Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 387 – No Use

As they watched the two women walk away from them, Miria hopped closer to Asterios from the other side than her father had taken. “Master, do you think you could open the passage again or is it too early?”

He glanced at her curiously. “Why?”

“Well, since my mom stole your mom, and you are going with my dad, then we could take Zoe with us and give you two some time alone? If you don’t mind?” She batted her eyelashes at him compellingly.

“I wasn’t planning on splitting up but if you girls are fine with it,” he replied and took a look at the others, who sent him encouraging smiles. “Alright. I need to see how many attempts can actually tire me out so let’s do it. Any other requests?”

“If you manage to fit us in, I could also try grabbing Lerisse and Ronye,” Selene added.

“Atra would definitely love to see your world too, Master,” Bryn commented. “I don’t think I can request a temporary leave for Rota at this moment, unfortunately. But, somewhere in the future, I would like to bring her here too. Maybe even offer her a chance to settle down after her sentence ends.”

“That’s kind of you and I fully support that idea. As long as she will be comfortable among our people, of course. It might be a bit overwhelming for your friends and relatives at first,” Asterios voiced out his thoughts. “We might need to let your leaders have a look at this realm. It might help you convince them to start coming up with all the necessary procedures to move in if our little ARK transfer project comes to fruition someday.”

The winged lady bowed deeply. “I truly appreciate this, Master. I’ll let as many of them know that you are willing to offer them a visit as I possibly can.”

“Don’t thank me for that. I’ll gladly help your family as much as I can. They have shown us a lot of support, and so have you as my mate. This is nothing to repay that compassion and love.” He smiled warmly at her. “So, we should probably move off the square once more. Most traders and customers have already recognized us. Let’s save them the shock of witnessing the arrival of a bunch of unknown races. Especially since they are in for a few more surprises in a week or two.”

“Yay!” Miria hugged him dearly and placed a loving peck on his cheek. “I’m already loving this new ability of yours, Master! But, I’ll try not to pester you about it too much! I promise!”

Letting out a small chuckle, Asterios left a tiny kiss on her adorable ear in response. “Don’t make promises you know you won’t be able to keep.”

She giggled guiltily and let him go. Rook also stepped aside and they started moving all together. Since the castle was quite a distance away, Tina suggested going to one of the stores owned or partnered with the Hestizo family to ask for a room. Everyone agreed and they found one that dealt with shoes. The clerk recognized Asterios immediately and politely showed them to the small lounge where the staff used to take breaks.

Selene was curious if he could use her person in the other realm to aim his ability better and jumped through her gate back home first. Miria and Bryn did the same, though Umbra accompanied the latter as she had to reach Brage to find Atra. Opening a few breaches at the same time might be still too difficult for Asterios so he opted to tackle them individually. Worst case scenario, he would drain his mana and exhaust his circuits so their guests would have to stay a night with them.

Trying to weave his connection with Selene into the process, Asterios repeated the steps and carved a crevice in the air. His vulpine mate confirmed that it appeared next to her, short of the main temple where she had stopped. As she rushed to get her friends, he began the preparations for the second round. 

Unfortunately, it looked like the Matriarch was busy, but at least Ronye made it and soon stepped out of the breach alongside Selene. As for Zoe, Miria had no problems fetching the Wolfkin girl, though it took about fifteen minutes. She explained that her best friend took surprisingly long to get ready and the person in question kept blushing faintly as she spoke, her tail wagging fervently. Bryn didn’t have much trouble with Atra as the eager archivist and researcher practically flew out of the gap with an overly excited expression.

In terms of energy drain, Asterios felt the price of the ability taking a toll on his body, but he concluded that he could currently handle it about ten or so times in total. Althea was sure that number would rise the more he practiced as the technique was new to him and he surely had to waste a lot of mana and effort on each activation. And if his goal was to open a massive one, he needed all the training he could get.

