Rise of the Guild Master

A New Day

Despite the extravagant celebration of flesh on flesh I shared with my horny Guild girls the night before, there was no such action in the morning. Not in the same way, anyway.

“TRAINING, BITCHES!” The door to the bedroom is thrown open by a boisterous and rowdy Grekkan clad in a sporty white tunic. It does nothing to hide her ample yet not oversized breasts, and she wears a belt that cuts it off and turns the bottom half into more of a skirt.

I thought Nikita was only down for about three training sessions this week, but she must have changed her mind...

“HYAAA?!” Meri shrieks and is the first to rise, pulling the blanket over her topless chest.

“FUCK OFF CEDRIC, YOU SNEAK INTO MY ROOM ONE MORE TIME I’LL RENDER YOU FUCKIN’ UNABLE TO PRODUCE AN HEIR I SWEAR TO-” Sam wakes up groggily and rubs her eyes before seeing Nikita. What an oddly specific situation she automatically assumes she’s woken up to. Cedric? I’m not jealous, just trying to place the name...

Zutiria refuses to move an inch and she remains cuddled up to me, passing along a message that reads, ‘Yeah, no. It’s too early for this shit. Pretend I’m not here.

“THINK FAST, ZU! DISCUS COMIN’ AT YA!” From behind her back Nikita pulls out a small, seemingly innocent looking flat disc. However when she suddenly lobs it with an overhand throw it lands on Zutiria’s side and the poor Mage loses all of her wind from a massive blow to her solar plexus. This thing was much heavier than anyone was expecting.

“OOF-” Zutiria shouts audibly.

The little lady finally rolls out of bed fully naked. ‘Kill me.’ She says while clutching her side and trying to breathe.

“Shoulda caught it!” Nikita begins laughing her ass off and she absent mindedly bangs her hand on the door, accidentally making a huge hole in the process. Because of course she does.

It was audacious of me to even believe for a moment that my day wouldn’t involve rampant property damage as soon as I wake up. At least Gwin will have something to do if she stops by.

“Good morning.” I sigh, not even bothering to raise my head and look at the ongoing chaos.

“Why so shy, Meri? Whatcha got under there? Did he leave a bunch of marks on you like I told him to? Lemme see, lemme see! Congrats on your virginity, by the way!” Nikita continues laughing as she approaches the bed with increasingly gropey hands.

“N-NO NO NO NOOOO STAY AWAY YOU... YOU MUSCLY, OILED MENACE!!” Meri hides under the blanket but to no avail. Nikita yanks it away revealing both the Shield Maiden’s and my own naked body.

“Nice tits.” Nikita gives an approving thumbs up to the crying brunette.


Naturally, Nikita takes a glance in my direction and she just about stops completely in her tracks. “What the fuck?” Shaking her head in disbelief, the Grekkan whistles as the faint hint of a red blush colors her bronzed cheeks. “Chief I know you got the whole morning wood thing going on, but DAMN. Last time I saw someone packing that much heat was when Narcissus found himself a good mirror.”

“Nikita, I’m too tired to even attempt to flirt with you right now.” I let out an exhausted groan.

“Fair enough, Eros.” She just keeps laughing, laughing, laughing. Just like always.

“What the fuck, Niki?!” Sam scrambles into a pair of my boxers and one of my shirts. “I thought you were done with this kind of shit!” Standing by the Princess’s side is Zutiria who managed to pull on a black nightgown of hers.

“Well, you see...” Nikita clears her throat as if to speak but she gets cut off before continuing.

“If you kiddies MUST insist on going off on big, grand adventures without a healer in your party then, wellllll... I figured SURELY you would all want some extra training to prepare!” A deep, sultry sounding voice comes from outside the door and it’s owner makes no attempt to hide the passive aggressiveness behind her words.

Opalina enters the room wearing a casual pair of black shorts, a tight tank top and a light blue jacket.

“Hi, Mom.” I make a sarcastic quip and sigh, rolling over in the bed. Like Zutiria, I too can’t handle this. It’s much too early to deal with a scorned milf.

Upon yet another intruder laying eyes on her naked body, Meri yelps and tries once more to cover her shame but Opalina gives her a motherly smile. “You don’t need to be ashamed, Dear. You’ve very beautiful...”

The Shield Maiden blushes and hangs her head. “T-Thank you... can someone please get me some clothes from my... my OLD room...?” Meri looks at me with a weak smile, pleading with her eyes to see if she’s allowed to live in my bedroom like the rest of her Guildmates.

I nod my head and reach out to ruffle her brown, curly hair tiredly- much to her delight.

The older, mature woman lets out a longing sigh. “Ah, they grow up so fast.”

Sam tosses a bunch of Meri’s clothes at her after a brief trip to her old room, and Meri dons them gratefully. Now that the three of them are in a barely passable state of dress, Nikita escorts the girls downstairs to the training yard with her typical bombastic enthusiasm.

