Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 47: Shocking Transfer Costs

Figures suddenly burst from the ground, instantly tearing apart any creatures they encountered on the surface.

Everything happened so abruptly that the five invaders couldn't react immediately, their expressions still frozen in shock.

The youth who had previously separated from the others to listen for movement was momentarily distracted by the lead youth's warning. This brief hesitation resulted in him being torn apart by the emerging Earth Dragon Zerg.

"Xiao Bei!" The other four cried out.

But at this moment, they were also struggling to avoid the Zerg continuously surging from below, with no time to worry about him.

Besides, it was just an avatar. Although the loss wasn't small, it didn't greatly affect them personally.

"To be able to defeat Young Master Xiang Xun, you indeed have some skill," the lead youth, though caught in the surprise attack, quickly stabilized and began organizing his units to counterattack.

"But the vast gap can't be bridged."

Among the five people's units, one was human, with Silver Tier 1 human Sword Saints. Although only Tier 1, the Sword Saints' attack power was top-tier among Silver units, but they were fragile with poor survivability.

Another had Elven Archers, regular units at Silver Tier 2, possessing agile speed and considerable killing power, a popular unit choice.

The lead youth's units were Trolls. Though their bloodline was somewhat diluted, they were still Silver Tier 3 elite units with impressive strength, their main force for dirty work.

Another had Dwarven Gunners, ordinary Silver Tier 3 units evolved from Dwarves.

The youth whose avatar died had Silver Tier 2 Centaur Warriors, but with his avatar gone, he could only control them remotely, slowing their reactions.

Now, the five battle formations formed by these units had been completely torn apart. They couldn't cooperate as usual, with the five working together to compensate for each unit's weaknesses.

Their five-person team actually had specific roles: Centaurs as scouts with decent combat ability, Trolls as the best choice for tanks, human Sword Saints seeking opportunities near the Trolls to unleash their powerful attacks while relying on Troll protection to cover their fragility. The Dwarven Gunners and Elven Archers, both fragile, served as ranged firepower suppression, safely behind the Trolls, with enemies needing to break through the Troll defense line and past the Sword Saints to reach them.

But the opponent didn't follow convention, not engaging in direct ground combat, instead suddenly emerging from below, instantly disrupting all their formation deployments.

Moreover, the sudden appearance not only caused massive casualties immediately but, more importantly, threw the unit formations into panic, which was even worse than just scattering them.

Now, the remaining four were organizing their units to meet the enemy while trying to regroup and support each other.

But how could Xu Luo, coldly observing with a global perspective, allow them to succeed?

Under his control, the Zerg army deliberately separated the enemy units, consuming them bit by bit.

The Earth Dragon Zerg already outnumbered the five invaders' units, and they were of a higher tier.

Although Zerg combat power couldn't match units of the same tier, with both faith power provided and individual combat ability only a fraction of their peers, it didn't mean they couldn't defeat units so many tiers below them.

Moreover, apart from the Trolls who could directly contend with the Earth Dragon Zerg, and the Centaur Warriors who were struggling to hold on, the other three unit types were in dire straits.

Human Sword Saints were formidable, but that was against units of the same tier. Now it was Silver Tier 1 against Tier 9.

The Sword Saints' sword energy attacks could penetrate the Earth Dragon Zerg's defenses but couldn't go further to severely wound or kill them.

And the Earth Dragon Zerg's counterattacks were too much for their fragile bodies.

This was the overwhelming advantage of higher tiers: high attack, high defense, and thick health. They could withstand the enemy's attacks, but the enemy couldn't withstand theirs.

If this was the case for the Sword Saints, it was even worse for the Dwarven Gunners and Elven Archers. Their agility was useless in this surrounded situation. Their attacks could barely penetrate defenses but faced the same predicament as the Sword Saints.

Similarly, their fragile bodies couldn't withstand the Earth Dragon Zerg's attacks.

So at this point, it was a one-sided slaughter.

That's not entirely accurate, as dealing with the Trolls still required some effort.

Plus, there were still four Demi-God avatars present.

Although the avatars didn't carry much power, they were equivalent to Silver Tier 9 Lord-level creatures, with formidable combat strength.

And Demi-Gods were still Gods, carrying Divine Power. They could now initiate basic Divine Arts.

However, despite their bravery, in this situation, individual combat power couldn't decide the battle.

Unless they became true Gods.

"These people..." Xu Luo pondered, unsure of the invaders' identity. But even for true invaders, five people working together without knowing the opponent's situation shouldn't deploy so few troops, right?

After all, if you don't know the strength of who you'll encounter, shouldn't you give it your all, like a lion using full strength to catch a rabbit?

He couldn't believe that someone would dare to be an invader with only two to three thousand units per person.

Did the opponent know he was a newcomer to the World of Gods?

But that didn't make sense either!

Unfortunately, while he had many questions, there was no one to answer them.

"Ten thousand Silver tier units, that should help replenish things a bit," Xu Luo mused to himself. He had been thinking about how, with so many Earth Dragon Zerg now, the daily consumption of evolution points was a massive number. He needed to increase the number of Mayflies. Unexpectedly, this windfall arrived just in time. Decomposing these many units would yield a large number of evolution points, solving his pressing issue.

Xu Luo didn't completely wipe out the invading units too early. At this point, some Earth Dragon Zerg and Acid Zerg had quietly approached the transfer channel the five invaders had used to arrive.

They had broken through the outer defenses of Xu Luo's Divine Realm and forcefully invaded. Connecting two Divine Realms required building a channel.

This faith power-constructed channel allowed the invaders to come over, and naturally, Xu Luo could also use it to enter their Divine Realms.

Because he didn't know the situation in the opponent's Divine Realm, Xu Luo initially only sent a small number of Acid Zerg to scout. If anything went wrong, he could just have the Acid Zerg self-destruct.

However, what Xu Luo didn't expect was that the cost of using the transfer channel shocked him.

Transferring a single Acid Zerg actually required ninety points of faith power!

[13/18+4 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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