After closing the last passage, Asterios properly greeted the new arrivals and everyone exchanged some quick pleasantries. The girls then shooed him and Miria’s father away so the men left the women to their machinations and returned to the market square. The first place Asterios had in mind wasn’t that far away so they grabbed a meat skewer each from one of the stands and headed to their destination. Walking away from the store, they could already hear the giggling and laughing of the ladies as they spilled outside soon after them.

It seemed like each party was out to have their own fun. 


※ ※ ※


“And this is where we currently live. Asti got us this mansion when we first arrived here. Luna and I just knew it would be perfect for us from the very first glance.” Kindra spread her arms in front of the ornamental gate and spun to face her companion, grinning excitedly. “I can’t wait to introduce you to her. We’ve been dying to talk to you for so long. It’s such a shame you aren’t part of the connection.”

Oria chuckled softly, admiring the beautiful building. “It reminds me of those foxes and their mountain. This whole city does. It’s honestly a little overwhelming after living in a peaceful village in the middle of nowhere for a long time. As for the connection, you know how easily embarrassed my silly daughter is. I’m sure she couldn’t bear the thought of me being able to sense her this closely.”

“Hmmm. You are right. It takes a lot of effort to even make her call me Mom.” The other woman tapped her lips ponderingly. “I’ll work something out. Give me a bit of time and it will be done. I’m sure I can convince her to allow it. Persuasion is one of the things I’m half-decent at.”

“So I heard.” The Pantherkin lady smirked. “After you, then.”

They entered the mansion and Kindra dismissed the servant awaiting their return, asking the man to let everyone know that she was now in the middle of an important meeting and should not be bothered unless the world itself was ending. He hastily scurried away to inform the rest of the staff while the women moved deeper into the residence. Ast’s mother had no problems locating Tina’s mom, already having mastered the benefits of the bond they shared with him.

“Luna! Drop whatever you are doing, I have someone to introduce to you!” Kindra’s voice echoed through the office chamber mere seconds after the door burst open.

“Goodness me, Kindra. It’s been a while since you’ve been so thrilled. What has—” Luna’s voice caught in her throat as her enchanting eyes rose from the documents atop the solid desk.

As the two ladies stepped inside, the third one stood up and hastily moved to meet them. The Merchant Queen kept smiling slyly as her friend put her palms on the newcomer’s arms and pressed a kiss to each of the feline woman’s cheeks, taking her hands into hers afterward.

“My most affectionate greetings, Lady Oria. I was wondering if we would ever get to meet you in person, but it looks like Kindra was right. There are no boundaries Asterios can’t shatter for his family,” Luna said warmly.

“I’m no Lady, just a simple village woman living the best of her life with a skilled artisan mate in a comfortable log cabin in the middle of a forest.” Oria shook her head. “But it is an honor to finally meet the two of you.”

“Oh, really?” Kindra squinted playfully. “So you mean to say that your daughter’s impeccable combat expertise and prominent hunting proficiency have really been all taught by the local instructors from that simple village? And that you had nothing to do with how fine of a woman she grew up, learning so much about the world from stories?”

Luna chuckled quietly. “You better give up ahead of time because she won’t. We both know Miria and it’s plainly obvious who she takes after. Just like our children do. My shy daughter might not have realized it yet, but she’s more like me in certain aspects than she can imagine.”

“Having a much more active husband certainty can give a false impression, but that little schemer knows how to come up with the most beneficial scenarios to achieve what she wants.” Ast’s mother snickered under her nose.

With two sets of knowing eyes directed her way, Oria could only sigh in defeat. “I didn’t expect such a tough initiation ceremony. But, I do want to join this council and might as well introduce myself properly.”

