver was property of the school. He could end up in some hot water if they find out, but I doubt they’ll boil him, if you catch my drift.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Janice said. “Brayden is very good at what he does.”

“I do a lot of things,” Brayden said. “And I think good might be a stretch. Usually, I can just stand there until people do what I ask. That’s harder when I’m dealing with Rank 5 mages.”

“You’ll figure something out, but don’t get yourself in trouble for my sake,” Noah said. “I can handle the consequences of my own actions.”

“Not if I don’t soften them first,” Brayden said with a shake of his head. “It’s fine. You were just following orders.”

“Huh?” Isabel asked, glancing in Noah’s direction.

Brayden grimaced. He took another piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, plugging it.

“Later,” Noah promised. “Now isn’t the time. And technically, I wasn’t. It just… happened.”

“Right. Sounds like you’re making a really interesting story a lot more boring,” Todd said with a grin.

Noah took a piece of steak and plopped it on Todd’s plate. “Eat, you brat.”

They all chuckled – aside from Janice, who gave a wavery smile and cleared her throat awkwardly – and got back to eating.

Dinner was nice. Noah was surprised to find that nothing actually went wrong over the rest of it. Brayden seemed to be unwinding, and he was far more relaxed than he had been when they’d been on the road.

Isabel and Todd were both clearly on guard, but they’d lowered their walls just a little. Lee couldn’t have cared less who was on the other side of the table. The only odd one out was Janice.

Noah couldn’t place why she’d come. She stuck out like a sore thumb, and she barely even spoke unless any of them addressed her. There was always the chance she’d just wanted company for dinner, but somehow Noah suspected that wasn’t the case. He didn’t think Father typically let his employees do anything without a reason.

Is she maybe dating Brayden? That could be possible. Then again, they’re sitting like five chairs apart and haven’t looked at each other a single time this meal. Probably not, then. So why are you here, Janice?

Dinner wrapped up a little under an hour later. Brayden rose to his feet, patting his stomach and giving Noah a nod.

“Got lots of work to do. Thanks for asking me over for the meal, brother. Always nice to get a chance to eat Janice’s cooking.”

“You made this?” Noah asked, blinking in surprise and looking at Janice.

She nodded, her cheeks reddening. “Yes. I’m one of the chefs for the household.”

“You’re really damn good at cooking!” Todd exclaimed.

Isabel nudged him in the side. “More polite, Todd. She’s nobility, remember?”

Todd scrunched his nose at Isabel. “I meant what I said.”

Janice flashed them a quick smile. “It’s okay. I’m nobility in name only. I’m glad you enjoyed.”

Todd gave her a thumbs up and Isabel just shook her head in despair.

“Thanks for the meal,” Isabel said. “It really was fantastic.”

“Agreed,” Brayden rumbled. “I’m off. Try not to get yourself in any trouble, okay?”

“No promises.” Noah gave Brayden an easygoing grin, ignoring the slight knot that twisted his stomach.

How long can I pretend to be his brother? This feels wrong. Out of everyone I’ve pulled the wool over, Brayden is the only one that’s actually going to be emotionally affected by this. I don’t know what he’ll do if I tell him, and Father might try to leverage it against me if things go poorly. I'll need to think on a way to make sure that doesn't happen.

Brayden ducked out of the door and headed out, oblivious to Noah’s inner dilemma. Isabel and Todd both retreated to their room as well and, before Noah knew it, he and Lee had been left alone with Janice.

“Thanks again for the meal,” Noah said. He picked up the bottle Janice had delivered and his scroll. “And for the gift as well.”

“That was from Father, not me. I just delivered it.”

Noah shrugged. “And I appreciate it.”

Janice gave him a weak smile. “It’s just my job. Have a good night.”

She turned, making for the door. As her foot started to cross the threshold, Janice paused and glanced back over her shoulder at Noah. She pointed at the scroll under his arm. “If you don’t mind my asking – what is that?”

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