Rise of the Guild Master

A New Toy

The kitties brought me a towel and yes, it was every bit as awkward as I was afraid it would be. Cherry and Peri obviously knew what just happened in here, to an extent. Even if my pants were zipped, Meri is still in a breathy daze from being forcibly pushed to my groin and her lips are wet with... me.

“Do you want help cleaning up, nyaa...? Just say the word, Myaster... and I will rub it all over you... or her, if you wish...” Peri sets the towel on the desk and leans over, her large breasts falling down against the confines of her tight uniform. Breathing heavier, her tongue falls out of her mouth and she drools slightly just from being around me in a post release state.

“No, you can’t! You’ll ruin our... YOUR chances of staying here, damnit!” Cherry grabs Peri by the collar and pulls back rough and hard to get her fellow maid as far away from the lingering, seductive scent of sexuality in the air.

“Please, Myaster... just a sniff... let this humble maid sniffy sniff her Myaster...!!” Peri reaches her paws out to me in a desperate attempt to get me to take her by the hand, but it’s not to be.

“I’m sorry, but no. As, uh... humbling as your desires are, Peri, I don’t think I need to explain why that would be a bad idea. Go on and get back to work, girls. That hall isn’t going to clean itself and I think we all know what would happen if you come any closer.”

“Nyaa... yes, Myaster...” Peri sighs in resignation as she meekly leaves the room after giving me a lengthy, respectful bow. Cherry follows close behind, cheeks red from the flush of arousal and she too bows before leaving. I catch her glancing at me lewdly before she fully exits the room, though.

Meri and I both clean up and within a few minutes we’re both ready to contact Sam and Zutiria again.

“That was so hot... You’d think it would be the same as watching but there... there was some sort of added thrill to it that I can’t explain...!!” Meri sighs while fixing her brown, fluffy hair where I grabbed it.

“Maybe next time I’ll have Sam take you somewhere and she can rough you up while I watch, Meri. Would that make you happy? Putting on a show for me knowing that I was watching while another girl gives me the pleasure you can’t?” I lean over to whisper into my masochistic lover’s ear and in response she shrinks and nods her head. She wants to say something but is trembling in place over her own excitement so it’s best not to worry.

I give Meri a small kiss on the cheek and watch her smile grow wide before I go and bring up Taskmaster once again.

Checking the Guild Roster shows that Meri’s Love Meter has inched closer to a level up but not all that much. I’m guessing that random sexual acts aren’t very substantial and that Taskmaster rewards actual intimacy rather than nonstop fucking.

I open both girl’s cameras and announce myself, “Aaaaand we’re back.”

The Princess and the Mage are both fully dressed now in their armor and robes, ready to start acting like adventurers again instead of my personal sluts.

“Awright!” Sam triumphantly pumps her fist. “Let’s go kill monsters indiscriminately!”

Sammy, be polite. I’m sure monsters have families and people they care about, too.

“Right.” The Princess dismissively waves her hand at Zutiria as she holds back a snort. “Monsters are just monsters you, dummy.”

“She’s right, Sam. Not too indiscriminately. There are still monsters in this area you can’t handle, but I don’t think they’ll show up this time of day. Knowing our recent luck with monsters not acting the way they’re supposed to, though, we can’t rule it out...”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Understood, Sir.

Meri and I sit at my desk as we watch them journey around the western perimeter of Dewhurst. It’s a surreal feeling, really, having a new power that lets me do what I’ve always wanted. I hope it can only develop further from here on out because I’ve got a nice bullet list of features I’d like to see in the future. For now, I’ll just take what I’m given to work with.

The two girl party crosses paths with a lone Roggeroll after a couple of minutes of walking and chatting with us.

“Target sighted, Boss!” Sam draws her great blade and Zutiria takes up a defensive pose. The large, circular rock monster notices them instantly and turns to see the intruders on its territory.

What a strange creature. It really is just a big rock with eyeballs. What does it eat? How do they mate? I’m asking hypothetically as I’ve read the details on this monster many times over in my reference books, but that doesn’t make their existence any less strange.

“Be prepared to counter. They’re much faster than you’d expect.” I give the adventurers a careful warning while Meri nervously leans over in her seat to get a better view.

“M-Maybe I should have gone with... my shield would have been a great match up against the Roggerolls, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, actually. But I’m not too concerned.” I pull the Shield Maiden into my side and wrap my arm around her for a small hug, and we watch closely.

