Rise of the Guild Master

The Situation

I spent some time taking care of Zutiria’s needs until Opalina arrived and took over the job for me. It was difficult seeing her like that... given how Zutiria reacted, it’s a safe guess that Fleetfoot was telling the truth about the unsettling facts they spouted. I have no idea how I’m supposed to process any of that information. Hopefully, once she’s feeling better, then Zutiria will want to talk about it, but even if she doesn’t, that’s ok, too.

Maybe it makes me a fool for doing so, but I don’t care about what happened in her past. My love for the little lady isn’t so weak that it falters over a revelation such as this. I’ve always given Zutiria the space she requests, and despite how much I’d like to know what happened to her all those years ago, I’m going to continue respecting her right to privacy. Especially after seeing what looked to be a full-on mental breakdown.

Before coming back to the Guild, Nikita caught up with Sam and the others. Her Highness and Meri were sent out to fetch all the other pinemen Nikita had killed because we suddenly need all the wood we can get. I felt nervous about the two being out on their own, but we can’t just stop all Guild activity just because we were attacked. That would be letting them think they won.

While the others worked on refilling our wood supply, Gwin stayed at the Guild. With Nikita’s help, she patched up both the battle damage and the hole the mercenary made earlier. Luckily, the adventurers sent back more than enough wood for the repairs and then some. After they finished up, Nikita even volunteered to clean up the giant mess her impromptu attack caused, too. She swept up all the remains of the unlucky pineman, putting the Guild back to more or less where it was this morning, albeit with a few pine needles scattered about the place.

For a while now, I’ve been in the office focusing on preparing that team meeting I wanted to have. I’ve been a whirlwind of thoughts as I put pen to paper and journaling out plans, strategies, methods of attack, as well as reference documents for my own use. I’m sure that my writing makes me look like a madman, but it’s helped me sharpen my spiraling mind during what would otherwise be an awful day.

Right as I near the end of my obsessive scrawling, I hear Sam and Meri come home. They’re both led upstairs by Nikita, and after visiting the unstable Mage for a while, Sam comes in to see me. She’s wearing a brand new set of armor, which I assume was what the 5,000G was for. It looks very nice and strong. If Sam really did manage to get that for such a low price, I’d consider it a steal

I decide to set the mood lightly. Looking up from my desk after a sip of coffee, I say to Sam, “I see my favorite Princess has got herself a new gown,”

Despite Sam looking dreadfully concerned, her expression eases a bit as soon as she comes up with a follow-up joke. “Play your cards right, and I’ll wear it for you when we go to the Royal Ball, Daddy.” Her smile is soon wiped away, replaced once again by the telltale signs of guilt. “I heard about everything that happened... I’m sorry I wasn’t here to-”

“No, no, no,” I put my foot down pre-emptively. “I will not have you droning on about not being here to protect us. This wasn’t your fault, and that’s that.”

Sam takes a sharp breath through her nose and nods. “Okay...” Her calm fades, “But-”

“No buts.” I knew that Sam would try and play the self-defeatist hero, but I must dissuade her before it starts corroding her mind with self-doubt.

Her Highness gets mad but ultimately doesn’t argue with me. “Are you almost ready?” She asks, leaning her back against the door. “Everyone’s waiting for you to start the team meeting. Zutiria, too.”

“Yes, I just need another few minutes. Is the little lady doing alright?”

Sam shrugs. “She’s not talking much... but you’ll have to see for yourself, I guess. She doesn’t look good, Boss.”

“I see,” I finish off my coffee with a sigh, my thoughts spiraling even further as I dwell on Zutiria’s unsettling condition. “I’ll be out in a moment. Clear out all the papers on the quest board and have everyone take a seat in front of it.”

“Kay,” Sam nods her head dismissively and turns around to leave.


She turns back at me and tilts her head.

“Your new armor makes you look like a sexy, sexy bitch.” I tease.

Her Highness perks right up, a smile and a blush growing wide on her face. “...Damn straight it does, Daddy.” She slaps her ass on the way out, leaving me to the rest of my work.

I finish it all in just under ten minutes. Then, after gathering all the papers, infographics, notes, and other such things, I move out to the entrance hall. All six girls on my side are there waiting for me, sitting at the table I specified. Sam, Zutiria, Meri, Opalina, Nikita, and Gwin are all present. Each of them is an indispensable member of my team in their own right.

I walk over to join them, and my eyes briefly fall on Zutiria. She’s sitting on top of Opalina’s lap, her head firmly squished between the Doctor’s massive mounds. This paints a very odd picture given how the little lady’s expression is even more dour, dead and depressing than ever before. On both sides of the Doctor are Sam and Meri, who are each doting on Zutiria in their own way.

