Rise of the Guild Master

Gwin’s Ultimate Weapon

Gwin takes a deep breath to prime her ultimate weapon before laying it out for me. “Alrigh’, Laddie...” She starts, “Listen nice n’ close now, kay? Yer gonna be jus’ fine, trust me. Ah would’n ever show no interest fer some prissy sunnava bitch, no sir. Yer tough, almost like one of us. On toppa that, ya been thru’ a lotta shite in yer day. By th’ sound o’ it, yer gonna hafta wade thru’ s’more... but ye still got yer shite shovel, don’ ya?” To top off these kind yet oddly chosen words, Gwin clasps her warm, thick hands tight atop the arms I have wrapped around her.

I mull on her advice before chucking against my will. “Are you saying that that sort of thing is attractive to you, Gwin?”

She blushes and grunts as she realizes how odd her statement sounded. “Some girls like th’ smell’a shite on a man... metaphorically speakin’. All I’m sayin’ is yer already knee-deep, what’s a little more?”

“You honestly might be right,” I respond, nuzzling even closer to Gwin’s body. The contact draws out an unexpected but welcome moan from the lass. I’m not trying to say that Gwin suddenly made everything make sense, but she did just reassure a lot of my thoughts.

Sam entered my life one day and taught me how to shrug off my baggage. She reinvigorated my passion and inspired me to make it my goal to elevate this Guild well beyond its former glory until it becomes the greatest Guild in all the Realms. Once the Demon Lord becomes a more significant threat, it’s only a matter of time before the Adventurer’s Guilds are called upon to fight him and his forces. No doubt the strongest Guild would be the one to lead the pack, right? If I have my way, that’ll be us.

All in all, nothing has changed beyond gaining divine confirmation that I was born to be a Guild Master. There’s nowhere to go but up.

“Thank you, Gwin. I think I desperately needed to hear that... I’m starting to feel a bit better now.” I slip off the sleep mask to show my appreciation by looking at my companion in earnest. While Gwin doesn’t have the pull of destiny accompanied by the girls hand picked by Luxy, that doesn’t mean I feel any less attracted to her.

The pretty Dwarf turns around and smiles broadly, her bright eyes still shining and drawing my attention. “Aye. Things with mah family are bit rough righ’ now by th’ by. They don’ like me disobeyin’ orders and associatin’ with ya.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised. I’d like a chance to clear the air with them and resume business negotiations, but I don’t feel that’s going to fly with your clan.” Not while I’m having an ongoing feud with the city’s greatest crimelord, at least...

Gwin rolls her eyes as her frustrations grow. “Righ’. Eventually, we’re gonna need ta deal with that, Lad... but if ya ever need mah help, all ya gotta do is lemme know and ah’ll come runnin’ on these stumpy arse legs ‘o mine with mah shovel. Ah’ll show ya how a real Dwarf shovels shite.” A hearty laugh bursts from her lips as she flexes her strong, alluring bicep at me.

“Is that so? Hmm... you know, I can think of a lot of things around here that could do with a little fixing up...” I sit up and smirk suggestively at the sexy short-stack. Gwin blushes at my blatant staring but summons enough bravery up from the depths of her heart to lean in.

“Mn... Looks ta me ya got a hole ‘tween yer lips that needs patchin’...” Gwin whispers, her tomboyish voice growing lower and huskier as she drenches it in sultriness.

We hardly have long to wait until the magnetism stirring between us does its job by forcibly locking our lips together in a kiss tasting oddly of iron, fire, and sweet passion. Gwin’s lustrous, jewel-like eyes flutter open and shut as the kiss speeds her thunderous heartbeat. I grab her stout shoulders to further push the Dwarf against me, our tongues caressing and our hands following soon after.

Slipping into her tank top from behind, I reach for her bra strap and set forth to free Gwin of her restraints, only for the door to open abruptly. Perhaps embarrassed that it escalated so fast, we pull apart from each other as Sam, Zutiria, Meri and Nikita rush forward, spilling into the room. My three adventurers all but jump into bed, concerned expressions lining their faces.

“Boss, the heck was up with that note? You never take time off!” Sam shouts and leans over to sit in front of me. I notice Her Highness excludes the several days of time off I took when we first met so that the two of us could irresponsibly fuck to our heart’s content. “Did everything go ok with the Goddess?” She asks.