The rock monster starts to swivel forwards in a limp fashion setting the party on edge. It’s a good call, that’s the tell that it’s about to charge.

“Sam, it’s looking at you! Get ready!”

“Right!” Sam grits her teeth and before I can give another word of warning the Roggeroll speeds along the ground with surprising momentum. Being hit by one of these would not be pretty, especially at this speed.

Before it barrels into her the Princess holds out her sword horizontally to catch it. By calling upon her deep reservoirs of supernatural strength Sam stands her ground as the rock monster slams into her iron, not letting it push her back in the slightest.

“NGH-! Can’t exactly swing like this... little help, Zuzu?!”

On it.’ The little lady raises her staff into the air as it hums with a powerful green aura. Pointing it towards the living boulder, she parts her lips and softly speaks aloud, “B... Breezelash...!”

Gusts circle her brilliant magical rod, concentrating at the tip swirling with magical energy. It becomes a single and wide crescent shaped arc of wind that fires off almost like a great slash from a sword and while it doesn’t cleanly cut the Roggeroll in half, since doing so would injure Sam, it does carve through more than enough to actually kill the mineral monstrosity.

The pressure eases up on Sam since the boulder is no longer actively pushing against her sword to break through and run her flat like a rolling pin. Sam pushes back and finishes the job by slicing the rock monster in half so she can scoop up the large crystal orb that will serve as the proof of kill. Before she can stuff it into the trophy bag, though, I notice something in the corner of my eye coming from Zutiria’s screen.


Meri gasps and looks around the screens to see what I’m seeing but doesn’t. “W-What?! Where?!”

It becomes clear to everyone though after the closest boulder behind Zutiria opens its eyelids and shakes the surrounding rubble around off of it. I only noticed at the last second that it had eyelids to begin with, and I doubt anyone else but me could have pointed it out.

This power truly is perfect for me.

Even though they’ve become aware of the danger I’m worried that it’s not enough. Sam’s a good distance away and the Roggeroll is directly behind Zutiria. As soon as it speeds up she’s toast.

That’s when Zutiria presses a button on her staff that I don’t remember ever seeing before.

Sparkling mana drops flutter out into existence as the weapon takes on a new form, growing slightly longer, thinner and transitioning its handle down to the lower half. The focal point of its design, the heart motif at the top, stretches out and becomes the ends of a hammer. It looks like a croquet mallet now instead of a witch’s trendy staff.

Hold on a moment...

In a split second I pull up Zutiria’s dossier and double check something.



Low Class Mana Fiber Robe and Beret

Big Circular Rimmed Nerd Glasses

Modified Expensive Brand Name Staff (‘Lovers of Heart’ Model by Wergenberth’s)


Modified. I feel stupid for not having noticed that, but I just assumed that the staff had already been modified in the first place. Not that she added a new feature to it.

Zutiria raises her little mallet into the air and although I’m filled with surprise, I can’t help wondering if this will work. She’s not physically strong, but this IS Zutiria I’m talking about. There’s got to be a trick to it.

“Hyah...” She speaks aloud in a near silent voice, smashing the mallet weakly into the Roggeroll before it can start rolling. It hits the monster with little more than a child’s lazy tap, and no damage is done.

“It... it didn’t do anything!” Meri begins shivering in fear, wishing she could be there to shield her Guild mate from harm.


It’s stunned.’ Zutiria calmly adjusts her glasses, completely unafraid of the monster before her. ‘Nikita said I needed a physical weapon and I don’t believe even if I started training every hour of the day that I’ll ever become strong enough to inflict regular physical damage. So I dug out the user’s manual for the staff and reminded myself how to make custom forms.

“Gwin didn’t help with that, did she?” Sam asks in amazement.

No. I added some effects to it using alchemical ingredients I already had lying around. It’s a basic transformation, nothing special. Though I do like the name I came up with. This is my Staggerstaff.’ She pats the boulder several more times ensuring that the status effect doesn’t wear off. ‘It’s only a brief respite and won’t work on stronger enemies, but it’s a start.

“Well alright then. I knew I had nothing to be worried about.” Even though I say that I still let out a sigh of relief.

“Not fucking bad!” Sam grins and rears her sword over her head to smash it downwards, cleaving the Roggeroll apart like a practiced miner. The threat is neutralized and its treasure; plundered.

“Y-You still should have told us!! I thought you were gonna be flatter than a pancake...” Meri says as she struggles with the anxiety she was feeling over her friend’s distress.

Whoops.’ Zutiria emotionlessly turns to the camera and winks.

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