“Let us start in a show of good faith, then,” Kindra suggested. “I’m fairly sure you’ve heard a lot about me so I’ll keep it short. I’m next in line to handle the Hestizo Household, one of this realm’s most prominent merchant lineages, and I do not mean to boast. Each of our heads managed to secure a world-changing opportunity during their period and it’s currently my turn to achieve something great. What, you might ask? I’m going to make my son the king of this world! And, naturally, secure its stability as one of the main supporting pillars, making our family go down on the pages of history as the most influential merchant house ever. Oh, and I guess some people I’ve dealt with started calling me the Merchant Queen behind my back.”

“As for me, I prefer to hold my cards a bit closer to my chest,” Luna continued. “The Nobelle family might not be as well-known, but we never wanted to be in the center of attention. We might not be at the forefront of the Human Kingdom’s nobility, but we have all of its back. Our contacts, informants, and allies are placed in every important institution and household in the nation. Some even abroad, like the Demon Continent. Our network might not be infallible, but it’s well-hidden. Unfortunately, amongst our people, they decided to call me the Marionette Mistress, so there it is.”

“Asti has no idea how much your contacts helped him. It would have taken weeks to locate Radir otherwise.” Asterios’ mother giggled impishly. “Too bad Tina isn’t going to follow in your footsteps.”

Tina’s mom put a finger to her lips and winked at the shorter woman. “Her heart leads her elsewhere, towards the bigger universe. She’ll learn of this in time, but while she’s been unknowingly learning the proper mindset, Gwen is doing great as my successor. The two will take the world by storm one day. You’ll see.”

“Looks like I’m not the only one keeping secrets from my daughter.” Oria laughed, putting her fists on her hips as her expression turned more serious. “Miria doesn’t know of this, and I would rather keep it this way. Her pure heart doesn’t need to worry about such matters. I’m an elite tracker. Retired. But beasts weren’t my specialty. The party I was a member of chased after known criminals and wicked psychopaths, people who felt untouchable and had no one to oppose them. The group is still active to this day. We stepped aside to let the new generation take over. Nevertheless, you never forget the hellish training or the almost suicidal battles. My fighting style and pursuit techniques earned me the nickname Death Hound. Ironic, isn’t it?”

“No matter the realm, soldiers and all kinds of warriors are bound to possess a sick sense of humor.” Luna smirked gently. “Your secret is safe with us. For as long as you intend to keep it.”

“Does your mate know?” Kindra asked.

“Yes. And no, he isn’t connected to my past in any way. Rook is a normal male I found myself enamored with. It was a mutual decision to keep this part out of our story. He might not have the fortitude of a fighter, but his heart knows no limit. I honestly never thought anyone would accept me after coming completely clean about my deeds. I’m so glad Miria inherited it.” The feline lady smiled tenderly, then glanced at Ast’s mother. “I’ve heard you don’t have a mate yet. You should find one. Life gets so much better and easier with someone by your side.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling her.” Tina’s mom rubbed her forehead. “You already have the perfect candidate just waiting for you. Don’t think that he’ll keep trying forever.”

Kindra pouted heavily. “You and that cunning son of mine know well that I work better alone. Welrond is a great company but you have to keep in mind all the ramifications of us getting together. It’s a massive logistical operation. Why can’t we just be close friends?”

“Don’t you think it would be nice to give Asterios a little brother or sister?” Oria raised a mischievous brow at her. “Having not one but two children to dote on? Give him and the girls a chance to witness the miracle of life and its mesmerizing development before a litter of grandkids joins the fray?”

Kindra’s eyes widened to the brim and she froze on the spot. Her mouth fell agape as images swirled through the depths of her mind.

“Now, this is a conversation we should be having instead of focusing on the unimportant past.” Luna chuckled softly and trotted to the nearby cabinet with wines. “Red or white, ladies?”


※ ※ ※


“I still can’t get used to being so close to the actual ground that isn’t a complete wasteland.” Atra sighed dreamily while looking past the wooden railing.

“Then better start mentally preparing because it won’t be long before this becomes a daily sight for you.” Grea snickered.

“Atra is one of those people who would certainly stay behind to keep learning more about our world and its ancient history.” Bryn showed a gentle smile.