Zutiria takes one look at me and another at Gwin before drawing her own conclusions. ‘Sir seems more than alright to me, which is good because I wasn’t quite done with my nap.’ The cheeky Mage yawns and stretches herself out like a cat.

Meri- dear, sweet, innocent Meri- blushes and bites her lower lip as she approaches. She says in a sheepish tone, “Master... I know there’s a lot of stuff going on that I don’t understand yet, b-but... I... I’m your shield, understood?” Summoning determination from within, the timid Shield Maiden pumps her fist up.

“I will protect you from any and all pain, e-even if it’s something as simple as cuddling with you when you feel upset! Use me as you see fit, please! Anything you want, all you have to do is say the word, and I’ll do it, I... eh... wait...” Her eyes open wide once she considers the lewd second meaning she didn’t intend her words to have. Tiny nervous tears drip out of the corner of her eyes as her flushed face grows even redder. It must have sounded much more romantic in her head.

“Fucking Zeus almighty, I knew this would happen...” Nikita sighs as she sits down on the edge of the bed, cradling her forehead in her hand. The Grekkan feels guilty for giving me the ambrosia in the first place, no doubt. “This is why you don’t meet your Gods, kids. It’s just not ever worth it... I hope it wasn’t TOO bad... was it, Chief?”

I shake my head, “No, I think it went about as well as it could have. It didn’t leave me feeling the greatest, but Gwin helped to cheer me up.”

“I bet she did,” Sam smirks at the Dwarf while making a lewd gesture with her hands meant to crudely imitate intercourse. “I heard somewhere that Dwarven pussy is tight as hell, Daddy. Any truth to that?”

Meri looks shocked as she imagines the thought of me conquering the stout, nonhuman redhead. Predictably, the more she thinks about it, this surprise also leads to a glimmer of excitement sparkling in her confused, crimson eyes.

“We didn’ fuck, ya blonde dumbarse. Was jus’ a wee bit o’ cuddlin’...” Gwin angrily tries to bop the giggling, childish Princess on her head, but Sam is too nimble, and she dodges the Dwarf’s fist with ease.

Zutiria opens her mouth to make a sarcastic horrified expression, though her expressionless eyes sell the pantomime suit and make her look more comical than intended. ‘No sex? This is unprecedented. Oh, dear. Things are more serious than I thought. I had best scoot closer so that I can help you through these trying times, Sir.’ The cute Mage makes good on her word, scooting into her favorite seat in all the Realms- my lap.

“Do you want me to go and grab Opal? I’m sure she can take an emergency day off to come and help you out.” Nikita stands up on the bed to head off, and... ah. She’s still wearing that breezy white tunic from this morning... and given how tall the Grekkan is, everyone below her hip level is suddenly flashed a clear view of Nikita’s naked, tastefully trimmed womanhood.

Meri just about faints from blushing, Zutiria casually adjusts her glasses, and Gwin just raises an eyebrow at the dense mercenary. Even Sam finds herself at a loss for words, unable to make a lewd comment about her fearsome combat instructor despite the apparent interest.

As for myself, I look away from the bronzed slit after lingering longer than I’m comfortable admitting. Nikita either doesn’t notice everyone staring at her or is entirely comfortable showing off like this.

“Y-Yes,” I cough into my right hand. “That would be for the best. I don’t need to be coddled by any means, but I want to tell everyone about the things I learned today. I’d also like to discuss some of my plans for the future.”

“Alright. I’ll be back a bit with a pair of titanic bosoms that rival Aphrodite herself!” Nikita laughs before dramatically jumping straight off of the bed and crashing through the wooden floor of my bedroom. She lands below in my office, just barely missing the wooden desk.

All of us remaining on the bed are stunned at the devastation wrought by Nikita misjudging the sheer strength of her legs. Gwin is less stunned and more pissed, though...

I crawl to the end of the bed to look down at Nikita. Dust settles around her feet as the Grekkan looks up at us in shame. “Uh... I’ll be back a bit later than I thought, Chief. I’m just... gonna go and kill some of those Pinemen things for you.” The Grekkan awkwardly waves goodbye before walking out of my office and leaving through the door to the backyard.

Gwin grunts and flops down onto the bed, angrily pounding the mattress with her stumpy legs. Sam grins maliciously as she takes this chance to grope the Dwarf’s large breast like the absolute pervert that she is, but Gwin fires back. Her Highness, sadly, did not prove fast enough to escape Gwin’s mighty fist this time around, and it pops her square in the face. At least Gwin is a bit happier if nothing else.

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