Typically I would relish the opportunity to have the good doctor alone in my room with me, but it’s plain to see how dead tired I am. “Everything ok, Sweetheart? Lovely new bed by the by.” She sits down on it and scoots awkwardly to join me at the center.

“I had too much sex.” I groan.

“Poor baby.” Opalina never misses a chance to take a well-deserved sarcastic jab. “Have you been exercising to try and improve your stamina?”

“I’ve been lugging around the corpses of Pinemen fairly often, I think that counts. Besides, I was planning to ask the Goddess for help.”

“The ambrosia?” Opalina tilts her head.

“Nikita said that it was a secret...”

“Nikita isn’t good at secrets, for future reference.” The curvy brunette shakes her head and lets out a soft laugh. “Sorry, Dear. I was only popping by since Nikita and I were out for an early morning jog, and I felt it would make for a good little prank. Let me help.”

Opalina pulls my blanket off and extends her hands. The tips of her fingers begin to glow a faint, pale blue and she chants one of her custom spells, “Relaximus.”

As is often the case with her special brand of magic, Opalina’s hands ignore my skin and push inside my body to begin massaging the muscles themselves. What follows is in no exaggerated terms, heaven. Her dainty hands betray a strong grip and over the course of the next fifteen minutes my beautiful older lover relieves the tension from every ache in my body she can possibly find.

“Did I miss anywhere?” She asks gently.

“Well, there is this one spot...” I coyly start to reach down towards my morning wood which obviously didn't shrink as my large breasted magical cougar gave me a tender morning massage. Why in Karnalle would it?

“You look fine to me, Dear.” Opalina rolls her eyes. “I’ve got to be heading back to the clinic soon...” Her voice is disappointed, wistful.

“You belong here patching up my adventurers, you know.” I grab her wrist and remind her of this fact.

Her luscious red lips smile as she considers this. “I do. But not when you only have three.”

Unable to dispute this, I pull down on her wrist and pull her lips to mine to share a long and very drawn out kiss bursting with mutual adoration.

“Before I go Dear, a word of advice?” Opalina gazes at me longingly with her warm, purple eyes.


“If she’s just going to keep sending you girls... ask that Goddess of yours to specifically hook you up with a healer before you go begging for her to give you endless stamina so you can can fuck better.”

“I’ll bring it up, I was planning on making the offering today, actually. That and visiting Abner to grill him about the quest situation. Do you think it’s safe if I wander around now?”

“I would say so. As long as you let Nikita know beforehand so she can keep a watchful eye on you from afar, you shouldn’t be in any danger.”

“Thought so... I haven’t had any further troubles since Nikita chased off a group of rogues from the trees out back.” I let out a sigh, remembering that absurd situation from a few days ago.

This gets a small laugh off of the healer and she averts her eyes, “Yes... I heard about that. Nikita may be eccentric, but she isn’t lying when she calls herself a Champion. As long as she’s in town I would go as far to say you could walk around naked with a target painted on your back and you’d likely make it home without so much as a scratch.”

The implications of this settle in and I can’t help but nervously gulp. “Opalina, just how strong even IS Nikita?”

My mature lover lets out a long and deliberate sigh while standing up off of the bed. “Not as strong as she used to be.”

A short silence follows that statement, before she shakes her head. “I need to be running along now, Dear. There’s breakfast downstairs. I took the liberty to whip up a meal for you and the girls before Nikita woke you all up.”

Deciding that since my body is fully healed and I have no further excuse not to, I too start to get up off the bed. “You’re too good to me.”

“Don’t I know it.” She confirms aloud and then tosses me a set of my clothes from the wardrobe.

“Try and stop by sometime soon, Mommy’s getting lonely again.” She playfully winks before leaving the room... only to come right back in. She scratches the back of her head in a tizzy, “I almost forgot. There was another reason I came by! When we were out jogging we passed by the Market and you wouldn’t believe it, Dear.”

Just after tying my bowstring, I turn back to face Opal with a hopeful twinkle in my eyes. “It can’t be.”

“I saw it with my own two eyes. The Breeding Tribe is officially in town! They plan to stay for two weeks it seems and Nikita and I had an early look at allllll the pretty kitties up for adoption. They had a wide variety of exquisite maids might I add, but...”

“But what? They’re not too expensive, are they...? We have a bit more gold since you gave us the 100k, and we can afford up to-”

“No, no.” She laughs and dismisses me with her hands. “It’s just that I think I have a pretty good handle on your tastes by now. I have a decent hunch about the kittens you’ll end up bringing home, but if you want my earnest recommendation... sometimes it pays to be cheap.”

And with that cryptic comment the busty doctor leaves my home for real this time.

Goddess. Abner. Kitties.

Looks like my day just got a bit more complicated, but hey. I’ve got over two hundred thousand gold burning a hole in my pocket and I’m eager to pick out some pussies.

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