All eyes turn to me as I start pinning a truly unhinged number of my notes on the board. For now, I only pin up the files related to the Duke of Dewhurst and leave the ones about Luxy and the Demon Lord on the table. “There are two things I want to discuss with you all tonight, ladies. The first of which is more pressing. As you’re well aware by now, the Guild was invaded by an...” I pause, choosing my next word carefully. Fleetfoot might’ve been inept, but they’re still dangerous. “Eccentric would-be assassin. It goes without saying that-”

Nikita cuts me off as she stands dramatically and knees on one knee. “I’m sorry, Chief. I didn’t think you were in any danger, or else I never would have left town for even a second, I-”

“Simmer down, Nikita. I don’t want anyone blaming themselves. We aren’t going to get anywhere like that, and I’d actually like to progress with the meeting.”

“He said the same thing to me,” Sam pats the Grekkan on the back. “Boss, why don’t you tell us about the intruder?” The Princess’s anger is still barely contained, but at least she’s trying.

“Of course. It was a... very surreal experience. They were definitely a threat, yet, they absolutely bungled their chance to actually attack. They were a Halfling who went by the name ‘Fleetfoot’. On top of being the leader of those rogues we’ve seen snooping around, Fleetfoot also claims they’re a God. Needless to say, I’m far from convinced toward the veracity of that claim.”

Opalina speaks up as she strokes Zutiria’s hair like a pet. “Fleetfoot is a real God, to be sure, but it’s also a common moniker taken by Halfling neer-do-wells throughout the Realms. It’s a rather fascinating story.”

“Can you tell us a short version?” Meri blushes. She’s interested in the topic but worried about derailing the meeting.

“It might be important to know the background about this specific God, so go ahead, Opalina.”

“Well, there are many legends across the realms of mortals ascending to Godhood, but in truth, there are very few cases of it happening. Fleetfoot is one verifiable example. It’s said that in their time, Fleetfoot was the greatest thief to ever live. They stole every last treasure under the sun and the stars, and when they ran out of things to steal, he stole the Godliness itself from one of the Gods of Merryburrow’s pantheon. Make of the legend’s details what you will, but Fleetfoot plays an active role in Merryburrow to this day, so they’re definitely real.”

“Oh... that was a good story!” Meri smiles somewhat absently.

“I couldn’t agree more. Lovely lore dump, my dear. Very thrilling.” I tease, earning a chuckle out of most of the audience.

Opalina rolls her eyes and giggles. “Yes, yes. My apologies. We old ladies just love to ramble.”

“Indeed. Let’s not let there be any pretensions- the Halfling who broke into the Guild was not a God. I should know. I had an afternoon beer with one earlier today.”

“Yeah, nope. I’ve met more than one God, Chief, and this ain’t it.” Nikita folds her arms and looks off while recalling memories of the adventures she had in her homerealm.

I point towards a crude sketch I made earlier that’s now pinned on the conspiratorial-looking quest board. “There were three items of note, this mask, this knife, and this magic ring,” I saw while pointing at each illustration. “The mask had a magical effect that made it impossible to make eye contact out of fear, the knife made flying copies of itself, and the ring granted invisibility.”

“Ah. Got ya. Yer sayin’ a God would’n need none o’ those things, righ’?” Gwin asks.


The Dwarf raises an eyebrow before getting something off her chest. “Ya know, ah thought all this Gods n’ Goddess shite was just these bitches playin’ a prank on ol’ Gwinnie, but... ya really did meet with one, huh Laddie?”

“Yes, I’m going to cover that in the other part of the meeting, but...”

‘Things will only get weirder the more you stick around,’ Zutiria hangs her head, prompting Opalina to hug her tighter.

“Ah’m startin’ ta figure out that fer myself...” Gwin leans over the table and grunts. “Can someone bring me th’ fuck up to speed on any o’ this? Fuckin’ Granmahr’s beard, ah just gave th’ Lad a handy an’ told him he was cute... didn’ know ah was signin’ up fer this kinda gobsmack.”

I like the feisty Dwarf lass a whole lot. If Gwin wants to be a part of my Guild life and assuming our relationship escalates past ‘handys’ and kissing, she deserves to know more about me. So, I tell Gwin briefly about the weird stuff in my life thus far. The eyes, the sudden increase in penis size, the pull of destiny towards certain girls, the strange dreams, and the voice in my head. All along, the green-eyed Dwarf just sits there listening in silence.

To my total surprise, I’m met with mostly quiet acceptance. “Fuck it, sure,” Gwin shrugs with indifference. “Ah already went an’ decided ah’m tossin’ mah lot in with ya fer the long haul, so it ain’t like this bullshite changes all that much.”

I smile at the Dwarf, who blushes and turns away. Despite the severe mood of the room, almost everyone gives Gwin teasing looks. Especially Sam.

“Don’t say nothin’, you,” Gwin grumbles.

“I wasn’t gonna, but...” Sam giggles and narrows her eyes.

As much as I adore the bantering, I draw the attention back to myself by saying, “That’s enough, Sam. We have many more important things to talk about. For now, let’s finish up discussing Fleetfoot.”

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