“Well, tough luck, Ast is quite proficient at dragging those types out of their workshops and archives.” The demon woman snorted, taking a bite of a potato from her plate. “Trust me, I would know.”

A round of chuckles traveled around the table the girls sat by. They had gathered in a pleasant restaurant with a fully furnished deck on the roof available to the patrons. The building was high enough to peer past the far defensive walls and give the customers an enchanting view of not just the town but also a bit of the land surrounding it. Even though there wasn’t much to see out there besides trees, it was still something new and exotic for their winged companion, and the choice of their meeting spot couldn’t be more perfect.

“I don’t need to be dragged anywhere, thank you very much.” The person in question fixed her glasses with a tinge of rosiness surfacing on her cheeks.

“Weren’t you the one asking my Lord to breed you the first time we met you?” Selene asked with a curl at the corner of her mouth.

Atra’s blush deepened instantly and she hastily looked down. “I was under the influence of strong emotions and the prospect of discovering something previously unthought of… I already apologized for it…”

“We aren’t admonishing you.” Bryn laughed lightly. “Your first impression might not have been perfect, but worry not, it didn’t bother Master as much as you think. You haven’t ruined your chances. But, you need to step forward instead of holing yourself in the Spire or Brage’s archives if you wish for anything to actually happen.”

“Exactly! And that goes for you too, Zoe!” Miria nodded eagerly and met her best friend’s gaze.

“M-Me?” The Wolfkin girl’s ears shot up as her pupils shrank to their limits.

“Yes! You are way too passive!” The Pantherkin girl slammed her palms on the table. “I can’t do everything for you! Or make Master fall for you! I would love nothing more than to see you happy but you haven’t spoken to him once after joining our bond! How are you planning to make him interested in you without talking about yourself!”

“It’s not as simple as you think, Miria…” Zoe whispered timidly, staring intently at her thighs as her tail swayed from side to side at a fast pace. “He is an amazing, strong, and smart male with many incredible mates… I can’t even compete with any of you… I’m at the bottom of the barrel, and each time he is around, I just get anxious that I have nothing to show off…”

“Typical weakling mentality, letting emotions get the better of oneself.” Ronye snorted aside.

“Bold words coming from someone who gets excited like a newborn puppy every time Master’s name is mentioned anywhere.” Selene grinned teasingly.

The foxgirl choked on a piece of meat and coughed a few times while hitting her chest, looking back at the older Spiritual Fox with a betrayed expression and a shade of pink adorning her face. 

“Senior! You promised!” she whined.

“Not to tell him. There was nothing about them.” Selene winked and Ronye groaned, looking away to escape the focus. “You aren’t doing much to help your chances either, even though you could have easily asked for more lessons or a spar.”

“I’m still trying to master everything Senior Asterios taught me to impress him…” Ronye mumbled under her nose, which didn’t escape the ears of Ast’s girls.

“And so, we come to the same conclusion,” Tina said, capturing the trio’s attention. “If you really want Asterios to notice you, you need to start making moves. Remember, the longer you wait, the more females he is going to meet. It will be a fight for attention for those who aren’t his True Mates or might not become ones. You are already aware of how big a True Dragon’s entourage can be, and considering Ast’s might? The clock is ticking. It won’t be long before he starts accepting True Aides and Servants. It's up to you if you’ll make it in.”

The trio sitting together across the group exchanged silent glances. Turning their heads ahead, they gave the ladies a harmonious nod.


※ ※ ※


A shiver passed through Ast’s body as he was about to take a sip of beer out of his tankard.

“Cold?” Rook asked, raising his elbows from the top of the battlements.

“No. It’s probably nothing. Just a weird feeling for a moment.” Asterios chuckled while shaking his head.

Rook smirked and returned to gazing past the outer wall’s edge. “Yeah. It do be like that sometimes. No use sweating over it.”

“Yeah…” Asterios smiled wryly. “No use…”


Oh well.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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